A New World, a New Ribbon

by Scarletmenace

Chapter 1

Clara let out a small groan of discomfort as she tossed and turned in her sleep. She kept this up until she came into contact with something soft and warm. Clara smiled softly at this and proceeded to hug the warm mass tightly while nuzzling it with her face. She inhaled deeply into the fur once she realized that she must be snuggling Saul. The scent that greeted her nose easily confirmed that it was indeed her beloved Umbreon.

With much reluctance, Clara slowly opened her drowsy eyes to peer at her lover's sleeping form. Her vision was immediately obscured as Saul rolled on top of her. Normally, Clara would have no problem with this because due to the Umbreon's size being smaller than her own, but now, she was finding it hard to breath as he continued to snore lightly on top of her.

When did he get so heavy? Clara pondered as she struggled underneath Saul. Once she squirmed free from the fuzzy death trap, she turned her head around to examine just exactly why Saul was suddenly so heavy. Her question was quickly answered as she stared wide eyed at a massive Umbreon that was now as big as her. Clara quickly got to her paws as her ribbons flared out in sheer surprise.

She froze. paws… ribbons?!

Clara quickly snapped her head around to examine herself as she tried to make sense of the situation, what greeted her was most unexpected.

She was a quadruped for starters. Most of her fur was a blinding white color while other parts of her body, like her paws and tail that she was currently looking at, were a vibrant pink. She paused as she felt one of her ribbons brush her face, she willed it to come closer in so she could examine it, and was quite pleased that it followed her command. Clara felt a sense of dread as her suspicions were confirmed while she still gazed upon the ribbon that was hovering in front of her face… She had become a Sylveon.

Clara's mind started to panic, but she quickly settle down as she came up with a new theory. This must be just a dream, that was the only explanation. It wasn't the first time that she dreamed herself as a Pokémon cuddling up with her Saul. Except in all her previous dreams, she was never a Sylveon, and Saul was always awake to enjoy her fictitious fantasies. Plus, she couldn't remember any of her dreams ever being this real, but dreams can be an enigma at times, so it is understandable if she had a weird one once in a while.

Clara gave a mental shrug as she summed everything up. Oh well, might as well enjoy it before I wake up. She slowly padded her way back towards Saul before coming to a halt once she was literally right on top of him. Clara gave a sly grin as she leaned down and licked Saul's lips with a small groan before moving up his head to nibble on his ears.

She couldn't help but giggle when the Umbreon began to form a deep blush in his sleep at her affectionate advances. Using her ribbons, Clara gently lifted Saul's head to get a better view of his face before she pressed her lips against his to form a deep, passionate kiss. It was at this moment that Saul's eyes began to gently flicker before shooting open.

With a startled cry, Saul pushed the advancing Sylveon off of him and immediately got into an offensive stance.

"WHAT THE?! WHO THE HECK ARE YOU?!" Shouted the Umbreon as his fur bristled and rings glowed an eerie blue.

Now that left Clara speechless. Not in any of her dreams did Saul ever physically talk with his own voice, much less act like she was a total stranger.

Before Clara could even reply, Saul began to frantically look around the area as he seemed to be searching for something, or someone. After quickly surveying the area, Saul turned around and glared daggers at the Sylveon."And what did you do to Clara?" he asked in a much lower and more threatening tone.

Clara reflexively shield herself with her ribbons as she sat fearfully before the enraged Pokémon. "You're scaring me Saul" Clara replied meekly as she continued to shield herself with her ribbons.

Saul's ears perked up, he recognized that voice. "Clara?" he asked cautiously, his previously dark tone fading. Again, without waiting for her to respond, Saul walked closer towards Clara and began to gently sniff her.

A confused expression took hold of his face. "You sound like her, and smell like her, but Clara is a human, not a Sylveon." He stated with his hostile tone now returning. "Prove to me that you aren’t a ditto that is trying to play some sick joke on me." he growled.

