Battle Brawlers: Equestria

by GoldenCyclone4

Chapter 2: Humans and Bakugan and Ponies, Oh My!

Chapter 2: Humans and Bakugan and Ponies, Oh My!


Outside Ponyville

POV: Rainbow Dash

I had been flying over the outskirts of Ponyville, on my way to Fluttershy’s, when I noticed two creatures standing in the field. As I flew closer, I noticed they were human! ‘Great, Twi must’ve screwed up a summoning spell again…’ I thought. ‘Wait, they’re talking!’
“Okay, weird clothing changes aside, where are we?” the boy inquired.

“According to Drago, another dimension,” the girl told him.

“Whoa, who the hay are you?” I asked. They looked around, confused. I decided to give them a hint. “Look up!” they glanced up, and their faces turned from curiosity to shock. “S’up!”

“Dan,” the girl said, “Are you seeing what I’m seeing?”

“Yeah, I am,” ‘Dan’ said back, “But I’m not sure I believe it.”

I sighed. Looks like these guys didn’t know where they were, either. ‘Just like Nix,’ I thought. ‘Time to set ‘em straight.’ “You better believe it, bub! Let me guess, you guys aren’t used to talking ponies?”

The girl got over her shock first. “Gee, how’d you guess?” she replied, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

“Look, I’ve done this before. The short of it is this: you aren’t on Earth anymore, you were summoned here by magic, and you’re now in Equestria, land of ponies.”

“Wait, what? Land of ponies?” the boy asked. He then sighed. “Yup, that figures. Let me guess, some world-ending monster is attacking, and we were called in to save this place?”

“Uh, not that I know of. I thought you guys were called in to defend someone in court.” I then noticed they dressed nothing like Nix. “Wait, you guys are lawyers, right?”

The boy scoffed. “Lawyers? That’s a new one. Naw, I could never pull that off. Tuxedos aren’t my thing.”

“Well, I guess I could take you to my friend Twilight. She might know what the hay is going on. By the way, name’s Rainbow Dash, Fastest Flyer in Equestria!”

“I’m Dan, and this is my partner Drago,” the boy said, pointing to the strange floating toy-thingee next to him.

“You name your toys?” I asked, confused.

“Excuse me,” the floating toy-thingee suddenly spoke! “I’m not a toy! I am a Bakugan, and I am a powerful dragon!”

“Long story,” Dan said, seeing my confusion.

“Anyhow, I’m Runo,” the girl said, changing the subject. “This is my partner Tigrerra. Oh, and this is Aerogon.”

“Greetings,” the white… Bakugan? Yeah, Bakugan, said. This one had a feminine voice.

“Hi!” the other one said. This one was also white, but had a male voice.

“Right… Well, let’s head out. I can visit Shy’s place later.” And so the 6 of us set off for town.


Everfree Forest

POV: Pinkie Pie

I was hanging out in the Everfree, looking for some new fun ideas for my awesome parties when my Pinkie Sense went off. Judging by the crazy shaking going on, it was a doozy! Just like that other doozy I had a few days ago! Or was that like three weeks ago? I don’t know, the author is really inconsistent with updates right now… Anyways, I wondered if this doozy was related to the other doozy. I knew the source was nearby, though, so I started bouncing towards it.

As I neared a clearing, I noticed two humans talking about something. Gasp! I didn’t know these two humans! That means I needed to throw them a Welcome to Equestria Party! But first, I kinda had to stick to the script that Cyclone made last chapter, so… “Hi!” I said.

The boy, dressed like a ninja, which I thought was so awesome, replied with, “What the…?”

“I’m Pinkie Pie! Welcome to Equestria!”

“Uh… Equestria?” the girl asked.

“Yup! This is just like when Feenie showed up! He had no clue where he was either! But he was a lawyer, and he showed up at Twilight’s house, and you guys aren’t and you’re here, and-“

“O-kay,” the boy said, “We get it. So, what, are we in a different dimension? Again?”

“From what Feenie said, I’d say yes! Now then, I should probably take you to Twilight and figure out what world-ending crisis we need to solve!”

“Uh… okay. I guess we should introduce ourselves. I’m Fabia Sheen, and this is Aranaut,” the girl said.
“Greetings,” her tiny partner said.

“Oh hi! What are you? Some new kind of Flutterpony?” I asked, excited.

