...And It Was Going So Well, Too...

by PresentPerfect

So Very, Very Well...

...And It Was Going So Well, Too...
by Present Perfect

Something was rotten in Canterlot High. Sunset Shimmer had stolen enough magical artifacts and taken on demon forms enough times to know ensorcelled high school students when she saw them. Sure, they didn't exactly have green glowing eyes, but quite a few members of the student body were somewhat more prone to bumping into walls, gazing vacantly into the distance, and mumbling phrases over and over under their breath in an emotionless monotone than usual.

"We have to do something to stop it!" Sunset slammed her fist into her palm.

"But what can we do?" Rainbow Dash continued kneeing her soccer ball into the air while she talked.

Pinkie Pie removed three tacos from her hair and shoved them into her mouth. Taco Tuesday was her favorite day of the week, next to Waffle Wednesday and French Bread Pizza Friday, which it currently was. "Yeah, Twilight Sparkle's not here to do all that nifty-doodle magicky stuff!"

"And it was magic what done turned students inta zombies last time!" Applejack raised one of her perfectly-trimmed eyebrows, watching Sunset Shimmer out of the corner of her eye.

"Oh, do come off that, dear." Rarity tried unsuccessfully to run her brush through Fluttershy's hair, but there was literally no end to it. "You've always been so hard on poor Sunset, even after she apologized."

"It's not nice to hold grudges," Fluttershy said. Her voice was quiet thanks to her existential horror at her own infinite hair. It just kept on going.

Applejack crossed her arms and hmphed. "Yeah, well, 'scuse me if'n I ain't one to trust succubi worth half a rotten apple core."

Sunset frowned. "I'll ignore that. I'll also ignore that you don't think I can help just as much as Twilight Sparkle did." She closed her eyes, leaning forward until her head was almost on her knees. "You forget that I, too, was born in Equestria, and studied under Princess Celestia in the School for Gifted Unicorns. I may have given up my birthright, but magic still flows through my veins."

Thanks to that birthright, she could sense mysticism and things amiss in this world. What had changed around the school recently? That Adagio Dazzle girl and her two hangers-on. What were their names again? No matter. While she didn't want to be quick to judge, she had been a bully long enough to know bad eggs when she saw them. Much as she wanted to put her sordid past behind her, it seemed that walking the thin line between good and evil might be more productive on this occasion. There was, of course, no evidence linking Dazzle, et. al., to the current malaise in the school, but she made a note to keep an eye on them.

A distinct lack of responses to her earlier statement caught her attention. The others were just standing around the bleachers, blinking. Pinkie Pie, who had switched from tacos to bubblegum, blew a bubble as large as her head, which popped all over her. As she giggled and snorted it back into her nose, Sunset Shimmer sighed, head hanging low.

"You five really don't trust me, do you?"

She shook as a hand rested on her shoulder. Looking up, she saw Rainbow Dash, ball in arm, smiling at her.

"Hey, don't get so down. You're right that something's wrong, and if you think you're the one who can fix it, we'll be with you."

"That's what friends do for each other, after all," said Rarity, searching unsuccessfully for her brush in Fluttershy's hair. Fluttershy nodded her agreement, which caused the brush to materialize in a stall of the second floor boys' bathroom. In Poughkeepsie.

All eyes turned to Applejack, who gave a lopsided grin. "Well, I ain't hardly gonna stand idly by while the school's in trouble. Where do we start?"

"A battle of the bands?"

Something about the poster was off. Possibly that it was occupying a space generally reserved for official school announcements, yet was no more elaborate than emoticon-laden black text on white letter-size paper.

"Weren't you in the cafeteria yesterday?" Rarity asked.

Fluttershy's head sank down toward her chest. "They did a song about it and everything."

"And as everyone knows, cafeteria songs mean serious business," Pinkie added, snacking on a donut. Five more hung from the various hook-like structures present in her hairdo.

"We totally need to do this, guys," Rainbow Dash said, crouched like a runner on a starting block.

Sunset looked around at the others. "Um, but none of you can--"

In an instant, Rainbow had her by the collar, nose pressed against hers. Crazed light shone from her eyes. "We. Need. To do this."

"Okay!" Sunset squeaked, her pupils shrunken to pinpricks. Rainbow Dash released her and assumed a smug pose.

"I get to play wicked-awesome guitar!"

There was light applause.

Sunset thought about it for a moment. "Well, I can si--"

"Ooh, ooh!" Pinkie shoved her hand over Sunset's mouth. "I bet we'll all go through life-changing experiences in the next few days while discovering how to play instruments that perfectly fit our general character traits!"

