Sins of the Mother

by Chelis

Power of Goodbye

It was supposed to be a day of intense training and preparation.

Instead, it was a day of relaxation, fun, and friends. Even with all that, her best moment of the day was probably the long and relaxing salt bath to top off the night.

With the tradition of the nightly salt bath done, Princess Starburst continued her nightly traditions with her last walk through the castle. It was a good way to ease her mind, which usually was in every direction during the day. Although she really did not really need it that day, she knew she would of been restless in bed had she not of done it. This particular walk was uneventful all the way up to her parent's chambers. Now, time and again she heard the whispered hushes of her parents 'getting acquainted' with each other, which always made her embarrassed every time. This time, however, instead of her parents in the throws of passion, they were fighting.

That was probably none of the princess's concern, but she was curious enough to stay and listen.

"This is a trap! It screams a set up!" her father yelled.

"So what?! People are dying out there!" Twilight answered.

"They want to send the elements, and not the royal guards?!, that is too suspicious?!"

"The magic of friendship has beaten the Changelings before!"

"That was your brother!"

The fight went on into the night. Starburst sat next to the door, worried. There was a chance she was going to finally have some actual excitement in her usual mundane existence of training and preparing for the 'next war'. There was also a chance her mother, and all of her friend's mothers were going in what was described as a dead zone.

Either way, Princess Starburst, in a rare moment, had no idea what to do.


Within days, it was decided that the bearers of the elements were to accept the request and head off to the Griffon Kingdom. Their husbands, however, where the first to protest. They demanding that they go as well as their entourage and protectors, which included a small regiment of the royal guard.

Their send off to the kingdom had no fanfare. It had no confetti falling from the top of buildings, or even speeches and the whatnot. It was all on a lonely train station, with a empty train about to make its way to the Crystal Empire, and from there they were to take a carriage into the kingdom. The bags and supplies were all inside the train. All that was left were the goodbyes.


"Please take care of Icy Storm, Prism. You are the older brother after all," Rainbow Dash commanded. There were rare times where Rainbow would show her emotional side to her two sons. That was one of those times. Same went for Soarin, their father. Raising children put the fear in the once brave and bold Rainbow Dash, who became more cautious for her kids.


Fluttershy did not have a significant other in her life, but she did adopt the child of a old friend that perished along with his wife in a accident. Even with that and being born blind, her adoptive daughter rose through her early troubles and became a star protege of magic under the mentor ship of her long time friend Twilight Sparkle.

"You know what to do when you are alone, right?" Fluttershy asked Anthea. Both were on the verge of tears since this was to be the first time they would be apart for a long time, but they kept a brave face for each other.

"Yes mom, and If I need anything I have Turquoise to help."

"Well alright then, I just hope that I don't come back with a grandchild waiting for me."

"Wow, Mom."


"I wish we could of departed on better circumstances" Rarity said to her daughter Crystal Clarity and son Turquoise Blitz . "But, I know the both of you will be fine, so this is basically like a trip."

"Just like old times," her husband Spike replied. "And just like back then; you brought a unnecessary amount of clothes."

"Oh, and I assume you would like to see me with as less clothing as possible?" Rarity flirted back.

She cleared her throat when she noticed the annoyed and embarrassed look from her children . "Anyway, I guess this is farewell."

All four came together for one last group hug.


"That's our predictable mom," Starburst and her younger brother Night Light said as they observed their mother go through the checklist of supplies for the third time and not even close to being the last time.

"Don't be so hard on your mother. She only wants everything to go right. Especially because she wants to get back home as soon as possible." Flash Sentry responded.

"That's right," Twilight said as she hugged her two children. Although Twilight was not the most affectionate mother, she loved her children to the point where she actually preferred to send herself to deal with the situation rather than risk losing her daughter.

"Night Light, I would like you to continue your studies. And Starburst: please no dangerous adventures."


For Pinkie Pie, her three daughters was her biggest accomplishment in life. Yes, the adventures and becoming a element of harmony was fun and all, but her children were her pride and joy. Which was why she was nearly in tears, and her children were as well.

"Candy, I need you to be the big sister, okay?" Pinkie asked. Her husband was right behind her, putting the last of their gear into the train.

"I will mom. You be safe out there, okay?"

She didn't answer, she just pulled her three daughters close.

The parents gave their children the last goodbyes before they boarded the train to the Griffon Kingdom. In the back of everyone's mind, there was a nagging fear that it may had been the last time they have seen their loved ones ever again. Cotton Candy's two sisters started to cry as the train disappeared from view. As Candy consoled them, a grim fear fell upon the rest of the children of harmony. They all looked at each other knew that they were all thinking of the same thing. This was merely the beginning of a long and exhausting time in their lives.