“Er, what?” Fabia replied, “No, he’s my partner Bakugan. Or he was. I gave him to the commander of the Castle Knights. Somehow, he showed up here.”

“Castle Knights? Oh, are you a Princess?”

“No,” she said uncomfortably, “I’m the Queen of Neathia, actually.”

“Anyways,” the ninja interrupted, “I’m Shun Kazami. This is, in order, Skyress, Ingram, Hawktor, Taylean, Jaakor, Skytruss, and Orbeum.” They greeted me each in turn.

“So, you mentioned someone who could help us?” Skyress asked.

“Oh, yeah! Follow me!” I said, hopping away towards Ponyville.


Castle of Friendship

POV: Twilight

“Twilight! I think there’s something down in the basement!” Spike shouted from downstairs. I looked up from the book I was reading and glanced over at Nyx. ”Stay here,” I said. Sighing, I got to my hooves and walked down the stairs. “Spike, trust me, there’s nothing down there.”

“I’m telling you, Twi. There’s something down there.” My dragon assistant asserted.

“Relax, Spike, I guarantee there’s nothing down there, but if it’ll make you feel any better, I’ll go check.”

I walked over to my basement. After the whole Tirek incident (To be honest, I moped for about a week after that song.) I had explored the new castle I had gotten. Surprisingly, minus the whole “Council of Friendship” room, the castle had the same layout as the library, just a bit bigger. Luckily, my basement was unscathed, and the castle just connected to it.

As I opened the door, I was prepared to call Spike a fraidy-cat, but the words died in my throat as I saw two humans standing there. The only thing I could say was, “What the hay?”

“Whoa, talking horse!” the taller of the two said. My first instinct was to take offense to that, but I knew Phoenix had gone through something similar, so I kept my anger internalized.

“Joe,” the shorter one replied, “said horse has wings and a horn, thus being some sort of unicorn-pegasus hybrid, and is in the company of a baby dragon, and is freaking purple, for crying out loud, and the thing that surprises you most is that it can talk?”

“You know, I’m right here!” I finally spoke up. I then let out a weary sigh. “Let me guess, you guys don’t have ponies like us back on Earth, right?”

“No,” the shorter one said,”nor on Vestal, New Vestroia, Gundalia, or Neathia, so I can conclude one of three things. One, this is all a weird dream, which is highly unlikely, judging by the headache I still have. Two, we’re on another planet, or three, a different dimension. I’m gonna guess number three.”

“From what the last human who came here said, I’d agree. But how’d you get here?” I asked.

“No clue,” the taller one said. “We were holding a reunion party with our friends…

A certain pink pony suddenly sneezed.


Twilight’s Castle

POV: Twilight

“… and suddenly there was a flash of light. Next thing I know, we’re here.”

“Sounds like a summoning spell,” I replied, walking towards them. “But if you were summoned here, you must be here for something very important. I should probably write a letter to-“

“Mom!” I was interrupted by Nyx calling out. “What’s going on down there?” she suddenly appeared in the doorway. “Whoa, who and what are you?”

I groaned. “I suppose introductions are in order. I am Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship. Please just call me Twilight or Twi, though, I’m not big on titles. The baby dragon is my assistant, Spike, and the filly is my adopted daughter, Nyx.”

“I’m Marucho,” the shorter one said, “and this is Joe.”

Suddenly, a voice rang out from nowhere. “A-hem, what are we, chopped liver?”

Marucho quickly replied to the unknown voice. “It’s ok, I didn’t forget you guys.” He then pulled out a collection of small spheres. “Twilight, meet the Bakugan.” The balls sprang open, revealing strange, tiny creatures. “They’re in ball form right now, but they’re friendly.” He pointed each out in turn, listing their names. “This is Preyas, Elfin, Akwimos, Tristar, Amazon, and Radizen.”

Akwimos spoke up. “Yo, more royalty? Maruch, you know how to meet people!”

My face suddenly lit up. These things obviously worked on new magic I’d never seen before!

“Uh, no, not magic,” Marucho replied.

Wait, had I said that out loud?

“Yes, yes you did,” Tristar said.

“Okay, I can ask questions later. My friends have probably already found some of yours, so they’ll most likely come here first.”

“Alright,” Marucho replied. “Say, got any info on this world we’re in?”

