//------------------------------// // Welcome Party // Story: A Three Foal Wish // by Seeking Dusk //------------------------------// ~Proud~ It would probably help to explain that they weren’t much time between the lights coming to life and the yells of those who came to the party. And foals are rather easily startled. Each brother reacted differently as both the yell and burst of confetti washed over them. Flare jumped in brief span of time it took the flood of hormones that pegasus were prone to in stressful situations to tense his muscles, causing him to topple over with a curious bleat before the he relaxed enough to move again, scrabbling a bit as he got his hooves under him. Silver yelped and grabbed the closest thing to him, which happened to be Pure Rain’s foreleg, in his surprise. When he realized what he was doing a moment later, a flush overtook his features as he hastily let go and tried to act as if he hadn’t been clinging to his guardian. Proud handled it the best out of the three of them; even if he did yelp and jump back a bit, closing his eyes in panic. “Wait…” Proud said, and the ponies in the room kept laughing and cheering. He looked up at the banner and gave his aunt a wide grin. “Is this a party? A party for us?” “Yes indeedily!” another pony interjected, bouncing up from the crowd with a wide grin on her face. “Hi Colts! I’m Pinkie Pie, Ponyville’s number one party pony! Pure Rain mentioned she was going to be taking care of her nephews for a while, so I convinced her let me host a Welcome to Ponyville Party for you three!” Proud and his brothers exchanged happy grins. They were getting a Pinkie Party! An actual Pinkie Party hosted by Pinkie herself. That was typically an item near the top of the wish-list of any real fan of the show. “One I considered calling off when I heard they were breaking the curfew I set,” Pure Rain said blandly, stepping pass her wards, cutting through the giddiness that had built. “What! Why?” Silver asked. “No!” Proud wailed. “But the party…” Flare said, whimpering slightly. “Don’t be a kill joy,” Pinkie giggled, gathering the three foals in a big hug. She beamed at them, and whispered something in their ears. “Let them have their fun.” Following Pinkie’s whispered instruction, the brothers turned their best pitiful, pleading eyes on their aunt. Three sets of wide watering eyes; blue, green and light pink pinned her. “Please?” Pure Rain twitched slightly under the three fold assault from the colts. “I said ‘considered’, not decided,” Pure Rain said after a moment. “Go mingle. Pinkie Pie invited a few of our neighbours and foals around your age. Go play with them.” “Yay!” Proud said happily, breaking the pitiful look in an instant. He started bouncing on his feet again, ever the excitable one. He gestured at his brothers as he darted off. “Come on, before she changes her mind!” “Wait up,” Silver complained from behind him. “I think I hurt my eyes doing that…” ---------- Pinkie did a good job of setting up the party. It was a small group, since most people knew about Pure Rain’s preference for privacy and didn’t want to intrude, even if it was for a party, and apparently because of another celebration that was coming up in a day or two. Even so; the brother’s split up pretty quickly, Flare going for the snack table, wanting to try some of Pinkie’s creations, Silver wandering off to try and figure out what was so fascinating about Pin the Tail on the Pony. Proud wanted to learn more about the people, and maybe find someone who could help them. Of the adults in the room, there were a few he recognized. Time Turner and Derpy, the town’s clock maker and one of the mailmares, both lived nearby. Thunderlane, one of the weather ponies, lived with his brother in the house behind theirs. He met a few other adults before finally surrendering to the urges to explore the other benefits of the party. Like the snack table and the games. He didn’t expect to find Silver cornered by four fillies, all grinning and plying him with questions. “Proud!” Silver said, looking desperate when he spotted his brother. Breaking away from the group, he hurried over to Proud. “You gotta distract them! I just wanted some cake. They won’t stop asking me questions” Proud rolled his eyes. "Oh very well. I will brave the relentless question bombardment! If this shall be the last we meet, avenge my terrible death!" Proud deliberately over-reacting; hoof on his head as though he was about to swoon. “Shut up. Being an ass is my job,” Silver scowled at him. Fortunately, Donnie K. Donkey, the city labourer who lived at the end of the street, had the late shift and was unable to make it to the party. "Flee, little brother! I'll hold them off as long as I can! Get yourself to safety posthaste!" Proud went on, grinning from ear to ear. "Tell mother and father dearest that I loved them!" "Every now and again you make me regret forcing you to go to the acting club with me," Silver said, jabbing Proud with a hoof. "This is-" "Silver~" one of the fillies called as the four of them started over. "You never finished talking to us!" "Thy bravery is without par, brother of mine! May my hooves be swift as I ferry