//------------------------------// // Chapter 7-Blue and Yellow Dreams // Story: The Shy One // by TheBluWaffle //------------------------------// Chapter 7-Blue and Yellow Dreams It was a warmer night in the city of Cloudsdale, the two pegasus ponies sleeping soundly in their cloud bed. One of them however, was having one heck of a...steamy dream. She couldn't help it. Even after it was all over and done with, those thoughts of arousal were still in her head, and they followed her into her dreams. She never thought she would be having a dream like this, but it was happening, and to tell the truth, she liked it. Her love for her friend was almost uncontrollable in this moment, and she was going to show that it was... -------- "What do you mean by...gift?" Fluttershy asked, a little confused. "Just relax and lay on the bed, and I'll show you..." I said softly. She was hesitant, but she nodded. She knew that Rainbow Dash was always caring with her, she knew that she wouldn't make her feel uncomfortable. She layed her head down on the cloud pillow, relaxing her body on the plush-soft bed. She sighed, still wondering what Rainbow had in store for her. She closed her eyes for a moment, waiting for her gift. "So...why are you giving me a--" Her eyes shot open when she felt something wet on her lips, and she blushed hard when she saw what it was... "Rainmph, Dahph?!" She tried to say Rainbow Dash, but her lips were muffled by the cyan mare's own. She was not expecting this kind of gift. She tried to push her off at first, but she could feel the passion in her kiss, and she soon found herself giving way to her. This was the first time that anyone had ever kissed her...and it felt like magic. After a minute of pure passion, Fluttershy pulled away, gasping for breath. They stared into each others eyes for countless moments, letting all the feelings sink in. Their kiss was beyond words... Finally, I spoke. "Did you like that?" I asked the blushing yellow mare "Y-Yes...I...I never had anyone...kiss me before..." She turned her head shyly. I smiled at her. "I haven't either Flutters...but..." I pulled her close to me. She gasped and looked into my magenta colored eyes. "R-Rainbow..." She said nervously. "You are an amazing kisser Fluttershy..." I gave her another small kiss on the lips, and she made a small sound. I layed her back down on the bed. She took a breath. "Fluttershy...are you ready?" "Huh? R-Ready for what?" She asked, her eyes glancing around quickly. "For your other gift..." I said in a seductive voice. She blushed even harder at that. Her breathing quickened. "W-What gift?" She asked. She was so tense... "A better one...one that will make you feel so good, like nothing you would ever imagine..." I said with a smirk. She had an idea of what I meant, and she gulped. "W-Wait Rainbow...I...um, I don't know...a-about this..." "Just relax Fluttershy...and let me do all the work..." I was about to start on her neck-- "Wait!" I was surprised at how loud her voice was there. I stopped. "I..." She turned her head, one blue eye staring up at me. "I've...never d-done this before..." She stuttered. I could sense her nervousness. I could see it, and I could hear it in her voice. I sighed. "I haven't either Flutters...it'll be a first for both of us...I'm just kinda', experimenting right now." I admitted. "Oh..." Acceptable answers, including for the situation at hand. I was just as inexperienced as her. "O-okay..." She sighed, knowing that she couldn't get out of this. Rainbow would be good, she knew, but...she didn't know if she was...quite ready for anything more than just cuddling. She couldn't win though, she knew it in her heart...and she also knew something else... "Okay Rainbow...but please..." She stared up at me again. "Please...b-be gentle..." I smiled at her. "I will Fluttershy...I promise." She nodded. That was my sign to start. I slowly lowered my head down to her neck, and I was about to start lovin', but I noticed that she was shaking. I looked back up at her. "Fluttershy...why are you shaking?" "Um...Rainbow...I-I'm just s-so nervous...I'm sorry...I-I g-get nervous when t-trying something n-new..." She blushed in embarrassment. "Oh Fluttershy...I understand. It's okay to be nervous...if it makes you feel any better, I'm a bit nervous myself..." She was surprised. "R-Really?" "Yes, I just...try not to let it show, and, you should do the same." I said to her and nodded. "Here, take a deep breath, relax, and try to keep your nervousness inside you." She did all of these things; deep breath, relax, and she seemed like a whole different pony, "There we go...now, just keep your nervousness inside, and if it shows a little, then it's alright. I understand that your new to this...let's just, enjoy it." I gave a small laugh. "I know we will..." I went back down to her neck. This time she wasn't shaking, and her heart had slowed a bit. It wouldn't be that way for long... "Be gentle..." Was all she said. I proceeded with my task. I gave her neck a long lick up, savoring the delicious tastes of my love. She made a loud gasp, followed by a small moan. I knew that was an indication for me to continue. I developed a pattern; a little lick, a kiss, then repeat, and every time I was greeted by the sound of a small gasp or moan from her, and I was glad to see that she was enjoying it. "Do you like this Fluttershy?" I asked in that seductive voice, looking at her. Her face was...adorable. She