//------------------------------// // The Prank Off (Pickleless) // Story: The Prank // by Pickleless //------------------------------// "ATTENTION!" A deep baritone yelled out. Rising flinched, wondering who was yelling on the doorstep of his home. Poking his head out, he expression became confused. Sitting on two hind legs was his father, Bucky, his mischievous friend Stupid, little Dinky, and Discord. All four of them had a serious expression on their face, staring forward blankly as a changeling paced back and forth between them. Like Stupid, this changeling was also banged up and injured. Unlike Stupid, this changeling was very large and muscular. Stupid was more along Bucky's size. "What's going on?" Star questioned. "WHAT'S GOING ON? WHAT'S GOING ON?!? FOAL HAVE YOU EVER BEEN IN A WAR BEFORE!?!" the changeling turned to shout in Rising's face. "Yes, actually," he replied, irritated. The changeling blinked, and turned towards Bucky. "Your family has been through a lot, hasn't it?" "Sir! Yes sir!" Bucky shouted. Rising scowled, "Why is my father-" "QUIET PRIVATE STAR!" the changeling bellowed. "I am not a private-" "HAVE YOU EVER HAD TO STORE MISSION ESSENTIAL EQUIPMENT UP YOUR BUTT AS YOU'RE SHIPPED IN A BOX TOWARDS A CRANKY ALICORN ON HER PERIOD?!?" "...No?" "IT MAKES YOUR COMMUNICATOR SMELL LIKE DOO DOO!!!" the changeling screamed in his face. "YOU COULD SAY THE SITUATION STINKS!" Nopony laughed. Rising Star shuffled awkwardly. "So uh," Rising spoke up, "Who are you exactly?" "I AM YOUR COMMANDING OFFICER WHITE LIE!" White shouted. "AND WE'RE IN THE MIDDLE OF WAR SON!" "Really," Rising deadpanned. "FOR REALSIES!" Lie boomed. "PONYVILLE IS PLAGUED WITH A TERRIBLY BORING CASE OF PEACE AND QUIET! IT IS UP TO THESE FOUR BRAVE SOLDIERS, TO THROW THE BIGGEST PRANK OFF PONYVILLE HAS EVER SEEN!" "Oh Maker no..." Rising facehoofed. The four pranksters mouths twitched, desperately trying to contain their smiles. "THE RULES ARE SIMPLE! CHANGELING SPIES HAVE BEEN ASSIGNED TO ALL OF YOU! THEY HAVE BEEN RIGOROUSLY AND BRUTALLY TRAINED TO JUDGE AND SCORE YOU FOUR! WHOEVER SCORES THE HIGHEST GETS TO DARE THE OTHER THREE TO DO SOMETHING INCREDIBLY STUPID AND AMUSING! MAY THE BEST PRANKSTER WIN!" "Sir, permission to speak, sir!" Dinky piped up. "Permission granted! Yes adorable little filly?!?" White lowered his volume as he approached her. "Can we sabotage the pranks of the other contestants?" "Yes! You four have full permission to screw each other over! In fact, it is encouraged." All four of them got a maniacal grin. "Oh no, no no no!" Rising complained. "You four aren't seriously considering terrorizing all of Ponyville are you? What would your wives and mothers think?" All four stopped and thought deeply. A few seconds later they all spoke up at the same time. "Worth it." Rising Star fell onto his hind legs and shoved both forehooves into his face. "GET READY!" White Lie raised a hoof. All four of them hunched over. "GET SET!.. GO!" Before Bucky or Discord could teleport, a swarm of flies attacked the group, taking them by surprise. Snickering, Dinky ran off towards town. Rising watched Bucky freeze over the insects, along with Stupid and Discord, and teleported away. Suddenly, a strange metal contraption popped out the bottom of Discord's ice block and started shooting flames. Star watched as Discord blasted off towards Ponyville. Stupid simply melted the ice with green flames, and calmly trotted off towards town with a smile, unconcerned. The Fae colt turned and glared at the changeling grinning right next to him. "White Lie, was it?" Rising growled. "The one and only!" He posed. "I'm guessing you're a friend of Stupid? Look, I don't care what you do, just don't mess with my wives alright? No strange changeling magic to get love. Actually, don't mess with any of the mares in this house, or else you and I are going to have words." White laughed. "Oh handsome," he slid up and brushed a hoof against Rising's flank. "It's not your wives you need to be concerned about..." Rising Star's eyes shot open in fear. --- Cheerilee was trotting through