thy last words to our kin!" Silver said quickly, his eyes shrinking to pinpoints. "You're on your own!" With that he darted off, ducking between the legs of some adults, a few yelps and cries of surprise marking his flight. Proud cleared his throat and turned as he smiled trying to play it smooth. "Ladies?" "Hi," the smallest one, a pale purple unicorn with blonde maned and eyes almost the same colour, said cheerfully, "I'm Dinky Doo. You were talking to my mom. Your brother's kinda silly, isn't he?" "You don't know the half of it," Proud said. "Always running off rather than talking to a girl. It's like he's allergic or something. And your mom... That's Derpy, right?" "Yep," Dinky said, smiling. "These are my best friends. Liza Doolots, Berry Pinch and her sister Coronet." Dinky introduced the light blue lavender maned unicorn with a horse shoe cutie mark, and the two sisters, a cutie mark-less unicorn with light green eyes and an orange eyed earth pony with a gold crown for a cutie mark, both pale rose with dark and light rose streaked manes. All four had the same mane and tail cut for some reason. "Nice to meet you! My name's Proud Defender. Oldest of the bunch." He stuck his hoof out reflexively in a handshake. "I'm her cousin, actually," Liza said, touching hooves with him. She giggled. "Your brother looked like he saw the headless horse when we started to talk to him. He ran off though, where's the other one? The pegasus colt with the big wings. Dinky's big sister said we should meet all of you before we left, and Pinkie said to make you all feel right at home." "Like I said, allergic to fillies. Fillitis. Had it since he was young." Proud shook his head, though smiling the whole time. "Tragic really. As for Flare, I dunno. I suppose we could look for him while I answer anything you want to know." Because it was a small party, it didn't take long to find everyone again. Silver had taken refugee with Flare, finding the antidote to his Fillitis reaction in the form of a Colt-tering shot; he and flare were chatting with a few colts, introduced as Rumble, Thunderlane's little brother, Chip Mint, another pegasus who spent his time between Ponyville and Cloudsdale, and the earth ponies Button Mash, who was apparently forced to come against his will, Caramel Coffee and Green Daze. Proud's group joined them. The colts had pretty much commandeered the snack table for their gathering, so it was no contest, really. Their conversation mostly centered about what sort of stuff they used to do back in Vanhoover and how it compared to the things you could do in Ponyville. Rumble offered to try and get his brother to let Flare come to the flying lessons with him. Button Mash got out of his shell when he realized Proud loved games as almost as much as he did, and it took a good hit from Silver to snap the two out of their debate on the best tactics for an arcade game. Silver hid on the far side of the group and cast suspicious looks at the fillies when he thought no one was looking and tried to put hot sauce on their cupcakes. "So did you know Princess Celestia was coming to Ponyville for this year's Summer Sun Celebration before you moved?" Coronet asked, throwing her hot sauce tainted cupcake at Silver with surprising accuracy. "Ponyfeathers! My eye!" Silver wailed. "It's the same one I strained looking cute earlier too!" "Princess Celestia is coming here?" Flare asked, looking slightly panicked. Button Mash tried to help Silver. "Don't worry! I have juice!" he said before unceremoniously splashing two cup’s worth of punch in Silver's face. "Yep!" Dinky said, excited. "Time Turner said it's one of the reason's this party is so small. Everypony is busy getting the town ready for her coming." "GAH! That didn't help!" Silver yelped, now dripping with punch, glaring at Button, one eye slowly turning red. "It didn't? It always works in the comics," Button said. "My mom's been super busy making her special punch for the day," Berry added, looking at Silver and Button with confusion. She pointed a hoof at them. "Are those two going to be fine?" "Of course they will," Proud said, flicking his tail. "So... what do you do for the Summer Sun Celebration? I've never been to one." "You've never been to a Summer Sun Celebration?" Green Daze asked, eyes widening. Since Silver was busy tousling with Button, trying to wrest the cup from him so he could hit him over the head with it, or something equally vengeful, Flare covered for Proud this time. "Um, not in Ponyville. Would it be different from the ones we had in Vanhoover?" "I dunno what you did up in Vanhoover," Carmel said, a lazy smile on his face and his words measured. "But here in town, everypony gets to stay up till sunrise. It's the only night a'the year when your folks won't force you to go to sleep early." "That does sound fun!" Flare said. The party didn't last much longer after that point, since it was for the foals, mostly, it wasn't slated to go late anyway. Pinkie thanked people for showing up as they left to get to their own homes, and parents and guardians collected their young ones. "It was nice meeting you!" Dinky said as Derpy and Time Turner joined those leaving, Liza