//------------------------------// // Chapter 20: For My Lover // Story: This Bright Blazing Future // by Dynasty-Kaine //------------------------------// Spitfire had been amazed at how blessed she had been to have Rainbow Dash in her life, and at how far she felt she would go for her love. They had slept beside each other that night and sleepily cuddled most of the morning. Some gear in her head began to turn as to her situation with Misty Fly, and it had taken Dash's brash but compassionate actions to get her to see it. A knock came then at their door followed by a voice Spitfire never expected. "Captain are the both of you decent in there?" came Soarin's deep toned voice. "I'd like permission to enter." "Granted." the fiery maned mare answered with the diction of a drill sergeant. He opened the door and walked in with a smile upon his face, the sun filtered into the room just enough so that she could see this. There was no air of hostility like the pale blue stallion had shown before, and it had her just a little suspicious. Dash scooted away from her because of the situation, and Soarin's response was unbelievable. "No, no." he said waving his hands bashfully. "No need to compose yourself for my sake Rainbow Dash. If anything I've gotta approve of your presence with Spits." Dash looked to the golden mare for an answer, but all she could do was shrug. Her lieutenant was acting awfully nice now. What warrants this kind of behavior from him when he knows full well what I've done to him? "My behavior is what has got that baffled expression on your face I'm sure Cap'n." the pale blue pegasus said catching her facial expression. "Well here is a bit of an explanation for you. I've gotten calls from both Valkyrie and your brother now. Considering what challenge you yourself have crossed with, I have come to offer my support." "Okay, what the hell Soarin?" Spitfire felt her fury boil over rapidly. "First, you treat me like I don't deserve forgiveness or any kind of help, and now you are offering me help and acting all buddy buddy again?" "I've had to re-evaluate your situation...as well as my own weaknesses." he replied with a sadness in his voice. "I have been unfair with you Captain. Deep down I blamed you for everything that had happened, even the things that were out of your control. It took sitting down and really thinking about it for a good while after your brother called me about your run in with Misty Fly." "So then what's the verdict on us?" she retorted cutting to the chase. "For the last three team members, you have my help and a bit of my faith." Soarin started kindly. "But there is still some forgiveness to earn with me, the wounds dealt will take some more time to heal. Till then, I'd say we're cool." "I'll take what I can get then, what do you have for me on Misty Fly's situation?" Spitfire got serious. As she sat up, she listened to Soarin retell the story of how Fleetfoot slowly corrupted Wave Chill's personality with domination games. How Misty Fly fell right into line to try to stay close to him, but was continually turned away from him because of the arctic blue temptress. She was interested to know that her pale yellow teammate had adapted this pet/slave like attitude to somehow get near Wave Chill through his underlings. What peaked her curiosity more, was that Fleet purposely kept those two apart; almost as if she knew the innocent mare could ruin everything she had accomplished with the steel blue stallion. The more details Soarin gave her, the faster the gears in her head spun. Things were all starting to make sense now, and it was sad to know that this was going to probably hurt Misty more than help. Yet, the plan had to be made. Spitfire just wasn't sure where, or who, to start with. "Now Spitfire, I have a few suggestions as to how you can tackle the situation with Misty Fly and Wave Chill." the lieutenant began. "Don't need it Soar, I've already got an idea on how to do this." the golden mare answered sliding herself off the bed. Both Rainbow and Soarin stared at her in disbelief, and the fiery maned pegasus reasoned this was because of how big a wreck she had been yesterday. I hate having to explain myself. "Since you both look like you're confused, I'll throw you a line." Spitfire said with mock stress. "Yes, I was a wreck yesterday. At that point though, I had no understanding for what Misty was going through at all. Which is why she responded the way she did, but after Dash's actions yesterday after my brother called her...well it got the gears in my head turning." "Oh really, do tell Captain." Soarin replied sarcastically, the sound of a phone ringing in the background. "That had better not be sarcasm I hear Lieutenant!" she reprimanded him. "Anyways, with all you have told me I understand why she is doing what she is doing." "But why would any pony want to do what Misty is doing?" Rainbow chirped in curiously. "Love." was the golden mares' reply. "She loves Wave Chill so much and so blindly, that she will literally go to any length to get to him. Cause being parted from him is the equivalent of being forced to bear an ailing heart entirely alone, she would almost rather die. It's like there is no purpose at all for her but Wave Chill." she turned to her love now. "You showed me that kind of love Dash." Rainbow blushed and turned her gaze slightly away. "If you know the why, then what sort of plan have you cooked up to deal with it?" the pale blue stallion questioned. "Well, that's actually the hard part." she admitted bashfully. "I don't know how to get it going, but I know that I need to get those two to cross paths with one another. She was always his weakness, and he was always hers. After that it is just a matter of what happens next, but as a precaution I should stay close to her." "I see, the only problem is that you would need at least one of them cooperating with you." the rainbow maned mare arrived at the conclusion looking back at Spitfire. "Yeah, that's the issue right now." the golden pegasus affirmed. "I'd rather not have to...coerce Wave Chill. But Misty isn't looking like a diplomatic option either so I don't know--" "Hey sis you've got a call!" Rapidfire's voice echoed through the house cutting her off. Spitfire excused herself from the room and quickly headed across the house to where her brothers' phone was located. It gave her some time to think, but not much time, about what she was going to do. She walked up to find her brother still holding the phone, part of the phone covered by his hand. As he held the phone out to her he spoke. "You're gonna love this call." the pale golden stallion said sarcastically as he walked away. As she took the phone she spoke up, "Hello, Spitfire here. Can I ask who this is?" "Hey there Spitty..." came the pitiful