“Sure! Equestria was founded in-“I was interrupted by Spike dashing out of the room. “What the?”

“Gotta get away from Lecture Mode!” he yelled, running upstairs.

“Okay, then. Anyway, as I was saying…”


Near Fluttershy’s Cottage

POV: Fluttershy

Oh, dear, oh dear. I was just feeding the forest critters, and when I walked out of the Everfree, I saw two humans standing near my cottage. I accidently locked eyes with the boy, and he fainted! I didn’t know what to do! I didn’t accidently use my Stare on him, did I? That would be awful!

I ran over as quick as I could, but stopped when the girl looked at me. Would she faint too? My fears faded a tiny bit when she spoke to me. “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you.” Her voice was soft and caring, like mine. “I think my friend was a bit shocked to see a pegasus, that’s all.”

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to scare him!” I started apologizing profusely.

“Wow, you can talk? That’s amazing!” she exclaimed.

I blushed and hid behind my mane. “I’m really nothing special.”

“Sure you are. Everyone’s special in their own way.” She held out her hand. “I’m Alice. What’s your name? “

“I’m… Fluttershy.”

“Sorry, I couldn’t hear you. Could you say that a little louder?” she asked.

“I’m Fluttershy.”

“well, nice to meet you, Fluttershy.” This surprised me. She could hear me? “My friend here is Baron. Oh, and this is my partner, Hydranoid.” It was then I noticed the little creature floating above her shoulder.
“Er, hello, little one,” I said.

“Hello, milady,” it said in a very masculine voice.

“Hydranoid is my Guardian Bakugan,” Alice explained. “He’s currently in ball form, but his true form is a large three-headed hydra. This also gives him three voices, so don’t be alarmed if they finish each other’s sentences.“

It was then that Baron started to wake. “Ugh, what happened?”

“Alice giggled a little. “You fainted when you saw Fluttershy here.”

“Oh, I did?” he looked sheepish. “Sorry about that. With all we’ve been through, I suppose a pegasus shouldn’t surprise me.”

“It’s okay,” I replied. I then remembered the last time a human was here. “Oh, Twilight will probably want to see you. She’s most likely the one who summoned you.”

“Thank you for telling us. Can you lead us to her?” Alice asked.

“Yes. Follow me.” We set off for town.


Sweet Apple Acres

POV: Applejack

I had just walked out of the barn after unloading the newest bushels of apples when I saw two humans approaching, I approached and asked, “Now who the hay are you, and what are ya’ll doin’ on mah farm?”

Their reactions were understandably confused. After all, from what Phoenix said, they don’t have ponies who can talk back on his world. The boy asked the girl, “Uh, Jules, did that horse just talk? And is it wearing a cowboy hat?”

The girl, ‘Jules,’ I guessed, was too busy staring at me to reply. She then let out a really loud squeal and shouted, “Oh. My. God! Talking pony! It’s so adorable! SQUEE!” she then rushed forward and crushed me in a bear hug! Yeesh, and Twi thinks I’m overenthusiastic with my greetings. This girl could give Pinkie a run for her bits!

The boy was eventually able to pull her off of me. “Sorry about that,” she told me. “I’m Julie, and this is Billy.” Ah, so Jules must be a nickname.

“Ah’m Applejack. Ah own this here orchard, Sweet Apple Acres, Biggest apple farm in all of Equestria!”

“Equestria? Is that where we were transported?” a very deep voice suddenly said. I looked around, trying to spot the new guy.

“I’d guess so, Gorem.” I then noticed Julie talking to a little creature on her shoulder. “Oh, right! Applejack, this is my partner Gorem.”

A small orb also hopped up onto Billy’s shoulder. It popped open to reveal a small Cyclops. “Yo,” it said, “I’m Billy’s partner, Cycloid.”

“Er, what?” I asked, confused.

“Oh, right. Gorem and Cycloid are in ball form fight now, but in their normal forms, nothing can bring them down!” Julie explained.
“Okay, then. Let me just check on mah sister, then I’ll take y’all to see mah friend Twilight. She’ll know what’s going on.”

“Sweet,” Billy replied. “we’ll come with, just in case we run into our friends.”

“Fine by me. Let’s go, then.” So we set off towards the CMC clubhouse.