already making her way after them. "It was fun," Button said happily, his propeller hat askew and splashed with punch, before running off to his mother. "We should get together for some Joyboy gaming sometime!" Proud called, waving his hoof. "See you around town," Berry Pinch added. "I'll tell you what Thunderlane says tomorrow," Rumble told Flare. "I think he'd say yes though." "Awesome!" Flare said, his wings flapping happily. Silver tried to keep up the appearance of nonchalance. "Yeah, well, it was cool." "Hope you get over your fillitis," Coronet teased. She darted in and hugged Silver before running off, laughing at his yelp. And that wrapped up their first Pinkie Party. Pure Rain wasn't at all thrilled with the amount of clean up left, even if Pinkie had taken a good portion of the decorations with her. She sighed and got the broom from the closet. "You three can put what's left of the party snacks in the kitchen then go wash up for bed. It's late." "But the summer sun celebration!" Proud whimpered. "We get to stay up all night!" Some faint memories triggered in Proud, his alternate side. He needed to talk to Celestia... For some reason, but it just wouldn't come to him. "It's not the summer sun celebration yet, young stallion," Pure Rain said firmly, setting aside the broom so she could properly address them. "Not till tomorrow. And if you want to stay up all night, you need to get your sleep tonight. And take a shower Silver. Your coat will get sticky and smell if you let that mess set. And make sure you wash your eye out. Celestia knows how you managed to get hot sauce in it." Silver groaned, but cooperated. He didn't exactly enjoy the feeling of a juice soaked coat. Button hadn't learned that his punch idea wasn't working until Silver hit him after he tried a fifth cup.. He muttered some things under his breath and tried not to drip on the rug. "I'm also taking a bit from your allowance and putting it in the jar your mother sent," she added, giving him a stern look. "I heard you swearing with those foals." "WHAT!" Silver demanded. "Shower. Now." Pure Rain wasn't taking lip from him. Silver wilted again and galloped off. Proud watched him run and chuckled. Still, he tried again. “But do we have to go to bed now? It’s not that late yet.” “It will be by the time you are ready.” She looked over at the snack table and sighed. “Silver left without helping you two with the table.” At least the sound of running water came from above them, so he was doing something he was told to. Flare and Proud got started on the table without him. “Flare, hold still for a minute,” Proud said, looking at the things they had to carry. “Huh? Why?” Flare asked, even as he did what his brother asked. Using his teeth, Proud carefully picked up one of the larger trays and maneuvered it slowly, setting it on Flare’s back. “Wait! How am I supposed to carry this?” Flare yelped, suddenly fearful that he would drop everything. “Use your wings to balance it,” Proud said before he grabbed a smaller tray in his mouth and carried it into the kitchen. Most of the food from the party has been eaten, so there wasn’t actually a lot of stuff to put away, so it didn’t take them long to finish. They ran upstairs before their aunt found something more for them to do. “It’s too early to go to bed,” Proud complained, the habits form the human side of the memories rebelling at the idea of sleeping at eight o’clock. If his foal body was tired, he was doing his best to ignore whatever signals it was sending. “I don’t know if I could fall asleep,” Flare sighed. “Fillitus?” Proud shrugged and pushed the bathroom door open. "Or just... everything. Being a rebellious colt. I dunno. Could be going through puberty earlier than us." “Hey!” There was a flurry of movement, the rustle of fabric and a thud. “Don’t you ever knock?” Silver demanded, trying to cover himself with a fluffy towel. “Oh! Sorry,” Proud said quickly, beginning to pull the door back. He stopped and pushed it back open when a thought occurred to him. “Hey! We don’t ever wear clothes!” “Um… well…” That one stumped Silver, but only for a moment. “It’s the principle,” he glared at them, getting back to toweling himself dry. “If you say so,” Flare said, giving another wing shrug. He looked up at the sink and counter. It was a lovely vanity; a wide counter of some blue stone, brass looking fixtures, a large mirror, cupboards mounted on the wall, all set just slightly higher than any of them could easily reach. “Right…,” Flare sighed, his wings dropping slightly, “foal…” Proud looked around the bathroom and spotted a bench set in the corner. “Eureka!” he declared, and quickly set about pushing it into position by the vanity. “Step stool!” He hopped up on it, the added height enabling to reach all he needed to. The countertop was pretty bare, aside from a dish with a bar of soap and a few face towels to dry hooves on. He looked around, trying to figure out where the toothbrushes would be as Flare hopped up and joined him. “Auntie!” Proud yelled, Flare tumbling off when he jolted in surprise at the sudden yell. “Where can we find toothbrushes!” “In the cupboard!” their aunt’s voice called