//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: Intervention // Story: The Disappearance of Pinkamena Diane Pie // by Alubrony //------------------------------// We have this saying here in Ponyville: "That's just Pinkie Pie”. While it may make sense to those who have had the pleasure of experiencing Pinkie first hand, it can be pretty confusing to the newcomer. I should know, since I've only lived in Ponyville for a couple of years now. For my first few months here I couldn't just accept the way Pinkie acted. There had to be a reason or some theorem I could form, but after weeks of careful documentation, I just couldn't find an explanation. It was at that moment that I simply accepted the fact that Pinkie is just Pinkie. Now, I've come to the conclusion that recently, she hasn't been acting normally.  In fact, she's been downright strange. It's been weeks since Pinkie has thrown one of her random parties celebrating some event only she seems to be aware of. She hasn't even popped out of random containers to surprise me, much less add new words to the ever growing "Dictionary of Pinkie." All she does is walk from place to place quietly. Anytime I try to greet her or ask her what's wrong she either doesn't seem to notice, or makes some excuse and quickly leaves. It is this recent behavior that has me pacing the library, waiting for my friends to show up. We'd all agreed to meet up at around six this evening so we could all talk to Pinkie together and hopefully find out what's wrong. I looked up at the clock, which said it was five thirty. I really should make a note to stop by the Starswirl the Bearded section next time I'm at the Canterlot library. I could really use some new time spells. "Spike, take a note." I waited for the young purple dragon to get his notepad out and say he was ready. After a couple of minutes I became impatient. Looking behind me I noticed that he was sleeping on a small pile of books I'd left out for research on the dietary habits of insects. Honestly, it's really fascinating stuff. "Spike!" I called again a bit louder. He yelped from being awoken so suddenly and fell, hitting the ground face first. "Ugh, Twilight, what was that for?" he asked as he got on his feet as he rubbed his nose, which was now a light shade of red. I giggled at the display. "Sorry Spike, but this is really not the time to be sleeping." Wrapping the many texts with a field of purple magic, I began to lift them to their respective spots on the bookshelves. "I don't want the girls getting the idea that we aren't taking this seriously when they show up. Also, I need you to take a note." "Really, Twilight? You've been pacing the library for two hours and you expect me not to fall asleep?" he groaned as he pulled out a quill and some parchment. "Besides, you know they wouldn't think something like that, you've been worrying over this for weeks now." "I know, I know, I just can't help it. I'm nervous. What if Pinkie is avoiding us because she hates us, or what if she's in some terrible trouble and too scared to bring anypony else into it?" I looked over at Spike with pleading eyes. He may not have known it, but I desperately wanted him to just shrug it off and make an excuse for why it's nothing to worry about. Although I normally get mad at him for not taking things seriously, I've always found it comforting. It makes me think that maybe I am just being too uptight, and it really is all that simple. Spike eyed me carefully and after giving a sigh, just shrugged. "Oh please, I'm sure she just has a lot on her mind or something. Anyway, what was it you wanted me to write?" A smile crept up my lips. That response was exactly what I needed. "I need you to write down a reminder for me to check out the Starswirl the Bearded Section next time I'm in Canterlot." He quickly started to write on the notepad. After a few seconds he stopped and looked up at me. "Is that all?" "Not quite." I walked over to him and pulled him into a tight hug. "Thank you, Spike." "Yeah yeah, you don't have to get all sappy." He stuck his tongue out and pretended to be grossed out. But I could see the smile he was trying to hide. Suddenly, the door flew open and we both jumped as Rarity and Fluttershy walked in. "Oh my! Please do pardon the intrusion we didn't mean to…" Rarity paused, looking us over. "…interrupt anything." She snickered as Spike quickly dislodged himself from my hooves and ran over to greet her and Fluttershy. "Hi Rarity," he spoke almost drooling before straightening himself and turning to Fluttershy with a little wave. "Heya Fluttershy." "Hello Spike," Rarity replied with a slight nod. She quickly trotted past, Spike watching her the whole way, and stopped in front of me. "Fluttershy and I were doing some shopping together, and we finished up a bit earlier than expected. So we thought we'd head on over." "Well I'm glad you did, I was driving myself insane waiting for six to come around." I looked past Rarity and saw that spike was busy telling Fluttershy about how I'd been such a “drag” today. I rolled my eyes. "Anyway, have you talked to the others at all today?" "Well, Applejack was tending the apple cart at the market when Fluttershy and I went shopping. She said she’d be done in time to get here though. Of course…" she paused and rolled her eyes, "…she's not who I'd worry about being late." I chuckled