The Apple Ran Away With The Spoon

by gwg

Chapter 6

Apple Bloom awoke from the greatest sleep she had in what felt like forever, and indeed it had been half a year since she had a good night’s rest. She found that the sky was still overcast like the day before, but now it came without the threat of rain. There was no disappointment in her thoughts, no cold grip on her heart, and she knew she had to thank the mare beside her for all of it. Though she was awake, she decided to savour a few more minutes in the embrace of her friend. That still don’t feel right, but right now, Ah couldn’t care less. Ah’ve never felt like this before with anypony, not even Scoots or Sweetie. Well, that settles it, this mare is mah best friend, hooves down. The blissful mare squirmed in the embrace before she extricated herself from Silver’s grasp. Ah think Ah’m goin’ tah go make some breakfast for everypony.

Bloom left the room and headed in the direction of the stairs, practically skipping along as she went. As she skipped, she spotted Rarity stepping out of Applejack’s old room, her mane not in its usual style and sans makeup.

“Good morning, Rarity!” Bloom said joyfully. She waited as the fashionista yawned before she responded.

“Good morning, App-” It was at this point that Rarity noticed the younger mare was slightly bouncing in place with a smile adorning her muzzle. The alabaster unicorn stood stunned for a few moments before rushing back into the room she came out of. Bloom merely shrugged and continued skipping towards the stairs before she heard a voice behind her.

“Apple Bloom?” Applejack asked in a disbelieving tone, Rarity standing behind her with a concerned look on her face.

“Mornin’ Sis. Ah was about tah head downstairs to make breakfast; does apple pancakes sound good tah you?”

“Um, sure, that sounds good, Apple Bloom. We’ll see ya down there.” With that Bloom headed down the stairs, humming a little happy tune as she went, leaving the couple to contemplate what they observed. “Yer right, darlin’, she was skippin’. Ah’m just havin’ trouble wrappin’ mah head around that. She hasn’t done that since she was a little filly.”

“Do you think that they…?”

“Nope. We woulda heard ‘em. Walls are too thin, remember?” At that moment Big Mac stepped out of Granny’s room, a recently awoken Fluttershy riding on his back.

“Did Ah just hear that she’s gonnah make pancakes for everyone?” The work horse asked. A confirming nod came from the other married couple. “She never makes breakfast for everypony, even before Granny left.”

“D-did they...umm…” Fluttershy began pressing her hooves together while her face imitated her husband’s coat.

“We woulda heard if they did, me and Rares was just sayin’ that.” Applejack turned to her wife to find her vibrating in excitement. “What’s with you?”

“This just confirmed my suspicions; Jackie, your sister is in love. Look how happy Silver is making her. I have never seen her this happy.” She let out a little excited squeal. “I’m going to make sure that those dresses gets a confession out of one of them; they simply must get together.” At this Fluttershy started clapping her hooves together in happiness.

“Yay.” At that moment Big Mac’s door swung open revealing an excited young colt.

“Sweet, Auntie is makin’ pancakes!” The excitable pegasus buzzed his wings as he started to run down the stairs.

“No running, Jonagold Apple.” His mother said from atop his father, though the reprimand
fell on deaf ears.


Greyish violet eyes fluttered open, expecting to see the door to the bedroom only to see the other side of the bed and the bedroom window. I guess I turned over in my sleep. Oh well. I wonder where Bloom went…And what is that smell? Pancakes? Apple pancakes. Of course they have apples in them. Well it’s time for me to wake up anyways. The grey mare stretched from her position in bed, hearing little pops from her spine that made her smile. Once she finished she decided to just head downstairs, thinking she could shower and prepare for the day after breakfast.

The grey mare trotted down the stairs and into the dining room only to be welcomed by surprised faces from all of the adults and an excited one from the young colt. At that very moment, Bloom stepped out of the kitchen with two plates stacked with pancakes resting on her back. She deposited the two plates before greeting her slightly confused friend with a hug.

