Swift, Knight of the Wind Chronicles

by Windy Swift

Chapter 3 One of those teenage guys

The trio of teens were walking toward the school when Mike looked at his watch “You know what I just realized?”

“What Mike?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“We got here 20 Minutes early.”

Sweeties were twitching furiously and she threw her arms skyward. “AW COME ON!!! I could have stayed in bed!”

“Well Sweetie you know what they say-” Rarity started.

“The early bird gets the worm.” Mike and Rarity said simultaneously.

As they continued to get closer to the school Michael’s tooth sense went off, But it was different, instead of warning him of danger it pointed him in the direction of the side of the building, giving him the feeling of someone needing help.With that silently strode away from the girls.

“Before we go inside we should see what classes our friends share and- hey where did he go Sweetie?” Rarity asked.

“I think he went that way sis." The grey girl said as she pointed to the front right corner of the building.

"Let’s see what hes up to.” Rarity said as she made her way in the pointed direction with Sweetie Belle not to far behind.

Mike arrived at the far right corner of the school, following his tooth the boy was about to turn the corner when he heard a girl pleading through tears. “P-please, leave me a-lone.” Mike brought his head around enough for his eyes to pop around the corner to see two tall guys , in their late teens staring down a butter yellow girl with pink hair and closed eyes revealing the light magenta-ish grey eye shadow on her eyes on the ground in the fetal position.The girl was wearing white butterfly hair-clip to match her white tank-top, her skirt was green with some light pink trimming that has three butterflies one white and the others being two shades of pink one darker than the other. Her boots were green for the majority with white at the bottom for the soles, Underneath her boots were simple pink socks with white polka-dots.

“What's wrong Flutterguy to scared to stand up to us?” One of the bullies teased.

“Yeah, you gonna stand up and fight?” The second one added.

“J-just please s-top you big meanies.” The girl said. Mike was watching this scene carefully, waiting for the right moment to stop this but a flash of light blinded him. When his vision returned, the girl was gone, only to be replaced by a young boy with grey glasses, himself before the bolt.The teen grew angry, the one thing he hates is to people getting bullied by others.

"She called us meanies, I believe that calls for a punishment." The first bully said as he clenched his fist and brought it up, but before he could bring wrath upon the girl, Mike came out from hiding shouting "Leave her alone!!" Causing the girl to jump to her knees from shock due to the sudden out burst. Rarity and Sweetie Belle were close enough to hear Michael's shouting, so the girls increased their speed toward the back if the school.

"And what are you gonna do about it."

“I will have to report you to school administration, You know Mrs. Cadenza, Ms. Celestia"

“Oh yeah well how about this!" The first bully shouted as he decked Mike in the face with a strong right hook as the two sisters rounded the corner to see the violent act. Everyone stared in shock to see that the tan teen not even falter from the attack, only to bring his head back up to reveal his nose dripping blood and a scouling face with eyes staring daggers at the bullies.

"Let me ask you again." He gritted through his teeth while cracking his knuckles, determined to stop the bullies. "Leave her alone."

"Let's get outta here Boy ." The second bully said as he ran away.

"I second that Hoops , Run Away!!!" Boy Bullies screamed.

Once the bullies rounded the corner, Mike returned to his calm self instantly and walked over to the petrified girl that was still on her knees.

"Are you okay?" The boy asked as he extended his hand out towards the girl to help her up. The girl blinked a couple of times and took Mike's hand and he pulled her up while saying "Y-yes but I-I should be asking you that."

"That was amazing Mike you were all 'HULK SMASH!' Then you were all nice how'd you do that?" Sweetie Belle interjected.

Mike's cheeks flushed red with embarrassment "H-ow long were you watching that?" He asked.

"Only the part where you got slugged darling, but I concur with sweetie how did you take that hit as well as the change from infuriated to so in ordered?" Rarity said "Oh good morning Fluttershy."

"Oh hello Rarity." Flutters said as she took a tissue from her bag and handed it to Mike. "H-ere you go, u-se it to clean the blood, I m-ean if you want to that is."

"Why thank you Fluttershy,” The teen said, nicely as per your question I'm fine really; I've been through worse." He said as he wiped the blood from his nose and stuffing some of it in his nose to stop the blood flow.

