Of Darkness and Magic

by Kukulkrow13

Dark Revelations

Present Day
Shade's POV

It was bright and sunny outside the next day. I narrowed my eye as I tried to keep pace with Rainbow Dash and stay out of sight.

'I get that being fast is her thing and all,' I thought, 'But does she really need to fly so fast when we have a mission to do?'

Rainbow landed on a tree branch and I shot up to her shadow. "Ugh, there is nothing going on today!" she said, scanning her surroundings. She would have said more if not for the large amount of screaming that came our way. A cart of what appeared to be tourists barreled down the path, past the two of us.

"There are reasons why you never say things like that." I said.

Rainbow rolled her eyes before taking off and chasing down the runaway carriage.

'It's moments like these where I'm glad I can just stay in someone's shadow.' I thought.

Flying up along side it, she said "Never fear, your friendly neighborhood Rainbow-"

"Excuse me, do you think you can skip your catchphrase and just hurry up and save us?" a brown earth pony said.

"Ugh, fine." Rainbow Dash said. "Picky picky" she then muttered as she flew up to the front of the carriage. Rainbow dug her rear hooves into the dirt as she tried to stop the carriage.

It was then that I noticed an extremely thin magical link that was attached to Rainbow Dash begin to glow, before she lost her traction and was thrown out of the carriage's way. I shot out of Rainbow's shadow as I followed the link.

The link had lead to a crowd of ponies, who were standing along the path the carriage was traveling. Hiding in the shadow of a nearby tree, my eye narrowed as I scanned each of the ponies.

'Now then, where are you? I thought, before I found the pony the link was connected to. 'Ah, there... you... no way.' My eye widened as I found the caster. While I still could't see them, I could see their cutie mark, and that was enough to shock me to my very core.

Later that day
Rainbow Dash's POV

After Mare-Do-Well saved the day again, I had gone looking for Shade, but couldn't find him. So, I went out to the castle ruins again.

"Shade? Shade, are you here?" I called.

"Ah, Rainbow. Just the pony I was looking for." Shade's voice rang out as a pitch black timberwolf stalked into the room.

"WHOA!" I yelled as I shot up into the air.

The timberwolf let out a chuckle as Shade's voice rang out once more. "Relax. Remember when I overshadowed your unicorn friend's pet owl?" I nodded.

"Well, I'm doing the exact same thing to this timberwolf."

I blinked in surprise. "Oh." I landed and walked over to Shade. "So, did you find out what this hex does and who put it on me?"

Shade nodded. "Yes, I have for both of your questions. The hex basically causes you to have bad luck, figured that out when right after it was activated, you lost your traction."

"So THAT'S what happened!" I exclaim, "I was wondering why I had lost traction so quickly."

"Yep. As for the caster... well..." Shade nervously said.

"What? Who is it?" I asked, getting right into his face.

"Well, I couldn't get a very good look at the pony." My shoulders slumped when I heard this. "But..." My ears perked up at the word. "I did see their cutie mark."

"What was it?" I asked.

Shade seemed to look at me for a second before he sighed and began walking out of the castle. He looked over his shoulder and said "I'll show you."

I followed him outside, where he began drawing a picture with his claw.

Shade asked me to come look at the picture. When I saw what it was, I could have sworn that my heart stopped beating for a second. The image was of a six-pointed star with 5 smaller stars surrounding it.