“Good mornin’, Silver. Sleep well?” Silver returned the hug before whispering to the happy mare.

“I slept well. Why is everypony looking like that?” Bloom chuckled a bit, finding this whole morning to be rather entertaining.

“Ah don’t usually make breakfast for everypony, so they’re a little confused. Come on, eat up; they’re good.”

Silver sat down and greeted the rest of the Apple household before digging into her meal. She had tried to use her manners at first but the sheer deliciousness of it all, and the fact that she was going to wash up afterwards, resulted in her forgoing her upbringing and eating with no reservations. This caused Bloom’s smile to increase in intensity.

“So good! These are the best pancakes I have ever had!” Silver managed to get out around a mouthful of pancake.

“Well, thank ya very much; Ah appreciate the compliment.” Bloom finally sat down next to Silver so she could eat too. After eating the meal in mostly silence, the Apple family discussed what their plans were for the day. “Well, me and Silver are gonna continue preppin’ for makin’ the jam, maybe get the kitchen painted.”

“Why do we need to paint the kitchen?” Silver asked with her head tilted to the side. She did remember some of the steps for making Zap apple jam, but she had no idea what painting the kitchen had to do with making it.

“Magic.” Responded Bloom in complete seriousness.


“Magic.” Bloom added a nod to her response before turning to her sister. “What are you doin’ today, Sis?”

“Me an’ Mac are gonna continue placin’ the baskets under the Zap apple trees, same as yesterday; Ah’m hopin’ we can make up for the trees we couldn’t get tah yesterday because of the rain. And you, Darlin’?”

“Well, after dropping little Jonagold off at school, Fluttershy and I are going to head to the spa for a little freshening up before heading to work. I have dresses to make after all.” The young colt groaned when he heard about going to school today and proceeded to protest to his mother.

“Mom, why do Ah have tah go tah school today? What about the harvest?” Fluttershy merely shook her head before speaking.

“The harvest isn’t for a few days, and your father and aunt will be able to handle it themselves.” Bloom decided to add her own two bits to this discussion.

“And when Ah was younger and the zap apples were comin’, Ah still had tah go tah school, even though Ah was helpin’ Granny. So ya ain’t gettin’ out of goin’.” Bloom turned to Silver so she could talk directly to her. “Come on, we should probably get ready for the day.” Silver nodded and followed her crush up the stairs.

“I should probably shower first, so that way I can finish getting ready while you are taking yours.” Bloom nodded as Silver picked up her overnight bag to search for her shower supplies. Where is it, where is it? Oh please don’t tell me I- I did…I left my shampoo at home. I knew I forgot something. She turned to Bloom with her cheeks flushed in embarrassment. “I guess I left my shampoo at home, heheh. Is it alright if I used yours?” Bloom smiled as she began digging through her own bag, finding the requested bottle easily.

“Here ya-” It was at this moment that Bloom realized that the bottle she was holding was in fact empty, remembering now that she used the last of it during the shower from the day before. She found that she was now mimicking her friend’s expression from earlier as she smiled sheepishly. “Heh, looks like Ah’m out, sorry Silver.” A solution dawned on her before she rushed out of the room to the top of the stairwell. “Rarity, Fluttershy, wait! Would it be alright if me and Silver joined ya?”


Rarity had decided that Fluttershy and her would trot a short distance behind the younger mares so that they might discreetly observe the interactions between the two. When the Apple spouses discovered that the bit of gossip they had was the same, they had started making plans at the dinner table that night. Well, Rarity made plans. Fluttershy, on the other hoof…

“I really think we should just let nature take its course, they will get together eventually.” The cream-yellow pegasus offered quietly, even though both were certain that the subjects of their discussion were out of earshot.

