Heart Burns

by TheMessenger

1/2 Cup of Unsalted Butter

Chapter 2

For the last generation or so, Ponyville had been the home of many creative architectural designs. Few towns in Equestria besides Ponyville could boast of having an oversized jester cap as a joke store. The very appearance Carousel Boutique stood as a testament of the owner's creative abilities and as a reflection of the amazingly fabulous dresses that could be purchased inside. Until its rather recent retirement, the Golden Oak Library served as an unsettling reminder of the source of book pages and paper (there was something slightly disturbing about keeping bounded bundles of processed wood in a hollowed tree) as well as the home of Princess Twilight Sparkle and her assistant, and its replacement could have fitted in perfectly at the Crystal Empire.

Perhaps most unique of all was Sugarcube Corner, Ponyville's local bakery and confectionery. With its chocolate-brown roof edged with white swirls and large candles at the very top, the store could have been mistaken as the world's largest gingerbread house at a distance. Many a pony would wander past the shop only to be stuck by a sudden craving for pastries and would leave the block with a fuller belly and a significantly lighter wallet.

The aromas that drifted from the store were probably also part of the problem, Rainbow Dash noted as she landed at the bakery's doorstep. As she breathed, her mouth watered as images of cupcakes and cookies danced in her head. Fresh banana nut muffins too, Rainbow Dash added, taking in the smells. She could almost taste those delicious delicacies.

Rainbow Dash shook her head and growled. "Come on, keep it together," she muttered angrily to herself. Calming down, the pegasus stepped inside.

"Oh, good morning, Rainbow Dash," Mrs. Cake greeted cheerfully from the counter. "You're up early today, would you like some coffee cake?" The mare gestured toward the piece of brown sweet bread coated with whipped cream sitting behind the display glass. "It comes with a free glass of milk."

"Yeah, that sounds--" Rainbow Dash quickly swallowed the drool that threatened to spill out of her mouth. "Actually, I'm just here to see Pinkie Pie," she back-pedaled, rubbing the back of her head. "She free?"

"She's in the kitchen right now," Mrs. Cake explained with a smile. "The dear's been trying a new recipe, but I don't think she'd mind the company. Just tell my husband I let you in if he starts pestering you, okay dear?"

"Cool, thanks." Rainbow leapt over the counter and hurried toward the entrance of the bakery's kitchen. She paused at the threshold and slowly turned around. "And, uh, about that coffee cake."

The co-owner of Sugarcube Corner rolled her eyes. "I'll put it on your tab," she said.

Rainbow thanked the older mare again and entered the kitchen. "Hey Pinkie Pie," she said. "How's it hang...what in Equestria are you doing?"

The pink pony lifted her fizzy head and flung off the goggles she wore. "Dashie!" she screamed, leaping into a somersault toward the pegasus's side. Pinkie Pie threw her forelegs around her friend. "It's been, like, forever since we last talked!"

"I'm pretty sure we saw each other yesterday," Rainbow said, struggling out of Pinkie's grip.

"I know, right? That was ages ago!" the bouncing pony gasped. "Who knew when we'd see each other again? I mean, besides lunch time, because I know how much you love a good cupcake for lunch. But wait, it's not lunch time yet. Are you here for breakfast? No wait, it's too late for breakfast. How about lunfast or brunch? Have you tried the coffee cake yet? It comes with a free glass of milk! That was my idea. Mr. Cake wasn't to sure about it at first, but that was at first and now it's now and now he thinks it's a great idea. Oh, and speaking of ideas, want to see my new recipe?"

Rainbow Dash opened her mouth and made a few uncommitted noises. "S-sure, yeah, sure," she finally managed to say. Pinkie beamed and dragged the pegasus toward the crowded kitchen counter. In the center, between a bag of sugarcane and a box of rock candy, was a thin crinkly sheet that reminded Rainbow a bit of paper.

"Try it!" Pinkie exclaimed, shoving the sheet into Rainbow Dash's mouth before she could protest. With little choice, Rainbow began to chew, and as she did so, her eyes lit up in surprise.

