Snow of the Soul

by BloodSweatAndTea

Package From Manehatten: Handle With Care

It's been five days since Gigglebox was on the journey of a lifetime. But it's also been five days since Snowflake ended their relationship, and Gigglebox hasn't felt the same since. He's been slower, less funny, and more quiet. But he knew that long distance relationships never work out. So he just went with the pain and loneliness. It wasn't as different as before he met Snowflake, the only difference this time was the fact that he knew that some pony loved him.

One night, Gigglebox had another nightmare, and off of pure instinct, while he was still half asleep, he felt around for Snowflake to be next to him so he can have some comfort and love with him. But all he could find was a lumpy pillow. For the rest of the night, he couldn't sleep. He sobbed to himself, as cruel reality reminded him that the only mare who loved him was hundreds and hundreds of miles away. He then looked towards his closet that wasn't too big, but moderately large. He got out of bed and walked towards it. Once he got there, he pulled out a small box. He opened it and pulled out a switch blade.

With tears still running down his face he switched it open. He put the blade to his throat. He was going to end the years of pain and sadness once and for all.

But before he began, he saw something else in the small box. It was a small envelope. He picked it up and opened it. Suddenly, flashbacks from when the last time he saw his mother cropped to mind. She had given him an envelope, and told him not to open it until he felt like he was ready.

He used the blade to open the top and found two things; a note from his mother, and a small check with five thousand bits written on it. He read the note aloud.

"Gigglebox, my special, special boy,

Do you know what your gift is? You have the gift of making those around you happy and laugh. I know you haven't been able to make yourself happy now, but soon you'll be able to do so. And I want you to take this money and make yourself happy with it. Just remember to always keep smiling, my little Giggle.

With love, Mama."

Gigglebox sobbed even harder. His mother's smooth, looping handwriting reminded him of her, and how she could be anywhere, and he wouldn't even know.

He remembered all the happiness and joy he spent with Snowflake, he remembered the dream he had where he chose what made him happy. He picked up the small paper with the wealth written on it, and said in a low whisper,

"Choose what makes me happy."


The next morning was very busy for Gigglebox. He was busy planning a certain surprise for Snowflake. First, he went to the bank to cash in his check and got three thousand bits and left the rest in the bank. Then he went to the docks, to meet an old friend named Iron Anchor.

"Look Iron, all I need is this one favor! Then I'm out of your mane forever!" Giggle pleaded.

"Look Giggle, I'm your buddy and I would do anythin for 'ya, but the problem is that I would probably lose my job if I do this." Iron replied.

Him and Gigglebox went way back. Back to when Gigglebox moved into his apartment. When he did move in, Gigglebox found work as a shipment worker at the Manehatten docks. Giggle paused to think of a solution for his problem, then it hit him.

"I'll pay you." He knew that Iron had his prices, and Iron was a bit greedy for bits.

"How much we talkin' here?" He asked quietly.

"two G's" Gigglebox replied.

Gigglebox wasn't unfamiliar with haggling, he would haggle at pawn shops and antique stores.

"Make it twenty five hundred, and we got a deal, Giggle."

Pleased that Iron didn't go for something higher, Gigglebox gave Iron a check for 2,500 bits.

"Wait,Giggle!" Iron called back.

"Yeah?" Gigglebox replied.

"Your going all the way to Britain for some Brit mare that ditched you?" He asked,somewhat mockingly.

"Yes." Gigglebox replied tartly.

"I swear, you get more wack-o everytime I see you."


The plan Gigglebox and Iron had devised together was that they would put Gigglebox in a crate that was being shipped to Saddle Arabia, but would be relabeled to go to Britain. That night, when they were loading up the crates onto the ship that went to Britain, Gigglebox quickly hid inside the crate.

He was inside the crate for nearly a whole week, but he wasn't stupid. He knew to pack water and food for the trip. He even packed the same switch blade so that he could cut a hole into the wood for air. Apparently, spices and other food ingredients were supposed to go to Saddle Arabia, since when Gigglebox got out of the crate, he smelt like black pepper mixed with cinnamon.

"Mother of Faust, that's a cinnamon challenge I don't see the teens doin'. Hehe." He said with a chuckle.

He found himself inside a giant warehouse full of crates and other boxes. He quickly found a way out of the warehouse through an open ceiling window. He flew out the top to see that he was in Britain. He could tell from the giant clock tower that towered over the other buildings. He looked out the window a little longer, pleased that he had actually made it this far, before he felt something wet on his face. They started coming more frequently, before a positive avalanche of water hit his face.

Rain. It had to be rain. Or as Snowflake would say, 'a perfect demonstration of British weather'.

He felt a tight feeling in his chest thinking about her. He could hear her voice saying those very words in his head.

Before he flew off, he went into the warehouse once again and pulled out a giant box that was about his size. This would be his best practical joke ever.

After doing a little bit of asking around, he finally found where Snowflake lived. He placed the box on her doorstep and got inside, before he closed the lid he knocked on the door and waited.

He waited for what seemed like centuries, until finally he heard a very familiar voice. He wanted to jump out so badly, but he knew that he had to wait for the right moment.

"From Manehatten, handle with care?" The voice read aloud, obviously sounding confused. "I wonder who would send me something this huge? Couldn't be Giggle, he wouldn't be that dense. I hope."

This confirmed Giggle's theory on who the voice was, quickly he burst out of the box and yelled,

"OR WOULD I?!!" He had a giant smile on his muzzle, but soon realized that Snowflake fainted from her surprise.

"Hehe, oops." Giggle said with a shrug.

Later on Snowflake finally woke up to see Gigglebox sitting beside her. He then told her his entire story about how he got there. Near the end, he couldn't help but feel incredibly stupid, since Snowflake informed him that it would've been easier if he'd just bought a ticket for a sea trip to Britain. But then she asked him why he did this in the first place, and didn't just move on with his life. He turned very serious and told her about the night he had.