"It sounds like a plan to me," Rarity said.

Sunset gagged as Pinkie removed herself from her personal space. Applejack crossed her arms and huffed.

"Just so long's I don't get stuck playin' bass again."


Principal Celestia had more or less conned all the entrants into setting up the auditorium for the battle. Yes, Pinkie and the others had done a great job for last year's prom, but given that she was part of one of the entered bands, this method ensured that everyone had a chance to personalize the decorations and not give themselves an advantage. For Sunset, this turned out to be a good thing because a certain guitar-playing bad boy had also entered his band in the competition.

"Hey, Flash."

He was swapping out lightbulbs when she at last got the nerve to talk to him. It was so weird. They'd dated before; they'd kissed! There was no reason for her to be acting like a twelve-year-old with butterflies in her stomach around him, but there she was, trying hard to play it cool while unable to meet his gaze.


He looked down at her, his expression unreadable. That was a hard "Oh" to get the meaning of, too. It wasn't "Oh, it's you." It wasn't "Oh hey, it's you!" It was just "Oh."

"Long time, no talk," he continued, taking careful steps down the ladder. Her heart leapt when she saw his tiny smile.

"Yeah, it has been a while." She swallowed. "Look, I'm not very good at apologies, but I wanted to say sorry, for..."

He cocked his head to one side. "For turning into a demon and trying to enslave the whole school?"

Her face turned bright red. Flash started laughing.

"Hey, it's okay. We all make mistakes."

Mistakes? He was calling that a mistake?

He reached out and put his hand on her shoulder.

"It's good to know you're doing okay, though."

She crossed her arms over her chest. It was the only way she could counter the urge to take that hand and press it against her cheek. "Yeah. I'm okay. And I was hoping, maybe... I'd like us to be friends again. If you're cool with it."

Just friends. Sure, she wanted more, but she'd learned her lesson about just taking things she wanted. Plus, they had mutual baggage. There was no point in going all bodice-ripper on him when she knew it would only scare him away. She couldn't know how he felt about her. He'd been the one to break it off the first time, after all; her expectations had to remain low.

"Yeah, I think that'd be cool." He scratched the back of his neck, laughing. "Better than being enemies, right?"

Her arms moved from her chest to behind her back. It was silly. Once, she'd been the greatest magic-user Equestria had ever known. She'd been the personal student of Princess Celestia, the envy of unicorns the world over. She'd lived an entirely different life in an entirely different world. For crying out loud, she'd already graduated from school once! Yet the smile of this one boy brought a fire to her chest. Those words made her grin and lift her chin ever so slightly to bridge the gap between their eyes. She was light.

"Better than being enemies."

At the wooden door, Sunset balked. It wasn't even a year ago that she would never have considered entering the home of one of these girls, let alone even known where they lived. Nor would she have been welcome, back then. Her hand hovered as the enormity of how much her life had changed, and in how short a time, struck her.

The most ridiculous part was that it was all thanks to one pony. Girl. Both. For an individual to wield that much power was awe-inspiring, overwhelming even. If she met Twilight Sparkle again, she might just drop to her knees and weep in religious ecstasy. The thought caused her to shiver.

She didn't want to be indebted to Twilight. That girl had just had too easy a life. Sure, Sunset herself had gone through a lot of the same motions, but in the end her own hubris and desire for power had been her downfall. Twice, she'd made the same mistake, and it had taken someone as well-versed in the ways of friendship as Twilight to show her that.

Sunset chuckled. She didn't want to owe Twilight anything, but she couldn't hate her either. Twilight had given her the strength of character to realize her own faults, to realize that Twilight hadn't taken Flash from her, but that Sunset had lost him on her own.

"Ya plannin' on just standin' there all day attractin' flies, little missy?"

"Yaah!" Sunset jerked backward. The door in front of her hand had vanished, replaced by a wrinkled green visage.

The lunch lady is Applejack's grandma? I should've guessed.

"Um, s-sorry, ma'am, I..."

Applejack's grandmother chuckled. "Lemme guess. Yer part o' that band AJ's been talkin' 'bout." She stepped to the side, giving Sunset a clear view through the farm house. "Straight on through an' out the back. Barn's big and red. Y'can't miss it!"

Sunset smiled. Despite being a standard presence in the school, almost fading into the background most days, in private this woman had a certain no-nonsense air to her that put Sunset at ease.

"Thank you." She nodded and trudged through the living room, taking care not to look at anything. After all, a few months ago, she wouldn't have been welcome here.

