//------------------------------// // Chapter 9: Prison and Thompson // Story: The Five: Into the Beyond // by lyra_lover777 //------------------------------// Amethyst Star trudged behind Roseluck, chained to her. Coco was chained to herself, and Spike was chained to Coco. Three "gazelles" as they called themselves were at the front of the group. The one in the lead was taller than the others and wore silver armor while the others wore none. All the gazelles had adorned their faces and slender bodies with garish paints that twisted in strange patterns. There were also two gazelles at the back of the group. They all held those dart tubes that had made them unconscious. Amethyst had woken up being dragged across the muddy jungle floor. She had moaned and opened her eyes. Coco and Spike had been still out cold, but Roseluck had been struggling to her hooves. Amethyst had tried several times to get up but to no avail. She had just laid there for several minutes being dragged. Soon after she tried again, and on her second attempt, she had been able to stumble for a few steps before falling down. It had taken her several minutes to finally regain her balance and be able to trot regularly. In that time Spike and Coco had become conscious. It took several more minutes for the others to get to their hooves. And now the procession was slowing down. The trees were beginning to become more spread out. In another minute there was only a few small groves of small, young trees as they trotted in the open. Amethyst trudged forward. They had reached the tree line again. They continued on for a minute before emerging. Amethyst gawked, her mouth open wide. Giant step pyramids of stone painted in deep reds and blues rose from the ground, some almost as high as The Castle of Friendship. Thousands of gazelles trotted around the pyramids. On top of all of them many gazelles were bowing as if praying. And also on top of each was an altar. Amethyst recoiled as Coco covered Spike's eyes with her hooves. On top of the nearest step pyramid a sacrifice was being made. Amethyst tried to look away but couldn't as a gazelle dressed in white robes took up a dagger in its magic ( apparently the gazelle's horns were like a unicorn's.) He then thrust it into the chest of the victim, a young male gazelle. The priest-like gazelle pushed the victim down the steps of the step pyramid. The body gushed blood, the dagger still sticking out of its chest as it rolled down the steps. Amethyst screamed as the gushing body rolled to her hooves. She recoiled and pranced away, but her captors puled the chains, choking her. The lead armored gazelle turned to one of his compatriates and saying "Take them to the prision. They will be sacrificed tomorrow. The lead gazelle said it very loudly to make sure we heard. Amethyst felt a tear drip off her face. She looked around. Spike and Coco were staring at each other in shock, and Roseluck held her head high, not even seeming phased. That mare needed to show some emotion. No wonder she wasn't married. But then Amethyst got back to reality and gulped. They were going to die tomorrow if Dinky didn't save them. === Dinky galloped away, tears leaking from her face. The caring part of her mind asked her Why didn't you try to save them? Why not to try and fight? For Spike! But the logical part argued You just would have gotten caught to, and then no pony could save you all! But... the caring part of Dinky's mind began before interrupted by the other, and Dinky galloped as fast as she could while the mental battle within her head insured. Dinky wiped the tears from her face as she stopped at a crystal clear stream. She dipped her canteen into the water and filled it to the brim before taking a refreshing sip of ice cold water. Dinky continued on, her crying having ceased. She had been trotting for about ten minutes after filling her canteen when she stopped in her tracks at the sight in front of her. A small, round cottage rose from the ground. It's walls were made of stones packed on top of each other. Its roof was made of hay and several small windows lined the walls. A crooked faded blue door was set into the walls of the house near her. Smoke drifted from a small stone chimney on one side of the hay roof. But that was not what stopped her in her tracks, No, the old gazelle in the blue robes studded with runes was. And he was trotting towards her calmly, a long bronze sword held in his aura as he moved towards her. === Spike looked into the dark corridor that was the prison. His cellmate was a snooty female gazelle by the name of "Mademoiselle." Spike thought that might just be what you called a lady in these parts, but he wasn't sure. Coco shared a cell with a young, loud, vulgar-language-spewing male gazelle. Her cell was across the hall from his. Amethyst's was on his right. She shared it with a changeling who was so sad and depressed that it didn't even try to eat her love. It just shifted from pony to pony, sometimes gazelle to gazelle. Roseluck's cell was on his right. She shared hers with an old unicorn mare who was whispering nonsense, shaking the bars of her cell as she began to scream and then quiet down when an armed gazelle guard held up his sword in front of her throat. Spike sighed as he slumped to the ground. He could really use one of Dinky's kisses right now. === "And that is how I ended up here and why I need your help." finished Dinky. She took a deep breath as she looked into the unreadable eyes of Thompson, the blue robed gazelle who sat across from her. Dinky picked up her cup of tea in her aura to her lips while twirling the saucer with her hoof. Dinky could feel Thompson looking deep into her soul, trying to decide what to do. Finally he said "I will help you and train you." Dinky sighed in relief. They had come to meet when Dinky had stumbled upon his cottage. He was about o attack her when he realized she was just a scared, crying little pony filly that needed help. He had told her that he had once visited Equestria in his earlier years. Dinky had explained her story to Mr.Thompson while sipping his homemade rasberry tea. She had had ten cups of it as they had talked. For some reason he called her "Dinky of the Doos" since she had told him her name. Now Mr. Thompson the gazelle looked down on her. Then he said "It is time to start your training, Dinky of the Doos."