The Shy One

by TheBluWaffle

Chapter 11- Fluttershy Wins

Chapter 11-Fluttershy Wins

I was able to move myself onto the couch this time, so I could channel search. I was still in some pain, but it was slowly going away. At least I could actually move freely now without causing much pain in my limbs. My wing was still broke, and it would be like that until it fixed itself...wait, was that how it worked? Meh...

I was click click clicking away at the remote, when all of a sudden, I thought I could hear someone calling my name...

"Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash!"

It was coming from outside. I looked behind my couch to the opening, and I couldn't see anything. A moment later, I saw the familiar shape of Fluttershy, and she was flying straight at the opening. She seemed extremely happy.

"Rainbow! RianboooooAHHH!!!"

She fell into the opening, bouncing a couple of times on the cloud, until she stopped right in front of the couch. I wonder if she had little birds flying around her head, like in the cartoons. She did take quite a few bounces. I'm glad clouds are soft...

She shook herself and looked a me, a wide smile on her face.

"Why so happy Flutters?" I asked.

"Rainbow, you won't believe it! You won't! I never thought the day would come when this would happen!" She squealed.

"Whoa whoa, slow down Fluttershy!" In my mind, I was jumping with her, because I had a feeling of what she was about to say..."Just tell me what happened." I said calmly.

She sat down next to me. "Well, it all started earlier today at school. I was a little sad, because I was being made fun of with that whole Fluttershy can't really fly rant..." She blushed. ", almost crashed through a window, and everybody saw. Anyway, I was just walking along, when that jerk that beat you up knocked me to the ground."

I sighed in annoyance. "Not him again..." Dick. I thought.

"Yeah, and he started making fun of me as well, saying a few other mean comments, and in that moment, I was scared again, I was being made fun of...which I hated the most, but...I had a flashback right there, of when he beat you up, and all the kicking and punching and your screams of pain, they all made noises in my head, and in that moment Rainbow...I did something I had never done before..."

I was a little saddened by all this, but when she told me about the flashback, I nearly lost it...for good reason...

"What did you do Fluttershy?" I asked, anticipating the answer.

"Rainbow...I lost it. I lost my cool! It was like a boiling pot of tea, the one that when the steam starts to rise, it makes a hissing sound, and finally, if you don't take care of it, it will pop. I went off Rainbow! I stood up to him, and I told him off, and I told him to never mess with me again! Rainbow...he actually seemed quite frightened of my sudden courage. It was the most amazing moment of my life! And he said that he wouldn't, he would leave me alone from now on. He even said he was sorry, but I know he didn't mean it. Rainbow...he was scared, of me. Of little, yellow, cowardly, silent Fluttershy. All the kids were silent. It's like they had just seen a daring stunt that was never preformed before because it was too dangerous. I felt like flying halfway across Equestria! It felt so good to get that off my chest! I'm so happy!"! My plan worked! She had the flashback when I was beaten, and that spawned her inner anger! She...she did it! She did it!

"I...I can't believe it did it. You did it!"

"I did! I did!"

We gave each other a big hug, shouting and screaming in joy. It was done, she had stood up to that clown and told him off, something that she thought she would never do...but she did, and now, she didn't have to worry about him anymore. I was so happy for her, she could be free. She was released from this prison.

She surprised me in that moment, when she wrapped her hooves around me and took flight, carrying both of our weights into the open blue. It felt amazing, to say the least. I had missed the cool wind on my face, the rays of sun on my body, and just the sensation of flight. Fluttershy flew straight up for a little, until doing a nosedive, but not a big one. It felt so good to be back out again, even if it wasn't my own wings working their magic. I closed my eyes, enjoying the sensations of it all, the adrenaline, the steady speed, the wind, the clouds...her soft fur. She finally landed at my house again, both of us panting from the sky-ride. I smiled at her, and she smiled at me.

"You've made a huge jump in your life Fluttershy...I'm so proud of you." Jeez...I sound like a parent.

She blushed. "Thank you Rainbow..." She gave me another small hug.

"Thank you for everything."

I hugged her back. What a change it would be on her life, to be freed from this burden. I didn't think anything bad would happen to her again, but that changed one day, and it would be a day I would never forget...