the park, enjoying the sunny, clear sky. She stopped, closed her eyes, took in a deep breath of fresh air, exhaled, and smiled. She opened her eyes she found she was on top of a cloud. "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" Cheerilee screamed as she... flapped her wings? Even at high altitude, Even with no aptitude... Cheerilee scrambled to make her new pegasus body work. The ground was coming closer at a terrifying rate. You gotta have a good attitude! You better get a strong fortitude! Cheerilee covered her eyes with her hooves as she was about to hit the ground. She opened them and saw she was falling through the ground. Her eye twitched in incomprehension. Even though, I'm rather shameless. Even though, I am not blameless. Cheerilee landed face first onto a cloud high above the park, her head spinning. I hope you see, all the payoff. I hope you love, all the chaos! All the ponies in the park started to scream as the trees pulled their roots loose and started to dance. "I don't give a hay." "I just want to play." Discord teleported in, wearing a suit and a top hat. He spun a cane around as he danced. "I don't care what you say." "It's a beautiful day!" It started to rain chocolate. Over the hills bears with wings came flying, growling and swooping down near horrified ponies. "The chocolate is raining," "The bears are chirping!" "DISCORD! YOU TURN EVERYTHING BACK TO NORMAL THIS INSTANT!" Cheerilee screamed. Giant bats started flying over from the Everfree Forest. The flying terrors screamed loudly, crying huge teardrops that knocked over ponies. "How could you be so mad?" "You're making the bats sad!" "You'll never get away with this!" Cheerilee scowled. Discord rolled his eyes at the cliche line. "Chin up, my little pony!" Suddenly all the townsfolk in the park became stone statues. "You all look rather stony!" "I don't care what they say." "It's a beautiful day!" All the trees, bats, and bears applauded as Discord bowed. "Thank you, thank you!" He wiped away a tear as he sniffed. Discord stopped bowing as he saw Stupid calmly trotting towards him. "Stupid, my dear friend, glad you could finally make it!" Discord teleported behind the Changeling, laying back in the air, eating a bag of popcorn. "So tell me," he yawned, "how do you plan to sabotage me? Some sort of illusion magic to scare me off? Oh, or are you going to break a few rules and use a little necromancy? There's nothing I love more than a rule breaker!" "Nope!" Stupid cheered. "Then, pray tell, what will you do my little changeling?" "I told Fluttershy what you were doing." He smiled. "Discord!" Discord frowned. "Uh oh..." --- The east side of Ponyville was peaceful this morning. The sky was a beautiful light blue with few clouds and today promised to be a lovely summer day. It was Button Mash's very first day of school! He was determined to make his first day of school memorable. Taking a deep breath of fresh air, he turned to look at the horizon. And saw a bunch of snow golems descending upon Ponyville. He pulled his jaw up off the floor and started to panic. Why is Ponyville being attacked? he thought. Who would attack us when we have the princess and Principal Bitters here? Where did they come from? A horrible realization struck his mind. They were coming from the direction school was in. Principal Bitters, the teachers, and all the friends he was going to make at school were in trouble. "NOT IF I CAN HELP IT!" Button screamed. "I AM GOING TO HAVE THE BEST FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL EVER! AND NOTHING IS GOING TO STOP ME!" Button Mash ran towards his shed and grabbed a snow shovel. He charged towards the golems with a war cry. --- Bucky sat back on his ice throne in pony loaf position and took a large swig of gin. Slowly his army of ice-cream snowstallions would descend upon Ponyville wrecking havoc upon the town. Next to him, his faithful squire Sentinel sat back on his hind legs, looking incredibly uncomfortable. One second, he was writing in his journal in Ponyville, the next he was next to his father about to lay siege