Clara's anxiety was quickly replaced with a mischievous smile as she recalled one particular event. "Back in Lumiose City when you were still an Eevee. I found you sleeping in my underwear drawer after you had decided to take a dirt bath in my flower garden out front. When I woke you up, you ran out the door in blind panic with my panties stuck on your head before crashing into the mailbox." Her smirk grew wider. " And let's not forget the after math when I had to give you a bath and you-"

"I get it Clara! Just stop before someone else hears!"" Saul interrupted with a large blush adorning his face as he began to frantically glance around for a different reason this time.

The Sylveon's smile threatened to split her face as she ran up and tackled Saul to the ground. "OH! I knew you would recognize me!" Clara elated as she continued to nuzzle the downed Umbreon. Saul laid frozen on his back before he began to nuzzle back her affection. Unfortunately, this would have to wait because there were more serious matters at hand. With much reluctance, Saul gently broke away from the muzzle and pushed himself up.

"As much as I would love to cuddle with you Clara, we however must find out where we are and why you are a Sylveon." Saul said slowly as he examined Clara's new body.

Clara sat on her rump in deep thought as she mulled over Saul's words. Maybe… Maybe this is one of Maiden's pranks. She loves creating illusions to fool around with me when she is bored, but I have never experienced an illusion this detailed from her.

After having been exposed to Maiden's pranks for the many months that she had know her, Clara had figured out that the only way to break herself out of one of Maiden's illusions was to give her body a shock of some kind. With that idea in mind, Clara lifted up one of her pink ribbons in front of her face, and bite into it.

"YEOWCH!" Screeched Clara as she flew a good ten feet up into the air. Her ribbons streaming behind her as she ascended.

Saul stared blankly at Clara as she descended and landed on her butt, clutching her ribbon in her two front paws. Saul sighed as he walked up to the whimpering Sylveon. Without saying anything, Saul bent down and began to gently lick the wound on her ribbon, a sigh of relief from Clara was the result of his attention. After a good minute of tending her wound, Saul sat back up and looked at Clara with a confused expression on his face.

"What in Arceus's name possessed you to bite your ribbon? you should know that a Sylveon's ribbon is sensitive." Saul's stated with a small frown on his face.

Clara shot him a small glare. "I bit my ribbon because I wanted to know for sure that we weren't trapped in a psychic Pokémon's illusion, and judging by the pain, I have to say that we are indeed neither asleep nor under a trance." She concluded before she continued to lick her wound.

Saul mulled over Clara's words as he absorbed the new information. So they now knew that were indeed awake, but they still had no idea as to why it happened. Saul shook his head to clear his thoughts. This was no time to guess how this situation occurred, they needed to find out where they were and how to get back to town before someone starts to worry. Heck, they might even find someone who might know what happened along the way.

Clara was already ahead of him. "We should get going and head for the nearest town. Maybe we can get some help there." She pointed one of her feelers towards a small trail. "Our best bet is to follow that path till we till we come across a town or village."

Saul smiled as he walked over to Clara and gave her a lick across her muzzle, eliciting a coo from the former human, and causing Saul to chuckle.

"You always knew what to do when under pressure." He smiled cheekily. Clara silenced him as her lips connected with his before pulling away. " I have my moments." She replied with her trademark grin before walking past the dumbfounded Umbreon as she swayed her hips.

Saul gawked at Clara's retreating form as she approached the path while still swaying her hips, and occasionally glancing over her shoulder to make sure he was still watching. He gulped That's just not fair, he mentally whined before taking off after his mate.


Little Brook was a quiet little town to the far east of Canterlot, and for such a small town, it had quite the reputation. Little Brook was known for its exotic flora and mineral rich mines that provided rare and one of a kind items that were widely sought after by the nobles at Canterlot. Heck, even the princesses would place a special order from time to time.