“I don’t mean to offend darling, but you and I both know that if it wasn’t for Pinkie Pie’s intervention, you and Big Macintosh would have never started dating, and in turn my Jackie and I would have never done anything about the feelings we had for each other. Honestly, even Twilight and Rainbow Dash would still be giving each other longing stares if it weren’t for Scootaloo pushing them,” Fluttershy looked down in shame, focusing more on what Pinkie Pie did for her than the rest of the little rant. “My point is that we all needed a little help with acquiring our paramours, be it directly or indirectly. Now considering how these two are, I can just sense that they are madly in love with each other. Silver Spoon is simply enamoured with our sister-in-law, and I imagine she is well aware of this; I saw a few instances where it looked like she had something important to say to Apple Bloom but stopped, berating herself for being unable to confess her hidden feelings. Apple Bloom, on the other hoof, is in love but she doesn’t realize it yet; not knowing why but she can tell that what she feels for Silver is different than her other friends. If we simply gave them the right push, they could share in the happiness that we currently have with our own loved ones.”

“Are you sure about this? I mean, I know you are sure about them being in love, but what if it goes wrong? What if by pushing them before they are ready, they miss out on what they could have had if they waited? I wouldn’t want to ruin it for them.” Rarity waved a hoof as if to brush off these worries.

“Trust me, darling, I wouldn’t want such a thing to happen either. That is why I intend to give them a gentle nudge as it were. I merely wish to guide them so that they may discover their love for one another on their own. I shall show you exactly what I mean soon enough, darling; circumstance has provided the perfect opportunity.” Fluttershy wasn’t sure whether or not Rarity’s giggling was menacing, though her curiosity overshadowed her concern for ponykind.

The four made it to the spa shortly after Rarity composed herself from her scheming and stepped inside, where Rarity decided to commence with stage one.

“Silver Spoon, darling, why don’t I help you pick out a shampoo for you to use? I guarantee that once you use one of these, you will never go back to your old shampoo.”  Rarity made it look as though she was scanning for viable options, when in fact she knew exactly what she was looking for and smirked as she found it. “Why don’t you try this one darling? It has a lovely vanilla scent and with this conditioner, your mane will positively shine.” Rarity opened the bottle and held it out to Silver so she could get a sample of the scent.

“Hmm, I definitely like it, so maybe.” Rarity’s smirk grew slightly as she moved on to the next part of the plan.

“Well, why don’t we get a second opinion?” The dressmaker levitated the bottle over to the architect. “Apple Bloom, dear, what do you think of this for your friend?” Rarity took note of the sudden shift in Silver’s eyes before they focused on Bloom.

“Mmmm, vanilla, mah favorite.” Bloom then looked at her friend as a small blush appeared on her cheeks. “This would be perfect for ya, Silver. Now ya have tah get it!”

“Alright, I’ll take it.” Rarity gleefully cheered internally as she noticed a matching blush on the grey mare. The prim unicorn then went up to the counter, bought the younger mares’ bottles and services (despite their protests), and followed Fluttershy to join her for their full treatment.

“We’ll see you later tonight, darlings. Have a good day!” The proud mare turned to her confused partner in crime. “Stage one: complete. It went off without a hitch.” Fluttershy only tilted her head to the side as they entered the sauna.

“Um...I don’t quite understand what just happened. Would you mind explaining?” Rarity giggled into her hoof at Fluttershy’s perplexed expression and proceeded to explain.

“Of course, darling. You see, I am well aware that our sister-in-law has a preference towards the scent of vanilla. In fact, if I didn’t think that the cinnamon would have fit her better, I would have gotten her the vanilla scented shampoo instead. I also knew that it wouldn’t matter whether Silver Spoon liked the scent or not; once she heard that Bloom loves it and feels that it would fit her, Silver Spoon’s choice was obvious. She is going to do whatever she can to impress Apple Bloom, and the right kind of shampoo is a step in the right direction. Scent can have a powerful effect on the perception of ponies afterall, and I have no reason to doubt that Apple Bloom’s perception of her silver maned friend shall change soon enough. She will realize her burning passion by the end of the week, I can assure you. Now just wait until you see what else I have in store for our blossoming love-birds.” Though Fluttershy was uncertain that it would work, she was hopeful that it would.