The one thing that caught her attention was the sound of clattering dishes in the kitchen. A muscular back framed by apron straps blocked her view to the sink. Blond hair a shade darker than Applejack's complemented the red plaid shirt. His biceps were huge, to say nothing of his thighs.

Hey, if things with Flash don't work out...

She hurried out the back door before that thought could finish.

"Glad you could finally make it!"

Sunset started at the sarcasm in Rainbow Dash's voice, but relaxed when she saw the smile on her face.

"Sorry about being late," she said, chuckling. "No offense, AJ, but you kind of live out away from... everything."

"Where else you expect they'd put a farm?" Applejack smirked at her. "No better place for band practice, though!"

"We're all ready-steady-go to start makin' some tunes!" Pinkie shouted, slapping her drums arhythmically.

Rarity cleared her throat. "Well, almost ready, that is." She cast a glance around at the others, all of whom grew sheepish.

Sunset raised an eyebrow. "What's the problem?"

"Well, it's just..." Rarity scratched at her arm.

Applejack sighed. "Our tastes in music are so totally different that there ain't no songs more'n two of us know to play!"

Sunset's eyes brightened. "Now that, I can help with!" Doffing her backpack, she quickly removed her microphone, its cord, and a folder. Said folder was a vivid blue with black pinstriping and decorated with all sorts of gothy hearts. Rarity glared her displeasure at it.

"I hope you girls won't mind, but I've been writing songs for a while now." Sunset pulled a sheaf of papers from the folder, holding them up. "I don't know if they're any good, or if you'll like them, but they could be a place to start..."

The others stepped forward, taking a few of the papers and looking them over.

"Oh my," Fluttershy said, "these lyrics are lovely."

"Why yes," Rarity agreed, "I think I might enjoy hearing one or two of these."

Applejack had her song held at arm's length and was squinting at it with one eye. "I wonder what this here tune sounds like."

"Uh, well the notations are all there," Sunset said, pointing to the tablature. "I picked them out on a pretty junky guitar, though, so they probably need some work."

Four faces fell.

It was Pinkie's turn to clear her throat.

"There's, uh... Another teeensy-weensy little-ittle problem-woblem."

Sunset frowned and crossed her arms over her chest.

Fluttershy held up her tambourine in front of her face. "None of us have any musical training."

"Except me!" Rainbow blurted, leaping in the air and brandishing her guitar.

"What?" Sunset's jaw fell. "But... 'Life-changing experiences'! You've all got instruments!"

Rarity coughed. "Well, we sort of got them with... magic." The word was spoken so quietly, Sunset could swear Fluttershy had said it. She slapped her forehead.


The others watched with looks of concern as she started to pace around the barn, waving her hands as she spoke.

"At the rate things are going, the whole school will be ensorcelled by next week! We have to do well at this battle of the bands or we'll never stop the attacks!"

She stopped, resting the bridge of her nose against two fingers. The others drummed nervously against their instruments. Pinkie ate an eclair.

Sunset Shimmer breathed in through her nose. She let it out through her mouth.

"Okay. Other than Rainbow Dash, none of you know how to play except with magic?"

Four heads nodded.

"Okay. Great. That's just fine." Sunset smiled, though it didn't set any of them at ease. "Pinkie, how good are you at keeping a beat?"

Pinkie zipped onto her stool, tapping out a simple, but steady, one-two on bass drum and snare.

"Great! Rainbow, you can read tabs, right?"

"Sure can!"

Sunset's smile grew more genuine. "Awesome. Show AJ a chord or two, she won't have to do much. Are the rest of you good at following a beat?"

She got nods and "mm-hms" in response.

"All right then." Sunset grabbed her mic, plugging it into a nearby amp and placing it on a handy stand. "Performing music is generally about improvising. Only Rainbow Dash has enough experience to really do that, so the rest of you, just listen to what she and I do, and see if you can follow along. Pinkie, Fluttershy, try and pick up the beat. AJ, Rarity, your job is to complement the lead melody, low and high notes respectively."

She closed her eyes for a second, listening to the other girls fiddle with their instruments. When she opened them, a fierce determination filled her chest.

"It's okay if we suck a little at first. That's why this is called 'practice'. Just know that I believe you can do this, because I know that you all care about this school and its students as much as I do now."

"Yeah!" Pinkie cheered. Smiles were had all around. Sunset turned to Rainbow Dash.

"Start us off, Dash. E minor."

"Got it!"

Within minutes, they were playing like a well-oiled machine. Well, maybe a machine that had once been well-oiled but hadn't had maintenance in a few years and was coated in that icky black fuzzy stuff. It could have been better, but it could have been worse, too. Rarity and Fluttershy seemed to be handling their sections well enough, though Pinkie and AJ would need to learn how to do variations before their parts stood out. Rainbow Dash she couldn't fault for skill, though she was maybe a little too bombastic, which wasn't really surprising, considering.

