//------------------------------// // 231. Cue Cards by Donraj // Story: The Sun and the Stars: A Twilestia Prompt Collab // by Fuzzyfurvert //------------------------------// by Donraj *** "Twilight, what are you doing?" Twilight had that look again. The look which said "I am totally in control and have a plan to fix a problem which, while of grave concern, can definitely be handled just so long as I Keep. It. Together." Spike tried to remember where his nearest stash of stationary was and was suddenly glad he'd eaten jalapeƱos and fire rubies for lunch. Twilight turned and jammed her face inches away from his, one eye twitching. Yeah, this one was going to be bad. "I'm preparing a speech, Spike." Good: Speeches were delivered in public venues. This meant there would be more ponies on hand to help calm and possibly subdue Twilight, as well as to serve as impromptu cover. Bad: More ponies meant more potential targets or participants. Also using ponies as living shields without their consent was wrong. Both morally and ethically. "Oh, of course. Silly me," Spike said, faking a laugh that he knew sounded hollow and nervous and that anypony other than a focused Twilight would see through. He probed for more information. "What are you giving a speech about?" Twilight chuckled. It was really creepy. "Oh Spike, I'm not the one giving the speech." Confusion ran up and bucked fear in the face. "What?" Spike asked before he could stop himself. "Then who's it for?" "Princess Luna," Twilight said proudly. Spike relaxed into cautious optimism. "Why are you preparing a speech for Princess Luna?" Twilight smiled in a way that made Spike's fears flare back to life, phoenix-like. "Princess Luna is delivering her first public royal address in Canterlot this weekend for Hearts and Hooves Day, or Hearts and Hooves Eve as it will be called this year. She asked me to help her 'Employ the modern vernacular." Spike scratched his head. "Oh." He thought about it for a moment, then added, "Why is Princess Luna doing it this year?" "Princess Celestia lost a bet with her and now she has to ask somepony out on a date. A romantic date. Ending in a good night kiss." The eye twitching had resumed in earnest now, accompanied by a gleam that brought to mind images of stars crashing down in apocalyptic showers on densely populated cities. Spike began backpedaling. He knew it wouldn't help. Twilight yanked him off his feet with her magic and plopped him down on a convenient stool. Spike sighed and prepared for the inevitable as Twilight telekinetically dragged over a chalkboard covered with multiple diagrams of names, personality traits, various hobbies and pictures. "Now, it has been two hundred and twelve years since Princess Celestia's last known romantic relationship. Combining the research I had already done on the subject with partners not recorded in the official histories whom I gathered information on through a series of interviews with Princess Luna and," Twilight paused and sighed, then continued, "Discord, I have created a profile on Princess Celestia's preferences in romantic partners. Her 'type,' if you will. According to this chart her 'type' seems to have stabilized to within an eight percent margin of variation seven hundred and eighty years ago, excluding outliers five hundred and fifty two, four hundred and seventy and three hundred and sixty three years ago, respectively." Twilight took a breath, then added, "Oh, and also I summoned King Sombra's ghost from the netherworld to interrogate him on the subject. He didn't want to help, but I managed to overcome his resistance." Spike was wide-eyed by the time she finished. "And... the speech?" Twilight waved a hoof dismissively. "Oh, that. I'm filling it with subtle references to characteristics I possess that Princess Celestia will associate with previous lovers. I also volunteered to hold Luna's cue cards so that I will be in Princess Celestia's field of vision the entire time." Twilight beamed, clearly proud of herself. Spike face-palmed. "Twilight, why don't you just ask her out? Invite her to go star-gazing or on a picnic or something like that." Twilight stared blankly. "But that would be weird. And probably a little creepy."