on the town. "Father," Sentinel spoke up. "Are you sure you won't reconsider?" "Sentinel, just like there are times of peace, there must be times of war," Bucky growled. Sentinel whimpered and squeezed his eyes shut. "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH-" Bucky blinked, "what was that noise?" Sentinel listened closely "...It sounds like a young filly." "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Bucky looked to his left and saw a little brown colt launch himself at a snowman with a shovel. The small child repeatedly smacked the uncaring golem with his shovel before he ran out of breath. Bucky grinned and cleared his throat. "WHO DARES TO ATTACK MY ARMY?" he boomed. "YOU!" Button screamed. "What did you do with the school?" "The school?" Sentinel questioned. "I HAVE TAKEN OVER THE SCHOOL," Bucky boomed. "AND SOON, PONYVILLE WILL BE MINE!" "NEVER!" Button screamed. "The school is Ponyville's joy and pride! I'm gonna stop you and go to school!" "The school? Why would you head to the school?" Sentinel asked. "Today is my very first day at school! I'm gonna rescue all the students and the teachers and Mr. Bitters AND HAVE THE BEST FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL EVER!!!" Bucky suddenly welled up with pride towards the little colt. Subtly, he cast an enchantment on the colt's shovel to make the edges razor sharp and very hot. He also made the shovel weightless. Sentinel frowned. "First day of school? Today is Sunday-" "IF YOU WISH TO HAVE THE VERY BEST FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL EVER, YOU MUST STOP ALL OF MY GOLEMS!" Button snarled, swinging again at the golem he tried beating before. His shovel cleanly lopped off the golem's head, making the rest of it's body fall apart. Stunned, Mash stared at the golem he defeated before grinning and charging at the next. He knocked down three more golems before he was struck in the face with a snowball. "H-huh?" Button looked around. "What, you didn't think I would just sit here, would you?" Bucky gave a predator grin. Button Mash wiped the melted snowball off his face, licking off some of the sticky bits near his mouth. He froze. "You... you monster!" He pointed at Bucky. "This is black licorice ice-cream! I want to eat it because its ice-cream, but it's mediocre taste is leaving me feeling so empty on the inside!" Bucky broke out into maniacal laughter "YES! YES! THE EMPTINESS, SHALL LAST, FOREEEEEVEEEEER!!!" "NO!" Mash screamed, falling on his hindlegs, ""NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" "JOIN ME!" Bucky screamed, "AND WE CAN MAKE PONYVILLE EAT SUB-PAR ICE-CREAM TOGETHER!" "Never!" Button screamed, throwing an ice-cream snowball at Bucky. "NEEEEEVEEEEER!!!" Bucky didn't dodge the snowball, it impaled on his horn and dripped down onto his snout. With a smirk, he lifted a bunch of snowballs with his magic and telekinetically tossed them at Button Mash. "No fair!" Mash screamed. "Unicorn cleverness!" Bucky teased. Sentinel watched the snowball war go on for a few good minutes until his father swung his arm around him. "Your skills are commendable..." Bucky said, sounding unimpressed. "But, can you defeat... my evil lackey?!?" "What?!?" Sentinel cried. Bucky and his golems teleported away towards Ponyville leaving Sentinel and Button in a big pile of black licorice ice-cream snow. "YOU'RE GOING DOWN!" Button hurled a snowball at Sentinel. Sighing, Sentinel dodged the snowball and started making one of his own. --- Stupid waltzed into town disguised as Rainbow Dash. If one looked closely, they might have noticed that his cyan flank was a bit more plump than the rainbow maned mares is. He calmly walked into the center of the town square and cleared his throat and gently started to sing. "I like... big... BUTTS AND I CANNOT LIE!" Stupid started shaking his booty. "WHICH OTHER STALLIONS CAN'T DENY! THAT WHEN A MARE WALKS IN WITH A ITTY-BITTY WAIST AND A ROUND THING IN YOUR FACE YOU GET-" Stupid shot a blast from his butt, hitting Colgate and Golden Harvest. With a shriek, an illusion made their flanks grow