Carousel Boutique

POV: Rarity

I was headed up to my “Inspiration Room,” ready to create some fabulous dresses for my friends. “I simply must get these dresses finished for the others. I’m sure they’ll adore them,” I spoke to myself. When I opened the door, however, I was greeted by the surprised faces of two humans!

The boy was the first to break the silence. “Uhhh…”

As calmly as I could, I asked, “Who are you, and how did you get into my boutique?”

The girl seemed offended by this, as she said, “Whoa, lady, we didn’t break in, if that’s what you’re thinking. We literally just woke up here, so we have about as much knowledge as you.”

This calmed me a bit, as they weren’t thieves, at the very least. The boy spoke up. “Milady, we truly have no idea where we are, so please excuse us if we offended or scared you. Paige and I just woke up, as she said, and appear to have been separated from our friends. Any information you could give us would be most helpful.” My, what a gentlestallion he was. Or rather, gentleman, as our last human friend had phrased it.

“Separated from your friends? Do you know how this happened?” I asked.

“We don’t have much to go on, Lady…” he trailed off.

“Rarity, darling.”

“Right, Rarity. We were attending a party with our friends, when this bright light blanketed our vision. The next thing I know, I’m waking up here.”

“Hm, sounds similar to a summoning spell. Perhaps my friend Twilight called you here.”

He looked thoughtful for a moment. “Lady Rarity, could you possibly take us to meet this friend of yours?”

“Of course,” I replied. “But I never caught your names.”

“I am Rafe, member of the Castle Knights of Neathia,” the boy said, “and this is my partner, Wolfurio.” He opened his hand to reveal a small white sphere. The sphere popped open to reveal what looked like a miniature knight.

“Hello,” it greeted in an honorable male tone.

“I’m Paige,” the girl took over, “and this is my partner Boulderon. We’re members of the Gundalian Guard.”

The brown orb in her hand opened to reveal a golem-like creature. “Greetings,” it said in a slightly deeper voice than Wolfurio.

“Nice to meet all of you. Now, let’s make haste for Twilight’s home. With any luck, we’ll meet some of your friends along the way,” I told them. So we set off for the castle.


CMC Clubhouse

POV: Applebloom

We were just talking about new cutie mark ideas, when we suddenly heard arguing going on outside. Scootaloo said we should investigate, so of course I’m the one who got shoved out first. What I saw were six humans, standing right beneath our treehouse. One of them had glasses, another had a strange book, and another looked like they were from Neighpon. One of them had a fang in their mouth, two of them were wearing big fluffy robes, and one of the ones wearing robes had a mask over his face.

“Hey! Who the hay are you?” I called out. Sweetie and Scootaloo peaked out then, wondering who I was talking to.

The one in the brown robe spoke up. “Lord Spectra? I’m not losing my mind, am I?”

The one with the fang replied, “If you’re losing it, so are we.”

“Oh, cool, humans!” Scootaloo cried. Sweetie just facehooved from the lack of… tact, I think she called it later?

The masked one spoke up. “Who, and more importantly what, are you?”

“Ah’m Applebloom,” I said.

“I’m Sweetie Belle,” Sweetie replied.

“And I’m Scootaloo,” Scoots told them.

“And together, we are, THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!” we finished together.

The guy in the mask deadpanned. “That only answered one of my questions.”

“Oh, right,” Sweetie Belle said. “We’re ponies. I’m a unicorn, Scootaloo’s a pegasus, and Applebloom’s an earth pony.”

The girl in glasses sighed. “Great, stuck in a land of talking ponies.”

The guy in the mask ignored her. “Well, I suppose we should introduce ourselves.” He removed his mask. “I am Keith Clay, but while I wear my mask, the name is Spectra Phantom.”

The other guy in the coat spoke next. “I am Gus Grav, Lord Spectra’s loyal servant.”

“The name is Chan-Lee,” the Neighponese-looking girl told us.

“I am Jesse Glenn,” the boy with the book said.

“Lena Isis,” the girl with the glasses went next.

“Hey, I’m Mason Brown,” the guy with the fang said.

“Well, mah sister will probably want to know yer here, so-“I was cut off by my sister arriving with two other humans.
“Huh,” she said, “looks like we found some of yer friends.”


