//------------------------------// // What happened? // Story: Snow of the Soul // by BloodSweatAndTea //------------------------------// "Hey! Ever heard of asking?" Said Snowflake, annoyed. "Ever heard of knocking?" Retaliated a blue pegasus. "Fair point." Said Snowflake, nodding her head. "We're so sorry, we didn't recognise you, and presumed you weren't from around here." Apologized a purple Alicorn. "Oh, so this is how you welcome folk? By kidnapping them?" Said Snowflake sarcastically. "Do you even know what's going on out there?! You could have died!" Yelled the blue pegasus. "Well, there was a pretty bad earthquake, but that's about the extent of it." Said Gigglebox. "Oh, no!" A butter coloured pegasus gasped, "They don't know!" "Don't know what?!" Demanded Snowflake, her patience nearing it's end. The purple Alicorn merely sighed, and gave the pair a huge book, using her magic to flip it to the right page. ~*~ The Frostwind is a vast collection of souls, that have gone through some sort of trauma in their lives. It generally appears when it see's fit. It can generally be credited for most natural disasters if it is around at the time. The ways of the Frostwind are very peculiar. Although the souls have been consumed by hate, it appears to warn other ponies that have gone through, or currently going through, the same trauma as them. The only way this can happen, however, is to have a pony with magic abilities that is able to cast the spell*. What happens to the pony in question, however, is unknown, since the ponies that had gone through this experience have chosen to not tell anypony. *if travelling in a group, anypony can be taken, not just the pony that cast the spell. ~*~ "So, we've all basically got issues?" Asked Snowflake, looking up. "You... could put it like that." Said a British-sounding unicorn. Snowflake couldn't help but clap her hooves in joy at her accent. Gigglebox had suddenly gone very pale. He thought it would go unnoticed, but no. Not today. Because it didn't matter what he did, karma was never on his side. And life always had to screw him over one more time. "Hey, is something up?" Asked Snowflake, genuinely concerned. "No, no, it's fine." He said Dismissively, sounding considerably less hyper than usual. "If you say so." Said Snowflake, shrugging as she walked away. For once, he was actually glad that he had met somepony who cared as little as Snowflake did. ~*~ What started out as a fun camp had steadily escalated to a living hell. Snowflake was up at the front with a pink mare, working their way through every song known to ponykind (and a few more), while everypony else was whining about how hungry they were. "Look, if we stop here, will it make them shut up?" Asked the blue pegasus mare. "Probably not, but it's worth a shot." Replied an orange one. "Wait, we're stopping for food?!" Asked Snowflake, utterly ecstatic. "Well, look at that, it actually worked. " said the orange mare, a tint of disbelief in her voice. "And I've got a tent!" She said, still ecstatic. "Snow...flake," Gigglebox finished quickly, remembering her threat from earlier, "We all picked up tents before we left." "So? I've got my own, and that's awesome." She replied, putting it up, "And unless anyone else has something to say on my tent, I'm going into my tent to eat." Once she was (presumably) out of earshot, the blue pegasus mare asked Gigglebox, "Why does she have a tent again?" "She was going to some hippie festival, and it obviously required a tent." He replied. "IT'S NOT A HIPPIE FESTIVAL!" ~*~ Snowflake woke up in the very early hours of the morning, for no reason she could explain. She could hear something, very faintly, but it couldn't be what she thought it was... not without any rational explanation... She poked her head out her tent, to be once again proved wrong by the truth. It definitely was what she thought, no questioning about it. She attempted to follow the noise, but with no light, she couldn't see what she was doing, making her usually clumsy self trip over a lot more than usual. She eventually found it, and the source of it really did surprise her. She didn't have the best night vision, but it had to be... "Gigglebox?!" She said in a loud whisper, startled by what she'd found. A pair of equally startled, teary blue eyes looked at her, confirming her worst fears. "Are you okay? Do you ne-" "Don't talk to me." He said darkly, looking away from her. "All I asked was-" She started, a touch of annoyance in her voice, but she was promptly interrupted by Gigglebox. "Don't talk to me! What is it?! Do you think I'm weak? Defenceless? It wouldn't be news to me! Why don't you just go back to your perfect little world, where everything is just so?! Because the real world clearly isn't one you're used to!" He said, his voice full of anguish. "Fine!" She said, loosing her patience with him, "I will! And I'll be sure to send you daily reports on how un-perfect it is! And do you know why? Because there is nothing perfect about this world! So, sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm very well acquainted with the real world! And I'm willing to bet anything that anything I've seen makes your life look like sunshine and rainbows!" She said, before storming of to her tent. Gigglebox didn't want to admit it to anyone, even less so himself, but Snowflake was pretty terrifying when she was angry.