"How w-orse?"

"Rarity almost ran him over and he flew over her car." Sweetie said.

"Wow that had to h-urt."

"Speaking of which -" Mike started. "My face is hurting now." He stated as he stuffed a bit of the tissue up one of his nostrils to stop the bleeding. "So um this is one of your friends that you wanted me to meet Rarity?"

"Indeed, this my friend Fluttershy."

"Um h-ello , it's nice to m-eet you um-"

"Michael Winds but Mike works too, and it was nice to take one for my new friend." He said while he extended his hand to get a handshake from the shy girl.

"A friend of Rarity is a friend of m-ine." Fluttershy said and hesitated before shaking the teens hand.

Mike hesitated. "I'm somewhat of an amateur in acting." The boy lied, he usually did that for his alter-ego when things got serious or interrogations, but he rarely used the skill. "Anyway, would you help me figure out what classes your friends and I are sharing so I can meet them."

"Indeed darling, let us do that, come on Fluttershy, we don't want to be late." Rarity said as the teens made their way into the school.

After homeroom Mike now had a list of students who he had to meet, thanks to Rarity, he also had a the description and names of her friends.

"First period is biology 1 with a Ms. Rainbow Dash, alright , It's worth a shot." He mumbled as he realized that he was the first to the classroom. "Heh, probably went a little too fast." He thought as he entered the room.

"Good morning professor Star Swirl." Mike said as he sat in front left of the room, closest to the door.

“Ah hello, again Ms. Dash, oh my apologies Mr. Winds someone else is usually first to the class." Star Swirl said, embarrassed.

"Its alright sir, I've heard of how fast Rainbow Dash is,but it look like she's gonna have some competition this year I guess." The boy smirked.

"Indeed she does, speaking of which, here she comes now."

Within seconds, a slender and very light cerulean girl burst through the doorway, she had moderate cerise eyes and hair with the colors of the rainbow, Light brilliant red, Light brilliant vermillion, Light gold, Moderate sap green, Brilliant cornflower blue, and Moderate violet to be specific. She was wearing a white Tank-shirt with a cloud with a protruding red yellow and blue lightning bolt with the colors matching her wrist band on it under a blue short sleeved track jacket. below her upper abdomen the girl was wearing an indigo and white skirt with black track short, her boots looked like tennis shoes in their design with majority color being light blue and the trimming being white with rainbow colored sock underneath.

“Yes, first to class!” Rainbow declared.

“Not quite Ms.Dash, someone beat you to it.”

“Wha-who?” Rainbow asked with the professor pointing his figer toward Mike.

The rainbow haired girl gave the boy a death stare. “What?” Mike asked confused.
Dash sighed. ”Nothing it would be dumb of me to hold a grudge over a record. ” She said as she proceeded to sit next to Mike. ”So were you trying to show off?”

“Wha-no no I wa-”

“Ah so you were trying to impress me.” Rainbow said sarcastically as she fluttered her eyelashes.

Mi2 flushed a deep crimson. “No, no I was-“

“Was what?”

“Thank you for letting me finish, any way I moved to Cantermore a two months back.” He lied to keep a loose connection between the Knight and himself. ”And I may sound crazy here but I was too busy to make friends, so today I met your friend Rarity ,Long story you can ask her at lunch, anyway she wanted to help, it was really generous of her.”

“Thats the Rarity I know, continue.”

“So she wanted me to meet you and her other friends, including Sweetie Belle's pals, I even met Fluttershy before you.”

“Really, she’s not much of a social butterfly so how’d you manage that” Dash asked.

“She was about to take a beating by some bullies, One was named boy the other being hoops, back to what was happening then, so I jumped in and took the punch instead.” The teen stated as he pointed to the tissue in his nose.

“Thank you man.”

Mike blushed “Heh, i-t was noth-” Rainbow interrupted him by putting her hand on his shoulder.

“No I mean it, Flutters and I have been real close friends since Cloudsdale Junior High. I’ve been by her side now matter but it’s been harder to do that since we don’t have the same classes, it’s nice to know that others are looking out for her , such as a someone as loyal as yourself.” Rainbow held out her hand. “The names Rainbow Dash.”