They deserve to be happy…


The freshly cleaned mares arrived at Sweet Apple Acres just in time to see a remarkable sight. They heard thunder crack and the cawing of crows coming from the Everfree Forest. The murder quickly approached the orchard, beginning to form a pattern. Bloom watched Silver’s face as the crows made the shape of an apple. She then nudged Silver just in time for her to see the trees come to life once again with electricity. As the magic surged, small buds appeared that immediately bloomed into teal, star-shaped flowers, electricity sparking from tip to tip. Silver was in awe.

“Wow, that was” Bloom smirked as she saw her friends astonished expression.

“Glad we got here just in time, woulda been a shame if’n we missed it. We should get in the kitchen and start paintin’. It’s probably gonna take us all day.” They made their way to the farmhouse where a clean and ready kitchen waited for them. Bloom grabbed the cans of paint and opened them, then sent Silver to get the brushes. Silver looked about the room trying to see if there was a special process for all this.

“So do we have to do anything specific or…”

“Just paintin’ polka-dots on the walls. There isn’t really a specific order for this so just get started. Ah’ll be over here if’n ya need somethin’.” Bloom took a brush into her mouth and started painting on one wall while Silver started on the one adjacent to it.

Silver had gotten about three dots done before her attention wandered elsewhere, specifically her crush. She certainly has a beautiful smile. I wish she could do that more often, but I understand that it is difficult to find happiness in Canterlot. Before I can even think of trying to start a relationship with Bloom, I need to find a way to keep her happy. Look at me, thinking about starting a relationship with this beautiful mare when I’m not even sure that she likes me back. How can she like me back? Whenever she sees me she must think of work; of being stuck. And I’m the one who is keeping her stuck there. I can make her as comfortable as possible, but she will still be a prisoner...a prisoner to my selfish desires. I should confess my feelings...and then I will be heartbroken because she doesn’t like me like that, but she would be free. My heart aches either way, but the path I’m on now could lead to happiness for us both, no matter how unlikely that outcome is. I just need to keep trying, trying to win over this beautiful mare with her beautiful eyes and OH SWEET CELESTIA HOW LONG HAVE I BEEN STARING AT HER!? She’s saying something.

“W-what was that? Sorry, I was spacing out.” Silver asked with a nervous chuckle, hoping that if she was caught staring, Bloom was not offended.

“Ah asked if ya needed help over there, ya seemed to be doin’ good before, but then ya just stopped.” Bloom looked Silver over with concern, not sure if she was alright or if she needed to lay down.

“Oh, I’m fine, just fine. I’ll get back to work now.”

“Don’t overdo it, wouldn’t want ya tah work yerself into exhaustion. Ah wouldn’t forgive mahself if somethin’ happened to ya.” Bloom didn’t know why she was so concerned; she was certain that Silver could actually handle herself, but she knew that in spite of Silver’s capabilities, she meant every word of her statement.

Silver was struck by the passion of her crush’s statement; it made the lovestruck mare reevaluate the situation. Maybe things aren’t as hopeless as I imagined. Maybe I can do this. She stepped closer to Bloom, a blush spreading slowly as she progressed. “Bloom...I…”

“Yes?” The architect’s eyes widened as her friend approached, a blush of her own beginning to appear.


“Yes?” Bloom could not understand why her heart rate increased or why she felt firmly cemented in place. Their muzzles were only a few inches apart, both mares waiting for something to happen.

“I…” I can’t do this right now, it’s too soon. “I am fine, really.” Silver diverted from her original, dangerous path to give a friendly nuzzle to the cheek. “But I really appreciate the concern. You are a good friend.” Silver stepped away from Bloom and headed back to her work station, the architect unable to see the frustrated look on the grey mare’s face.

“Sure, no problem.” Bloom offered weakly, trying to discover why her heart ached at the lost moment. What was Ah expecting? Why couldn’t Ah move? Why was Ah gettin’ all excited…? And why do Ah feel so disappointed? What did Ah want to happen? She felt a tear roll down her face, uncertain as to why she was crying at all, but decided not to dwell on it and continued working. They spent the rest of the afternoon working in a mutual silence.