as I thought of the cyan Pegasus with the rainbow mane whom Rarity was referring to. "Don't be so harsh. Rainbow Dash always pulls through when a friend is in need. Is she in charge of ensuring Pinkie shows up?" I asked, my voice taking a more serious tone. "Yes, she promised she wouldn't let Pinkie get out of this." Rarity lowered her head, worry etched across her face. "You think this will really help? I've just never seen Pinkie act like this." "I… I don't know Rarity. But we're her friends and we owe it to her to do what we can to help." I gave Rarity a little smile, hoping it might comfort her a bit; she smiled back. "I suppose you're right." Her eyes darted up and down my body making me uncomfortable. "When are you going to let me design you a new dress? I mean, yes, you do have the Gala dress and that one I made you for your birthday, but I was thinking something you could wear more... casually, and..." I considered making a list of all the ways I could end this conversation, but seeing how excited she was I just couldn't. "... I mean you wouldn't have to wear it all the time. It could be for more of a Saturday night out, or even going dancing, or maybe for a nice date…" Scratch that, this conversation needed to end. Now. "Rarity, please, I’m sure there’s much more important things we could be talking about. And besides, me? Dating? I've got all the company I need with my books." I looked away blushing. Rarity just eyed me as if trying to decide whether I was joking or not. Honestly, I wasn't sure either. "Twilight, I will not hear another word of it. You are a very beautiful young mare and I'm sure there are plenty of stallions who would be interested. Or mares if tha—" I quickly covered her mouth with my hoof and glared at her. "Rarity, please don't finish that sentence." She started laughing as she pushed my hoof out of the way. "Fine, fine, but don't think for one moment that this conversation is over, darling," she smiled devilishly before cracking up again. "What's so funny?" Spike asked as he and Fluttershy walked over, apparently through with discussing how boring I can be. "Absolutely nothing!" I yelled as I turned away to hide my blush. "Spike, why don't you go make some snacks? It's almost six, so the girls should be getting here soon." "Well alright, but you don't have to make it so obvious you're embarr-" "Spike! Snacks!" I yelled. Fluttershy squeaked in surprise at my sudden volume. "Yes ma’am!" he replied scurrying off to the kitchen. As I watched him go, the front door creaked open, and I turned to see Applejack making her way inside. "Howdy ya'll!" she exclaimed as she trotted over to us. "Sorry if I'm a bit late. The apple cart was pretty busy today and honestly, I might've still been out there if Applebloom hadn't taken over for me." "No worries. You're right on time. Have you heard from Rainbow Dash at all?" "Well, I passed her on my way up here, and she looked mighty irritated. I'm guessin’ Pinkie isn't comin’ easily." I bit my lip. Pinkie didn't even want to come see us, her friends. Applejack studied me for a moment, then gently placed her hoof on my shoulder and gave me a smile. "Don’t worry, sugarcube. I'm sure Pinkie will get to feelin’ better once she's here with us." Something in my mind told me that probably wasn’t the case. It whispered in my ear, telling me that this whole plan was going to crumple underneath us. But hearing Applejack say that made me believe that, more than anything, what Pinkie needed was to be here. As I was smiling back at Applejack, the moment I'd been dreading came. The door flew open. Fluttershy squeaked, Rarity jumped, and Spike dropped something in the kitchen. Rainbow Dash marched in with a bundle of fluff that made up Pinkie's tail, Pinkie was  dragged in behind her. All the little hopes I'd managed to keep were shattered in an instant. Pinkie looked dreadful. Her mane was completely straight, covering half her face and dirty from being dragged through the dirt. She wore a scowl that previously I didn't think Pinkie was even capable of having. Her eyes just stared straight, empty and without feeling. Rainbow Dash dragged her to the middle of the room before stopping and spitting out her tail. "This is the last time I'm dragging anypony anywhere," she declared after catching her breath. I simply stared at Pinkie, unable to think of a response. What had brought the happiest and most carefree friend I had down so low? I couldn't even begin to fathom what had happened. As I looked on, I heard some whimpering behind me and forced myself to look away to see what it was. Fluttershy was shaking slightly, shocked by the state Pinkie was in. Next to her, Rarity's mouth hung open slightly as if she wanted to say something but couldn't find the words. Applejack's hoof was pulled to her chest. Her eyes darted over me, and I could see that just like me, those hopes she had been holding on to had been crushed. I steeled myself and tried to put on my best smile. "Thanks for bringing her here, Rainbow. And Pinkie, thanks for coming, sorry that it was a bit forceful." Dash glided over next to me and leaned in close. "I don't know what's up with her; she hasn't said a word this whole time," she whispered before taking a seat next to Fluttershy. Rarity had wrapped a hoof around Fluttershy, pulling her close. Fluttershy, whose face was buried in