voice of Misty Fly. "...I know, after how I acted the other day I don't even deserve to talk to you, but I just--" "Misty, stop that." the fiery mare said as warmly as she could manage. "I'm actually glad you called, gives us the chance to make up over what happened." "R-Really?" was the shocked reply. "Really, now tell me Mist..." Spitfire started with an edge. "...What prompted you to call me back seeing as I ruined your chance at seeing Wave Chill?" "I'm sorry I called you a five bit whore!" the mare on the other line began pouring out apologetically. "I wasn't thinking, I was just entirely absorbed by my goals and I didn't even take time to consider how I acted would effect you!" "Misty I know you love him, and I know that Fleetfoot has kept him from you." the Wonderbolt Captain went in for the kill. "But what would you think about working with me if I could get you a chance to cross paths with him?" "Y-You'd do that for me?" she replied startled. "Even with what I did yesterday?" "Yes I would, it's better for all of us." worry crept into her voice. "Although, I cannot guarantee the soft spot he had for you before will still be there. I don't want you to proceed if it will break your spirit Misty." "I don't care, I'll do it!" she replied joyously. "He will still be the same old Chill at the core, you'll see!" For her sake, I hope she is right. "So when would you like to meet so we can plan this out?" Spitfire asked politely. "This evening in the market again, but Spitty...don't interfere tonight." Misty seemed worried. "To some extent...I enjoy the belittlement. I'll speak with you after that alright?" "Okay then, I don't agree with it but I'll trust you and see you tonight." she replied and she hung up. Spitfire rubbed the bridge of her nose with her fingers; she could not believe her friend actually enjoyed being demeaned like she had seen the other day. There was a lot more here that she would have to work on with time, but the first issue to tackle would be bringing them back to a state that they could both be handled safely. She couldn't risk being drawn back into her old lifestyle. She headed back to Dash's room to inform the two of them of this surprising change in her plans. Needless to say, they were both quite shocked that Misty had cooperated so simply. Though, Soarin and Spitfire both knew that the pale yellow mare was prone to her outbursts when she was hyper focused on her goals. This lead their fellow Wonderbolt to make snap accusations of any who interfered in her objective goals as well, which sometimes made it hard to work with her until she cooled off. "So Soarin, any chance you could help me with running down Wave's daily routine?" Spitfire asked professionally. "I need to find the perfect time to get Misty to cross his path." "I can try to, but that stallion had little to no love for me after Fleetfoot whipped him up." Soarin replied unsure of his ability to find the information. "Do what you can, that's all I ask." she replied with a slight smile. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Later That Evening... Spitfire had arrived at the location she had seen Misty Fly before, and sure enough a crowd had already gathered around her and a new pair of stallions. They were taunting and diminishing her worth, and the golden mare could now see a sick glimmer of delight in her friend's eyes. Yet she held her place in the crowd, watching the spectacle before her eyes. Something seemed off in the two dominant characters; their behavior was only mildly toying with her. "What's going on here?" Spitfire quietly asked herself. "Well there pet, you've been working so hard to see your Master it's almost cute." the unicorn stallion taunted her. "Despite the little assault to Auburn, which he found funny, you may yet get what you wanted!" the earth bound stallion promised. "R-Really?" the pale yellow mare asked looking up from her place on the ground kneeling. "Where is he?" Spitfire's expression instantly exploded with shock, the stallion couldn't mean that Wave Chill was here right now! Misty was in no shape to face that yet! Watching the pale yellow mare's reaction shift around told Spitfire all she needed to know though, an expression of longing desire now blinded her from reality. This couldn't be happening right now, her plans to help them were being stripped away piece by valuable piece. "So boss man, what do you say?" the unicorn turned around and spoke into the crowd. "Hmph, isn't she a pitiful sight to see?" came a voice followed by movement. "I don't know what I was worried about all this time." The crowd began to part as a steel blue pegasus strode forward with a great deal of presence. Confidence, arrogance, boldness, and powerful. All were words that came to mind as Wave Chill easily moved through the crowds, and the sadistic look on his face made Spitfire cringe. There was no acting here, only waiting to see what would happen. She had promised Misty that much, but how much longer she could keep her cool was entirely based on the stallions' actions. "Fleetfoot seems to be under the impression that I need to stay away from you, and yet..." Chill paused for a moment drawing closer to the pale yellow mare putting a hand to her cheek. "...you chase after me so willingly, and so obediently. It's admirable really Mist..." Anger and disgust instantly flew into his face as he slapped her, but something seemed defensive about his change to Spitfire. Misty Fly yelped in surprise, tears in her eyes, as he grabbed her by the collar of her blue sweater and held her up in the air. It was taking everything the golden mare had to not stop the stallion's actions. Just then he dropped Misty and she quickly fell to her knees, only to be grabbed again by the back of the neck and forcibly slammed into the ground. Spitfire quickly noticed Chill's actions were far too vaunted, something in her gut told her he was repressing himself. As if looking into Misty's eyes had almost caused his heart to surface again, and he was afraid of it with his new found status. Has this entire rehabilitation process actually taught me how to read others? He was whispering into Misty's ear as the golden mare came back to reality, and no pony in the crowd could hear him. Spitfire could see the reaction it elicited from her friend though, and that was enough to make her step up and interfere. Misty looked like she was about to completely break down mentally in the dirt she was being pinned to. Trapped and being forced to hear the steel blue stallion's presumably venomous words. The Wonderbolt Captain felt her heart burn with an intense passion to protect. "N-No Wave...Stop it. This isn't you." Misty whimpered pitifully. "Wave Chill! You let her go!" the Wonderbolt Captain roared, instantly parting the crowd.