The town was discovered by two families that each shared the little town's bounties. The Melon family ran the botany department, in which they would tend, harvest, and distribute all kinds of greens throughout the town. While the Glimmer family were in charge of the mines that have produced some record breaking gemstones in the past. Yep, the town was paradise… until the peace was disturbed by the arrival of these strange new creatures.

Melon stripe huffed as she pulled her cart into the town square in hopes to sell some watermelons and flowers this morning, only to be disappointed by the deserted streets and locked doors that greeted her.

Melon stripe was a young mare in her early twenties. Her coat was a light shade of green while her mane and tail were both a vibrant red. A cutie mark of a watermelon adorning her flank making it clear that she was part of the Melon family.

Melon's amber eyes surveyed the town square as she looked for any other ponies. She let out a sigh as she realized that this would look like a low income day.

"Where is everypony?." She muttered out loud.

"Probably inside their estates shaking in their boots." Chuckled a voice from behind her.

Melon turned around before a large smile began to form on her face. "Streak!" Melon shouted as she ran up to hug the stallion.

Golden Streak was one of Melon's dearest friends that she had known since they were both young foals. His bright, golden coat gleamed from the sun's rising rays while his white mane and tail were caked with dirt. His pickaxe cutie mark made it clear that he was from the glimmer family, and it also explained why he was so dirty.

Melon broke the hug as she looked into Streak's blue eyes with a confused expression on her face. "What are you doing here? I thought you had your shop set up three blocks from here."

Streak's smiled faltered at this. " The streets are near empty at my shop, so I left flint in charge while I came to check if you where having any better luck." He glanced around the town square. "But apparently it is the same here as well."

Melon frowned at this. It was clear that all of the ponies in town where currently spooked of the arrival of these strange new creatures, but she didn't want to waste the day just sitting at a melon stand that wasn't going to make any sales. A smile reappeared on her lips as an idea came to her.

"Hey Streak." Melon said as she broke the brief silence.


Melon's face flushed. "Well, since it looks like neither of us are going to make any headway in our businesses today. Can I request that we both take the day off and go on one of those dates you promised me?" She said with a determined, but red, face.

Streak gave her a warm smile before nodding. "Sure, beats hanging around an empty stall all day." The two of the shared a laugh as they walked into the park.


Melon and Streak had spent their afternoon in the park watching the new creatures frolic in the foliage. They even hoof fed one of the creatures that was residing in the pond before it shouted "Wooper!" and dove back into the water.

To sum it all up, Melon had an amazing day. She continued to mull over the date even as she leaned on Streak's side as he escorted her back home. It was a thirty minute walk before they arrived at Melon's farm, which was surrounded by a large field of watermelons and exotic flora.

The two stopped once they arrived on the porch of the house. Melon turned around and smile brightly at Streak.

"I had an amazing day, despite not being able to sell anything today." She chucked. Streak smiled back at her.

" Yeah, I did too. I am almost hoping that ponies will still be hiding in their houses, but I know that is bad for buisne-." Streak didn't get to finish that sentence as Melon quickly kissed him on the lips, her face as red as a tomato.

"Goodnight Streak." Melon said before she hastily entered her house and closed the door. Leaving the blushing stallion on the front porch as he imitated a fish.

Melon gave a happy sigh as she walked into the living room of her house and sat abruptly on the couch. Before she could mull over what just happened, the rapid tapping of hoofs from upstairs met her ears. She turned around on the couch just in time to see her younger sister Green Leaf run down the stairs.

The ecstatic green filly stopped in front of Melon and began to jump up and down.

"OOOHH! I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU BIG SIS! YOU FINALLY MADE THE MOVE!" Leaf exclaimed a she continued to jump joyfully in place with a big grin plastered on her face.

Melon's blush threatened to change her coat color all together. "y-y-y-you saw?" She gulped nervously. Leaf stopped her jumping as she settled down, but the large grin was still plastered on her face.

"Yup!" She nodded.

