The Sirens Song

by stormfury12


Adagio, Aria, and Sonata walked along the sidewalk, their hoods shadowing their faces. After trying out their powers on the long haired guy, they decided to go and scout out this new world and figure out where they were. All three had noted that somehow they had quickly grown comfortable with their new forms. They knew how to control their bodies, among other things. Aria and Sonata hadn't given it much thought, but this had been on Adagio's mind almost the entire time. She felt no reason to explain it to Aria or Sonata, and kept her thoughts to herself. She had come to the conclusion that upon entering this world they gained an instinct that allowed them to quickly adapt from their pony forms to these new forms. Adagio felt comfortable in her skin, and this also surprised her. It seemed that not only did they gain new instincts but their very way of thinking seemed to change as well. She had noticed that while walking Sonata had commented on an outfit being "cute", this was interesting to Adagio, how could anyone who's never worn clothing before find an outfit to be cute? It had to be that their minds and bodies were adjusting to this new surrounding.

"Where are we going Adagio? It looks like it could rain any second!" Aria asked. Adagio snapped out of her thought process and looked up, and sure enough the morning sky was full of cold grays and thick clouds ready to release their burdens at any second. Adagio also noticed that they had been aimlessly walking. She usually stayed focused, and she would need to be if they would ever have a hope of living in this world. She looked around quickly trying to find anything useful, after a few seconds her eyes lit up at the sight of a sign that read Public Library.

"To the library of course! We need to learn more about this world don't we?" Adagio motioned them to follow her and the three quickly walked towards the library. The rain began to fall and a clap of thunder roared. Sonata jumped at the sound of the thunder.

"I hate this! When can we go home?" Sonata was shivering and the downpour of rain made her look even more pitiful.

"Never! Thanks to our oh so wise leader! So suck it up Sonata!" Aria yelled causing Sonata to tear up a little.

"I'm just scared Aria! I'm just scared that's all." Sonata quietly replied. She tugged her hood down farther and covered her face more. She had always been the most innocent of them. Adagio remembered how they had found her. She was being bullied by some other ponies when Adagio and Aria had arrived. Aria quickly jumped to Sonata's defense and beat the other ponies to a pulp. She had stated that it was the way of Lord Tirek. While Aria may have been protective then, that sure was no longer the case now. Sonata was almost always treated like dirt by her. Adagio wasn't much better though, and she knew it, but felt little guilt. She never stood in the way of Aria or Sonatas bickering unless it annoyed her.

"Both of you need to calm down. We're almost there." They soon made it to the front door and Adagio flipped her hood down and opened the front door. She walked inside and was taken back by the size of everything. It was a lot larger than the ones in Equestria. Sonata and Aria followed closely behind and they too flipped their hoods down.

"Can I help you three ladies?" Asked an older looking man behind the front counter. Adagio motioned for them to stay put and quiet. They nodded and began to look around the building.

"Why of course sir. We were wondering if you could tell us where we are? We got lost on the way to our uncle's." She strode over to the desk with a false smile. Adagio had always been good at deception. She had learned it from her master, she didn't want to think about those days with her, they were only full of contempt. The old man smiled kindly.

"Why of course. You're in Canterlot." Adagio was stunned. Canterlot? This was in no way shape or form Canterlot. There were no castles, or guards of any kind. She giggled a little and pretended to be as normal as possible

"Thank you sir. Now would you be so kind as to tell us where the history books are?" Adagio's mind was running a mile a minute. Star Swirl had banished them, and sent them spiraling through a vortex. It wasn't completely out of the question that this may be an alternate universe of some kind. She had heard myths of those existing. She had always been skeptical of them, but that was the only way this place would make any since.

"Well the history section is over there." The old man pointed towards the back of the library.

"Thank you for all of the help." Adagio thanked him with a large fake grin.

"Oh no problem miss. If you need anything else I'll gladly help." The old man smiled kindly at her. Adagio turned back towards Sonata and Aria. Sonata was still in awe at everything while Aria stood with her arms folded as usual, and appearing just as sour and annoyed as usual.

"Okay so here's what I can gather. Star Swirl banished us and sent us to an alternate reality. This is apparently Canterlot." Adagio rested her hands on her hips. "The history books are back there. We don't need too much information, just enough to get us on our feet."

"Impossible. That's just so stupid. This? Canterlot? Ha!" Aria spat.

