Keep living for Friendship

by alejin

Chapter 18, The Party, . . . . . Twilight, do you break. . . dance?

After many introductions with almost everypony and many apologizes to ponies whose he “stealed”, Alex was relieved they weren’t mad at him, Filty Rich and Colgate even jocked saying they wouldn’t mind if he kept doing it, Alex was glad to see also Spike was recieving some attentions from the fillies and colts, like some kind of hero, (well actually, Spike was really a hero), good for you spike he thought, but Alex. . . . ashamed that he just noticed something important, he proceded to ask Spike inmediatily.

“Hey Spike, I just noticed now. . . .but. . . Where is Zecora?”

“Oh, yeah, I never told you, sorry dude, but during your time unconcious, she recieved a letter from manehattan and Fillydelphia, apparently the hospitals needed many of her healing potions and they needed her to go there inmediatily, she really didn’t want to go and leave you like that, but me and Sweetie bell promised her to look up for you, she told me to tell you get better soon and she will be back in around 2 weeks”

“I see, well I’m glad she is needed and well known, wow she must be a lot better potion maker than I thought if she is that famous around the Equestria”

“The best, even better than Twilight, and trust me, that’s saying a lot”

After that, everypony and Alex proceded to go to sugarcube corner for Pinkie WELCOME TO EQUESTRIA ALI!! Party, (damn, how she manage to have everything ready? We all were so busy preparing everything for the Asembly, it’s just. . . . . why am I always forget, it’s PINKIE PIE)

The party was great, Alex wasn’t really the party type of person, he prefered little reunions (gaming reunions), but considering he was partying with the ponies he loved and admired so much, he almost became a party monster that could match Pinkie. The snacks and pastries (made by the Cakes as an apology, even though Alex told them a million times it was ok) were really delicious but nothing that he didn’t already taste before, after all, he already tasted Pinkie’s muffins and cupcakes.

Many ponies aproached him to say hello, to thank him again for the dogs incident and some of them to just ask some random questions, where he is from, if the manticore incident was true (Sweetie bell or rainbowdash, you big mouths, he thought), after eating some snacks, pastries and sharing some stories with the fillies and colt who only listened with marvel eyes, Alex was now in his chair, looking how everypony celebrated, so happy, he was happy, he was so glad to being alive to see this in person, he really was here in Equestria, why he, there are so many hardcore fans who would give anything to be here, maybe they even deserved to be here million more times than him, but he didn’t mind it, Life decided to give him this chance, and he took it, he was planing to enjoy this 3 months he had left in Equestria (still just a theory, but he had to also believe it could be also not be), he was too busy in so many things to notice now, sitting next to him, there was Fluttershy, she playing with her hooves for a minute, finally manage to say

“. . . . Alex, would you (she whispered it) “

“What? you said something Fluttershy”

“I said, would you like (whisper again)”

“Fluttershy, even though I really really like that shy part of you, I must tell you, you need to speak louder, please tell me, what you want?”

“would, would you like to dance with me?. . . . if is ok with you of course”

Alex was speechless, she, the most shy pony in all Equestria, found the courage to ask this new creature to dance, wow, just wow, he could have expected a little to be invited by Pinkie Pie, or maybe just maybe Rainbowdash, but. . . Fluttershy?, this was unreal, there was no way in HELL he would say no

“Of course Fluttershy, I must say, I’m not really the type of a dancer but if you show me, I’ll try to learn fast”

She looked at Alex with a huge smile, then grabed his hand and inmediately dragged him to the dance stage with a strenght she never showed before

“Yay. . . . .I mean, Ok, this way please, if it’s ok with you”

They started to dance, Alex just saw every step everypony were following, he inmediatily got used to the dance, it wasn’t that hard considering they dance in 4 legs, everypony didn’t mind seeing the Human dancing, it wasn’t so odd and he really didn’t dance so bad, by his part, Alex was relieve he wasn’t dragging so much attention, after sometime he was getting tired, after all, ponies had a lot more stamina than humans, he gave them that, Fluttershy seemed she was having a lot of fun, she was a embarrased but happy, after some more minutes they noticed many ponies were chuckling and staring somepony in the stage as well, when Alex and Fluttershy aproached to see the source of all that attention, they had to fight with everything in them to not burst in laughts.

There she was, Twilight Sparkle. . . . dancing?, OMG, it’s all Alex could thought, her dance was so . . . . random, moving her hooves all the ways, her tongue out, making random moves instead a normal dance, it was some kind of poor excuse of break dance, but worst of all, she had her eyes closed so she didn’t notice she was the center of attention, but not the kind of attention you want, when she finally opened her eyes, she could see everypony staring and chuckling at her, she was so embarrased, by her look, he believed she always thought she was a heck of a dancer, but aparently. . . she realized she wasn’t after all, she only stayed there, on the floor, avoiding any eye contact, when he noticed this, Alex only could think one thing to do, he whispered something to Fluttershy

“I’m sorry Fluttershy, but maybe after what I’m going to do right now, you probably would never want to ask me to dance again”

“What are you. . . “

Before she could finish, Alex got near to Twilight, she was still in the floor, her head hidden by her hooves, then she noticed something, some noices, like if somepony was dancing just next to her, she removed her hooves to see who it was, maybe somepony making fun of her, but. . . . when she looked carefully, there he was, her human friend, he was dancing. . . . like her, in four “legs” every step he was making was the same as the ones she made, she was in shock, he was humiliating himself, for. . . her?