Dinner came and went with little incident, though Rarity and Fluttershy did note to themselves that something obviously happened today between the young mares; they just couldn’t hazard a guess as to what. They all went to their respective rooms to get ready for bed, with Silver deciding to take a shower after everything that happened today. So so close. I could have done it. I could have kissed her. And I may have been imagining it, but it looked as though she wanted it to happen. But I know that can’t be right. Why would she even want a mare like me? Besides my wealth, there isn’t anything special about me. She let herself cry a bit, certain that the running shower could cover her quiet sobbing. I should tell her the truth, instead of aiming for the impossible and making us both miserable. No, I’ll just turn in the next design and then she will be free. She’ll be happy and eventually I’ll be happy that she is happy. She turned off the shower when she had finished crying and stepped out to head to the bedroom where Bloom was waiting. Silver hoped that her sadness wouldn’t be evident to the architect, but she wasn’t that fortunate.

“Silver, what’s wrong? Have you been cryin’?” Bloom raised a hoof in an attempt to caress a tear-stained cheek only for it to be brushed away by a grey hoof.

“I…I’m just a little frustrated, that’s all. I am rather tired and would like to go to bed now, if you don’t mind.” With that Silver simply laid down, her emotional and physical exhaustion putting her to sleep quite quickly.

Bloom sighed sadly, feeling awful that she couldn’t help her friend. She turned off the lantern next to the bed and tried to force herself to sleep, but ended up just staring out the window into the darkness. The longer she stared, the faster the cold feeling grew. She was beginning to feel that that wonderful night was a fluke, and that frightened her more than her fears of being alone. Just as the cold felt as though it was about to overwhelm her and send her to the realm of nightmares, she felt a sensation she thought she would never feel again.

A grey hoof wrapped around her barrel, pulling her into a tight embrace, instantly dispelling the cold and replacing it with the warmth she felt with Silver. Bloom was already feeling better, relieved that it wasn’t just a one time thing. Her happiness was short lived, however, when she remembered how sad her sleeping companion was. She knew she had to reciprocate in some way. She turned herself around in the embrace, interlocking her hind legs with her friend’s. She looked at Silver’s sleeping face, noticing that she still looked sad. She could only think  of one solution, and a freshly applied scent of vanilla compelled her to do it.

Bloom kissed her best friend on her forehead, quickly bringing a smile from the grey mare. The architect smiled down to her slumbering friend. “Sweet dreams, Silver.” She said as she snuggled into a silver mane.


Silver awoke feeling a consistent warm sensation throughout her core, which struck her as odd. She did remember going to bed upset, and so she believed that her mood would remain the same into the following morning. Yet, she felt content, that she was ignoring all that was troubling her recently. Her first sight of the morning only seemed to improve her mood.

“Good morning, Bloom.” Silver said with a yawn, stretching slightly to relieve her stiff joints. Bloom beamed down at her sleepy friend.

“Mornin’ Silver. Looks like ya slept well.” Silver nodded in the affirmative as Bloom’s smile grew, pleased that her contribution helped the distressed mare.

“What time is it?” Bloom looked over towards her clock on the wall, giving Silver the opportunity to admire her sleeping companion’s body while it rested on the bed. She noticed that Bloom looked as though she was ready for the day, leading her to assume that the architect had been up for awhile.

“It’s about half past eight.” At this Silver quickly sat up, realizing that she slept in later than the day before.

“Does this mean I missed breakfast?” Her red-headed friend shook her head reassuringly.

“Ah can whip ya up somethin’ before we start today. Ah’d like tah get done before five this evenin’, so the sooner we get started the better.” Silver tilted her head questioningly at this, confused as to why she wanted to be done by a certain time.

“What happens at five?”

“You’ll see, it’ll be great, Ah promise. Now ya get cleaned up while Ah cook ya up some grub.” Bloom hopped off the bed and stepped out of the room, shortly followed by Silver as they headed to their separate destinations.