As for Sunset herself, she sang her heart out. She'd never performed these songs for anyone before; she wasn't even sure why she'd brought them along. But with her rekindled feelings for Flash Sentry fresh in her heart, not to mention the complete lack of judgment from her friends, she found that she was enjoying this far more than she might have anticipated. She sang about desire and loss, love and heartache. They were all about him, after all.

They did one song, refocused, and did another. By the middle of the third song, however, those feelings had welled up and Sunset could no longer hold them back. Choking on a high note, she sank to her knees, tears running down her cheeks. The music screeched to a halt and five pairs of hands helped her to her feet.

"I'm sorry, girls," she said, wiping the tears away. "You probably think I'm being silly."

"Nonsense!" Rarity cried.

"I always think you're silly, for the record!" Pinkie squealed, hugging her tightly and rubbing her face on Sunset's. It was weird, and a gross invasion of privacy, but it was enough to make her smile, at least.

"What's got you so worked up, though?" Dash asked.

Could she tell them? It wasn't that she didn't trust them, it was just... Well, they were Twilight's friends, too. Besides, she wasn't even really sure why she was acting the way she was. She was stronger than this.

"I'm just worried about the students, is all," she said, watching Applejack out of the corner of her eye. It wasn't entirely a lie; she was worried about them, but she had to be sure.

"Well, shucks, sugarcube, I guess we all are, ain't we?" Applejack gave no sign of detecting the falsehood, and Sunset relaxed.

Heads nodded.

"We'll just have to practice extra hard," said Fluttershy, "so that we can be in top form for the battle of the bands!"

Agreement was had all around.

"Knock knock!" came a voice from the doorway. They all turned to see Applejack's grandmother, carrying a steaming pie tin. "Hope I'm not disturbin' y'all, but this here apple pie just cooled off a bit, and I reckon it's got yer names written all over it!"

The girls cheered, and Sunset was able to still her tears. It was a good time for a break.

As the week progressed, they practiced hard, and made solid improvement. Sunset was beginning to think they could pull it off, and let them know as much.

Privately, however, she was wondering if the odds weren't stacking up against them faster than they could be dealt with. Greater and greater portions of the student body were acting like zombies. Whole classes were sitting in rapt attention to their teacher, or at least what passed for it. That never happened. Certain individuals seemed immune to the effects, mostly band participants, but with each passing day, Sunset could feel the wrongness creeping up on her. It was as though at any moment, some monster might jump out and bewitch her.

It didn't help that she couldn't keep tabs on Adagio Dazzle and her minions. Yes, they were definitely minions, following her with the obedient yet resentful miens of those owing a life debt. Sunset knew the type. But they were slipperier than eels in June, as Applejack would say, and try as she might, she wasn't able to track down their comings and goings off campus.

On the bright side, things with Flash were going well. Sure, they weren't back in each others' arms, far from it. But they chatted in the cafeteria, caught up on missed time, and once she even helped him unload some musical equipment from his car. She had to admit she missed that car almost as much as she missed him. It was sexy.

Things came to head the day before the battle. There was hardly a normal-acting student on campus by that point, other than those who were actively involved in the competition.

Except for Flash.

He hadn't said a word to her when she greeted him in the hallway. For a moment, she wondered if he wasn't giving her the cold shoulder after a change of heart. It would be entirely understandable, after all. Maybe she was moving too fast. Maybe he felt like she was trying to get him back into a relationship he didn't want. But when he plowed straight into Fluttershy, knocking her over, and didn't even stop to apologize, that was when she knew something was wrong.

"Fluttershy!" She knelt down, helping her friend gather her spilled papers. "Are you okay?"

"I am at one with the mysteries of creation," Fluttershy replied, gazing off into the distance. "I mean, I'm fine. I wonder why Flash did that, though. Was it something I said?"

Sunset frowned. "Did you get a look at his face by any chance?"

"Um..." Fluttershy hesitated, gnawing on her lower lip. "You mean his chiseled jaw, flawless skin, perfectly waxed eyebrows, moussed hair and dreamy blue eyes you could just jump into and lose yourself in forever?"

Sunset's eye twitched. She would have to check her mind for telepathic leaks later.

"The eyes, Fluttershy. Focus! Was there anything weird about his eyes?"

"Oh." Fluttershy blushed. "Sorry, I wasn't really paying attention. I was too busy falling on my butt."