was blushing so much, some of the blood went above her nose, it made a streak across her face. She was panting slightly from my actions, and she had that look of ecstasy on her face. "Y...Yes...please...c-continue..." I was glad she was finally warming up to the situation. I smirked. "Aw...you look so cute when you blush Fluttershy..." She looked at me, her eyes half closed. I gave her cheek a little lick, and she gasped at the feeling. "Mmm...so warm..." She blushed even more. Her face was so red, it was like the color of beets. I went back down to her neck and continued with my playing. I loved to hear her moan in pleasure. It was really...turning me on, in a way I've never felt before. I went a little bit faster, licking and kissing any spot of her neck that I could. I think I was going a little too fast, because I heard her shout... "R-Rainbow Dash! Ah! W-Wait! Mnnnnn....t-too f-f-fast!" She cried. I stopped. That was the loudest I had ever heard her. "Huh? What's wrong?" I asked. She was panting fast and hard, just from the mirage of licks and kisses. There was some sweat on her face, a little on her body, and her hair was shagged up a bit. "T...Too...fast...Rainbow...I'm sorry...I just--" I realized my mistake, and I felt bad. I never wanted to make her feel uncomfortable. I sighed. "No, don't be. It was my fault. I...got a little carried away..." I blushed. "Oh...heh...um...c-can you please...continue, just..." She looked down for a moment. Gosh...she is so cute..."Just...can you go a l-little slower? I'm...you know--" "Of course Flutters." She smiled at me. She was so happy that I was so understanding of her feelings. Most people weren't... I continued with her neck for a little while longer, going slow like before, savoring her flavors. Her sweat was sweet on my tongue, and her seemingly louder moans and gasps were even sweeter. She even ahem, yelled my name once. "Oh...ah, Rainbow...nhhh..." I closed my eyes. I was starting to lose to my inner longings, to just have my merry way with her, but I couldn't do that. Never. I had to be gentle, like I promised, but it was hard to restrain. I could feel her heat on my body, I could hear her little gasps and moans, I could taste the soft sweat on her fur. It was all mixing together, and by Celestia, it feel pretty damn good. "Ah...Rainbow! St-stop, nhhhhaaa...too sensitive! Ohhhh..." She moaned. I removed my tongue from her neck, sitting back down on my normal spot. I watched her in passion, as she breathed, gasped and panted for air, covering her face to hide her red cheeks. She was shaking a little, this time I knew, not from nervousness. I was panting a bit myself. All my actions were heating me up, and she was as well. I almost had to stop short, it was getting so hot. I crawled up her and planted a small kiss on her lips, and she gladly accepted it, my right hoof touching her left.. I inserted my tongue at one point, and she was a bit surprised at first, but she let it in, and eventually, we were tongue dancing the night away. Well, exaggerations. Defiantly not that long. This time, I pulled away to get some air. We looked in each other eyes, seeing the obvious passion, and now lust, that was in them. It was time. "Rainbow..." She breathed. "Fluttershy..." I said with little breath. I knew that when she said my name, the hidden meaning behind it was "go." I started kissing every inch of yellow fur that I could find, going lower and lower, my lust for love driving me to the brink. I was still gentle, but...there were no promise that I could stay that way. Fluttershy gave me reassuring gasps and moans, and as I went lower, they were getting louder. I drove my snout into her fur, sniffing deep, taking in the glorious scents of my lover. She smelled so good...I sighed deeply, my lust even higher after my action. I continued south, nearing her nether regions. Her breathing quickened even more when I approached there. I looked at her for the signal to proceed. She shuddered and gulped. "P-Please...do it..." She said, trying to hold back her obvious needs. She yearned for that feeling, and now she was going to get it... I licked my lips in anticipation...This is going to be wonderful...I thought, as I took a breath and pushed my muzzle forward-- -------- I gasped and shot up, the pain in my body still haunting me. I was panting hard, sweating like crazy, and I was burning up. I laid back down immediately, trying to reduce this stupid pain. I looked to my side. Fluttershy was still sleeping soundly, even though she had fallen off my body. I was slightly surprised, but at the same time, I wasn't. She had worked herself to the breaking point today. She could probably sleep through a thunderstorm...okay, maybe not... I put my hooves over my face. What is wrong with me? That dream...agh! I'm so perverted! I never thought I would have a dream like that! Stupid inner urges... I sighed, closing my eyes. I wrapped my good wing around Fluttershy, pushing her head back under mine, her body snuggled into my own. I smiled at her. She looked absolutely beautiful when she slept. She looked...peaceful. It was sad that this was the only time that she could be peaceful...a time when she wasn't awake. I knew one thing, that needed to change soon, and I knew, that she was the only persn who could do it. She just needed to face her fears, stand up to the people that have shunned her, and-- I would've thought longer, but I fell asleep.