“So what do we have to do today, Bloom?” Silver asked as she finished her turnovers. Bloom smirked before summoning her guest to follow her into the kitchen. Once they entered, Bloom walked over to the table which had a vast array of jars sitting upon its surface.

“Jar inspection.” The architect responded as she placed a general’s helmet upon her head, her smirk widening as she witnessed Silver’s visible confusion. She chuckled before she went into her explanation. “The taste of the jam is influenced by the condition of the jar that contains it. The strongest jars provide the best taste. To test their sturdiness, we have tah be rough with’em.” Right after she said that, she slammed her hoof onto the table while shouting “TEN-HUT”, shaking the jars violently. After checking that her hearing still worked, Silver decided to go for more clarification.

“So how do we check that they pass requirements?”

“If’n ya see one that’s cracked, it didn’t pass, so toss ‘em, like this.” Bloom picked up one of the jars that now sported a crack running down surface of it, and tossed it towards the trashbin by the stove. “We need tah check every jar here.”

“And when we’re done with these, then what?” Bloom stepped towards the door heading outside, where she showed Silver the multiple other boxes filled with jars.

“We got tah do this with the rest of them. We have two thousand jars here, we want a minimum of ah thousand good ones. So let’s get tah work.”


It was around three in the afternoon when they had finished with all the jars. They found that they would be able to make at the most fifteen hundred jars of zap apple jam, though that mostly depended on how many zap apples Applejack and Big Mac were able to harvest before they vanished. After the inspection was complete, the two mares busied themselves with relieving their sore throats caused by having shouted close to six hours now.

Even though she felt bad for Bloom, Silver couldn’t help but find the architect’s slightly raspy voice rather arousing. Bloom’s sore throat had caused her voice to sound rather similar to what Silver imagined would be her bedroom voice, but she managed to stay silent about her enjoyment of the sound. Even though she was controlling her urges, she found that she didn’t feel awful about her feelings for her friend. Nothing seemed to get her down today, and she had no idea as to why. All she knew was that she didn’t want this feeling to ever stop.

“So what do you want to do now? We have some time before we do whatever you wanted to at five.” Silver’s voice was recovering more and more after every sip of water, nearly back to how it once was.

“Well, Ah was thinkin’ that we could set up a picnic since we would be missin’ dinner for this. We could make some daisey sandwiches, put in a couple bottles of cider, and Ah think there’s some leftover pie from the day before, so we would have dessert, too. On the way there we will need to stop by the clubhouse and pick up the telescope.” Bloom’s throat had fully recovered by now, but her voice was still raspy. She didn’t quite understand why Silver was blushing every time she spoke, but, for some reason she couldn’t explain, she liked it whenever the grey mare did.

“Will you at least tell me what we are going to do? It is driving me mental!” Bloom could only giggle at her friend’s frustration, finding it quite adorable.

“Well, Ah was gonna tell ya, but Ah think Ah’ll keep it a secret for a mite bit longer.” The architect smirked as she heard Silver groan.

The two mares got ready for their evening at a relaxed pace, finding that they were finished and ready to go by half past four. With everything settled they headed off towards the old clubhouse to pick up the telescope Bloom mentioned earlier. On their way they passed Applejack and Big Mac who offered a quick hello before returning to their work. Once they arrived at the treehouse, Bloom had Silver wait outside as she retrieved the required item, not knowing that her flank was being ogled the entire time by the blushing grey mare. Telescope in their possession, they made their way to the nearby field, where Bloom draped the blanket for their picnic.

“Now will you tell me why we are here? Please…” Silver put on her best pouty face which Bloom had trouble resisting. She nearly gave in, but was saved by an unlikely visitor.

“If you are here for the same reason we are then you are here for stargazing, my little pony.” The familiar voice came from above causing both mares to look up and Silver’s jaw to drop.

“Princess Twilight?! What are you doing here?” The cyan pegasus next to the alicorn shook her head smirking at the grey mare’s inquiry.