“Michael Winds or Mike, and don’t worry about it; I just hate it when others are being picked on” The teen stated as he shook Dash’s hand “And if you tell anyone about this mushy moment I just had I’ll have my pal Pinkie Pie take you to her fun dungeon.” Dash stated, causing Mike to gulp and waited for class to start, Hoping that she was only kidding.

Second and third period passed by like a breeze, for second,he had seen Rarity and Fluttershy at third, now Michael made his way to fourth period as he looked at his ‘friends list’ “ooh a two-for one good for me.“ Michael sighed “Looks like I’m gonna see Sweetie belle and both of her friends in music, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, lets go all Leeroy Jenkins on this!” He thought as he was close on to his destination.

“Where is he?” Sweetie Belle groaned.

”Why are you asking me, he’s your internet stalker.” Said a light orange toned girl with greyish purple hair. the girl had a zipped up black short sleeved hoodie with parts of a cyan shirt protruding from the sleeves and bottom of red hoodie. The girl had green short cargo pants and black boots to match her hoodie, with cyan covering the top of the boots.

“He’s not a stalker Scootaloo it was just a coincidence that he had moved into town during the summer.” Sweetie proclaimed.

“Back off Scootaloo, a’hm sure Mike is a real nice feller." Said another girl, this one a pale olive yellow and red hair doned with a large light crimson bow and sportings a southern accent. this girl had a green T-shirt with blue jeans rolled up to her knees, which is held up with a brown belt with a amber colored buckle on it.the boots had a red flower at the top as well as the soles with the rest of the boot being amber to match her eyes.

“Why do you have to side with Sweetie belle Apple Bloom?” Scootaloo asked.

“Cause a’h learned how to not to judge a book by its cover, or in this case broad description.” Apple bloom said as she gave Scoots a look.

“Hey, Sweetie is the one giving the broad description of the guy, I don’t know what else to think.” Scootaloo defended.

“Don’t look at me he’s always been secretive about his life.” the light grey girl stated in her defence. “Oh look, here he comes. “ she said as Mike entered the room causing her to wave her hand vigorously to get his attention. Mike noticed the trio and sat down at their table.

"Hey Sweetie, are these are your fellow Career Minded Crusaders that you told me so much about?" The boy asked as he sat down.

"They sure are, this is Apple Bloom." She said, directing her her hands toward the young cowgirl.

"Howdy!" Apple Bloom said cheerfully.

"Nice to meet you Apple Bloom, and you must be Scootaloo am I right?"

Scootaloo didn't respond.

"Earth to Scoots, can you read me?" Mike said while he snapped his fingers in front of her face."

Scoots slapped the teen's hand away and spat. "Back off Internet stalker!"

Mike changed from upbeat to upset. "That hurt, a lot, it really did." The boy pouted. "I not a stalker Scootaloo I just moved in a couple months ago and all I'm trying to do is make some friends and it may not look or sound like it but it's -"he said, depressed before being stopped by Scootaloo.

"Let me stop you there Mike." Scoots began. "I was only looking out for my friends , sorry if I hurt your feelings man."

Mike turned around. "Its alright Scoots, I can see where you're coming from I did the same thing for what friends I did have." he said as the bell rang soon after with the music teacher to follow.

"Hello class my name is Mr. Delta Spartan and I am going to be your music teacher for this year." The teacher started. "What we are going to be doing today is roll call, you will state who you are, give a brief description of your life within a forty second time frame, and what instrument you're accustomed to so we we can bond as a musical family similar to that of a instrumental family starting with you and we will work our way down." He said, pointing to the student at the far left.


The time passed quickly and Mike was now at the bat "that went by faster than I thought, alright you the last one Mr.Winds, make it count." Delta said.

Mike hesitated before starting. "H-ello um everyone I'm Michael Winds a-nd w-ell -"

"Wow this guy is almost as shy as Fluttershy." Scootaloo thought.

"Is it alright if I skipped the life description Mr. Delta Spartan?" Michael asked.

"Then you have to lose points Mr.Winds." Delta said.

"Ok I'll do it." Michael sighed. " My life was doing great until 2 years ago which is kinda personal so I don't really want to talk about it, but everything got better from there." Michael said shyly, lying again with this time being that he didn't want to bring up his own memories of his coma or the death of his brother. "Oh and I play the guitar, acoustic mostly."