"I'm sorry Snow, I just... I wanted to see you again and the night before I left I had, now this may sound kinda stupid, but I had another bad dream and for some reason or another, I hoped that you would be sleeping next to me so I wouldn't get too scared, but then I realized the truth. So afterwards I... I tried..." He couldn't continue,

"You tried what, Giggle?" Snow asked with a calm voice, expecting something very dramatic.

"I... I tried, slitting my throat." Giggle said as he looked down at his hooves, he could hear Snowflake's gasp of surprise and shock, he fiddled with a feather from one of his wings and said, "I just- I just needed my angel back." He said with a single tear running down his face.

This was the moment that made Snowflake realize that Gigglebox would cross the sea in a tight crate full of spices that could irritate the eyes majorly, and travel the very length and breadth of England, just to see her once again. With this she knew that Gigglebox would never forget about her or try to get somepony else. He would always stay loyal and loving to her. This thought made her hug him tight once more, but thinking that he needed some sense knocked into him, she slapped him in the face again. But this time he was expecting it to come, because when he turned his head back, he had a cute little smile on his muzzle and kissed the mare. But only seconds after Snowflake said one more thing,

"You still need a shave."


"My sisters are coming around soon, so if you want anything to eat, get it before they do."

"Oh, yeah? How many are there?" He asked cautiously.

"Only two." She replied, her head in a cupboard.

She handed him a mug with a beige liquid in it.

"Drink." She ordered.

He took a sip. It was much better than any of his sorry attempts.

"You see that? That is how you make a cup of tea. Not the mess that you gave me."

Gigglebox was about to reply, but he was stopped by somepony knocking at the door. Snowflake ran to it with alarming speed, and the minute she opened the door, the once quiet house was filled with girlish chatter and giggling.

A pegasus mare about five years older than Snowflake walked into the kitchen where Gigglebox was. She was white, with a short blue mane the exact same colour as Snowflake's, but with deep purple streaks, and her eyes were a greenish grey. She had another mare next to her, but she only looked about fifteen, sixteen at the most. She was a purple unicorn, with a deep blue mane with white streaks in it. Her eyes where the exact same shade of blue as Snowflake's.

"Snow? Why is there some weird stallion in your kitchen?" Asked the older one, pulling a plate out of a cupboard.

"Oh, him!" She said, "He's my coltfriend!"

The two mares looked at Snowflake in alarm, the older one dropping her plate.

"That was quick!" Said the younger one, breaking the silence.

"Oh, like you've got any room to talk." Said the older one scornfully.

"Gigglebox, these are my sisters, Melody," She pointed towards the older one, and she gave a little wave, "and Stardust." She said, pointing towards the unicorn, who was very engrossed in her sandwich.

"And they have apparently run out of food again, so they've come to eat all of mine. Can't you guys go shopping, or something?"

"Don't get paid till next week." Replied Melody, carrying a cup of pasta.

"And I just wanted to come." Said Stardust, taking another bite out of her sandwich.

Gigglebox couldn't help but envy Snowflake. This filly had unlimited access to her parents food, yet she had come around to Snowflake's house just because she felt like it. If he was going go have any sibling, he wanted that sort of sibling.

"Anyway, this is Gigglebox, and he's from Manehatten. And he doesn't have a brain, or if he does, he's clearly not using it."

"Manehatten?" Repeated Melody, slightly confused, "So when did he get here?"

Snowflake and Gigglebox simply looked at Melody and said in perfect sych,

"It's a long story."


After having more long conversations with Snowflake's sisters, they finally left, leaving Gigglebox and Snowflake to themselves. Giggle scooted closer to Snowflake on the couch. Then, quicker than a flash, Gigglebox and Snowflake were in each other's embrace.

"I missed you, you know." Snowflake said playfully as she cuddled closer to Gigglebox.

"Well, I missed you more, Snow." Giggle replied as he gently nuzzled Snowflake, getting a small squeak of happiness from her.

During this they didn't say a word to each other. They only snuggled closer to each other. Both Gigglebox and Snowflake felt their love for each other growing. Gigglebox could stay like this for hours. He'd forgotten how good it felt to be in the embrace of an angel. Giggle wrapped his forelegs around her as Snowflake used her wings as a blanket covering them from the British cold. Gigglebox, only inches away from Snowflake's face, stared into her beautiful blue eyes. They looked as though they were reflecting stars. Snowflake did the same and blushed. Slowly, Gigglebox planted his lips on Snowflake's. Both of their lips were warm and soft. Gigglebox, like last time, slowly slipped his tongue through his and Snowflake's lips, getting a small moan from Snowflake. Snowflake wrapped her hooves around Gigglebox's neck, bringing them closer together as their kiss got more passionate and loving as it got longer.

They departed, but only for a second.

"You're my little Giggle." Snowflake whispered.

Her voice was like silk to Gigglebox. Her breath tickled his muzzle. He couldn't help but giggle a cute little giggle at the fact that him and her were cuddling. He then started planting a little kiss on her neck, making her giggle too.

"Your giggles are really adorable, Snow." Giggle said as he stopped to take in the moment.

They started to become very sleepy. The warmth they had between them mixed with the genuine love they felt made them tired. Snowflake gently nibbled on Giggle's ear as they stayed in that little position, neither of them wanting it to end. It was just too good for the both of them.

It was so clear to them, they wondered why it took them this long to figure out that they were meant for each other. They realized that neither one of them would abandon or leave on another. They had unconditional love for each other that would never run out.

"I love you, Giggle, and I always will." Whispered Snowflake.

"I love you too, Snow, and I will always love my little angel."

"And I will always love my little giggle."