Ponyville Outskirts

POV: Sonata

It was a nice day, I had to admit. It had been about a year since I was released for my part in what was being called “Turnabout Storm” around Ponyville. I had since become friends with many of the residents, and had decided to live there. I was walking near the outskirts, enjoying the day, when I noticed an odd sight: a pair of humans.

As I approached, they turned and noticed me. My special talent quickly kicked in. their clothes were nothing like I had seen, so they most likely were not from the same place as Phoenix was. They seemed to have small orbs floating near them, possibly weapons or artifacts. Judging by their stance and eyes, they were used to conflicts. There also seemed to be something between them. Were they seeing each other? I decided to speak up. “Hm, not every day you see a human here.”

The boy reacted first. “Uh, Mira, is this normal on Earth now? It has been a while, but-“

“No, Ace, this is definitely not normal.” The one named Mira was obviously trying not to scream from the weirdness of it all. And judging by how Twilight said the last human here reacted when he appeared, she had every right to.

I sighed. “Listen, I’m sure you’re confused, so allow me to explain. You aren’t on Earth, or wherever it is you’re from,” I started, seeing how ‘Ace’ mentioned not being from Earth, “You’re currently in the land of Equestria, where we have unicorns and pegasi and talking ponies. My name is Sonata.”

“Well, nice to meet you, Sonata,” ‘Mira’ said. “I’m Mira, and this is Ace.”

“Hello, Sonata.” This new voice startled me. Had I missed another human? “I’m Wilda, Mira’s Guardian Bakugan.” I then was able to trace the voice to the floating orb by Mira’s shoulder. The other orb proceeded to make indiscernible noises.

“Sorry, about that, Roxtor can’t really talk.” Mira looked at me apologetically.

“Wait, what’s a Bakugan?” I asked, confused.

“Long story,” the orb next to Ace said. “I’m Percival, Ace’s Guardian.”

“Nice to meet you,” I said, though I was a bit wary. “Well, Twilight probably knows what this is all about. Follow me, and I’ll lead you to her.”

“Thank you,” Mira replied. “Lead on, then.”

Crystal Empire

Crystal Castle

POV: Cadence

I was walking by the Crystal Heart Chamber with Shining when he stopped in his tracks. “Shh,” he said, “I hear voices.” He conjured a magical spear and opened the door. As the door swung open, I saw two humans standing there! “Hey!” Shining called out, “Who are you?”

“Uh…” was all either of them said.

“Shining, relax, they’re probably freaking out inside,” I whispered to him. “Remember what Twilight said? The ponies of their world can’t talk.”

He still plowed on regardless. “How did you get in here?”

The gray-haired one was the first to shake off his surprise, likely due to the fact that a magic spear was being leveled towards him. “Hey, I know about as much as you do. One moment, I’m hanging out with my friends, the next, I’m waking up here.”

The other one quickly nodded his head. “Yeah, dude, all I remember was a bright light, and then I’m in the land of talking ponies!”

I put a hoof on Shining’s shoulder. “I think they’re telling the truth.” He reluctantly lowered the spear, but didn’t dissipate it. “Now, would you care to share your names?”

“I’m Ren Krawler,” he gray-haired boy said, then indicated a small sphere in his hand, “and, this is my partner, LInehalt.” The sphere popped open, revealing a small creature.

“Greetings, your Majesty.” The creature spoke with a battle-hardened tone. He had obviously seen combat.

“Wait, what do you mean, Linehalt?” Ren asked his partner.

“Did you not notice the crown?” he replied. Ren glanced up at my crown, then proceeded to facehoof, or whatever it was that humans did.

“Anyhow, I’m Jake, and this is Coredem!” the other boy introduced. His partner also popped open.

“Nice to meet you.” This one had a deep, wiser voice. My guess was that Jake’s partner helped keep him grounded, as he seemed a little flighty.

“I am Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, but you can just call me Cadence. The one with the spear is my husband, Prince Shining Armor.”

“Nice to meet you,” Ren replied.

Jake was the one to pose the million bit question. “So… Now what?”


Vinyl and Octavia’s House

POV: Octavia

I was getting the sheet music I needed for my next performance ready when my roommate Vinyl approached me. “Yo, ‘Tavi. I think there’s someone up in the attic.”

I sighed at Vinyl’s silliness. “Vinyl, there is nothing up there. Now then, would you be a good friend and help me get ready for tomorrow?”

