//------------------------------// // A new day // Story: The Sirens Song // by stormfury12 //------------------------------// Several weeks had passed, but to Aria, Adagio, and Sonata it had felt like only a few hours. They spent their days scouting the town, stealing small items to add to their cave, and feeding off of the negativity of others. It was a pitiful existence, to be cast aside like they had. With each passing day Sonata and Adagio seemed to grow more and more accustomed to their new way of life, but Aria felt her blood begin to boil. Her anger towards the situation and ultimately their failure is what drove her. She wanted out, she wanted to go back and reclaim what she once had, but she knew that that was an impossible thing. She sang with the other two on the baseball field, and felt a tiny surge of power course through her veins. "When are we going to become strong again Adagio!" Aria was ready to burst, this life of theirs was far too pitiful, and she loathed it. "To be entirely honest with you dear, we probably won't. There doesn't seem to be much of any kind of magic here." Adagio replied. "If anything there probably isn't any." Aria sneered and continued to sing. The power they gained from others was so small, and miniscule she questioned why they even tried. After feeding at the baseball field the three left and began to head back towards their cave. Aria shoved her hands into her jacket. "This is so stupid. In actuality you're both the worst!" Aria spat. She stopped and stood outside of an apartment complex. "Watch your mouth Aria." Adagio turned and stomped over to her. "We both know you hate it here, but there is absolutely nothing we can do about it! So stop whining and come on." "Our song should be strong enough for us to get what we want. In all honesty and apartment room would be better than some smelly, crappy cave." Aria pointed at the apartment. Adagio suddenly felt stupid. How had she not though about this before? As much as she hated to admit it, Aria was right. "You bring up a good point Aria. Girls lets get ourselves something of a little higher class shall we?" Adagio smiled and looked up at the building. Aria and Sonata followed closely behind her as she entered the building. It was a nice place, and it appeared that the people who worked there actually cared about its appearance. The floor was clean, and the walls were a simple yet nice white. The place looked a little better than Adagio had imagined. "Can I help you?" Asked a young woman who was resting her cheek on her hand and flipping through a magazine. Boredom oozed out of her. Adagio smiled and cleared her throat. The three girls began to sing in a perfect melodic tune. The woman stiffened up and her eyes began to slowly change from blue to an sickly green. "One room, top floor, coming up." The woman's voice sounded almost robotic, and displayed no emotion at all. She bent over and a few moments later placed three silver keys on the desk. "Room three-O-two. Its on the top floor to your far left." "Why thank you very much." Adagio flipped her hands in a motion that silenced Aria and Sonata. They each grabbed a key off of the front desk. "Let us go and see if we enjoy this room." The three walked off and Adagio placed a hand firmly on her hip as they walked. After going up the flight of stairs they reached the room and opened it. It was a large room, and looked big enough to house four people. There was already furniture in it, and a large TV was situated on top of a nice table. "Wow! This place is really nice! Why hadn't we thought of this before?" Asked Sonata, her eyes appearing far brighter than usual. "Because our strength was powerful enough to control other yet. Now things should start to become far easier." Adagio replied. "We need to go back and pick up what we have in the cave. I'll head back and do that. You two keep an eye on things, and get this place set up if you would. I'll be right back, and don't do anything stupid!" Adagio headed out the door and shut it behind her, leaving Sonata and Aria alone in an awkward silence. Sonata smiled at Aria who snorted and threw herself onto the sofa. "Do you hate me Aria?" Asked Sonata. The question came out of the blue and surprised Aria who looked up at Sonata. She was standing with a slight frown and didn't seem as bubbly or bouncy as usual. "Why do you ask, Sonata?" Aria replied. Sonata looked down at her feet and began to pick at her fingers. "I don't know. You've been kind of mean to me lately, and I was just wondering if you hate me. I mean I-" Sonata trailed off and her voice grew quiet. Aria sat in silence for a moment before responding. "No. I don't hate you Sonata. I like you, in fact I love you like a sister. I may not show it much, but I love Adagio too. I'm just mad at the situation, not at you." Aria found herself talking with out much thought. "Sometimes its easier to let your anger out at those close to you, because you know that they won't leave. So I've been taking my frustration and anger out on you and Adagio. Sorry about that I guess." "That's the first time I've ever heard you apologize for anything. Are you sure you're okay Aria? Did you bump your head or something, maybe?" Sonata smiled a little. Aria folded her arms with a frown. "I just felt like I should say something or, as you just said, you might get the wrong idea. You and Adagio are all I have." Aria looked down at the floor. She suddenly felt a little guilty for having treated them so badly. It wasn't much, but it was something at least. "For realzies!?" Sonata's smile grew larger, and she jumped onto the sofa next to Aria. "You know Aria, for someone as mean, rude, loud, and stuff, you're like a big jar of yogurt on the inside." "Shut up Sonata." Aria felt her cheeks grow warm. "I hope Adagio doesn't mess anything up again." Meanwhile, Adagio was walking along the road that led to the cave. She had decided to go out on her own so that she could think about things. Aria, and Sonata usually kept her from thinking things over so every now and then she needed a moment of silence. Things felt like they were beginning to look up a little for them. Maybe adjusting wouldn't be so bad. The clouds above were gray and the wind was gentle and silent. She took a deep breath and inhaled the smells of the forest. The bridge overlooked a river so fog was common, and today it was quite foggy. Adagio had a hard time seeing and looked around her.. Suddenly she felt a pain rip through her body as she toppled over. She hadn't noticed a large rock and had tripped over it. "Ow, son of a-" She rubbed her leg and pushed herself back up. "Stupid fog, making me look like an idiot. Maybe this is how Sonata feels on a daily basis..." Adagio got up and brushed the dirt and grass off of her. She felt a drop of rain hit her cheek. "Oh come on! I didn't need this either!" Adagio yelled at the sky as if it could actually listen to her. With a groan she continued towards the cave. "I better make this quick so that I can get back before the storm goes crazy. She rushed off into the woods, this time she kept her eyes low to the ground so the she wouldn't trip again. She grasped her jewel and kept it safe. The jewel meant everything to her. It was what made her so strong, or at least it had at one point made her strong, but now it could save her. If it were to ever break she didn't know what she would do. Adagio arrived at the cave and moved the bushes aside. The rain was gentle at the moment, but she knew it could downpour at any second. She slid herself through the opening and hummed softly to herself causing the jewel to glow. She looked around the cave and grabbed the bag she used to carry things and began to fill it with their belongings. They didn't have much since everything they had they had to steal. She grabbed the few pieces of clothing they owned and stuffed them into the bag along with the map of Canterlot, the book Sonata had taken from the library, and a small gaming system that Aria and Sonata used along with the games they had for it. Adagio lifted the small device up. She had never touched nor played it before, but Aria and Sonata played it all the time. They didn't have this kind of technology in Equestria, and she found it to be interesting. "I can look at it later." She threw it in the bag and grabbed what ever was left before zipping it back up. Adagio pulled herself up and out of the cave and found that the storm had begun. "Crap!" She groaned. The wind slapped her in the face, but she kept going. The rain hadn't started falling down hard yet, so as of now it was just the wind. She walked with a fast pace along the side of the road. A clap of thunder rippled through the sky. "Sonata's probably scared right now." Adagio mumbled. It would take a minute to reach the room so Adagio began to soak herself in her memories. They weren't good memories by any means, but she found some pleasure in remembering the old days, it kept her going. She frowned and began to think back to her days as a young mare.