Equestria In Code

by Pesoen

Pranking & Testing

After waiting for about 25 minutes, twilight made it back, and of course the first thing she did was to call my name.

“Johnny? Johnny where are you?” she asked, but I did not give a reply, instead I snuck up on her.

“Pony” I whispered in her left ear, as I moved to her right, making myself visible. She turned to her left and looked a bit scared.

“Who’s there?” she asked with a nervous hint in her voice.

“Who’s where?” I asked, making myself look as innocent as possible.

“GAH!” she screamed, as she fell onto her flank, looking at me.

“Hi, found a great little command” I said, helping her up onto her feet.

“That was not nice, do you know how scared I just got?” she said, in a slightly mad tone.

“Sorry, I couldn’t help myself, when I saw I could make myself invisible, I had to do it, just once. I promise I won't use it to scare anyone again, unless it Halloween or something” I said, apologizing as best I could.

“What’s Halloween?” twilight asked.

“It's one of the best times of the year, where kids dress up and go from door to door, asking for candy. It's also the best time for pranks”

“That sounds a lot like Nightmare Night” twilight said, seeming to be in thought.

“Who knows, they might be the same, only way to find out, is to try and be part of it, but before that, we need to find out if this is safe” I said, pointing at the computer. Twilight agreed, and we continued to see what the device could do.

“Okay, up next is the object create command, ready twilight?” I asked making sure she was ready, she gave me a nod, and I tried to create and object, but not just any object, I thought about how the technology here was behind, so I tried to create a computer from my world, so she could study it. “Here we go, Object.Create.AcerAspire9300.”I said out loud, as I pressed the enter key, there was a small light in front of me, and as I opened my eyes, I saw my old computer from when I was younger.

“What in the name of Celestia is that?” Twilight asked, as it just floated in front of me, spinning at a slow speed.

“it's a computer from my world, a bit old compared to some of the newer models, but it should be great to study for you, as it has a 1.6 GHz core, compared to your worlds 4 MHz, as well as 160 GB space, again compared to yours 128 KB” I said, as I grabbed the computer, opening it up, to see if it had power, and if not, I would have to create a power supply for it as well. it did not, so i quickly made a supply for it.

“Wow, it's so small” Twilight said, as she moved around her magical barrier.

“Not compared to some newer computers, but it's one of the computers I remember the best, but mostly because one of my friends had one too, which he cared for a lot, and I just used it however I wanted to, and yet, his broke down first, making him wonder if it was defect” I said, remembering the funny discussion we had, and how he tried to get us to switch computers because it was ‘unfair that his died’. ”And now it's all yours” I said as I let her take it in her magical grasp.

“Wow, I can’t wait to take it apart, and see how much I can learn from it!” she almost screamed in excitement.

“Yeah, well I think that is going to be it for today, so far I haven’t seen any accidents with it, or anything other than a world manipulating device, that only does what the user wants it too” I said, as I tried to get Twilights attention. “Twilight? Are you okay?” I asked, shaking a hand in front of her muzzle. This caused her to react.

“What did you say?” she asked, simply. Still looking at the computer in her hooves.

“I said, that as far as we have tested it, I can’t see anything dangerous in this device unless I create something dangerous, so in my mind, it's safe”

“I think we can agree on that, so far, it seems like it's just doing, what the user wants it too, in that strange language” she said, deep in thought.

“So I can go now? I kinda promised Applebloom that I would meet her friends, and if this thing was safe, possibly show them what it could do”

“sure you can go, I'm going to start studying this computer” she said, opening the door with her magic, and just as I left, I used the object create command to make a screwdriver set.

“Twilight, catch!” I said, waiting for her to turn around, before tossing it to her. “This will help you get into it, without breaking it” I said, as I left her basement and headed towards the Apple family farm. The ponies, still eyed me a bit, but most just continued with whatever they were doing.

“Okay, so you are Scootaloo” I said, pointing to the orange Pegasus, still pretending to know nothing of this world. “You are Sweetie Belle” I said, pointing to the white unicorn. Both fillies nodded, and Applebloom walked towards them, all three wearing their capes.

“And we are the…” I braced myself as I saw them inhale deeply, before shouting out the words “CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!”

“Okay I get it, you are three friends doing all kinds of stuff, to get your cutie marks?” I once again, pretended not to know.

“That’s right, and that reminds me, do you have a cutie mark?” Applebloom asked. Instantly Sweetie Belle asked.

“Can we see it?”

“I'm sorry but you can’t, as I don’t have one.” I said, as I looked at the three fillies.

“Why not, don’t you know what you are supposed to do?” Scootaloo asked.

“I do know what I'm supposed to do, but in my world we just don’t get them.” I said, smiling at the three fillies.

“Maybe that’s why we can’t get our cutie marks, maybe we are from your world too!” Sweetie Belle said.

“That might be, but I doubt it a bit, because if you were from my world, why would you be born in this one?” I asked them, making them think for a bit. Applebloom was the first one to speak up.

“Maybe that’s why we don’t have our cutie marks yet, it's because they have something to do with you” she said, growing a smile on her face.

“That might be, but we are not going to find out about that today, since it's already sundown, and I need to get some rest, I'm sure Twilight has a lot of questions for me tomorrow.” I said, heading for the door of the treehouse.

“Why do you think so?” Scootaloo asked, I stopped, turned around and said.

“Because I gave her a gift from my world, don’t worry, you will get one too, when I figure out what to give you three” I smiled and left the treehouse, heading for the barn.