“Sheesh, weren’t ya listening? She told you that we’re here for stargazing!” This earned Rainbow Dash a quick punch to the shoulder, resulting in a surprised yelp. “Hey, what was that for!?”

“Play nice! I’m sorry for that...Silver Spoon, Dashie is just a little anxious about being back here at Sweet Apple Acres, especially with Applejack working the fields.” The lavender princess smirked as she saw her fiance squirm at the mere mention of the apple farmer. She then focused her attention on the telescope the younger mares had brought with them, not noticing that her wonderbolt was analyzing the architect and her friend. “That should definitely work nicely for tonight. Is this the same one that I gave you girls nearly ten years ago?”


“Yes ma’am, the very same one. It’s proved itself very useful for nights like tonight.”

“Twilight.” The brash mare began nudging the oblivious princess to gain her attention with no success. It was time to bring out the secret weapon.

“This really is the best spot to see tonight’s event. Do you mind if weeeeeeeeaahh~...” The studious royal’s question was interrupted as Dash nibbled on her left ear, intense blushes gracing the muzzles of the princess and the two earth pony mares. The pegasus smirked at the result of her efforts, using the stunned silence to execute her plan.

“Hey babe, why don’t we set up on that cloud up there? We’ll be able to see the stars just fine from there and it would give us a bit more...privacy.” She was pleased that the plan was working perfectly, seeing Twilight nod enthusiastically before they took off for said cloud, calling back to the younger mares to have fun. Once they arrived at their new location, Dash turned to give her lover a stern glare, confusing the princess. “Are you really that oblivious?”

“Wha…What do you mean?” Twilight was starting to regain control of her foggy mind and was slowly reaquiring her vocabulary, though it was still rather limited.

“Could you really not see what was going on?” She motioned for Twilight to peek over the cloud with her, where they could observe the other mares. “They got a thing for each other!” Twilight raised a skeptical brow at that.

“How do you know they do?”

“Oh please, you know that I was able to tell that Scoots had a thing for Sweetie, and then there was that thing with Pinkie that no one wants to talk about. I have an eye for these things.”

“If that’s true, then why did it take us so long for us to get together, hmm?” Twilight regretted her question when she saw Dash’s sorrowful expression.

“You are a princess, Twi’. Back then that meant you were out of my league. Even when I started seeing signs, I didn’t want to get my hopes up. If you hadn’t kissed me five years ago, we never would have gotten together.” She was brought out of her depressing reverie by her princess embracing her. The pegasus nuzzled her fiance in return with love and gratitude.

“None of that matters because we are together. Let’s just enjoy the show and then we can head home; somepony still owes me for not finishing what she started.” The lavender alicorn giggled as she felt Dash’s wings shoot up and hearing the boisterous mare squeak pitifully.


The young mares remained silent for some time after the two element holders left before deciding to resume with their picnic in order to forget about that awkward moment. Shortly after they finished eating, they felt the tension dissipate after which they both decided that it was safe to speak.

“Well…that was somethin’...” Bloom began, her hooves fidgeting slightly. She thought that she had gotten used to public displays of affection, but apparently she still had a ways to go.

“Yeah…” Silver didn’t know what was worse: the display or the fact that she now desired to have Bloom make the same noise as Twilight. Dear Celestia, I am rather perverted. Though, not all my thoughts are about sex. I want to snuggle with her too, and I can probably get away with it right now. Before Silver could execute her scheme to get closer, something above her drew her attention.

The sun was just setting, casting the Acres into twilight, the stars beginning to emerge. Looking at sky, Silver observed a streak through the void, then two, then five. Before long the sky was awash with shooting stars, the amazing spectacle making the grey mare forget her original plan; not that she needed it as Bloom soon shuffled over so that they could take turns with the telescope. Silver was amazed at the light show above, understanding completely why Bloom did not want to miss it. She was brought out of her observation of the stellar event when Bloom nudged her to look forward. As she did she saw that the zap apple trees were sparking to life again, the arcs of magic bouncing from tree to tree and passing through each flower. As magic coursed through them, they began to shift; the beautiful flowers were changing to grey fruit, looking to the inexperienced farmer as ready to be picked. The magic faded at the same time as the shooting stars stopped and twilight passed into night. Silver was happy that she was lucky enough to have seen such a sight.

