//------------------------------// // Empty Land // Story: The Ancient Heart of the Everwood Dragon // by Grey Faerie //------------------------------// Spike happily bounced in his seat. He was off on an adventure! He and the girls were all walking from the train station. Twilight grumped a little as he was bouncing on her back. They had reached the outskirts of Fillydephia and were on their way to the farm land. The long road was a wide stone path big enough for at least four carts side by side to go along its course through the forest. The green forest trees hung off to the side over the shallow ditch that curved along the road for run off water. The smell of the air was fresh and clear with insects buzzing in the air. The trees offered shade by the road and some ponies did stop to take a break. Twilight levitated the map. The next turn off was only a few minutes away. It was a smaller road, only two carts wide, running close to the forest. The stone gradually turned to dirt marked up by wheels from the times carts passed through on rainy days. The forest soon parted and continued to run full to the right side. The left opened to flat fields of new wheat and other grain. They walked along the path branching off toward town. The fields swayed in the wind with hints of a hat here and there. The farm ponies stopped to look at them so Applejack gave a tip of the hat. The town appeared over the flat land in short time but they still had to walk a while until they finally arrived. It was small and wooden with dirt streets. Overall, it was very simple. It reminded Twilight of Appleloosa, only with more greenery. It was very quiet. The townsponies darted to alleyways and hung in doorways. As the girls came to the town's center they came to a somber scene. Many coffins sat off the side of the road, being inspected by a woodworker. Some of them were foal sized. "Princess Twilight! Vat an honor zis is." A grey earth pony in light armor walked up to them. His short purple hair hung over blue eyes that stared at the rest of them. "Hello, are you Helden Guard, the one who wrote to me?" "Yes I am. You even remembered my name." He gave a small bow. "But vee don't have much time for pleasantries. Come with me to the main hall." She nodded and they all followed him. Pinkie kept staring at the coffins. She turned to Fluttershy and whispered, "Do you think there has been more attacks? Or are they just getting ready to be massacred?" Fluttershy's eyes widened and she could only shake her head. The inside of the Town's main hall was filled with tables and maps. The workers looked up as they entered. One pony ran forward and grabbed Twilight's hoof. "Oh, thank Celestia, you've come! We've been so overwhelmed by this thing." Helden pulled him away and held an arm out between them. "Lit! Mind your manners. I'm sorry Princess. Zis is zee mayor, Pol Lit. Vee've all been on edge lately." "It's okay. I saw the coffins." Twilight rubbed her hoof. "Vee've had anozer attack. Two more vere killed. Zee forest around the new field land has been acting very strange. Zee two vere civilians zat had vandered over to take a look. Zee fines had pulled zem apart." "Eep!" Lit shook. "Zee vines and trees have been on the move. Zey're coming toward the town." "Do you know anything about what we're dealing with? Your letter wasn't very clear." Helden sighed. "Vee don't know. Zee survivors veren't very coherent ven vee got to zem. It sounds like some sort of forest wraith. Zey all agreed it looked like a tree." "Where are the survivors? I might want to talk to them." Twilight looked around at the hall. "Zey'll at the hospital. But you'll have time later. For now, vee've got to show you where the attacks vere." Helden nodded his head to the side. Twilight nodded and they walked over to a table with a large map on it. "It vas here about 10 miles out of town. Vee had been slowly clearing land and zis vas the latest point." Helden pointed out a circled part on the map. "There isn't any protection on it," Lit started. "It's not noted as a preserve or dangerous land. We had been given it a few years ago for new farm land by the city council of Fillydephia. We did have some backlash from those that didn't want the land razed and that's why we thought it was renegades. We weren't prepared for anything else." "Okay, well, we're going to have to see this place. I brought along some of my books and have been trying to look up what's been sited. But so far, nothing comes up. It's either something new or never seen before." Twilight still had the luggage with her at the time. Her books could be seen poking out of a bag. "Never seen! How are we suppose to defeat it then?" Lit panicked. "Don't ya worry. We've been up against worse things." Applejack put a hoof on his shoulder. "Hmm, can I take this map? I want to see if it correlates with any other know sightings of strange creatures." "Oh, yes, of course. Anyzing you need Princess." Helden nodded. "Can we go see the survivors now too? If there isn't anything else." "Yes, I'll take you," Helden said. "Um, excuse