Love/Blood Lust

by OscornBrony

Chapter 1

Love/Blood Lust
Chapter 1

The cool air of the night wafted through the small hut as a single figure sat at a table in the main room. He would casually take a sip from a bottle of, thick, red liquid as he waited. The house was neatly kept, for now, and everything was at peace, for now. In fact if someone were to walk in they would see it as an everyday house, with an everyday commoner. The only think that wasn’t in an ‘everyday’ style was the lights, or lack of light.

The whole building was dark without even a candle lit, but I, Alister Glorwalled, did not mind the dark. My dark red eyes would scanned the room, taking in every detail as I patiently waited. Every so often I would take another sip from my bottle, then it was back to looking out.

Ten more minutes passed by before there was a disturbance from my repeating cycle.

A dark red glow, about two shades lighter than my eyes started to form over the table, at eye level. With a hand I reached out and took hold of the sphere and looked inside its light.

It showed the form of two figures outside the small hut. One was short and thin, with a brown cloak that concealed his face and he held a staff that was a good three feet taller than him. The other was nearly seven feet tall and broad in the shoulders. He was dressed in armor from head to foot and gripped a shield in his right hand, as he had his left on the hilt of a long sword.

The short one was speaking. “Alright, Sir. Lueise, have you ever fought a vampire before?”

Sir. Lueise just shook his head before responding. “I have beaten down bandits, soldiers, werewolves, other knights, and even a hydra, but not a vampire.”

“In that case there is a few things you should know first.” The first man continued in a whisper. “First, don’t look into the eyes. That’s how…”

“That should be none of your concern!” Sir. Lueise interrupted. “There is nothing on this earth that can beat me, and even less that can frighten me! So do not concern yourself master wizard.”

The other man looked at his companion for a moment before sighing and continuing onward.

“We were hired to get rid of this danger and, I don’t know about you but, I would like to live to gain what was promised to us. So wait here and I will search the area for any trap spells, or awareness, spells.”

With that the wizard walked of and left his armored comrade out at the tree line, facing the front door. Without hesitation, he drew his sword and marched to the door.

I closed my hand, causing the red light to shatter, as I stood and faced the door.

A moment passed before the door was kicked in. The force of the kick put a crack the split the door down the middle, and removed it from the hinges.

The light from the night sky shone in the door frame, around Sir. Lueise, and gave a little light to the room.

Sir. Lueise looked around before he seen me standing there and he stepped forward leveling his sword with my chest.

“So…” He spoke. “You are the greatest vampire of the century? Are you ready to fight?”


“No?” The knight seemed taken aback by the simple response. “Why it that? Do you not have the desire to fight? If that is so, my job will be much too simple and boring.”

“Yes, I have no desire to fight you… Sir. Lueise.”

Now he took a step back.

“I am strong, but not as strong as you have proven to be.” I gestured to the door on the floor between us. “In a fight of strength you would win without a doubt.”

The fighter looked troubled at that. “You’re planning something.”

I smiled. “Look into my eyes and you would know if I was.”

For a moment we had eye contact and I let my eyes flicker for just that brief moment, and Sir. Lueise froze.

Not in ice or stone, but paralyzed, a small, simple, trick of my kind to help gather food… or to stop the idiot with a sword.

I smiled as I started to turn around to regain me seat, only to find a shaft of wood pointing straight at my face. I looked down and there was the other man. ’But how did he…?'

There was a bright flash of light and I could feel myself dissolving.

* ** *** **** ***** ****** ******* ******** ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** *

The darkness cradled me. It felt so good after the burning heat of that spell. But I know one thing. I was outside and the darkness never lasted forever.

So with that in mind, I opened my eyes to the sight of treetops. I sat up and straightened my silver hair back into its ponytail, and worked my way to a standing position. I fixed the positioning of my black leggings, grey tunic and black leather, cloak, with animal fir on each shoulder. Then I was off.

Over time the trees got thinner and the wild live seemed to be tamer. The problem was the sky was getting brighter. So I started to move faster. And of course, I tripped over some kind of stick or rock.

I straightened up and looked around to see what cot my foot. ’A chicken?’

The animal in question was sticking out of the top of a bush with its red eyes glaring at me. ’Wait, that’s not a chicken, that’s a…’ The rest of my sentence was cut short, as the stone engulfed me.

The cockatrice removed itself from the bush and looked at the strange creature that dared intrude onto its tail, before it flew off.

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Not far away, in Ponyville.

“TWILIGHT!” Spikes shout woke the Princes of Friendship form her sleep.

She sat up in her bet and rubbed her eyes with the palms of her hands. “What is it Spike? And why can’t it wait tell the morning?” She groaned.

Spike stretched out a scroll to his longtime friend. Seeing the scroll, Twilight grabbed it from his claw and started to read.
My Dear Princess Twilight,

My sister and I have been disturbed by a power surge in the Everfree Forest. We don’t know what it was or from who it was produced. So, so we would ask of you and your friends to see to it once you all are able. We send this now so that it can be brought to your immediate attention and would wish that you would aid us in this manner. We wish you well.

Your forever tutor,
Princess Celestia