Sunset sighed, but helped her to her feet. Even if Fluttershy couldn't confirm it, there was no mistaking zombie-ness right in front of her. Things had just gotten really serious, and right in time for the battle.

"Adagio Dazzle!"

There was something familiar about this dark, somewhat creepy hallway, with its single buzzing, flickering light.

"Can I help you?" The fountain of orange curls swayed as the other girl spun on her heel, regarding Sunset with abject disdain.

Sunset stalked up to her, finger pointing into her face. "I don't know how you're doing it, but I know you're behind what's going on with the students!"

Adagio glanced to her lackeys, then fanned her hand over her mouth and laughed. "I'm sorry, is something 'going on' with 'the students'?"

Sunset growled. Lashing out, she grabbed the lapels of Adagio's stupid, tiny jacket and pulled her in close.

"Flash Sentry. Let. Him. Go. Or so help me, Celestia, I will--"

"Ooh!" said one of the lackeys. "Somepony's swearing to Celestia now?"

Sunset released her grasp. "W-wait, did you say..."

"Is it really not that obvious?" Adagio asked, dusting herself off and regarding Sunset once more with unbridled contempt. "You don't enchant an entire high school one by one by being a worthless, non-magical human. Not like you could prove anything, whoever you are."

Sunset grit her teeth. "You'd better let him go, or you'll be sorry."

Adagio rolled her eyes. "Girls, I think someone has a crush. What say we divest her of that foible posthaste?"

The lackey who hadn't spoken previously looked confused. "What?"

The other one rolled her eyes. "Just follow my lead." Under her breath, she added, "Imbecile."

The two of them slunk around Sunset, then came up behind her, grabbing her. Sunset froze. They weren't trying to restrain her: their hands were running up and down her sides. They groped at her, squeezed her, and whispered lascivious things in her ears. Adagio stepped forward, eyes half-lidded, and lifted Sunset's chin with a finger.

"What do you think about this, then? Not even you can escape our power!"

Sunset's eyes went to pinpricks. Those hands were all over her. She could feel tension building in her body. At the last moment, she stiffened and let herself fall backward. The two lackeys caught her, interrupting their ministrations, and Adagio seemed taken aback. Thinking quickly, Sunset reeled back and headbutted the lackey on her left, giving herself enough leeway to scramble out of the other one's grasp.

"Don't touch me!" she shouted.

Panting, she stared them down. It was three on one, but she'd gotten the drop on one of them. She hunched over, spreading her fingers and holding her arms akimbo. She was sending a message: I'm dangerous. I'm unpredictable. I can do it again.

"Ow, my friggin' nose..." whined the lackey she'd injured.

Adagio scowled. "Enough. Consider us even, little pony. See you at the battle." With a snap of her fingers, her two hangers-on fell into place, one still holding her bleeding nose with a hand, and they sauntered off to parts unknown.

Sunset waited until they were out of sight before releasing her breath. Shaking, she sank to her knees. They weren't like anything she'd ever seen or heard of before. And they knew she was from Equestria! Even if she hadn't made that little slip, she had a feeling that somehow that tidbit would have come to light regardless.

Should she tell the others? What good would it do? The battle was tomorrow night, which meant they had one more day of practice left. Knowing that the Dazzles weren't human wouldn't change the stakes at all. She'd likely only worry them further.

All she could do now was put everything into her singing and hope that would be enough.

It wasn't.

Oh, sure, she was fully confident in her singing ability, just not that it would be enough to stop the Dazzles. Not given the Five Stooges she had to work with, anyway.

Things had been going so well. Yesterday, they had seemed more in sync than ever before, like a real band even! She was feeling super positive about the whole thing. Now, on the dawn of the big show, they had collectively choked. Nothing was fun anymore and everything hurt.

Pinkie Pie had had a "cake mishap" involving her drums and refused to give further explanation as to why they weren't present in the barn.

Fluttershy claimed one of her animal friends had eaten her tambourine, or possibly stolen it. She wouldn't elaborate on which, and Sunset couldn't tell if she was trying to cover up having mislaid it or not.

Rarity had just had her nails done in preparation for the show that night and refused to play until they were perfectly dry, "because do you know how icky this shade is if it doesn't dry evenly?"

Applejack, to put it nicely, had shown the least improvement out of the six over the course of the week's practice sessions, and was still stuck on "which one's C, again"? She plunked doggedly at her bass, ignorant of how much she was holding the whole outfit back.

Speaking of outfits, Rainbow Dash's was the other reason Rarity was refusing to play, and Rainbow wasn't taking "it's not awesome" for an answer.