me," Fluttershy said. They looked at her. "Can I go out later, with some pony of course, to near the site? I want to see if I can get any answers from the animals." "That's brilliant Flutters! I'll come with you too," Rarity said. "I'll come as well. You might need some muscle," Applejack added. "How about we split up then?" Rainbow Dash asked. "I don't like the idea of splitting up so soon," Twilight said. "Maybe after we visit the hospital and settle in." "Yeah! And we've got to leave little Spikey somewhere." Pinkie said. "You're right! I totally forgot." "Aww, but I wanted to come." Spike crossed his arms. "No." Twilight turned to the guard pony. "Helden, can you take Spike to the hotel for me? And maybe have someone take the bags as well." "Uhhhh." Spike complained. Helden chuckled, "He can stay vith me if you don't mind. I am going on my rounds in a moment. Guard Den! Get Outer and take these bags to the inn." "That sounds fine," Twilight said. Spike gave a whoop and ran to Helden's side. The girls followed Helden and Spike as they walked to the hospital. It was a simple wooden building that had been painted white. Helden greeted the mare at the front then turned to the girls. "Nurse Lightwind vill take you zere." "Okay, thanks. I'll see you later, Spike." Twilight hugged him and they all said good bye. Spike still moped as he and Helden Guard walked out of the building. He kicked at the dirt. "I wanted to go with them." "It's not so bad. Zere's a time and place for everyone." Spike crossed his arms. Helden looked around then smiled. "Do you vant to learn somezing cool?" Spike's eyes widen. He nodded excitedly. "Come along zen." "Hold it closer to your mouth. Yes, like zat." Helden said. He had taken Spike with him to the archery range. Spike was given a very real, but child sized bow. After Helden showed him what to do, Spike got into position with his arm pulling back the string. He looked along the shaft of the arrow towards the target. He breathed out and let his fingers loosen. The arrow hit right near the red center. "Brilliant! Your sight is very good." Spike gave a whoop and danced around. "Now zat you have zat down, you can come vith me on my rounds." "Really?" "Yes. Now come along." Spike walked with Helden around the town. He felt so cool! He had a quiver and bow on his back. He was even given a vest with the sheriff logo on it. "This is so great! I never get to do anything." "You are very young." "I'm not that young! Sometimes I feel more mature than Twilight when she's being all crazy again." Spike spun his finger in a circle by his head and stuck out his tongue. Helden smiled in amusement. "You are still young enough. You do not need zee pressures of adulthood on you just yet." "But I want pressures. I want responsibility." Spike threw up his arms. "They all see me as just a baby. When are they suppose to see me as a teenager or just older?" He put his hands on his hips. "Hmm, I don't know. How old are you as a dragon? How do dragons age?" Helden tilted his head at the young dragon. Spike tapped his lip. "Well, I don't know. I did go through this one growth spurt and got all big like an adult but that was only because of greed." "Do you need greed to grow up? And if zat's zee case, if you never fulfill your greed, vill you stay small?" "I... I don't know. I don't want that. It didn't feel right." Spike's face went grey at the thought of the greed growth. "I'm sorry about zat." Helden nodded to a market vendor then turned back to the dragon. "Vat do you do for zee Princess?" "Oh, I'm her number one assistant! I help out in the library and hang out with her. I'm always cleaning up her mess after she gets study crazy." Spike laughed. "Zat sounds nice." The market place was very quiet compared to Ponyville. Glistering in the sun light, Spike smiled at some wind chimes. The ponies gave them no attention either which Spike found a little odd. Everyone was so friendly in Ponyville! But here, they gave them as much of a glance before moving back to their business. Spike looked up at Helden Guard. He didn't seem to mind or even notice. "Yeah, I live with her. She's like my big sis." He shrugged. "We used live in Canterlot. I've lived with Princess Celestia too. She was like my mom but also like my boss. Kinda like how it's with Twilight. Twilight used to visit all the time until I was old enough to live with her." Spike smiled up at the guard pony. "Zat sounds exciting. Do you miss zee castle?" Helden looked at Spike. "Hmm, I don't think so." He shook his head. "I am used to the big place with all the fancy carpets and nobles. But, I don't exactly miss it. I think I mostly miss the library. We used to live there in the formal servant's quarters." Spike chuckled a little. "We live in the library in Ponyville now. I think I miss the gardens as well. They were so cool." "Wonderful. You must be very smart." "Oh, you know it, comes with the territory. Hey, can I learn some sword work later?" Spike's eyes brightened. "Maybe, if you listen to me and be good all day." Helden smirked. "Yes!"