"It's sweet," Rainbow announced. "Hey, that's not bad. What is it?"

"I call it candy cutouts. Or maybe it should be sugar sheets." The excited earth pony scratched her head. "Hmm, still working on the trademark. I made it for the bake sale Twilight's holding. Ooh, I can't wait! I'm going to make a whole bunch of these and then write some stuff on them with chocolate sauce and then sandwich them between cake layers so it looks like a book! It'll be a book you can read and eat, so you don't have to choose, isn't that neat?"

"Sounds, uh, pretty cool. Didn't know deciding whether to eat a book or not was such a problem," Rainbow said. "Hey Pinkie, about that bake sale."

"Oh, aren't you excited for it? I know I am. It's like all my favorite things combined, sugary foods and books and Twilight and the new castle that looks a lot like a tree now that I think about, which is weird since Twilight was just living in one. And Twilight said I could help decorate too if I wanted, and of course I wanted, so--"

"Pinkie, I need your help!" Rainbow cried, grabbing the chattering pony's shoulders. "You've got to teach me how to cook in time for the bake sale this weekend."

Pinkie Pie tilted her head as she stared, then began giggling. "Oh Rainbow Dash, it's a bake sale, not a cooking sale. I worry about you sometimes."

"Worry about--" Rainbow bit back a groan. "Fine, baking, I need you to teach me how to bake before the weekend."

"Hmm. I don't know," Pinkie Pie said as she rubbed her chin. "Baking is serious business, how do I know you're serious about learning?"

"Pinkie," Rainbow began lowly, "I'm serious about this, Pinkie Pie Swear and everything."

"Why so serious?" Pinkie asked, her voice suddenly ominous and husky.

"Wait, why?"

"Yeah, why," Pinkie repeated as her cheery tone returned. "I mean, you never asked before."

"Oh, you know," Rainbow answered with a shrug. She turned away as Pinkie Pie leaned forward. "Reasons."

"Oh yeah, reasons. Yeah, I totally get that," Pinkie said, nodding frantically. "Well, don't worry your pretty rainbow-dyed head--"

"Hey, my mane color's totally natural!"

"--your Auntie Pinkie Pie'll tell you everything you need to know about baking." With one swoop of her hoof, Pinkie cleared the entire counter. She ducked down and pulled out a tin muffin pan. "Since we're pressed for time, we'll have to skip waxing Gummy and bench pressing montage and go straight to lesson uno, cupcakes!"

"Cupcakes, huh." Rainbow took a step back as Pinkie Pie began laying out an impressive knife collection next to the pan. "That doesn't sound too hard."

"It's not. It's a perfect starting point for your new journey into the world of pastry making and winning Soarin's heart through his stomach," Pinkie Pie said. Before Rainbow could respond, Pinkie tied an apron around her neck and set a toque on her head. "Cupcakes are just tiny cakes, so if you learn how to make a cupcake you'll know how to make a cake. And from there, everything else is easy."

"If you say so," Rainbow Dash said, adjusting the tall white hat on her head.

"I do say so. Now..." Pinkie Pie rolled her head and cleared her throat. "All you have to do is take a cup of flour, add it to the mix! Now just take a little something sweet, not sour, a bit of salt, just a pinch!"

Pinkie's song echoed out of the kitchen as Rainbow Dash slowly backed out of Sugarcube Corner.


Sweet Apple Acres was more than just a simple apple farm. It was Ponyville's historical monument, a relic from the very origins of the town that stood strong even as disasters struck all around it. Even after all these years, Sweet Apple Acres supplied the town with fritters, pies, cider, juice, cobblers, red deliciouses, Granny Smiths, Braeburns, McIntoshes, golden deliciouses, and a variety of galas. Like the elder matriarch whom stood at the head of the Apple family, Sweet Apple Acres refused to retire.

Big McIntosh stood at the entrance of the farm with a large cart attached to his back. Several bushels of fruit sat in the wagon. He chewed a short stalk of straw slow as he waited, throwing glances over his shoulder every now and then.

"Hey, Big Mac."