"Michael never told me anything about that, must be a touchy subject." Sweetie thought

"Acoustics, a fine choice young man, well the bell is about to ring so you all may chat amongst yourselves, we will start working tomorrow." Delta said.

Michael returned to his seat wger a smiling trio of girls which had brought a smile to his face.

"I admit, that was pretty cool, not Rainbow Dash cool but cool nonetheless." The orange toned girl complimented.

"Yeah,it sure was Mike." Apple Bloom added.

Mike blushed "I-t was nothing really." The boy said as the ring of the bell soon followed. "There is our cue, let's get to lunch. " he started as he looked at his list. "So I can meet three more... girls , I'm gonna be one of those kind of boys aren't I." He said dully as the girls giggled, moving themselves to the cafeteria.

Mike and the cmc entered the fairly large cafeteria, looking for good seat when he noticed Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash sitting at an empty table with at least ten open seats. The boy snapped his fingers the get the girls attention and pointed to the table mouthing "over there." As he began to walk towards the table. Dash was the first to notice the group and waved to them. "Over here Mike!" She shouted , startling Fluttershy.

"Hi Dash, Flutters." Mike said as he sat in a chair next to Fluttershy.

"Hello Michael." The butter yellow girl began. "The others should be here in a few minutes, so you should go get your food."

"Alright then, I'll do that, be right back. ” He said as he got up and walked over to the lunch line, with Scoots and Sweetie followed.

A while after Mike left, Rarity and three other girls returned to the table one of which was Pinkie Pie. She was wearing a light blue short sleeved jacket which matched her wrist bands, Underneath that was a white blouse with a pink heart on her chest. On her waist was a light purple bow waistband. Under said waistband was a pink skirt with a trio of balloons on the side, 2 blue with yellow colored string and 1 yellow with a blue string. She had sky blue high heeled boots extending up to the knee with white straps on the front.

The second girl had lavender toned skin with sapphire blue hair with strips of magenta and violet. She had a simple blue button up shirt with a magenta bow tie. Her skirt was violet with a magenta star burst surrounded by five white stars. For once, this girl had simple pair of black shoes with purple and magenta plaid leg warmers.

The final girl was a shade of a light orange and freckles on her face with blonde hair that is tied up on the end and a brown cowgirl hat on her head. She was wearing a buttoned up white cotton shirt with a light green on the upper chest of the shirt. Her skirt was like like a combination of jeans and a skirt with the use of the same material and that the skirt has pockets, which was being held up with a brown belt with the belt buckle that was an apple which was the color red. The cowgirl’s boots were two shades of brown, the soles and top trim were a light shade while the rest if the boots were a darker shade.

“Rarity are you sure nothing was stolen?” the second girl asked as the four sat down.

“What are you talking about Twilight?” Rainbow wondered.

“She’s talkin’ about that vigilante, ‘The Knight of the Wind’.” the third girl said.

“You can’t be serious Applejack, that guys like a myth!”

“Um, girls?” Fluttershy asked quietly, trying to get the girls’ attention.

“He is real, there is proof.” Applejack proclaimed.

“Girls?” Flutters said a somewhat louder.

“what proof Is there AJ, I’m telling you that-”

“Girls!!” The butter girl shouted, finally getting their attention.

“oh, ah’m sorry Fluttershy” AJ apoligised “What were y’all trying to say?”

“um, that the news this morning covered an attempted robbery at carousel boutique.”

Applejack and Rainbow dash gasped and both asked. “Are you okay Rarity?” simultaneously.

“I’m quite alright dears, that brave knight saved my families gems and this is proof shall be significant to his existence.” rarity said as she placed the letter that the knight left her last night.

“Rarity why didn’t you give this to my brother?” Twilight asked.

“The knight left this letter and it said not to give to the police, but it’s all just random combination of number ,thats why I brought it to you to take a look darling.” The marshmallow white girl then handed it over to Twilight before being interrupted by one familiar voice.

“Well if it isn’t Applesack.” Bullies spoke and Hoops were standing there with arms crossed.

“Could y’all just leave us alone we were trying to eat over here.” apple jack said, slightly annoyed.