"I spent way too much time on this getup for you to call it 'tacky'!"

"Oh, puh-leez, Rainbow Dash." Rarity gave her eyes an extra-sarcastic roll. "With that amount of sequins, you should be trying out for a solar power farm, not a rock and roll band!"

"Do you think I could eat my drums if they were covered in frosting?" Pinkie asked Fluttershy.

"I'm pretty sure you can eat anything..." Fluttershy swallowed. "Like maybe a tambourine... Or a human being..."

Applejack grunted. "Would y'all mind keepin' it down a mite? I'm tryin' ta practice over here!"

Rainbow Dash frowned at her. "Maybe if you didn't spend so much time slacking off playing, you wouldn't be so far behind the rest of us!"

In a moment, Applejack and Rainbow Dash were nose to nose, teeth gritted, feet scrabbling at the ground.

"If anyone around here's been slackin' off, it's you spendin' all that time puttin' together that ridiculous getup!"

Rainbow Dash snarled. "Just because you all have lame fashion sense doesn't mean I--"


The shocked expressions on her friends' faces mirrored her own. She had gotten their attention, but now what? Twilight Sparkle would have known what to do, for sure. It didn't help that she wanted to shout about being surrounded by idiots.

"I..." She rubbed the back of her arm. Then, gritting her teeth, she set her face in determination. "I don't blame any of you for this, but I think we may have to call it quits."

"What?" the other five shouted.

"I'm sorry. It's obvious we're not ready, and if we're not in top shape to perform..." She sighed. "There's no hope of stopping those monsters."

At the others' inquisitive looks, she continued. "I confronted the Dazzles yesterday. I couldn't tell you what they are, but they knew about Equestria."

There were gasps around the barn.

"I can't prove it, but I know that whatever magic has a hold over the students, it's coming from them. It has to be."

"So that's it, then," Applejack said, sinking back onto the crate she'd been sitting on. "We're sunk afore we even got off the dock."

"Sunset, don't be like that," Pinkie said, pouting. "Friends never say die!"

"I'm sorry, Pinkie. We're three and a half performers down."

At feeling a hand on her shoulder, she turned to see Rainbow Dash's lopsided smile.

"I could grab my acoustic and we could play as a duo. Y'know, just so you get the chance." She cleared her throat. "I mean, I'd hate to put this awesome outfit to waste and all."

Sunset smiled. She turned to the others. "You all don't mind?"

Heads shook.

"So long as you aren't mad at us for letting you down, darling," said Rarity.

"I could never be mad at you, girls," Sunset said, looking up to the ceiling. "You're my friends."

The battle of the bands was strange, to say the least. It seemed like every performer had been compromised somehow.

Photo Finish was good, but no one understood the lyrics to her song. Trixie performed an impressive solo, shredding wicked licks, and had actually been an early favorite to win, until she accidentally tragically choked to death on her guitar and was disqualified. The Dazzles of course had no issues, Adagio belting out a soulful R&B tune that even Sunset had to admit was incredible, if a bit diva-ish.

Right now, she was more concerned with how poorly Flash Sentry's band, the Flash Drives, was doing. Instead of the kicking punk tunes she associated them with, they were playing a languid and vapid love ballad. Flash's crooning was soulless and bland. If a record executive had been there, they'd have been signed in a heartbeat.

It tore her up inside, watching him be reduced to this. She'd heard the Drives play so many times before; they were so good! It would have killed the other guys in the band to play a song this bad.

That is, if they weren't zombies too. Did Adagio Dazzle's evil know no bounds? It didn't help that the audience, almost all of whom were zombified, were eating it up, doing whatever it is zombies do in place of cheering wildly.

She realized she was clenching her fists hard enough to draw blood as Vice Principal Luna announced the next act.

"And now, err..." She cleared her throat, looking askance at her paper. "Sunset Shimmer and the Rainbow Rockers? Weren't there more than two of you?"

Sunset gave her a sheepish grin, and they took their places.

Even in the dim lights, she could tell that the crowd was less than enthusiastic. A hush had fallen over the auditorium the moment her name had been spoken. That was hardly a coincidence. Sunset decided she didn't care.

She didn't care that everyone here had been bamboozled into hating her song before she even had a chance to perform it. She didn't care that Rainbow Dash's outfit clashed horribly with their musical style. She didn't even care that she had just been thinking how terrible Flash sounded doing the same kind of song. She didn't care about anything but singing.

She sang her heart, no, her very soul, out. Rainbow played beautifully. It was so totally unlike her to favor technique over flair, yet so like her to go all out for a friend. Sunset would have to do something nice for her later.

