//------------------------------// // Spa Day // Story: The Girls of My Life // by Wildcard25 //------------------------------// It was Tuesday afternoon at Canterlot Junior High, inside the boys locker room, Spike, his pals, and the rest of the boys from P.E were showering off their sweat from class. "Today was some workout, huh, guys?" Spike asked, as the water poured on his head. "No kidding," Snails agreed, "I thought Coach Iron Will was gonna make us run until our feet fell off." "It felt like mine fell off." Snips said, as he lathered soap under his pits. "If he made me do anymore pushups my arms would've snapped." Featherweight said, as he gripped his right arm. "Thank God, classes are almost over." Pip added. "So what're you guys going to do after today?" Spike asked. "I gotta go over some new reports and stories for our next paper issue." Featherweight answered. "And I got a quiz to study for." Pip added. "And Snips and I have to head home and get caught up on our own work. If we fall behind our folks are gonna ban us from seeing each other for a month." Snails explained, as they started drying off. "Ouch." Spike replied. "What about you?" Pip asked. "Actually on my way to school today Rarity and Fluttershy invited me to go with them someplace real special." he explained. The boys turned to him, as Featherweight spoke, "Special, how special?" "They didn't say. They always like to be vague when explaining. Probably just their way of making sure I don't say no." "Next time you ought to say no unless they tell you." Snips suggested. "Thought about doing that once, but then I realized they might turn it around on me." "How?" Snails asked. "They might play their mind games on me and force me into following their lead. Trust me, there have been times where I've tried resisting, but they always find a way to lure me into joining them or doing stuff they need me for. While some of the things they get me to do were embarrassing, some of them still proved to be enjoyable." Spike explained as he finished getting dressed. "What kind of things?" Pip asked, as they leaned in. "I've said too much." Spike said, before heading out of the locker room. "Hey, don't tell us something possibly juicy and run away!" Snips called, as the boys finished getting dressed and tried to go after him. After school, Spike exited the building and saw Rarity and Fluttershy at the bottom of the stairs waiting. Spike came down, and Rarity greeted him, "How are you, sweetie?" "I'm doing good. And you girls?" he asked. "We're doing fine." Fluttershy answered. "So are you all set to see what we got in store for you?" Rarity inquired. "I'm ready as I'll ever be." he answered, still wondering what they have in store. "Then let's be going." Rarity said, as she and Fluttershy escorted him off while walking hand in hand with him. So the three were walking through the city before they stopped in front of a place known as Paradise Spa, "Paradise Spa, isn't this the place where the both of you go at least once a week?" "That's right." Fluttershy confirmed. "And you're bringing me here because?" Spike asked. "Because we feel you should deserve a chance to experience the joys of relaxing at a spa." Rarity explained. "Won't I look out of place here because I'm a guy?" "Spike, since when has there ever been a law that men can't enjoy a day at a spa?" Rarity asked rhetorically. "Well, never." he admitted. "Exactly, and don't worry you'll be fine. The workers here are professionals at their jobs." Rarity assured him. "Well, you've never given me a reason to think otherwise. So, I guess I'll join you." Spike said. "Thank you, Spike." Fluttershy smiled. "Well, let's go in." Rarity said, as the three entered. The three entered, as Spike looked around it was just like a spa should be with massage tables, a sauna, a jacuzzi, tanning beds, mud baths, the works. "So this is a spa?" Spike said in wonder. "Hold your excitement until the work begins." Rarity instructed. Suddenly two women approached them. The first had pale rose colored hair and azure eyes. Her outfit was composed of work shoes, tan pants, a cerulean blouse, and a white apron over it with a lotus blossom image on it. The second woman had the same eye color as the first one and cerulean colored hair. Her attire also included dress shoes and tan pants, while she wore a pale rose colored blouse, with a apron with the same lotus symbol on it. "Rarity, Fluttershy, wonderful to see you two." The rose haired woman greeted the two in an Eastern European accent. "Good to see you too, Lotus, and you as well Aloe." Fluttershy greeted the two. The women known as Lotus and Aloe suddenly saw Spike and looked enamored, "Ooh, and who is your gentleman caller here?" Aloe asked. "Girls, this is our friend Spike. Spike, we'd like you to meet Lotus Blossom and Aloe." Rarity introduced them. "Nice to meet you two." Spike shook their hands. "Please, the pleasure is all ours, Spike." Lotus greeted him. "We didn't expect our two favorite customers to be bringing a boy with them today. And a younger one at that." Aloe added. "Young and cute too." Lotus said, as Spike looked ready to blush. "Today we'll have the usual, please." Rarity requested. "Of course, come right this way." Lotus said, as she and Aloe led the three over. In a changing room, Spike had put his clothes into a basket on a rack while he stood waist clad in a towel, 'Oh, man, I'm at a spa with Rarity and Fluttershy. And I'm about to undergo a spa treatment. I don't know how this will affect my looks or my body itself. But I may as well try and enjoy it.' he stepped out of the changing area and awaited for Rarity and Fluttershy. Soon enough the two stepped out of the women's changing room with their whole bodies wrapped in towels. Spike's eyes nearly bulged out seeing how the towels wrapped around the girls perfect frames, while knowing underneath those towels were what he and his friends considered 'the secrets of the universe'. He thought to himself, 'Holy snap, they look hot in those towels,' suddenly he felt funny below the waist. When he realized what was happening to him, he desperately thought, 'Stop