Don't Let The Fire Die

by Gleaming

Chapter II - The Sewers

Chapter 2: The Sewers

        Twilight wiggled her hooves and banged her head against the wall, in an attempt to free herself from the chains that bind her. “Trixie, how are you faring with these chains?”

        “Let’s see… we’re in the hideout of a secret society, captured and chained to a wall by a psychotic anti-government nut, and four mares that were probably trained in the deadly art of martial arts ready to take us on. How do you think I’m faring right now?” Trixie said sarcastically, blowing her mane away from her eyes.

        “When you put it that way, it’s pretty bad,” Twilight answered, she pouted and lowered her head down, admitting defeat.

        Twilight looked at the rings on her horn and Trixie’s horn, “These rings are magic suppressors, they may appear to silence magic when used. In reality... the rings prevent us from using our magic,” Twilight finished her explanation, turned her head over to the four mares.

 Twilight watched as the four mares were playing a round of poker on a poker table with poker chips and cards all across the table, after hours of being put on ‘hostage duty.’ “I can tell that these mares are pretty bored of us.”

Trixie kicked nothing but the air, she turned her head to Twilight. “If I had a boss like him, I’d be bored too.”

“I got a plan,” Twilight said, calling Trixie to lean her head closer to her.

“I’m listening,” Trixie raised an eyebrow, interested to hear the plan. She leaned her head closer to Twilight, her ear perked up to listen.

“Think of a way to distract them. Use your magical feats of entertainment,” Twilight insisted, nudging her in the side of her ribs.

“Only because you asked,” Trixie alarmed the guards, she made a hissing noise with her teeth. “Want to see some magic?”

 The six mares nodded their heads, they passed the deck of poker cards over to Trixie. “Oh darn. If only I could perform the magic trick, would you ever be so kind as to removing this ring?”

One of the six mares stood up on a stool and removed the ring from Trixie’s horn. Trixie’s horn started to glow with her aura surrounding it, she shot out a magical blast and struck the latex-suited mare in the stomach as she was sent colliding into the wall, with a small tear in her her suit. “Oldest trick in the book.”

The magic in her horn swirled around the chains, setting her free from the cold, metal grip restraining her will. She trotted over to Twilight with her horn pointed at the chains binding her, and broke the chains off with one strong blast. Twilight landed on her belly, rubbed the edge of her hooves, and was brought up on her hooves when Trixie grabbed her hoof. “Thanks for the save, Trixie. I really appreciate it.”

Trixie rolled her eyes playfully, waving a modest hoof at Twilight. “Don’t mention it, you would do the same for me.”

Twilight stammered, “Y-yeah, o-of course.”

Twilight spread out her wings and took flight in the air above the mares, she flew full-speed at one mare who stared with a blank expression across her face as the alicorn charged straight at her, and slammed her forearm into her belly. The two mares crashed through the stone wall of the hideout, they fell into a compartment area filled with water pipes. As they laid on the floor with water dripping from the ceiling, the martial artist’s neck buckled from the sudden impact of the attack.

Trixie’s eyes looked around at the remaining five mares surrounding her, their menacing gaze watched her every move and locked on her like a pack of rabid timberwolves. She felt one of the mares swing her hoof forward at her, the showmare grabbed her hoof, climbed along the side of the wall holding her hoof as she jumped off the wall and flung the mare out on the floor.

One mare ran towards Trixie as she readied herself for the oncoming target. She saw Trixie kick her hoof out to her, the mare slid under the kick that was intended for her, and grabbed her from behind as she wrapped her forelegs around Trixie’s waist. Trixie took a step back for some breathing room, she ran towards the wall with her back facing it, and crushed the martial artist against the stone wall.

Both of them cried out in pain, her grip loosened once Trixie arched her spine and stepped away with her adversary kneeled down on her haunches. Trixie stood up triumphantly, she showed off her confident bravado, brushed off the dusty remains of the wall on her back, and rushed up to the mare kneeled down with her.

She jumped off the ground as her right forehoof came down to her skull, stomping her skull down to floor, her skull bouncing off the floor with a crack. The mare coughed up blood and with an eerie moan, then passed out on the floor. “Twilight, where are you?”

Twilight waved her arm up slowly and called out to Trixie, “Over here.”

 Two mares came flying out at Trixie, kicking their hooves out at her, and sending her into the stone wall. The foundation of the wall cracked from Trixie’s body making contact with the hard surface of the wall, Trixie wailed from the additional pain in her back, all four mares grinned devilishly as they approached her slowly until Twilight tackled one of them to the ground. She sparked her horn as the bright glow of the horn burned its way into the mare’s eyes, blood gushing from her burnt eye sockets.

“Nice tackle, Twilight. That’s three mares down, two to go.” Trixie admired Twilight’s physical strength and the way she mastered magic, that’s why she has newfound respect for her.

Twilight turned her attention to the last two mares and watched both of them cross each other’s paths jumping in the air with their right forehooves stretched out, she dodged the attacks swiftly and grabbed both of their heads, banging their heads against each other. They laid back to back on the floor, knocked out from the sudden blow and added another definition to ‘meeting of the minds.’

“How did you learn to fight like that?” Trixie asked, her gaping mouth hung open. She fell off the cracked stone wall and into Twilight’s hooves.

“I learned hoof to hoof combat, it’s a necessity. We need to get you patched up,” Twilight carried Trixie’s limp body over to an opening in the floor of the hideout, she tapped her hoof against the opening and they fell through the opening.


Twilight sloshed around in the green murky water of the sewers with Trixie’s injured body wrapped in her forearm. “Okay, we have to follow the path he went through.” She trudged through the water, the foul stench of the water made her skin crawl and she scrunched her nose to block the stench from invading her nostrils. “We’re going to need a shower after this too.”

Trixie rubbed her hoof along her back. “That guy is going to pay. If we’re lucky, the path we talk will lead us in the right direction.”

A light illuminated down the sewer where four tunnels leading directly to one different way left Twilight at odds, scratching her head on which path to take. “Only one way to find out,” She swam through the dirty water down the tunnel to the left, her head looked up and noticed a ladder with a metal grate that leads them back to the streets.

“Hold on tight, Trixie.” Twilight climbed up the ladder, rung after rung, she blasts the metal grate up in the air and caught the grate in her magic, throwing it to the side. She dragged Trixie out from the sewers and onto the streets above, they laid down breathing heavily as their eyelids drooped and their eyes closed shut.

A silhouette stood above them, the bells on his wizard hat jingled in the cold, brisk wind. As the moon’s dark light casted shadows and the silhouette dragged them with him, he took them to a tall school out in the distance.