Rarity’s coat, was keeping one eye pointed this way waiting to see what would become of our intervention. Pinkie just continued to sit there, her back faced to us. "I, I know you may not want to be here Pinkie." My lip trembled as I tried to find the right combination of words. I had studied many books on methods of counseling, therapy, and other forms of emotional care, but I found I couldn't remember any of the techniques I had learned; I was scared. I only had one shot at this. There was only one time I'd seen Pinkie in such a state. The day she had thought we didn't want her as our friend anymore. If we had said anything wrong, had made the wrong move, we might have lost Pinkie then. Now, not only was Pinkie even worse looking than she had been that day, she'd been like this for almost two weeks. I began to shake as the weight of the situation fell upon me. We could really lose Pinkie if I didn't handle this just right. I needed more time. I'm not ready for this. "Well?" I jumped as Pinkies voice pulled me from my mental breakdown. She still had her back turned to us, but her head was turned so that the left side of her face was facing us. Her eye bore into me. "Ya gonna tell me why I was dragged here?" She stared, waiting patiently for me to respond. Finally, after what seemed like centuries, I let my heart pour out. "Pinkie, we've just been so worried about you. You never throw parties anymore, you don't surprise me, you aren't smiling and laughing, you aren't hopping around Ponyville trying to brighten everypony's day." My trembling stopped as the words rushed out of my mouth. "You just aren't being you, Pinkie. We don't know what to do... I don't know what to do. You're my best friend, but you won't tell me what's wrong. Please, just tell me what's wrong. We're your friends, we can help you. No matter what it is, we'll always be there to support you." My voice became louder and louder as the words continued. I had to make her understand. Whatever it was she was thinking I had to show her how wrong it really was.  "I'm scared Pinkie!” I screamed as I slammed my hoof down.  A cold sensation began to move down along my face. “I'm j-just so scared that I may actually lose you, that if I-I don't say exactly the right thing you'll dis-disappear, and... and I'll never see you smile… or hear you laugh again." After pushing out those last lines through gasped breaths and tears, I looked up at my friend through blurry eyes. I couldn’t see her well, but I feared wiping the tears from my eyes. If somehow, my feelings hadn’t reached her, I just wouldn’t know what else to do. I had poured everything I had into this, I couldn’t fail; not now.  As much as I feared seeing the fruits of my labor, I knew something as silly as not wiping my eyes was not going to stop whatever came next. I gently raised my hoof. I had to trust in Pinkie, I had to trust in the bond we shared. Surely the magic of friendship wouldn’t let us grow so distant. My words mustn't have fallen on deaf ears. Bringing my hoof to my face, I wiped the tears from my eyes.  She wasn't looking at me anymore. All I could see was her back and mane. But I knew she was crying. Her body was shuddering, and I could hear her sniffling. I looked back at my friends. Fluttershy looked like she wanted to go wrap Pinkie in a big hug. Rarity looked at me and nodded her head telling me to go up to Pinkie. Rainbow Dash and Applejack looked at me with determination and nodded too. I trotted over to Pinkie and placed a hoof on her shoulder. She stopped shuddering, but she kept her back to me. "You know I had it all planned out. I was gonna be mean and say as many hurtful things as I could think of. I was gonna make a big scene. I was gonna make you all hate me. It would be easier that way, you know? But I can't... I can't make you hurt like that." I pulled Pinkie into a tight embrace; I was so glad. Even if she's troubled, she's still our Pinkie Pie. Suddenly, she pushed me away knocking me on my back. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." She galloped over by the door stopping to look back at us. A tear began rolling down her cheek. "This is the only way. Please, please just stay away from me." After spitting out those words she turned her head and galloped out the door. I should've run after her. I should've galloped until my lungs burned and my legs threatened to fall out beneath me, but I didn't. I just sat there dumbfounded as Pinkie Pie left our lives for good. I've never regretted anything as much as I regret letting her go. I rolled onto my left side pulling the covers up over my head. It was about two in the morning, and I couldn't sleep a wink. After we'd pulled ourselves together, we had gone to the Cakes. Pinkie wasn't there; she hadn’t even come back after the intervention. We searched all over town asking if anypony had seen her but to no avail. We searched and searched until darkness had covered the land then we searched some more; nothing. We didn't find a damn thing. It was as if Pinkie had just vanished. I rolled over again. Pinkie Pie was gone. She'd been planning this. She said she was going to make us hate her so it would be easier. I could've stopped her. I missed all the signs. She wanted me to stop her. Now that she's gone, it's all so clear to me... but I let her go. My best friend has disappeared, and it’s all my fault.