"Then where do you think we are? What explanation does someone like yourself have for this?" Adagio replied. Aria rolled her eyes and crunched herself up a little. "That's what I thought. Now come help me figure out more about this place. We need to do research." She motioned for them to follow her to the back. Once they arrived at the back of the library they began to tear books free of their resting places on the shelves.

"So I guess that's what we get for letting you run things. Banishment to another dimension." Aria muttered under her breath. Adagio grabbed a book from the shelf and tried to ignore Aria. "I mean who's idea was it to buy these in the first place." Aria shook her jewel a little. "I mean it sure wasn't me or Sonata." Sonata was busy looking through a picture book. She seemed to genuinely be amazed by it. "All we wanted was to start a new life. To be adored. That's all, but you had to-"

"Aria. Would you please silence yourself. It was yet again, a group effort." Adagio flipped through the pages of a large textbook and soaked in the information word by word.

"A group effort? Sure..." Aria plopped herself on a chair and threw the book she had on the ground and folded her arms again. "I can say with one hundred percent honesty that it sure as heck wasn't my idea to get banished by Star Swirl."

"And what? It was mine? All of this was my doing? Because being banished is obviously what I wanted!" Adagio was beginning to grow annoyed.

"Well if we would have remained silent when Star Swirl came, then-"

"Now Aria you and your bottomless stomach would never had remained silent. So do us a favor and shut your mouth. We're here now, and we need to stay focused on the situation at hand." Adagio threw a book at Aria which landed neatly on her lap. The cover read "The complete history of war" Aria smiled a little.

"Fine." Aria grumbled. She flipped through the pages of the war history book. Aria had always wanted to prove her strength, her intelligence, everything. She had been denied that much for so long. As much as she complained and whined at Adagio, she secretly was thankful that she was remotely important in any shape way or form. Even if now they were at the bottom of the barrel. At least she was needed. She was the tough one, the one who kept the other two safe, that's how it was in her head at least.

"Oh my gosh! Run horsey run!" Sonata yelled at the picture book as if it was a living thing causing Aria to roll her eyes again. Adagio ignored both of them and continued reading. Another clap of thunder caused Sonata to jump and drop her book. "I hate thunderstorms...." She whimpered and picked her book up again. "Aw...I lost my place." Adagio sat down on the chair adjacent to Aria and flipped through the pages some more. She had a lot left to do. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata remained in the library for several hours before Adagio finally slammed the text book she was reading shut which caused Aria to wake up from her sleep with a jerk and Sonata to jump with a loud cry.

"Okay girls that's enough for now." said Adagio with a smile.

"Finally. Jeez." Aria stood up and stretched with a yawn. Sonata walked over with a large stack of comics, and picture books.

"Can I check these out?" She asked. Aria ignored her and began walking off towards the exit.

"Pick one of them and slide it in your jacket. We can't check anything out Sonata." Adagio made a motion replicating sliding a book up her jacket. Sonata nodded and looked through her stack trying to decide on which one she wanted to keep. She did this for several minutes, taking one book and staring at it for a moment before shaking her head and looking at another.

"Hurry up! I'm sick of waiting!" Aria shouted from the doorway with a groan. She was responded by the old librarian making a shush sound. She sneered at him.

"Um, I can't decide on which one!" Sonata held a colorful picture book called "The mare's escape." in one hand and a comic called "Transformares" in the other.

'Here just take this one, lets go." Adagio grabbed the picture book and slid it into Sonatas jacket.

"Oh okay. I liked that one the most anyways." Sonata seemed to be genuinely content with it. Sonata and Adagio walked to the front and were greeted by an annoyed Aria.

"Took you two long enough." She spat. "I'm starving." It was at that moment that Adagio realized how hungry she was. Her stomach growled in agreement along with Sonata's.

"My stomachs yelling at me! I don't know what I did..." Sonata rubbed her stomach with a small adorable frown.

"Come on I saw a place on the way here. Follow me." Adagio walked outside and the other two girls followed. They began walking back towards town. Now that they had sunlight they could find their way around easier.

"So where exactly is this place? And are we going to be eating normal food?" Aria made a disgusted looking face. "I hate that stuff. After feeding on magic for so long it tastes terrible to me now."

"Well our magic still worked on that long haired man right? Well then why wouldn't our feeding magic work? We could just pop into any of these places, stir up trouble and get out." Adagio was guiding them to a food joint that they had passed that morning. Several teens had been there, and they would no doubt be easy to stir up. Aria looked at the town ahead of them. It was rather small and didn't seem too busy. It reminded her of her old town. She had hated that place. It had been full of ignorant fools and stuck up idiots. It was just the worst.