I started walking towards the attic stairs, but Vinyl wouldn’t let up. “But I’m tellin’ you, ‘Tavi. I heard someone up there!”

“And I’m telling you, Vinyl, that there is nothing up there but equipment,” I replied, shaking my head at her childishness. . “But I need to grab some of said equipment for my next performance, so I will prove that there is nothing up there.”

I opened the door, and walked in. “See, Vinyl, nothing…” the words died in my throat as I took notice of the two humans in our attic.

“Whoa, cool! How’d you guys get in our attic, though?” vinyl seemed to be taking this better than the other beings in this room, myself included.

The one dressed like a noble seemed to regain his senses first. “That, I cannot answer, milady, as I have no idea myself. We just suddenly woke up here. I apologize for any intrusion we have caused. I am Klaus von Hertzen, and my friend here is Julio Santana.”

“I am Octavia Melody, and this is my roommate, Vinyl Scratch.”

“So, care to explain how the hell you’re talking?” Julio asked.

Klaus’s hand met his face at that startling lack of tact. Vinyl took it in stride, though. She was in Ponyville during the whole Ace Swift incident, so she apparently knew we’d get a reaction like that. “Yeah, you guys aren’t on Earth anymore. You’re in Equestria, and us ponies are one of the main races around here.”

“I see.” Klaus seemed to accept this.

“Well, I suppose we should head out, then,” Julio stated. “We gotta find our friends.”

“We’ll come with you!” Vinyl said. “You’ll need a guide around Canterlot.”

“Yes, I suppose they will. Let’s set out, then, Vinyl,” I sighed.


Royal Hedge Maze

POV: Discord

Ah, it would seem my little spell took effect! The Brawlers and their friend got scattered. Good, now they can socialize. Anyways, like Pinkie said, it’s been awhile, so let’s see if I can remember what Komba was saying. Oh, yes, it was, “What the heck?”

“My dear boy, it’s good to see you two are awake. Now, put the Bakugan away, and let’s chat.” I snapped my talons, and a table with tea appeared. I pulled out a seat and started pouring some tea.

“Okay…” he said, obviously wary. They still sat and took some tea.

“Now, then, you’re probably wondering where you are, who I am, and all that good stuff.” They nodded at this. “Alright, I’m Discord, Spirit of Chaos. The reason you’re separated from your friends is that while the rulers of this land were casting a summoning spell, I sprinkled a little chaos into it.” Seeing the looks on their faces, I continued. “Relax, they’re safe and sound. You’ll see them soon enough. As for where you are, welcome to Equestria, land of magical talking ponies.”

“Seriously?” Zenet said. I merely nodded.

“Now, then let’s go meet some rulers!” I declared, before teleporting us away.


Canterlot Castle

POV: Luna

After my sister greeted them, the humans merely stared. The Gundalian was the first to regain his composure. “Thank you for the welcome, but would you please explain how we got here?”

“A good question,” I replied. “We summoned you here, as evil forces from your word have invaded ours. We needed someone of equal strength to face them.”

“As for your friends,” Celestia continued, “do not worry. They were scattered due to a certain ‘friend’ of ours interfering with our spell, but they should be in no danger.”

“Very well then,” the Gundalian finally said. “I suppose we should introduce ourselves. I am Nurzak, Prime Minister of Gundalia, and this is my partner Sabator.” He then indicated his Bakugan.

“Hello,” the Subterra bull stated briefly.

“I am Commander Elright,” the older Neathian said. “My partner seems to have been sent with another of our friends.”

The younger Neathian spoke up. “I’m Linus, member of the Castle Knights, and this is my partner Rubanoid.”

“Greetings,” the Pyrus dragon said.

“I’m Gunz Lazar,” the human stated, “and this is Reptak.”

“Nice to meet you,” the Haos Bakugan told us.

“I am Princess Celestia, and this is my sister, Princess Luna. We are the rulers of this land,” my sister greeted.

“Good to meet you, Princesses.” Nurzak said. And then Discord appeared and ruined the quiet.

“It’s Discord time!”


Someplace near Manehattan

POV: ???

“You sure this is the right place?” I asked my friend.

“Positive. This is where Sombra’s major strike will take place. And where we’ll need to save Dan’s butt.”

“If you’re certain,” I said. I then placed my mask back on, deactivated the communicator, and walked back into the woods.