//------------------------------// // I...won? // Story: So...What do I do Now? // by Dr Atlas //------------------------------// He was so close. He could almost feel the power coming off it, and soon, all of it will be his. All the power of the crystal kingdom will be under his control, and this time, no one will stop him. Not even the princesses, or was it pronounced princessi? He ignored that thought and concentrated on the task at hoof. His body had already reached his whole form, so now, he was no longer a black cloud with a face, but now it was that of a pony, but he didn’t care, the only thing he cared about was that “crystal~” “I really need to stop doing that.” He thought. He never really knew why he said it like that, sure, he liked crystals, and they are the only thing that, not only gives him great power, but are also keeping him alive, but he doesn't have to say it like that, he even pronounces, “Slaves~” that way too. Did he like them too? He shook these thoughts away and continued climbing toward the crystal, his vision was locked on that crystal heart, nothing will stop him from reaching it, he knew his power was far too strong for anypony to get in his way, only a fool will try. It was at that moment he saw something, or someone, was after the crystal as well, it was right behind it, some weird, purple...lizard? He couldn’t tell from here. He stepped forward on his platform to see that there was, indeed, a purple lizard falling toward the crystal. “What a foolish reptile.” He thought “How will that thing even survive this, even if it catches the heart he’ll die when I reach impact. It’s not like I’ll save that hideous thing when I reach it, so why is he after it?”  Sombra looked down at the crowd of crystal ponies, each one of them looking up. “Does he think they'll reward him for his bravery?  Build a statue in his honor? These ponies can’t even remember their own names. That was how I enslaved them so easly in the first place, they would probably die out from their sheer stupidity. How will they even know who this reptile is?” He looked back up. “How will they...wait...did I see...no, I can’t believe it...really?” Sombra lost his focus on the crystal and saw something right below him. This time it was a pink blur. “Pink!” He knew exactly what that blur was. It resembled that meddlesome princess. “That clever couple,” He thought. “using the 'throw the wife’ maneuver to try and stop me.” He recognized that tactic anywhere, where a husband threw a wife at a target to catch anything in mid air, and Sombra had to admit, that white unicorn truly had the arm. Unlike him. Sombra remembered trying that once with his queen, which would explain why he doesn't have her anymore, “I just hope that bug isn’t still mad at me.” He shook his head again, getting tired of all these thoughts that were going through him. “How have I not reached the crystal yet?” He looked straight forward and saw that the heart was only yard away. “Nice try Miss Cadenza,” He thought with a grin. “but I know just how to counter such a maneuver.” He narrowed his eyes and stepped back from his still ascending pedestal. He arched his flank in the air like a cat and, with all his strength, leaped off. He then quickly regretted it once all three of them collided into each other. It was also then that he realized he didn’t have any wings. He felt the force of the wind as he fell. “Maybe this wasn’t the best ide-” *SLAM* “...ow.” Sombra felt pain in his back, and his neck, and his head. Just about his entire body was in pain, but that quickly went away once he rolled off his back and on his side. He heard gasps around him, “At least my ears work.” He thought. “Now if my eyes could just cooperate with me I can...hu?” Sombra opened his eyes, and even though they were still blurry, He could tell exactly what was in front of him. The crowd of crystal ponies were starting to move away from him, he smiled, knowing that they still feared him, at least he had that going for him. He turned his gaze to something that resembled a pink blob with some purple on it, or magenta? No, it definitely looked purple, or was his eyes still adjusting to color as well. He groaned and slammed his hoof in front of him, causing the crowd to yelp. He continued to groan as he pushed himself up from all of this, this...whatever this was, he wouldn’t call it an injury. It’s not like he was in real pain, it just hurt falling several stories from the sky. He was still powerful to withstand such a hit. He survived being in ice for over a thousand years, so he was pretty sure he could survive this. He finally got on his front hooves. He turned around and saw that his lower half was still on it’s side. “Now if I can just get on my back ones up, then I can..can...um...bah! I’ll worry about what I’ll do later.” He grunted and pushed hard, it was becoming very difficult for him to do it, with only being able to breath through his nostrils, because for some strange reason, his mouth refused to open, even though it felt like it was open, and that it was...holding...something...in… “How in my name…” Sombra finally got on all fours and reached for his mouth. He heard more shock from the crowd doing so, and once he stuck his tongue out, he realized just what they were afraid of. “Holy...slaving...crystals” He whispered. “I...I have it…The- The crystal. It’s...it’s...mine…” He inspected the crystal heart on all sides, seeing that it was, indeed, shaped like a heart. He tapped it a bit, held it too his ear, he even licked it to see if it was true, and it was. He turned to the crowd to see that his vision had finally came to, and now that it did, he could see that the pink blob was the princess on the ground, looking like she was unconscious, as was the lizard that laid on top of her. Sombra was starting to have the same reaction the ponies were having. Dropped jaws, looks of horror and shock, but that would soon change with what would happen next. He was ready for this, he had prepared it over and over again in a mirror, and even a couple times with his slaves, but he wanted to take as much time as possible, to make this be a minute that would last forever. Sombra held his head down and started walking toward the fallen princess, the crystal now in his magical grasp. He could feel it coming, the one thing that he always wanted to do in a situation like this, what everyone would do at a time like this, the one thing that would always start slow, then end with fear. First was the chuckle, and with every step, it grew louder. Then came the half-laugh, where it was still a chuckle, but it was getting there. He then started raising his head once he loomed over the princess. Surprisingly the pink princess raised her head as well. “So she is awake...good.” She look up at him with a determined face, which quickly turned into shock as she realized just what had happened. Sombra smiled at the princess, looking deep in her eyes, seeing that she knew it was over, that he triumph, that she was no longer in charge, that it was his turn to be ruler now. He closed his eyes, ready for the next part, the one he enjoyed the most. He raised the crystal heart in the air, reared his front legs, craned his head to the sky, and with a deep breath... He laughed; he cackled; he roared; he yelled in victory; he screamed to the sky above, so loud that thunder came from it. Once he was finished with one round of laughter, he did it again, laughing more and more, each one more fearsome than the last. He finally did it. He won. He’s the ruler now! He continued laughing, and laughing, and laughing. That was, until the fifth round of laughter came, then the sixth was starting to calm down, as was the lightning, and when the seventh came, he was starting to lower his front hooves down to the ground, and then a short eighth round of laughter came, with this one, he opened his eyes, seeing most of the ponies were starting to become more concerned than scared. It was when the tenth round came that he lowered the crystal too, and this one was the last, he chuckled a few times, hoping to bring it back, but it was over, the whole ‘evil laugh’ had finally ended. Now, it was just him, with a crystal in his hooves, a crowd of crystal ponies, a princess laying in defeat, and an awkward silence between all of them. Sombra looked around, wondering what to do next, usually something would interrupt him. A yell from someone in the crowds, where he would then blast them with magic, or the princess saying ‘you won’t get away with this,’ with him making a comeback, saying ‘I already have,’ or a bolt of magic coming his way, or at the very least someone tackling him to the ground. "Come on ponies! Do something!" He thought. But no, they just stood there, some of them looked around, seeing if something else would happen, some were rubbing their arms in embarrassment, and the princess herself was looking down in awkwardness too. Sombra looked back and forth again, and since no one else would say something, he decided to do it himself. He raised the crystal in the air, and with no confidence whatsoever, he said, “So...um...Yeah! Hail the king! And all that...stuff...um...uh...new ruler and..uh…” He then lowered the crystal and scratched his neck. “Wow, this is awkward...Um, can all of you just...cower in fear or something...I don’t know...uh...” Sombra looked at the crystal. “What was I gonna do with this thing again?”