The red stallion looked up toward the source of the voice and found Rainbow Dash hovering right above. He nodded in greeting.

"You know where your sister is? I need to talk to Applejack really quick," said Rainbow, landing in the cart.

Big McIntosh grunted at the sudden additional weight. His glare was ignored as the pegasus mare picked out an apple from the baskets and shined it against her chest. He sighed and opened his mouth to answer.

"It'd better be quick, 'cause I gotta set up shop soon. We're already late as it is," came a voice from behind. Both Big McIntosh and Rainbow Dash turned around as an orange earth pony mare wearing a brown, wide brimmed hat approached. She carried another basket of apples on her back.

"So, what're you up to?" Applejack asked, setting her apples into the cart with the rest and grabbing the fruit Rainbow had out of her hooves. "Hope it ain't some sort of emergency."

"Well, Equestria's not in any real danger, but..."

"But?" Applejack cued, gesturing to Rainbow Dash to continue.

The pegasus winced and bit her bottom lip. "Alright, I kind of sort of need your help with something."

"What, really?" Applejack's left eyebrow rose. "Rainbow Dash, actually askin' for help?"

"Oh, like you're one to talk," Rainbow responded with a smirk that quickly faded. "But yeah, you know the bake sale for the new library?"

"The one this weekend? Yeah, gonna be sellin' the best bite-sized apple fritters you've ever tasted there. What about it?"

"I, well, you see..." Rainbow Dash took a deep breath. "I have to learn how to bake in time for the bake sale!" she blurted out. "And I need you to teach me how!"

The farm mare's other brow joined its sister. "Why?"

"Oh, you know, helping out Ponyville and everything." Rainbow chuckled weakly. "Heh, I like helping the pony folk, that's all."

Applejack's eyes narrowed. "Uh huh," she said evenly. "Whelp, I'd love to help, but I've got work right now." She pulled Rainbow out of the wagon by her tail and nodded to her brother. "Sorry 'bout that, maybe you'll have better luck with Pinkie."

"Wait, hold on," Rainbow Dash pleaded. She grabbed Applejack's shoulder, stopping her. "Look, fine, I met a pony up in Cloudsdale and told him I could cook. He's going to be at the bake sale, and I'll be in big trouble if he finds out I was lying."

The farm mare blinked. "Why would you say that? If anythin', I'd of thought you'd be tryin' to deny bein' able to bake, since it don't 'actly work with your image and all."

"I know, I know," Rainbow groaned. "But I just ran into him so suddenly I panicked, I couldn't even think. We were talking about Twilight's bake sale, and he mentioned how much he liked your pies, and it just came out of my mouth and ugh!" Rainbow flung her hooves up over her head. "Look AJ, I'm sorry I lied, but I need your help here, and there's no way in Tartarus I'm going back to face Pinkie Pie and her musical numbers. I think she was going to make me sing along," the pegasus added in a hushed whisper.

Applejack sighed. "Well, I'd hate to make a liar out of one of my friends--"

"Yes! I knew I could count on you!"

"Hold your horses, geez," she said as she push Rainbow back. "I'd like to help, but I don't got the time right now, 'specially if you wanna be ready in time for the bake sale, and to be honest, I ain't the best teacher around."


"Hold on, I'm not 'bout to leave you out to dry," Applejack reassured. "But why learn from me when you could learn from the best? I'm sure Granny would be more than happy to teach you how to make them pies your coltfriend seems to like so much."

"He's not my--wait, really?"

Applejack nodded. "Big Mac, you go on ahead and get the stand set up," she said to the large red stallion. "I'll catch up later after lettin' Granny know she's got a new student."

"Eeyup," Big McIntosh said in reply and began to trot off toward Ponyville. Applejack meanwhile led Rainbow Dash toward the farmhouse nearby.

"You sure Granny Smith would teach somepony outside of the Apple family?" Rainbow asked.

"Well sure, 'specially after she hears your story," answered Applejack as she pushed open the door of the house. "'sides, you're an honorary Apple family member."