“but where would the fun be in that since it seems Flutterguy's little guardian angel left you all alone.” Hoops said only to ruin his statement by having his voice crack at the end.’

“What is he talkin about?” AJ thought.

“If you don’t sound scared then why did run away after y’all hit him? That’s what sweetie told me anyway.” Apple Bloom chimed in.

“That freak took it like a champ, there even wasn’t a bruise on his face.” Boy stated

“Freak, good one, That's so original man.” a voice said sarcastically from behind them. looking past the bullies all the girls saw Mike there with Sweetie and Scoots beside him.

“He’s kind of right there.“ Scootaloo added.

“ A-nd this is where we take our leave, let's go Hoops." Bullies said as he left with his bully buddy in pressuit.

"Wow, they must really be afraid of me." Mike mumbled to himself as looked around and smirked as he stared at a specific spot on the ceiling with a grate of the schools ventilation shaft. "Point of dramatic and epic entrance, check." He thought.

"Michael are you alright?" Rarity asked.

Mike flushed with embarrassment. "Sorry Rare I was just thinking, were you saying something?"

"I was sayin how you have yet to meet the rest of my closest friends." Rarity said as she motioned over the three remaining girls he had to meet.

"Hello Michael my name is Twilight Sparkle, it is nice to meet you."Twilight said.

"It's always good to meet new people such as all o-" the teen was saying before a pink blur jolted in front of him without his tooth sense going off, causing him to jump.

"Hi my name is Pinkie Pie it's so fun to meet new friends imean I'm friends with everyone and I mean everyone and hmmmm mmm..." she said until Applejack placed her hand over the pink girls mouth while she continued to talk.

"Sorry about that, she likes to make new friends, and howdy name's Applejack nice to meet ch'a." She said followed by spitting into her hand then extending it out towards the boy. Mike was taken aback from the gesture but he shrugged it off, so he spat into his hand and took AJ's hand in a firm handshake saying "same here." Before he began to dig into his food which was breakfast for lunch. "Gotta love Brunch." He thought.

While that was going on, Twilight proceeded to read the numbers was strange to her she had not seen anything like it, lines of numbers being separated by commas and spaces.

"So Mike, " Applejack started. "Where are y'all from?"

Michael hesitated. "I'm from Manhattan, and I moved here about 2 months and 3 days ago."

The cowgirl gave him a suspicious look which only her little sister seemed to notice. "What's wrong sis?" Apple Bloom asked.

"He's lying about something , he sounds like it" She began, whispering. " Like he's tryin' to hide something."

"2 months and 3 DAYS?!?" Pinkie shouted. "How come you didn't make any friends between then and now?"

"Family matters took place and I mean a lot so I barely had time." Applejack cringed slightly at the boy's liying tone.

"Um Rarity, I can't make heads or tails of this letter that vigilante left." Twilight said, defeated.

Mike smirked. "She kept the note good, I might as well help them out." he thought. "Say did you say vigilante, as in the Knight of The Wind?"

"Yes, but why must you ask darling?" The marshmallow girl asked.

“Because I Believe I’m the only guy that thinks this guy does this for good not gold like what the news is saying. I’ve even saw the news this morning, I hope nothing was stolen and that your family is alright.”

“You must be joking with us Mike. he leaves the criminals in hospital beds." Rainbow proclaimed.

“Better than being killed depending the circumstance of the crime.” He mumbled.

“About your concern dearie they are and indeed nothing was stolen but why leave a note that I don’t even understand?”Rarity said as she pointed to the note, which Twilight put there after she gave upon figuring out what it meant

Mike reached into his bag and pulled out a pair of grey glasses which he secured firmly on his head “Do you mind if I could take a look,” He asked “maybe I can figure it out.”

“Wow, pfft you look...Bwahahaha!”Rainbow laughed hysterically. ”like more of an egg head than Twilight hahaha.”

“Rainbow Dash that is quite rude! Just because he wears glasses to read doesn’t mean he's an egg head, no offence darling and here you go.” Rarity apologised as she slid the note over to the tan tee which he took and began to open it.

“None taken Rare.” Mike said as he pretended to skim past the numbers. “I know what this is, it’s a translation system during a war which I don't remember which, anyway it changes numbers to letter from 1 being the letter A to 26 being Z, I’ll write out what it says for you.” he stated as he grabbed a pencil and began to translate the numbers.