“Bloom, that was beautiful. I don’t know how I can eve-” Silver turned to face her friend as she spoke, only to come to a halt when she discovered that Bloom had done the same. This resulted in their lips brushing against each other gently. They were stunned, cemented in place by the contact. Neither mare could move; they couldn’t back away to a safe distance, nor could they come forward to make it more intimate. Both mares couldn’t think, their minds completely blank as they got lost in each other’s eyes. They sat there for what felt like an eternity, just having enough presence of mind to breathe. At last, a cool wind brought them back to reality, Silver quickly pulling back as she shivered, not knowing if it was because of the wind or the sensation. Bloom provided her an escape from having to explain herself.

“We should head back before it gets colder. We don’t have anymore preparations to do so we get to relax some tomorrow. Let’s go.” Silver merely nodded, leaving Apple Bloom to her thoughts. Ah have no idea what is goin’ on with me…


They got back to the farmhouse with little difficulty, arriving just as the family was getting ready for bed. Once again, Silver wanted to shower before heading to bed, giving Bloom more time to contemplate on what happened and why it made her feel all warm inside. She brushed her hoof against her lips, remembering the sensation, not sure if she was trying to forget it or commit it to memory. She was brought out of her thoughts as Silver entered the room, a towel around her neck and her mane out of its braid. She removed the towel as she approached the bed.

“Is it alright if I take the other side of the bed? I feel like switching it up tonight.” For some reason Bloom found it difficult to speak, deciding instead to nod and scoot over to the other side of the bed. The grey mare smiled as she laid down next to architect. “Good night, Bloom.” She said before turning over and flipping off the bedside lamp. Bloom laid there facing the door, unsure if she was hoping or dreading the possibility that Silver would snuggle her in her sleep again,feeling her anticipation building.

At last she felt the foreleg wrap around her barrel and found herself unable to deny the fact that it felt pleasant. She decided that she would return the favor just as she did the night before. Once more she turned in the embrace, interlocking her hind legs with the sleeping mare. Back in the position she was in the night before she observed her friend, watching her side rise and fall.

It was at this moment the full moon rose from behind a cloud, casting the room in its glow. Bloom stared wide-eyed as the light shining through her window, hit Silver’s mane. Bloom did not expect that this would cause the mane to glow, her silver mane shining brilliantly. She couldn’t help herself, finding that the first thought that popped into her mind was the truth. She’s...She’s…

“Beautiful…” She whispered. She looked at her friend’s mane, comparing it to an endless sea of glimmering silver. Her eyes trailed from her mane to her face, finding that the focal point was centered on the sleeping mare’s lips. Her thoughts turned to what nearly happened that evening and wondering what it would have felt if things turned out differently. Her own muzzle drew closer, slowly approaching her target. Her eyes began to slowly drift closed with each passing centimeter. Ah...just...want...tah...kiss...her…

Her eyes shot open as the distance between their lips was nearly non-existent, panic suddenly striking her. Why-why do Ah want tah kiss her!? Do her? She felt the strangest combination: at first she felt an intense warmth that nearly brought a smile to her face, but then she felt an intense cold, feeling that the room was pressing in on her. No, no, no no no. Ah can’t love her! Ah can’t! She’s mah best friend! Bein’ in love with her would ruin our friendship! Ah’d be pushin’ her away. And Ah’ve been kissin’ her, probably freaking her out. Ah can’t love her. Ah need to forget these feelings. Ah need…Ah need air. Using slow movements to avoid waking her friend? Crush? she got out of the embrace and out of the bed. She fought to control her breathing as she exited the room, barely feeling the tears rolling down her face. She exited the farmhouse, trying in vain to calm the raging battle between her heart and her mind.