Halfway through the song, she spotted Flash in the audience, still with the same glazed look.

Hear this song, Flash! she willed. Can't you tell it's for you? I'm trying to save everyone, but it's meaningless if I can't save you!

The song died away. Applause was scant. Sunset sulked her way off the stage, Rainbow following close behind.

"It sounded great," she said, her enthusiasm hollow.

"It wasn't enough," Sunset whispered. "We'll be zombies by sunrise."

They were met backstage by Pinkie, Rarity, and Applejack.

"Oh, how I do wish I hadn't missed the performance," Rarity said, pouting. "Fluttershy was consumed by her hair again." She held up her hand, palm inward. "But at least my new coat dried evenly!"

"We're real sorry-like, sugarcube," said Applejack.

"It doesn't matter, girls," Sunset said, head hanging low. "It's all over."

"Right about that, annoying girl whose name I haven't bothered to learn!"

They all turned to see Adagio Dazzle and company swaggering out from the floor. Wicked grins were plastered on their faces, even the dumb one's. Adagio stalked up to Sunset and flicked her chin, cackling.

Sunset scowled. She closed her eyes and turned away. "Why don't you just turn us into zombies and get it over with already?"

"And miss out on taunting you?" Adagio laughed again. "Never! I have plans to turn you last, as a matter of fact." She leaned in close. "Just so the last thing you ever think about will be how you'll never get your boyfriend back. Ever!"

"Back off!" Rainbow moved between them, pushing Adagio back. "We might not have had the best showing at the battle, but that's no reason to gloat!"

"Yeah!" said Pinkie. "It isn't very nice!"

Adagio gave her companions a raised eyebrow. "And what makes you think I care about being nice?"

Applejack clenched her fists and growled. "Why you low-down..."

"Now, ladies," Rarity said, stepping forward, "fighting will do us no good." She shot Sunset an apologetic glance. "I dare say what we all need in this situation, dire though it may be, is a healthy dose of friendship."

Out on the stage, the Vice Principal was announcing the next musician.

"Our final act tonight is Miss Octa--"

She didn't get a chance to finish as the room literally exploded. Beams of light shot from the ceiling into the stage, and the gray-skinned cellist, complete with instrument, rocketed off into the bleachers.

When the dust had cleared, those in the crowd still with their faculties gasped. A familiar purple face, purple-and-pink hair, powder blue blouse, and purple skirt and kneesocks appeared from the smoke. She held up a fist, and, with determination on her face and glee in her voice, said:

"Did somepony say friendship?"

Adagio Dazzle paled. "It's Princess Twilight Sparkle!" Thrusting her hand forward, she shouted, "Get her before she ruins our plans!"

Her two lackies rushed forward, arms outstretched and teeth bared. Twilight didn't even need to see them coming. She ducked the jab thrown by the first and spun, sweeping her legs out from under her. When the second tried to kick low, Twilight kicked high, booting her up into the rafters. As the first minion regained her footing, Twilight followed through on her kick, round-housing her across the stage and into some lights. The crowd gasped.

"Twilight!" cried Rainbow, Rarity, Pinkie and Applejack. Sunset staggered after them, gaping and pointing.

"But how did she..."

Twilight embraced her friends briefly. "Quick, girls, what's the situation?"

Rainbow motioned to Adagio Dazzle with her thumb. "She's been trying to take over the school!"

"And we held a battle of the bands to try and stop her!" added Pinkie.

"Unfortunately," said Applejack, scratching the back of her neck, "we kinda dropped the ball big time."

"Well, except for Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer, that is," added Rarity.

Twilight hmm'd. "I don't see how a musical battle has anything to do with breaking an enchantment..." She laughed, throwing her hands up. "But who am I to argue with friends? Places, everyone!"

"Just one teensy-tiny problem, Twilight," Pinkie began.

"Fluttershy's missing!" Rainbow filled in for her.

"Oh, no problem." Twilight pointed at Sunset. "Shimmery whatever-your-name is!"

Sunset boggled at her. Religious ecstasy, this was not. "Me?"

"Yes, you! Congratulations, you're the new Element of Kindness."

"My word!" cried Rarity. "What an excellent idea!"

"She were pretty kind with us when we didn't perform up to snuff, I reckon," Applejack said with a nod.

Adagio Dazzle was creeping around the side, her two lackeys doing their best to pull themselves together. Twilight pointed at her and a spotlight shone on all three of them.

"Formation, girls! Friend up!"

Bands of rainbow light emanated from Twilight, surrounding her friends and Sunset. They swirled out into the audience, wrapping around the students, who gasped as they regained their senses. By the time the lights had subsided, Twilight and company were transformed. Some had wings, some had horns, Twilight had both; all had ears and tails and new instruments had manifested for them.