“Out of everyone, how come he knows what that note is saying?” The lavender girl thought.

Rarity grinned. “Thank you Michael you are a life saver that would have kept me wondering what it meant.”

“you’ll probably stop wondering when the Diamond dogs strike.” he mumbled

What was that suga’ cube?” AJ asked.

“Nothing just talking to myself and don’t mention it Rarity, I always help my friends get out of a pickle.” Michael said as he continued to translate as well as multitask with eating to slow down his writing a bit.

As the time passed people kept asking questions, with Mikr answering them briefly knowing that this ‘R0V’ and his robots could strike at any time. the teen kept writing until Rarity said something that caught his full attention. ” I had this dreadful nightmare girls where I saw the death of a young man that this voice called them ‘Aliedo Fromage’.” The girls gasped Mike froze at the sound of the nickname " You said Aliedo Fromage was his name?” he asked.

“Oh no darling I just wanted to talk about if that alright with all of you?”

“go right ahead Rarity nothing stopping you, tell us what you want to tell us.” Twilight said with concern.

"What she said." Mike simply added

Mike was finishing up translations as Rarity finish telling her story, of his memories, which caused heart to ache as she had progressed with each sentence.the thing she stated which he had thought he had put under lock and key. This had also brought up an idea in his head. “Wait, aren't dreams linked to ones memories at times? Looks like I’m gonna have a little chat with Lu lu tonight.” He had thought as he was finishing the translations.

“All Done Rarity, here you go.” he said as he fought the sorrow in his voice as he then removed the glasses and gave the letterto her. “and if you now excuse me I now need to use the restroom.” and with that the young man got up and made his way towards the bathroom to prepare himself for the battle he was going to become a guardian to all during day and night as it was now his duty to protect everyone and his new friends. Even if they were all strangers to him at first it was if he knew them forever which caused him to feel all warm with happiness,the happiness which he had lost since the death of his family members, and he didn't want to lose that feeling again, then he sneezed “I have a feeling that they are talking about me”.

After Mike had left there was a brief silence among the girls until Rarity spoke up “So what do you all think of Michael?”.

“He seems very nice.” Fluttershy commented

“He seems like a real fun guy!” Pinkie added.

“He’s Really great.” The CMC chimed simultaneously

Applejack answered with “A’h don’t trust him.”

“What ever do you mean Apple jack dear?”

“A lot of those questions he answered were just phony lies with that tone used, like he’s hidin' something from us and is trying so hard that he’ leaving suspicious points like those hesitations when he was answering those questions.”

“During Music he was being all sheepish in front of everyone and he also had something bad happened to him in the past but he didn’t say much.” Sweetie chimed in.

“Now that you mention it,” Flutters started “he was being even more shy than me in class.”

“and He beat me like a whole minute to class and we have home rooms next to each other.” Rainbow threw in.

“WHAT!?!” everyone shouted with the orange girl starting off. “But you're like the fastest one in the whole school.”

“I think you are all being delusional girls what is untrustworthy about him.”

“Well Rarity, out of all of us here he is the only one who knew how to translate that letter from that vigilante there could be a connection here and-”

“Twilight Sparkle How Dare You! We all know you’ve been trying to figure out who this knight is but persecuting someone you have just met I say shame on you.”

“You’re right Rarity I shouldn’t jump to conclusions with little information, I just have to see if this holds any water with more info.”

“And ah’ve got my eyes on him.” Applejack added.

“And I have my eyes on him too, no one escapes the eyes of ‘The Dash’.” Dash joined in

“Well, now with that over with, let’s take a look at that let-” Rarity was going to say when there was an abrupt bright light that blinded everyone and leaving ringing noggins. when her vision returned everyone was tied up against the wall, herself included. There were about 20 men alone standing In front of them, wearing grey outfits with grey ski masks. one caught her eye he was in some type of mechanical suit that made him look like a bipedal dog even with a jaw piece and claws. nis grey hair and green eyes filled her up with fear.the man was wearing a red vest and a collar with diamond embedded into it, on the dogtag spelled out ‘R0V’. With a mechanical laugh all he had to say was “Now we initiate ‘Phase 3’.”

To Be Continued.