that! Don't think of them. Think of other things! Football! Cold showers! Football! Cold showers! Granny Smith naked on a cold day! Granny Smith naked on a cold day! Oh my God, now I've got that image scarred in my head! I need that part lobotomized ASAP!' he mentally screamed. The girls seeing his discomfort looked concerned, "Spike, are you ok?" Fluttershy asked, snapping him out of his thoughts. "Fine! I'm fine. Just never been like this in near public." he motioned to his towel wrapped state. "We know it may seem uncomfortable to you, but don't worry there's nothing to be ashamed of." Rarity assured him. "Ms. Rarity, the jacuzzi is ready for you and your friends." Lotus said. "Wonderful." Rarity smiled. So the three walked up on the deck before they each stepped into the bubbling water. When Spike entered he gasped a bit before getting used to the soothing warm water, before sitting down in it in between the girls. "It's nice isn't it?" Rarity asked him. "This is so good." Spike sighed, as he was up to his neck in the water. "We always start things off with a nice soak in the jacuzzi to soothe our bodies." Fluttershy explained, as she relaxed with her arms resting on the rim of the tub. "When I get a place of my own I should get me one of these." Spike said, as he continued to relax. "If you did that we may never want to leave." Rarity teased, as the three laughed. Soon they were brought out of the tub and were ready for some more treatment. Rarity and Fluttershy were in robes, while sitting in seats as some workers were giving them manicures and pedicures, while reading from magazines. Spike however was once again waist wrapped in a fresh towel, while lying on top of a massage table as Lotus and Aloe were giving his back and the back of his legs a massage. Spike moaned, as they worked, "Oh, yeah. That's the spot all right. Right there." "You sound like you're really enjoying the treatment, Spike." Lotus said. "Oh, I am. I don't think I've ever felt this loosen up in my life." he admitted. The two women smiled, as Aloe spoke, "So how long have you known Ms. Rarity and Ms. Fluttershy?" "I've known them since we were kids." "Really?" they asked. "Oh, yeah. I moved here to Canterlot at age eight, and those two were some of my new neighbors. Them and four more of their friends became my new friends. We did just about everything together. If not for them I probably would've ended up a loner." "You made good friends, Spike." Lotus said. "Indeed. Ms. Rarity and Ms. Fluttershy are two of the nicest customers we've ever had here." Aloe added. "Yeah, that's them for you," Spike smiled as he continued to enjoy his massage, until he felt a pinch, "Hey!" "So sorry, Spike, but your skin feels so soft and lovely," Lotus explained, while Spike was unaware of her and Aloe blushing as they laid their hands on his back, "And you have such great muscle tone." "Do you work out?" Aloe inquired. "Not unless you count Phys. Ed." he replied. "Well, you are certainly quite the fit young man." Lotus said. "Oh, go on." "We mean it, if you continue to keep your body in shape like this we think by junior year of high school if not earlier you'll be such a catch." Aloe said. "Believe me, I already know how that feels." he said. "Then does that mean you are already the object of affection?" Lotus wondered. "Yeah, to Rarity, Fluttershy, and my four other childhood friends." "That is very impressive." Aloe admitted. "I know, but we've been friends for years, and these new feelings I'm getting for them is really messing with my head." "It's only natural," Aloe answered, "They're all your friends and you're afraid of hurting them the more they try to gain your attention." "Exactly. Plus I'm starting to attract other girls as well. And my friends are really turning overprotective of me." "They really must like you." Aloe said, as she and Lotus were surprised. "Don't I know it?" Later, all three friends were getting facials with their faces covered in mud masks and cucumbers over their eyes, "Is this really good for the skin?" Spike asked as he laid his head back. "This is Lotus and Aloe's own mixture and it works like a charm." Rarity explained. "She's right. Wearing this has made our skin feel so much better." Fluttershy added. "Hope it works the same for me." Spike said. "Ok, you three, it time to rinse them off." Aloe said, as she and Lotus took each of the three over to separate sinks. They removed the cucumbers and stuck their faces into steaming water. They lifted their heads up and looked in the mirrors seeing how much clear and smooth their faces looked. Spike looked at his reflection in shock. He face looked clearer, smoother, and softer, "Whoa, is that really my face?" "It sure is." Lotus smiled. "Wow, I don't think I've ever felt this soft before." he laid a hand on his cheek. "We told you it works like a charm." Rarity reminded him. Spike smiled, "Coming here was definitely a good idea." Afterward, the three were back in their clothes as the two spa women were ready to see them leave, "Thank you so much, Lotus and Aloe." Rarity thanked them. "As always we're very grateful." Fluttershy added. "Our pleasure." Lotus answered. "And I've never felt so good in my life. So a big thanks to you two." Spike thanked them. "You're very welcome, Spike," Aloe answered, "Lotus and I hope hope we can see you around more often." Spike looked intrigued, "I may just have to start coming here more often if I need some work on me." "And we would be more than delighted to work with you again." Lotus replied. The three took their leave, and outside Spike spoke to his friends, "Thanks for bringing me here, girls. That really did me some good." "We're glad to see you enjoyed it so much." Rarity replied. "And did you mean it when you said you may have to come here more often?" Fluttershy asked. "I did. It made me feel like a fresh new me." He answered. "Well, if you ever want to join us, please let us know." Rarity said. "Will do. Now why don't we grab a quick bite and head home?" Spike suggested. "Sounds good." Fluttershy nodded. "Then let's go, ladies." Spike said, as he walked hand in hand with the two.