Opal the Cat

by Muffinz 4 Life

Fine! I'll do it!

Opal The Cat
By: Kitty Pony

"It would be really nice for Sweetiebelle..."

Apple Bloom stared down at her lap. Her napkin had been placed there, and it now laid gently on her thighs. Normal as any napkin. She brushed her hooves against the cloth for what seemed like the millionth time, ridding of any creases or lumps.

"It would also be another opportunity to stay home alone, you know."

The filly felt ears grow sweaty, as they always did when she got nervous. Her bottom hooves shuffled under the table, and wondered for a split second if she could hide under there as well. That sounded pretty good right now, hiding. Her amber eyes darted around the room, finally focusing on window above the sink. Maybe, just maybe, if she was quick enough...

No. However easy escaping out a window would be, she had to stay. Her flanks suddenly felt glued to her chair, and the room seemed much smaller. She was trapped.

Apple Bloom sighed. Her sister was right. Sweetie would really need the help. Besides, she was a fellow crusader, they had to stick together.

She smiled thinking of her friends. Or, "The Cutie Mark Crusaders" as they preferred. Yeah, it was the right thing to do...

...Then again, this was Opal they were talking about.

"Apple Bloom? Are you even listening?"

"Huh?" Apple Bloom snapped her attention back to Applejack, not realizing she had been talking this entire time. The mare looked at her, olive eyes squinted with irritation.

"Apple Bloom, Sweetiebelle is caught up with too much stuff. She and Rarity were stuck in Manehatten cause of her late fashion order, and now that she managed to get a train back-by herself-she has to make up all the school work she missed, plus a piano recital? Now Opal, too? That ain't fair to that poor girl."

"Ah know, ah know." Apple Bloom's stomach felt tight with guilt. It would be kind to Sweetie, but couldn't somepony else- maybe more experienced- do it?

"What about Fluttershy, or Twilight? They know a bunch 'bout animals." She thought it was a good idea until she saw Applejack's face.

"Do ya think she would turn to you if she didn't already try them?" Applejack put her hooves on the table, and raised herself until her shadow cast upon Apple Bloom."She's tried Scoots, Pinkie, Rainbow, and of course Rarity's still in Manehatten!" She stopped again, watching herself yell at her little sister. Applejack sighed, and slumped back in her chair. Now trying again, she softened her expression, and stared at Apple Bloom. Her olive eyes displayed sympathy, and her words were smooth, sliding across her tongue like sugary frosting.

"Look, I'm not sayin' ya have to, but it would be a really kind thing to do. Please," she begged.

Apple Bloom looked down at her plate, the food suddenly looking extremely unappetizing. She gently pushed it away, all the while avoiding eye contact with Applejack. Of course she wanted to do it. Well, not exactly. But she wanted to help out a friend. The problem was a certain thing called, Opal. Her small hooves rested back behind her chair, and her back legs slightly swung, making a quiet wriiiing against the legs of her seat. She rolled her head back, and let out the 3rd sigh of the night.

"Wha'd you say about bein' home alone again?" Apple Bloom finally asked, desperate to avoid the basic 'yes or no'.

"Big Mac, Granny and I have a lot of shopping to do. We could leave Granny here to take care of Opal..." Applejack gestured her hoof out, and spun it around, trying to find the right words. "...But, I think after last month's fiasco, you're mature enough to stay home alone again. Besides, Sweetie asked you to do it. She trusts that you're responsible." The mare finished with a smile, a look that spoke; What'd you say?

Apple Bloom stared blankly at her sister, while silently weighing her choices. Her head gently bobbed on her shoulders, as if too many thoughts invaded her mind. Minutes passed, and finally mumbled out something not audible.

"What was that?" Applejack asked, still grinning.

"I said I'll do it," she muttered again.

"Again?" Applejack put a hoof behind her ear, almost taunting Apple Bloom.

"I'll do it!"

"Can't hear ya!" Applejack chuckled. She slid out her chair, and stood next to Apple Bloom in her's.

"I'll do it!" Now even she couldn't hold back giggles. Her face lowered into a fake frown, her lower lip hanging out, and her eyebrows slanted down. But she still stifled a laugh, and a hidden smile could be seen through Applebloom's "pouty face''.

"You sure?" Applejack swooped the filly out of her chair, and started tickling the bottom of her hooves, just the way that always made her crazy. The two burst out laughing, the stress of earlier evaporating in the air, never to be met with again.

"Yes I'm sure! I'm sure! I'm sure!" Apple Bloom cried out for mercy, but her shout was responded with more tickles. "Stop! Stop!"

"Ya'll promise to take good care of Opal?"

"Yes! Yes!"

"Give her nice treats and such?"


"Alrightly then." Applejack grabbed her sister into a big hug, and carried her to the living room. She slung the filly over her shoulder, and took a seat on the sofa.

"I'm so proud of ya Bloom. I knew you'd make the right choice." Applejack whispered into her ear, followed by a small peck upon her scarlet mane. The two sat there in silence, as Applejack gently rubbed Apple Bloom's back, embracing her tightly.

The quiet was broken by Apple Bloom, whose face lit up into a big grin, the one she always had before announcing an idea.

"You know what we should do?" She began, eyes wide.

"What?'' asked Applejack, slightly amused.

"We should make a pie!" She bounced out of Applejack's grasp, and started trotting to the kitchen. Her little hooves stretched up to the counter, sliding on the surface while waiting for a fresh pie tin to come into reach.

"Wait just a minute, Missy!" Applejack caught up to her sister, and easily got a pie tin off the counter. "I'll go get some apples," she said, already getting ready to leave. "Ya think Granny Smiths are alright?" She continued walking out, ignoring a response, however there was none.

Apple Bloom ran up and grabbed her leg, stopping her from continuing any further.

"No! It's my turn to buck the tree!"

"Nah, you're too small," Applejack said plainly, pushing her back from the door.

She firmly put it back in place. "No I'm not!" Apple Bloom puffed out her chest, and got to her tippy-hooves.

"Yes, you are."

"No I'm not! I'm a big pony now!"

"Fine, we can buck 'em together."

Apple Bloom eyed her suspiciously, then shrugged. "Sure," she responded smoothly.

Applejack laughed. "C'mon, bet I can beat ya to the barn!"

Apple Bloom shot her head up. "No fair!" But she too started running, laughing all the way.

"Catch up, sis!"