My Little Luna


Chapter 9

"He is regaining consciousness."

"Keep him restrained."

My eyes flutter open, only to get blasted by a painful mix of bright, artificial lighting. The walls around me are all bare white, the floor made of a light-grey hued linoleum. The only relief is a series of dark, thick windows, and two figures sporting black suits, with their bottoms sat in rather uncomfortable looking chairs.

"Welcome, Matthew." The one on the left said with a deep, slow voice. His hair is a dark red color, styled into a buzz-cut, with a sruffy beard to match. His sunglasses help him remain even more stoic than he actually is, and able to hide his identity beneath the dark object.

"You may want to know why you are here." He said, possibly even more slowly then before, "You may also want to know why you are in that chair as of the moment."

At first I didn't realize, but now that he mentions it, my wrists are bounded by iron cuffs, and legs seem to be trapped within steel bracers among a wooden chair.

"Allow me to explain." A feminine voice said.

Oh... I know that voice.

I turn to see the woman, with her legs and arms crossed. She also sported sunglasses, and is also leaning back in her chair. Her brunette hair flowed down to her shoulders, and most people would be entranced by her.

Not me.

"We have been monitoring you for some time now. You first caught our attention when we saw you on our satellites orbiting the planet. We saw you and your... alien, camping in the Appalachian mountains."

"It wasn't that hard to track you from there. Given there were strange weather phenomenon, and tornadoes seemingly appearing out of nowhere."

Well shit.

"We saw that she was a new species. Something that needed to be preserved for future use. But..." She looked at her cohort and gave him a mischievous smile, "When we saw it- she was sentient, we needed to further our studies into this creature."

My face eyes are beginning to fill up with tears. "What are you doing to her? What the fuck are you doing to her you bastard!?" My voice got progressively louder, my anger and sadness showing trough like a mirror.

She waves her hands in front of her body defensively, "Oh, no no no, nothing that would kill her..." She turned to her partner who gave her a wicked smile.

His deep voice fills the room, "Sadly, the process is... a little... painful we should say."

Hundreds of thoughts flood my head of her well being, and her safety. I can only imagine what they're doing to her.

"We just need you here for a little... interrogation. You know of her emotions, thoughts, and feelings. That's why we require you in this facility." The lady said, with her voice as malice as ever.

"Why, do you think, I'll help... you?" I contort my face in the most serious expression that I can muster up, and spit on the floor in front of her.

She reaches down into her pocket and pulls out a strange looking device. "I believe this will change your thoughts."

She activates a button on the object, and electricity pulses through my veins. I screamed, with pain ravaging my nervous system, and my vision begins to darken again.

She stops before I pass out. "Resistance will only award you more harm-"

"Why..." I mumble.

She looks at me, genuinely looking confused. "What was that?"

"Why did you do it?"

It takes her only a second to realize what I'm talking about, and she contorts an even more malicious smile."Oh, you see, it was part of my cover. It looked as if I was imprisoned, but in reality it just gave me more time to do this. I could kill any random shit in The Big Apple if I wanted to.."

"What a coincidence that it was your brother."