Sunset looked down at herself; she looked up at her horn. She wasn't sure the hair extensions were really her, and the tambourine was definitely not her instrument of choice, but she was thrilled at the return of her magic prowess. It had been too long.

"Oh my god!" screamed a student in the audience. Sunset recognized the mint-green girl as a new student this year. "I love fursuiters!"

"All right, everypony," Twilight said, grabbing the microphone, "sing along!"

What happened next was perhaps the most surreal thing Sunset Shimmer had ever experienced in a life spent studying magic and hopping between dimensions.

Twilight and her friends started performing a song. Perfectly. Despite her never having heard it before, despite their week of practice failures, they were playing together like the well-oiled machine that had seemed nothing but a dream a few hours prior. Even she was having no trouble following along, though it wasn't like playing tambourine was difficult.

Worse, the song was stupid. It was about "shaking your tail" or something equally vapid. There was no emotion behind it, though Twilight was killing the vocals and the un-zombified crowd was eating it up. Her heart skipped a beat as she noticed Flash getting into it as well. Her hands kept right on playing.

She glanced back at Adagio Dazzle and company. The three of them seemed stricken, staring slack-jawed at the sextet. Then Adagio Dazzle screamed -- "Nooooo!" -- and exploded.

Literally, she exploded into bloody chunks that flew out into the crowd, leaving a stain on the wooden stage. One of her fingers landed on the head of that mint-green new girl, who grabbed it, gasped excitedly, and ran out of the auditorium, holding it aloft and screaming like a fangirl. (Sunset had always thought that girl was a little weird.) Adagio's former minions followed suit, though their screams were considerably more akin to fright.

The song ended. The crowd went wild. Twilight gave them the double guns and winked.

"Friendship, bitches!"

The school was saved.

Sunset contemplated her tambourine, held aloft in magic she hadn't exercised for over a year. It was a pleasure just to watch it levitate there. It was also the only thing keeping her mind off what Flash Sentry was doing at that moment.

Yes, she didn't want to think about how he had rushed up on stage and embraced Twilight as soon as the song was over, nearly bowling her over. She wasn't going to contemplate his lips finding hers, or how long their kiss lasted. She definitely wasn't interested in remembering what he had said to her.

I love you, Twilight Sparkle, like I've never loved another girl in my whole life!

She certainly wasn't thinking about Twilight reciprocating and going in for another long, deep, passionate kiss.

The stage door slammed open and the five friends emerged, laughing and chatting.

"I think I'm gonna keep that one!" Twilight exclaimed. "He's got way more personality than the Flash Sentry in my world!"

"Speakin' o' worlds, how'd you even get here, Twi?"

"Applejack brings up an excellent point. By my count, it hasn't been thirty moons since you were last here!"

"Pssht, please. It's magic. I don't have to explain anything!"

They had almost walked past her when Twilight stopped, turned, and gave her a thumbs-up and an awkward smile.

"Oh, hey there, Sunny, uh, Sunshine? Great job tonight! Couldn't have done it without ya!"

She and the others walked off, still talking and laughing.

Sunset couldn't take it anymore. Screaming in frustration, she spiked the tambourine. The moment it hit the pavement, it vanished into motes of ethereal light, along with her horn, ears, and hair extension.

"Are you freaking kidding me?"

Her fingers clenched and unclenched as murderous thoughts filled her head. She stomped around the parking lot, screaming to herself.

"When I get my hands on that Twilight Sparkle, she'll wish she'd never heard the name Flash Sentry! And those, those ungrateful traitors! I'll wring their necks! I'll tear them limb from limb! They thought taking over a school was bad? They haven't seen anything like what I have in store for them!"

She took a few moments to calm herself, catching her breath and rubbing at the... tears? No, she definitely wasn't crying. She didn't care about stupid Flash Sentry or stupid Twilight Sparkle. No longer would she toe the line between good and evil. From this day forward, Sunset Shimmer's life would revolve around revenge. It was demons all the way down baby! Maybe she should track down those two minions who ran off. After all, a good villain needs trustworthy help. What were their names again?

The End

Oh, except Fluttershy appeared from a void in reality somewhere, ectoplasm evaporating off of her as it came into contact with her universe. It was the third time that month.

"Um, hello?" she called out. "It's very dark out here. Where am I? Is there anyone around? Angel Bunny? Hello...?"

In reply, the threads of unreality sang a symphony of eldritch mystery that threatened to undo the very fabric of her sanity.
