//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: One shot: Test flight // by BlitzBolt //------------------------------// She looked down in awe at her village, everything that was so big to her on the ground now looked so small. The fluffy white clouds she used to adore from below now blew through her blue and yellow mane, the wind tickling her small wings as she held on tightly to her mothers back as her bright blue eyes scanned down below before gazing at the slowly setting sun. Quickly, the two Pegasi grew in speed before increasing their incline, the young Pegasus tightening her grip around her mother as she closed her eyes. She trusted her mother, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t scared right now. “If you keep your eyes closed, you won’t learn to conquer your fear of heights, squirt.” came her mothers voice, almost disciplinary. Without arguing, the young Pegasus opened her eyes once more, just as her mother initiated a loop-de-loop, banking to the side and then diving towards the ground, both hooves extended. Blitz Bolt was exhilarated. The speed and control her mother had was amazing to her. The rush her mother must’ve felt flying for the first time. Blitz Bolt could only imagine what her mother felt years ago when she won the Best Young Flier’s competition. How she must’ve felt performing a Sonic Rainboom in front of thousands of Pegasi. How she must've felt being given an award by the Princess herself and spending a day with the Wonderbolts. With precise timing that came with years of flying, Rainbow Dash slowed their decline before righting herself and her daughter level again. Going slower this time, Rainbow Dash banked again, and after leveling herself and her daughter once more began to slowly land. With her hooves on the ground again, Blitz Bolt shakily walked over, slowly but surely to the faded red barn that her mother had landed by and propped herself up against a wall. The smell of the grass and apples filled her senses once again before she sat on the grass, the blades tickling her as she looked up at Rainbow Dash. “That was amazing! Scary, but amazing!” exclaimed Blitz Bolt with excitement, the flight with her mom fresh in her mind as she grinned widely. Rainbow Dash grinned as well before walking over to her daughter and nuzzling her face. “You did a great job up there, Blitz!” congratulated Rainbow Dash, her voice filled with happiness, love and pride at Blitz Bolt. “What the hay?! Rainbow! Did you take lil’ Blitz Bolt here for another wild flight o’ yers?” questioned Applejack, slight anger in her voice as she trotted up to her partner. Looking over her shoulder to her partner, Rainbow Dash responded; “Oh don’t be so angry. She did awesome! Why one day, I bet she’ll be… Dare I even utter such a thought? A better, faster flier than yours truly?” Applejack eyed Rainbow Dash for a moment as she stood beside the young filly, eying her for a moment before turning her gaze back to Rainbow Dash. “Maybe. Maybe she will be a better, faster flier than you. But not right now. She still needs to learn how to properly fly and maintain her balance. Plus she still has some chores to do around the barn, and has to go to school tomorrow.” responded Applejack as she raised her hoof before planting it on the ground again. Rainbow dash looked shocked for a moment, that Applejack honestly thought that their daughter that they had adopted almost a year ago, could turn out to be a faster flier than herself. Calming down her pride quickly, she let out a sigh and met Applejack’s gaze. “Yeah, you’re right. With enough training she can, no, will be faster than me!” exclaimed Rainbow Dash, smiling widely. Applejack was taken aback for a second. She couldn’t believe what she just heard. Rainbow Dash thought that their adopted filly could be a faster flier than her! Smiling after the initial shock of the news wore off, Applejack calmly walked over to Rainbow Dash and placed a small kiss on her cheek. “Well, that’s an awfully honest opinion there, sugar cube. Sometimes I forget that you’ve matured, and I’m quite proud of that. But right now, I think lil’ Blitz Bolt there needs some rest. I think all that excitement may have gotten to her.” hinted Applejack as she pointed to the sleeping filly. With a small chuckle and a nod, Rainbow Dash walked over to Blitz Bolt and placed her on her back, carrying the young filly into the barn and up some stairs before gently placing her on her bed, the sun outside setting even more behind the mountains as the moon slowly rose. “Hey, AJ.” whispered Rainbow Dash, earning a questioning stare from Applejack. “What do you think her talent is? Maybe something to do with flying fast? Oh oh oh! Or maybe something to do with bucking clouds?!” Applejack smiled as she looked at Rainbow Dash, ready with her opinion; “I couldn’t really tell you now, could I? She’s still young and hasn’t earned her cutie mark yet. But I can say with certainty, she definitely is special. Only time will tell RD. That, and tender loving care.” Quietly, Applejack leaned over the bed where Blitz Bolt slept and planted a small kiss on her cheek before moving to let Rainbow Dash do the same, Blitz Bolt fidgeting a bit as she continued to sleep. Quietly and slowly, the two mares left Blitz Bolt’s room, the moonlight shining on Blitz Bolt’s exposed yellow coat as a few sparks of static electricity started forming before jumping about her coat and wings, almost dancing to their own music of cracks and pops, before quickly dying down almost as quick as they had formed, the filly un-disturbed as she dreamt about her afternoon flight with her mom. "I still think her talent might have something to do with bucking clouds!" whispered Rainbow Dash to Applejack, Applejack responding in a hushed, joking voice; "And I think you're obsessed with her talent." Rainbow Dash just grinned as she and Applejack got in to their bed, Applejack falling asleep almost instantly as Rainbow Dash thought of all the awesome tricks she could teach their daughter when she was old enough to fly. Until that day though, when she could train their daughter in aerial acrobatics, Rainbow Dash knew that school and helping around the farm was also important. With a big yawn, the blue Pegasus embraced her significant other as she fell asleep.