Melon sighed. "Can we talk about this tomorrow then? Because I need some sleep after today." She emphasized with a yawn.

Leaf pouted. "Fine. But you have to fill me in on the details tomorrow." She declared as she pointed her hoof at her older sister.

"Don't worry I will." Giggled the older mare before yawning loudly again. "Now let's get to bed, we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow." She smiled warmly as she walked her beloved sister up to their room.

Clara and Saul had been walking on the trail for several hours now and they still couldn't see any signs of civilization. Not only that, but it was getting dark as well. All the diurnal Pokémon were taking roost in the foliage around, and the more nocturnal Pokémon were making their presence clear.

Clara ducked with a squeak as a large swarm of Zubats flew over their heads, oblivious to the two Eeveelutions. Once the swarm was out of sight, Clara sprang up and ran with Saul right on her tail. They ran like this for a good half mile before Clara started to slow down back into a walking pace. Saul immediately stopped running as well and continued to walk besides his exhausted mate.

"Why Zubats?" Clara shuddered, "Why not some cute Noibats instead?"

"I have always wanted to ask you this Clara, but why are you afraid of Zubats? you seem to have no problem with Echo after all" Saul asked with a concerned expression on his face. Clara leaned against Saul as she told her tale while suppressing a shudder.

"When I was ten years old, the year before I met you, I stumbled upon a cave while exploring for evolution stones for my collection. one thing led to another, and a Zubat got tangled in my hair." She said with a pause.

"Just in your hair? that isn't bad at all." Saul said with a thoughtful look. Clara merely shook her head.

"It wasn't the hair, it was the fact that it latched onto my head and stole a pint of blood from me." Clara muttered as Saul felt another shudder travel along her back.

Saul didn't say anything else, instead, he leaned forward and licked her cheek. It seem to do the trick as the color returned to Clara's face as she returned the gesture.

The couple walked for at least another hour before Saul spotted something with his superior night vision. "Look!" he pointed at the large barn with his paw. "We can stay there for the night, and maybe we can figure out where we are in the morning." Saul said as he escorted the drowsy Sylveon.

The two treaded carefully inside the barn as they cautiously scanned the area. "Hello? anybody in here?" Clara asked, silently hoping that there would be a reply. When there wasn't she just sighed before flopping down onto a large pile of hay. she laid there for a few moments before lifting her head to search for the one thing that this pile of hay was missing.

Saul was sitting near the entrance of the barn as he surveyed the area in case anyone dared to come after his beloved Clara. He didn't mind really, being an Umbreon meant that he could tolerate the night better than most Pokémon, so it was only natural that he stayed up and guarded his mate while she slept. It was the lea-.

Saul didn't get to finish that thought as he yelped with surprise as a pair of ribbons wrapped around his body and pulled him in tight towards the prone Sylveon.

Clara smiled as she used her prehensile ribbons to pluck up her mate and place him by her side. I could get use to these things, Clara thought as she smiled. She quickly grasped the startled Umbreon into a tight embrace and pressed her lips against his before he could even utter anything. She eventually broke the kiss, letting her tongue leave Saul's mouth. She smiled brightly at the still frozen Umbreon before she let out a loud giggle.

"You know. I always wanted to try rolling around in the hay." Clara whispered with her large bedroom eyes staring directly into his. Saul couldn't take it anymore, he lunged forward and returned the kiss in full force, letting the night sweep them away.


Clara awoke the next morning to find Saul sleeping next to her with a satisfied smiled etched on his face. She smile at this and kissed his sleeping form before walking outside the barn and stretching. Once she was done stretching, she proceeded to lick her matted fur dry from last night's activities. Speaking of last night, it was probably one of the most enjoyable experiences of Clara's life. Sure, it felt good when she was still human, but it felt so much more… natural, as a Pokémon. She then frowned as a certain thought crossed her mind.

What if I didn't want to become a human again?