"Yeah, but what about the secret Apple recipe?" Rainbow Dash inquired. "I mean, no one in Ponyville knows how to make zap apple jam besides you guys, not even other Apples, you think Granny Smith'll just let me take her pie recipe?"

"Zap apple jam's different," Applejack said, shaking a hoof. "You know what Granny's secret ingredient for the perfect apple pie is? A mare's touch!" The orange pony snorted. "That'd explain why Big Mac's pies just ain't as good as mine though, ain't that right, Granny?"

"Huh, wha--" The elderly mare Applejack had addressed rubbed her eyes and yawn. "Oh, why is it ain't pegasus with the dye job, Fluttershy right?"

"Rainbow Dash," Rainbow corrected.

"My grandson's too shy to say it, but he's taken a real shinin' to you. Why, just the other day he was in the bathroom--"

"Granny," Applejack interrupted, "Rainbow Dash here needs some pointers on how to bake. She's tryin' to impress some stallion from Cloudsdale."

"I'm not--"

"Anyways, I gotta help Big Mac with the market stand and everythin', so I'm leavin' her in your hooves, that alright?"

"Sure, sure," Granny Smith said, bobbing her head up and down. "You go ahead, I'll take good care of Ms. Twilight Sparkle here."

"Rainbow Dash," Rainbow corrected.

"Right, Raynor Dish."

Rainbow slowly brought her hoof to her face and turned to find that Applejack had already left. "Yeah, fine, that's close enough," she said with a sigh.

"So you wanna try and win some stallion's heart, eh?" Granny Smith said as she rocked her chair. "Well, you're on the right track. Where do you think the heart's connected to?"


"The stomach, of course! That's basic anatomy there, something that should be taught in schools. Why, I remember how I met my late husband, bless him. Poor stallion was little more than skin and bones when I first saw him, but the most handsome bundle of skin and bones you'd ever see. And a downright hard worker too. It was summer, and we had just started the harvest. Of course, back then harvests were longer since the crop was so much larger, not like nowadays. Anyways, we met after a hard day of work in the orchards. My pappy didn't think me bein' around a stallion my age was a good idea, so we snuck into the kitchen together. I made this one pie, you see, a new recipe and all..."

Granny Smith's story filled the entire house as Rainbow slowly backed out and left Sweet Apple Acres. The old mare failed to notice.


Princess Twilight Sparkle was a paradox in a pony, her very self being a self-contradiction. On one hoof, she practically thrived on paper work, on schedules, and on planning and checklists. On the other hoof, these things were some of her greatest sources of stress. With a tangled mess of a mane hardly fit for any mare, let only a princess, Twilight glared at the many sheets of parchment in front of her.

"Why did I only give myself a week to prepare?" she was muttering. "That's barely enough time." Twilight glared at the calendar nailed to her crystal wall. "Let's see, still have to finish sending advertisements to Canterlot, meeting with Mr. and Mrs. Cake to decide on prices, finish writing my speech and making flash cards..." she read off the list before her.

"Teaching Rainbow Dash how to bake."

"Teaching Rainbow Dash how to--wait." Twilight lifted her head and looked up. "Oh, hi Rainbow," she said. "Didn't hear you come in."

"Yeah, well, the front door was blocked, so I went through a window," Rainbow Dash said as she wandering further into the room. "Oh, and did you know that you have a bunch of book shelves blocking the entrance?"

"Yes, they're for the new library," the princess explained. "Not that it's going to be much of a library without books," she added wearily.

"I get the feeling that something's bothering you."

"Very astute of you."

"Thanks, I try," Rainbow said with a grin. "Wait, astute's good, right?"

"I'd point you toward the nearest dictionary, but we're a little short at the moment." Twilight shook her head. "Sorry, I'm just a little tired with all this planning. I should have thought this through."

"What's wrong? I thought we all agreed a bake sale was an awesome idea."

"It is," Twilight said, "but having one so suddenly is not. There aren't any holidays this week, so we can't assume ponies out of Ponyville or Canterlot will be able to make it. How did advertising go in Cloudsdale?"

"What, that? Pft, went without a hitch," Rainbow declared confidently. She walked over and leaned against the wall. "But that's not important--"

"I'd disagree."

