//------------------------------// // 3: Agendas // Story: Another Life // by Theblondeknight //------------------------------// The task of securing a position as the teacher of a new "Defense Against the Dark Arts" class was tedious and long, but after a week and a half of teaching at the Magic School, Snape had procured an extra class. The sign up sheet was filled faster than expected, and he later learned that many students felt their classes were too mundane and boring. Was it any wonder many unicorns never went beyond the basics? After his final class teaching potions, he locked up and departed to one of the basement levels and found a few students already waiting and having their conversations. "I would do it, if it was for Celestia, who wouldn't, I mean-" None of them were familiar to him, and none where very keen on his sudden entrance. "You're the human teacher, aren't you?" One of the students asked as Snape came down the stairs, his robes flapping after him. "I am, and I am also a teacher with a title; refer to me as 'Professor Snape' from now on," Snape told the colt sharply. "Y-Yes sir," The colt replied nervously. It seemed he wasn't used to being 'in trouble', or at least he didn't have as many teachers as good as Snape. "Yes sir, Professor!" Snape corrected and lightly hit the colt in the side of the head with his wand. The colt looked as though he had ingested a golfball. He reminded Snape of an uptight, teacher's pet Ravenclaw student. If only it were possible to take away house points here. Snape set up the equipment for the class by creating a few dummies and several mats, as landing on a stone floor could lead to more injury than he would have liked to have on a first day...plenty of time to teach them power and motivation through fear of pain later on. A few buckets, bowls, and sheets had been laid out near the wall. He also posted a notice on the wall that a study packet for the class would be waiting for the students in his office tomorrow morning. Soon enough, other students showed up for the lesson. As the room got crowded, it grew warmer, and as the room grew warmer, the patience of the students began to falter. Snape was content for the moment to scope each of them out from a distance and use deduction to make him impressions. Nothing outstanding, not that he expected to find much of it in the first place. Finally, one of the students, a proud and fairly skilled one at that, found the courage to speak up: "So are we here to defend ourselves against dark magic, or to have a social convention?" A few other students laughed, but most looked towards Snape with the slightest and twisted glee. Stories had already gone around about the toughest teacher in school. "You are wrong on two points," Snape declared as he slowly walked towards the student, Fire Rune, who dared speak against him, "You are here to learn from me, if you can, and you are not to speak out of turn. This may not be an experience in a classroom, but I will maintain absolute authority...am I clear?" By this time, Fire Rune was directly in front of Snape, and the human teacher continued to stare fiercely at the brash student's face. It showed little signs of backing down. This one was used to pushing his teachers around a bit. "I'm here to learn dark magic," Fire Rune stated flatly and made a satisfied face. The less precise at controlling their emotions gasped or covered their mouthes. No student had yet dared cross Snape, and he was glad to have finally found a troublemaker to make an example of. "Use your magic to throw this bucket at me," Snape ordered as he lifted a bucket with an unknown material in it and let the student grasp it with his magic, a suspicious look in his eye the whole time. Snape took several steps away and gestured silently for the colt to attack. "Expelliarmus!" Snape countered before the bucket move from over the student's head. The look of shock on Fire Rune's face was abundantly clear. The transparent liquid inside began to turn black and solidify on the student's body and he gnashed his teeth together as the pain grew with each passing second. "I said attack me, not wait for me to take the advantage," Snape criticized. Fire Rune shivered and looked at himself with confusion and fear and could not reply. "For those of you interested in learning of dark magic, take a good look," Snape continued, "this is a unique concoction with little mention in any dark magic book you'd ever find. It is an enchanted potion that saps the natural magic energy from a pony and converts it into this black mass, extra credit to anypony who can tell me what it is?" Nopony answered and Fire Rune began to pant as the agony increased, but Snape paid him no mind whatsoever. "I thought so...because Mr. Rune has made me his enemy, I will deduct three points from everypony's grade in this class for failure to answer," Snape informed them, at which a few groans could not be contained, but they only a brought a smile to his face that the students failed to catch. A mare took protest to the action, and more specifically, Snape's attitude in general: "Did Celestia approve of this kind of action? That's awfully cruel to pull on a student!" The other students grew quieter than before, and Fire Rune looked agitated, as though the mare who spoke up had just made things worse for him...which was fairly probable. "...Fortunately...for you...Celestia has asked that I not use anything deadly or that would cause major pain. However, I am not beyond re-evaluating what I consider to be 'major pain'. Mind your tongue...and learn from those foolish enough to cross my authority." The mare did not back down, at first, but was soon persuaded from the whispers of a couple of her friends to listen and stand down, an idea she accepted and acted upon after a good half minute of Snape staring coldly into her eyes. Snape ascended the vast and majestic Canterlot castle under the shadows of moonlight, having spent the day teaching and rummaging around a few old shops to find books, a bit more ink, and other