back. “Thank you!” Proud looked at the cupboards and decided to go through them, climbing up unto the counter entirely to get to them. He saw creams, mane and coat brushes, extra towels and other toiletries, but no toothbrushes. “I don’t see any…” “Ahem,” Flare said. Proud looked down, only to see Flare holding three toothbrushes in his hoof, a somewhat smug look on his face. “Toothbrushes. In the cupboard.” “He got you there,” Silver snickered, taking one for himself. They matched their coats, so he took the grey one. Climbing up on the bench himself, he set it on the counter, bristles facing up, and stared at it, his face brow furrowed. “What are you doing?” Proud asked, taking the yellow one. “Trying… to work… magic…” Silver said, voice sounding strained as his look intensified. A wavering green glow formed on his horn, a matching one forming over the handle of the toothbrush. Gritting his teeth, Silver tried to pick it up. It tipped unto its side. A moment later, there was a sharp pop and Silver yelped, quickly turning on the pipe, sticking his hoof into the running water and pressing it against the base of his horn as he hissed. “Atatatata… magic feedback stings…” “Are you okay?” Flare asked, pausing with a tube of toothpaste at his hooftips. Proud took one of the towels and let the water soak it, pressing it towards Silver. A damp towel was better than a damp limb. “Yeah, yeah…” Silver said, waving their concern off, but taking the towel anyway. “I suck at magic. I… Silver, anyway, was better at it than this. I think I’m screwing myself with conflicting ideas. Probably should read a How To book again, or something.” “That ‘pop’ didn’t exactly sound healthy,” Flare added. “Should we call aunt Rain?” “I said I’m fine, drop it,” Silver said, rolling his eyes. “What were you two talking about anyway?” “Just you running away from little girls,” Proud said, grinning at Silver. If he didn’t want their concern, then he’d get their mockery. “Not your best moment there.” “Wait… he was running from girls?” Flare asked, surprise morphing into badly restrained laughter. “I thought you were just acting weirder than normal.” “Yeah, well; shut up,” Silver said, his face going red, something he tried to hide behind the towel. “So what happened?” Proud asked. “I don’t know. I just got really flustered when they all came up on me,” Silver admitted. “Ah, the onset of puberty,” Proud said sagely. “Soon will come chest hair and irrational behaviour. Though, Silver was always irrational.” Silver’s eyes widened. “Oh Buck that!” “Seriously?” Flare snapped. “Sorry, sorry,” Sliver said, rubbing his face with the towel and throwing it aside. “But Tartarus… I went through puberty once already… I don’t want to go through that again!” “That’s why we need to talk to Twilight. Get her to send a letter to Celestia for us,” Proud said. “They can fix this.” “Always the optimist,” Silver muttered, examining his eye in the mirror. “You’re always cynical, though,” Flare pointed out. “I still say we should have told Auntie Pure Rain,” Proud said. “Boys!” Pure Rain called from downstairs. “You should be in bed!” That lit a fire under them, and extinguished any further conversation on that topic as they quickly brushed teeth, washed up and got to their room. It wasn’t much at the moment. Three foal sized beds, a chest with all the belongs they got sent with from Vanhoover, and a handful of remnants left over from when Pure Rain was using it as a partial store and work room. “So… game plan for tomorrow; find Twilight and see if we can work on this?” Proud asked in a hushed whisper; fitting for the dark state of their room. Silver only grunted and tugged at his covers trying to find a comfortable spot for his new body. “Sleeping… as a pony is hard.” “I guess that’s the best idea,” Flare responded, ignoring Silver’s somewhat petty complaints. “We should be able to get out without any problems. Or we could just wait until Celestia shows up and ask her in person.” “Because three foals can just waltz up to a Princess and casually chat,” Silver muttered. “This is Celestia,” Flare pointed out. “And she is always the one to want to help ponies,” Proud added. “Meh… touché, I suppose,” Silver said, shrugging though they wouldn’t be able to see it. “You can run interference while we ask if you plan to be that difficult,” Proud said, sitting up and glaring over at Silver’s bed. “Yeah, well; whatever,” Silver sighed. “What is your problem?” Flare asked. “You sound like you don’t care about fixing this,” Proud said, his tone accusatory. Silver’s form shifted in the darkness. “Nothing. And I do. It’s just-” The door to the room swung open, the light spilling in from the hall framing their aunt and obscuring her features save for the white of her glaring eyes. “Go to sleep.” Flare and Proud quickly apologized and ducked back under their covers. Pure Rain watched them for a while before closing the door again. When the sounds of their Aunt’s hoofsteps faded, Proud spoke up again. “It’s just what, Silver?” He asked. Silver didn’t responded. Proud tried to get Silver to respond as the silence stretched on. “Silver? What were you going to say? Silver..? Fine. Good night…”