“What. . . . are you doing Alex?”

“What you mean Twilight, your dance is out of this world, would you stay there quiet or you will show me how to do it right?”

Twilight agape, after realizing what he was doing, she only smiled and thought (Thank you),

“Ok first of all, you are making it all wrong, this is how you do it” then she proceded to “show him the right way”, they both were laughting while dancing, some minutes later, Lyra joined them, if Alex was doing it, of course she would try it too, then Spike, Rainbow, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie pie and even Rarity (after a legendary battle in her mind if doing it or not) joined them, it was so funny, they were dancing so “BAD” but they managed to earn in the end some “aplauses from the public”, not for the dance, definetily not for the dance, but for being so hilarious, best comedy show in months, everypony thought.

After “the show” all the mane 6, Lyra, Spike and Alex aproached to the nearest table and proceded to sit and rest.

“Ah have to say Twilight, ah never expect seeing me dancing that dance, ever”

“Ohhhh why not Applejack, pinkie said, I thing it’s cute, embarrasing but cute”

Blushing Twilight said “Oh cmon girls it cannot be that bad?” (silence), “Ok, I have to admit it, it’s really bad, why you think I only dance when I’m alone at my house, anyway what did you expect from somepony who never danced since she came here to Ponyville”

They all noded, then Rainbow said

“Yeah that’s true, but . . . . Alex, I still can’t believe you did that, why, I’m pretty sure you knew that dance was awful, right?”

“Well, Dashie (OMG I said it), yeah, I thought that dance was. . . . unique, but after seeing how everypony was looking at her, I couldn’t help my self, besides I really wanted to dance with her that weird dance, it looked so funny, (besides, maybe it was a once in a life chance, honestly he believed she will never dance like that again, not infront of everypony at least), AND in the end you all ended joining us, even you Lyra and Spike, (they both blushed)

“Even so. . . . Alex (fluttershy started), you were really kind, we always knew Twilight didn’t know how to dance but we never told her, but. . . . you. . did, and you even support her. . . . and for that. . . Thank you.”

“Yeah” Twilight said, and hugged Alex “Thank you so much, and thank you for dancing with me, no stallion had ever danced with me, let be honest, who would even think about dancing with a boring egghead and terrible dancer like me?”

Alex only frowned and narrowed his eyes after hearing this, he inmediatily looked Twilight to her eyes and said

“Ok Twilight, enought with selling yourself short!, you call it egghead, I call it a really Smart and beautifull mare, . . . .Twily, you are not boring, you are really interesting and funny to hang out, just because you are Smart, very very Smart doesnt make you a boring mare, on contrary, it makes you very interesting to know, and please don’t ever say you are not beautiful, Twilight, trust me, I have know many girls very Smart but. . . let say they are not supermodels, like mayor mare with politicians, you have prove to me to be wrong again, a girl can be an “egghead” and very very beautiful at the same time, and trust when I say you are the living proof for that statement..

After hearing that, Twilight blushed like a tomato, nopony but NOPONY had ever tell her that, sometimes she really thought that maybe she would end all alone, without a stallion at her side, but now, after hearing Alex, she regained hope, she as him, will try to believe every word he just said, she hugged him tighter this time and only said “thankyou, thankyou, thankyou, you really always know what to say to a mare”

“haha, not really, (you should see how I always screw it with the girls I know at home) I just say what I really think, that’s all”

“So. . . .tell me Alex, rainbow said, what do you plan to do from now on, I mean, until now you have been living in the everfree forest, and as far as we know you been only training, “Shopping” and letting the time pass, now that you are here in Ponyville, what you plan to do??”

“Well that’s really a good question, obviously, I don’t plan to freeload at Rarity’s place, I need to look for a Job, or in the worst case, do what I did befofe, dig for gems, I plan to hang out with you or maybe some friends I’m planing to make, also I have to say, and I already talked about it with Twily. . . if it ok if I call you Twily (he said looking at her, she noded smiling) we already talked about meeting princess Celestia and Luna, maybe they can help me to find a way home” (of course Alex never told them he maybe had his own way home)

“Wait?? Are you planning to leave Equestria?? Lyra said (everypony shocked and frowned at this, Pinkie pie and Fluttershy looked like they wanted to cry)

“Well. . . yeah Lyra, I mean, I have my planet, my own home, don’t take it wrong, I like it her, I like it here a lot, but this is simple not my world, it’s yours, that doesn’t mean of course, I want to go right away, (they calmed down a little after hearing this), besides there is no warranty there is a way back, after all, I’m the first human here ever, so the probabilities to go back I believe are practically 0, (Lyra, much to her shame, couldn’t hide her relief and joy after hearing this).

“I see, well. . . let’s not think about that right now, the Princesses will not be coming back at least in 1 or 1 week and a half, for now, let’s just keep enjoying the party, and I’m really in the mood for another dance, anypony want to come dance with me?” (Twilight said)

After finished that question, Alex noticed he was the only one left in the table, he also planned to make a run for it when he looked at Twilight with pleading and excited eyes,

“. . . . . You are really lucky I apreciate our friendship a lot. . . . Ok, let’s go dance Twilight”

“YAY!!” it’s all Twilight could say before running to the stage while dragging her human friend with her magic.

“. . . . . it’s still a lot better than be called WIKIE” Alex thought as a consolence