items for his own purposes. The bags made no noise and neither did he as he rounded corners and slipped down the corridors. He slowed down upon coming towards a slightly open door where a conversation was bleeding through. "I know, I know, but I'm not being unreasonable with this," A male voice pleaded. "I beg to differ," Princess Cadence replied. Snape had set down the bag to the side of the door and leaned forward. No sound was relevant except their voices. "This is the most important time we've ever been through," The male objected and seemed to move farther away from the door. "But this is too far!" "It's my job to keep things in line and up to speed!" "These things can't always be taken that way; sometimes nature has to take its course!" "But we can try. We can make things happen." "I...I don't want to...please..." Cadence appealed. From what Snape could gather, she was now very close to the male. It seemed likely they were embracing. "I just want this to be..." "I know, I understand. But I'm part of this too...please..." "Ok..Ok..." "Thank you." No more words were uttered, and Snape decided that he had heard enough, and began to head out towards the next staircase when the door opened and Cadence headed the other way. Snape paused and, sure enough, the male came out a few seconds later to watch her go. He had a white coat and a mane that was two shades of blue. His so called cutie mark was a shield with four stars- three on top and one large one inside the tool. The stallion stared until she had completely disappeared, then turned back and was mortified to see Snape walking towards the staircase a ways away. "Hey," He protested, 'How much did you hear?" "As much as I wanted," Snape replied without turning back around. The unicorn was not pleased, however, and teleported in front of Snape with a snarl on his face. "What is that you've got there?" He demanded of the human, who stared for a moment and then put on a sarcastic smile. "Nice magic, and based on your inability to name these ingredients, I might assume you used to be the potions teacher." "Captain of the Crystal Guard," he shot back, "and Prince of the Crystal Empire, Shining Armor!" "How nice," Snape commented flatly and shifted to walk by, but was once again stopped. "I suppose you're the human, that Severus Snape guy..." "Ironic how the 'Prince' has heard of the mere teacher, but not vice versa," Snape mocked and this time pushed Shining Armor out of the way, but was grabbed from behind and spun around before he could make much ground. "I can make your life miserable here, don't forget that," Shining Armor warned, a dangerous glint igniting in his eye. Snape forcefully pulled his hand, which had been firmly in Shining Armor's grasp, away and stared back. The situation tensed up for a moment but Shining Armor was the first to back away, and did so with ire as Snape flashed a look of contempt. Cadence's husband...what an infuriating pony. Upon returning to his room, he put away the materials and began to scribble down a few things as the night air blew through the open window and lightly blasted his skin. The quiet murmur of the ponies going about their evening far below was the dominant sound. He had just dipped his quill in ink when he nearly jumped from his chair and drew his wand. Behind him was a pony he vaguely recognized as Pinkie Pie. "Hiya Snapey, it's been way too long," Pinkie began as if they had met at the market rather than in Snape's personal room, "you might not think of me as your friend but I definitely think of you as mine, absopositivutely!" Snape put his wand back and rubbed his temples, releasing an agitated sigh, "Snape...Severus Snape...is my name." "Snape, huh....." "That's right, now...if you don't mind...how did you get in?" "SNAPE! SNAPE! SEVERUS SNAPE!" Pinkie began to shout, as if it was a song. Snape sighed again and took back his wand. "Muffliato!" The charm took effect, and thankfully, made the pink pony cease the mindless shouting. "So, anyways...your name is really fun, but I'm here to-" "Please...," He cut her of as he turned back towards the desk, "leave me." It was more of a command than a request. "But Twilight and the rest of us are down at the little cafe on the corner, waiting for you, silly filly!" Pinkie explained and somehow seemed to teleport from behind him to beside him. "How nice, but you can tell them I'm not interested," Snape explained in a more calm way. "But we came over to see you and Twilight, and it won't be as much fun if Twilight is-" "Go. Now." Pinkie looked hesitant to take the order, and her lip quivered in the struggle, but she soon put her head down and walked off, and it seemed that her mane and tail had lost some of the flare they had a moment ago. That, or they had been deflated somehow. Twilight looked up across the street with a smile as the pink pony approached the table. "What happened?" Rainbow asked as the others took notice that Pinkie seemed less happy than she should. "He didn't want to come..." Pinkie explained. "That's too bad," Fluttershy consoled in a way that both sounded genuine and relieved that Snape would not be coming to join them that night. "Are you sure he's as great as you say he is, Twilight?" Applejack inquired as she took a large gulp from her beverage, much the contrast to Rarity, who was sitting by and slowly sipping her's with a straw. "He was nice enough when we got him settled in at the school," Twilight explained, "but he's always seemed a bit solitary, I guess. Maybe he just enjoys being alone more than he does spending time with friends." "I suppose that's possible," Rarity acknowledged and wiped her mouth gently with her napkin. "We'll get to him sometime when he's in the mood to hang out," Rainbow told her friends with confidence and consumed her beverage more akin to how Applejack did. "Yeah...it's just a matter of timing I guess...just finding out how to approach him," Twilight agreed thoughtfully. "Boy, I wish my ears would stop ringing already," Pinkie said, more to herself or the table than any pony.