"Whatever, I need your help. I have to make something for the bake sale this weekend, but I can't cook. You think you can teach me?"

Twilight stared at her friend. "Let me get this straight, you want me to teach you how to bake?"

"Yeah, that's it."

"Okay, first question, why me and not Applejack or Pinkie Pie?"

"Applejack's busy, and this isn't something that can wait," Rainbow said. "And Pinkie's, well..."

"Being Pinkie Pie?" ventured Twilight. She rolled up the parchment she had been reading with her magic and set it aside on the crystal slab acting as her desk.

"Yeah, I couldn't stand it." The pegasus shuddered.

"Fair enough. Second question, why the sudden interest in baking?" Twilight asked. "You've never shown any want before."

"Ugh, is it really all that important?" Rainbow Dash grumbled. "Look, long story short, I couldn't keep my big mouth shut and ended up telling some stallion I could bake really well. He's going to be at the bake sale this weekend expecting me, so I've got to make something."

"All this for one stallion?" Twilight marveled. "Wow, this sounds awfully like a--"

"It's not a crush!" Rainbow cried out. Her cyan coat failed to hide the glowing red blush of her cheeks. "Soarin's just a pony I think is cool because he's a Wonderbolt and an awesome flyer with these really nice look wings and a really cool mane that looks really good when he steps out of a shower and these toned muscular--"

"Bet, I was going to say bet," Twilight interjected as she fought of her own blush. "How do you know how he looks like when he steps out of a shower?"

"I might have accidentally gone into the wrong changing room at the Wonderbolt academy. It only happened once, I swear!" Rainbow asserted.

"Right, okay then." Twilight coughed and forced her wings back down. "In any case, I'm not sure I can help you with much. I'm not really much of a chef either," she admitted.

"Yeah, but I'm sure you've got some how-to books on easy cooking. You lived in a library, for pony sake. Oh wait." Rainbow Dash gulped. "Right, lived."

"Yes, lived," the alicorn said darkly. "And all those cook books we had ended up cooked by Tirek when he destroyed the library. You know, my home?"

"Right, sorry."

Twilight's features softened, and she leaned forward and draped a wing over Rainbow Dash's shoulders. "It's fine, sorry for being so short with you. It's just taking some time to get used to everything. A new castle, a new throne, a new kingdom, it's a lot to take in right now."

"Hey, I think you're doing pretty well," Rainbow Dash said. "For a rookie princess, you're pretty darn awesome. Heck, I'll go out and say it, you're the Rainbow Dash of princesses."

Twilight Sparkle giggled. "Well, at least until you somehow become an alicorn princess too."

"Me, a princess?" Rainbow snorted. "As if. But back on topic, you really can't teach me?"

"Sorry, I can't even make nachos, let alone make a pie." Twilight hummed thoughtfully. "Maybe you could borrow something from the Cakes."

"And risk facing Pinkie Pie again?"

"Oh come on, her musicals aren't that bad. I'm sure--"

There was a knock at the door before it swung open. Spike, Twilight's number one assistant, stood there with an industrial-sized bag of flour in his claws. The little dragon stood there awkwardly for a moment, then waved.

"Hey Rainbow," he said, carefully shifting the bag around. "Um, Twilight, where's the kitchen again?"

"First door of the second hall to your left," Twilight answered. "I should probably start making signs."

"Oh come on, I haven't gotten lost that often," protested Spike as he clumsily picked up the flour.

"You want some help?"

"Nah, I got it Twilight. Do you want anything special for dinner?" Spike asked.

"Not really." Twilight turned to Rainbow. "Any requests from you?"

Rainbow Dash shook her head. "Well, unless you can somehow cook up a cooking instructor or something."


"It's nothing to worry about," Twilight said. "Just be careful."

"Yeah yeah." With a final grunt, Spike heaved the giant bag of flour and waddled off. Twilight watched her assistant until he disappeared from sight.


"What's up?" asked Rainbow Dash.

A small smile spread across the exhausted princess's face. "I think I have an idea."