//------------------------------// // 22 Mirage by lyra_lover777 // Story: Full Moon Fever: A MoonLight Prompt Collab // by TheLastBrunnenG //------------------------------// Mirage by lyra_lover777 Twilight was slumped over Nightmare Moon's shoulder like a bag of flour. Nightmare was barely moving, slowly inching through the burning, whipping sand that was flying through the air. The wind-driven bits of sand hit Nightmare's coat like bullets, making her want to scream and cry. But she was to tired and too delirious to even speak. The pair had been riding in a chariot on their way to the Hive to talk with Queen Chrysalis about extending the peace treaty. They were also going to invite the Queen to their wedding. Then a hell of a sandstorm had picked up, tearing both pegasi guiding the chariot through the sky out of their harnesses. The two guards had then been whipped away, gone in a flash. Their chariot had begun to plummet. Nightmare tried to get out, but the flying sand was blinding, and she and Twilight became stuck as they plummeted through the air. Finally, only several seconds from hitting the ground, Nightmare had pulled free and tugged the small lavender alicorn out just in time. But one of the chariot's wheels nicked Twilight's wings, breaking it with a loud Snap. Twilight had quickly passed out from the pain, slumping onto the burning sand. Nightmare had draped her over her shoulder. The black alicorn had then began to trudge through the crazy sandstorm. Now, two hours later, Nightmare was at the point of collapse, and Twilight was no where nearer to waking up. Tears formed at Nighty's eyes at the hopelessness of the situation. She had no idea where they were going. They would never get home. They would never get married. She could keep moving on the ground and eventually collapse and get buried under the sands, suffocating herself and her lover, Twilight. Or she could try to take flight and get sucked away like those two guards had been sucked away, into the unknown. So when she saw a dark shape, she opened her eyes wide. It looked like a pony. Nighty pushed forward, picking up the pace, but still moving at the pace of a snail. When she finally reached the shape, it was Luna. Nighty scrunched her brow as she touched Luna, who was staring into space. She burst apart, a cloud of sand hitting Nighty in the face. She slowly wiped the sand from her eyes, looking around. A new Luna was a few steps away. Standing next to her was Celestia. Nighty reached out to tap Celestia on the shoulder. The two princess sisters burst apart into a pile of sand, reappearing behind Nighty. Now Cadence was with them. Nighty continued to tap them on the shoulder. Discord popped up. Then Tirek. Then Queen Chrysalis. Then Applejack. then Rarity. And on and on and on, until Nighty was screaming as a sea of ponies surrounded her. At the sound of the scream, the sea of ponies came to life, moving towards her, all their eyes black pits, giant fangs and snake-like tongues hanging from their mouths. Nighty crouched on the ground, shaking as she began to cry. Suddenly it was all over as Nighty got up, clutching her back. Nighty realized she had been in a mirage. Shde looked down to see what thing poked her in the back. During the mirage, Nightmare must have tipped Twilight off her back. When Nighty had been surrounded by the ponies, she had fallen on her back, onto Twilight's horn. This had awoken Twilight, who was moaning as she mumbled about water. Nighty placed Twilight on her back and trudged on. After ten minutes, another shape appeared. Nighty began to move away from it, thinking it was another mirage, but then it buzzed over to them. It was a changeling drone. His name was Swiper. He lead them through the sand strom, giving them protective suits. Changelings had no use for them since their hard shells protected them from the hurting sand. Nighty clutched Twilight to her chest as they followed Swiper out of the storm. They were alright. Nighty sighed. "Next time, can we teleport here?" Twilight moaned into Nighty's coat. "Who said there was a next time? I am never coming close to this desert ever again.