to juicy proportions. "SPRUNG!!!" Stupid pushed his face and torso into the ground wildly waved his butt around. Shooting butt beams everywhere, hitting all the mares in the town square. "WANNA PULL OUT YOUR TOUGH 'CAUSE YOU NOTICE THAT FLANK WAS STUFFED! DEEP IN THE JEANS SHE'S WEARING, I'M HOOKED AND I CAN'T STOP STARING!" Lily gasped as Stupid pulled her close to him. "OH BABY, I WANNA GET WITH CHA!" "I KNEW IT! I KNEW RAINBOW WAS GAY!" Lily screamed. "AND TAKE YOUR PICT-CHA!" Stupid shoved his and Lily's butt towards the camera as Featherweight snapped a shot of the two. "MY CHANGELINGS TRIED TO WARN ME, BUT THAT FLANK YOU GOT MAKES-" Pinkie jumped into the crowd and started shaking her butt "M-M-ME SO HORNY!!!" "OHH, RUMP-O'-SMOOTH FLANK, YOU SAY YOU WANNA TASTE OF MY SWANK? WELL USE ME! USE ME! 'CAUSE YOU AIN'T THAT AVERAGE GROUPIE! Stupid and Pinkie started shaking their butts in synchronization. "I'VE SEEN THEM DANCIN'! TO HELL WITH ROMANCIN'! SHE'S SWEAT, WET, GOT IT GOIN LIKE A TURBO 'VETTE!" Stupid and Pinkie slammed their butts against each other, making their flanks bigger each time they bumped. "I'M TIRED OF MAGAZINES, SAYIN' FLAT BUTTS ARE THE THING! TAKE THAT AVERAGE CHANGELING AND ASK HIM THAT, SHE GOTTA PACK MUCH BACK!" Rainbow Dash flew swooped down and landed. Her mind broke down when she saw herself and Pinkie with a huge butt backing up against each other rapping. "SO FELLAS!" Stupid screamed out. Rainbow Dash shook her head. "What the-" "FELLAS!" "Hey!" Rainbow barely dodged a blast. "HAS YOUR MAREFRIEND GOT THE BUTT?!?" "What are you two doing-" "TELL 'EM TO SHAKE IT-" "Stupid!" Dash cried out as a butt blast hit her flanks. "SHAKE IT-" "STUPID!!!" "SHAKE THAT HEALTHY BUTT!" "STUPID WHEN I GET MY HOOVES ON YOU-" "BABY GOT BACK-" --- A small little unicorn foal trotted into town with a smug smile. She looked around the shopping district, staring at all the ponies going about their business. She lit up her horn, all of the shopping district was covered in a bright light. "Huh? What the?.." Sassaflash looked around. All around her was a sky blue expanse. She didn't even know what she was standing on. She hoped this wasn't another Smarty Pants incident. The pegasus mare leaned left to gently bump into Caramel and couldn't find him. "Caramel? Caramel where are you?" Her voice echoed off into the distance as she backed up into... something. With a yelp, she ran forward and crashed into something else. "What's going on?!? Somepony help!" Dinky watched as ponies went from agitated to panic. No one could see or hear each other. More and more ponies knocked over and stalls and ran into each other as they yell in fear. She broke out into insane laughter. "Who said that?!?" yelled Rose. "What's going on, where am I?!?" Caramel shrieked. A swarm of mosquitoes swooped down and started biting the townsfolk, shrieks of panic turned into outright terror as Dinky laughed harder. In about five minutes she would let up her illusion and move onto something else. Ponyville would rue the day she was challenged to a prank off. Then she smelled something. Something stinky, and nasty. Turning, Dinky saw her father ride in with... brown snow golems? Her scouts told her Bucky had made ice-cream ones at first. Her father rode in on what looked like fudge flavored enchanted dolls now. Sassaflash's eyes widened in horror as she recognized the smell. "M-manure..." she weakly cried. Dinky choked when she heard Sassaflash. With an angry cry, she ordered her mosquitoes to rain down upon Bucky. "YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!!!" Dinky screamed. --- Two changelings, two unicorns, and a god of chaos stoically sat across from two pegasi, two alicorns, and a earth pony. The five troublemakers were being glared at by their respective wives, and in Dinky's and White's case, mother and friend. "So, before we begin," Cadence spread open her wings, preparing to love slap all of them unconscious, "do you five have anything to say in your defense?" All five slowly looked at each other, they all spoke up at once. "I regret nothing!"