//------------------------------// // Myths // Story: The Sirens Song // by stormfury12 //------------------------------// "I think we sounded slightly better that time!" Sonata laughed. Aria and Adagio cleared their throats and coughed a little, they had been singing for what had felt like hours. After abandoning GoldenMane, Adagio had decided to search for other ponies like her, ponies who had a passionate desire to sing, but had been cursed to be unable to do so. She had come across two other young mares during her travels, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk. After meeting them she decided that the three should settle down and begin working on their singing together, working with friends on something was far more rewarding after all. While calling Aria and Sonata friends was slightly stretching it, Adagio had grown fond of them. She found Aria's brutal honesty humorous and felt that Sonata's simple mindedness was adorable in its own dorky way. They didn't always get along, Aria and Adagio butted heads almost constantly, and Sonata and Aria were always quick to argue with one another. It had taken them a rather long time to find where they were going to live, and after searching for a while they decided to settle down in a small sea side village by the name of Sand stone bay. It was a nice little town, it was mostly made up of earth ponies and fishermares, and the entire place had a calm grayness to it. It was rarely sunny and the sky was practically always covered by a dreary overcast. For some reason all three of them liked it. "Jeez Sonata we still sound terrible." Aria sulked and threw her self onto the aqua blue living room sofa. The three of them had been practicing in the basement of their home. She had a point, but Adagio had noticed that they had slightly improved. She had found that they were now closer in key, and far better at singing together than they had been, it still didn't sound all that good, but it sounded better than before. "Hey Adagio, can you go get us a drink or something?" Adagio nodded and pulled out a drinking glass from a nearby cabinet and filled it with water. She then returned to Sonata and Aria and took a drink before handing Sonata the glass. Sonata took a drink, and then handed it off to Aria who finished it off. "Well we sound slightly better than before at least." Adagio finally said. They had mainly been practicing their ability to harmonize with one another as well as sing at a half way decent pitch. "Well I'm sick of sounding bad Adagio." Aria rolled over on the couch and groaned loudly. "We've been practicing and stuff for like a year now." Aria was yet again right. They had been working hard for almost a year now, and they had made little progress. They had checked out books, and even taken a couple lessons, but still to no avail. Adagio looked down at the ground, and tried to think of any possible solution. "Practice makes perfect Aria. Patience." Adagio replied. She also felt somewhat tired of waiting, but had a hard time admitting it. "Yeah! I mean we sound like one percent better!" Sonata smiled with a massive dorky grin. Adagio smiled slightly while Aria rolled her eyes. The smile Adagio had wasn't very genuine though. Sonata annoyed her from time to time. One of the biggest factors was that she wasn't as bright as her or Aria, and as a result Adagio was almost always stuck making decisions with Aria. The two didn't exactly see eye to eye on much. "I'm sick of waiting Adagio, and I have a feeling in my gut that you are too." Aria's words jabbed Adagio. She was yet again right. Adagio was indeed tired of waiting and trying for days on end, and making barely any difference. Maybe there was some way of becoming better without practice. She had thought of magic from time to time, but hadn't done a whole lot to further any ideas involving it. "Well I don't see you actively trying to find any new ways of becoming better Aria." Adagio said. Aria was particularly bad about speaking her mind, and not doing much action about it. "I suggested like a few weeks ago that we could go ask a unicorn of something for help. I mean they can do magic stuff right? So why couldn't they make us better singers?" Aria rolled upside down causing her purple bangs to hang off the sofa. "Well need I remind you that the only unicorns here are all stuck up and snobby. This is a rural fishing community, and the unicorns feel like they're better than the rest of the inhabitants here." Adagio had been asked by Aria a few weeks prior while passing a small group of unicorns. Adagio had told her to ignore it and that it wasn't a good idea. She felt like it wasn't at least. Who knew what magic spell the unicorn would perform. It was far too risky and unnecessary, but at the same time Adagio felt that there was a possibility that Aria was right, again. "Well I think I might have an idea." Sonata said. Aria and Adagio looked over at her and she smiled awkwardly. "Whats your grand idea Sonata?" asked Aria. "Well I've heard of this myth you know? I go to the library to read a lot and I found this one book of myths and legends." Sonata replied. Aria snorted and rolled off the sofa. "Myths and legends? This better be good." Aria grumbled. "Well one of the myths was about a creature called a siren, it has a beautiful voice unlike any other. There was also a myth about these thingys called siren jewels, which allow the wearer to sing wonderfully with like no effort at all. Whats even better is that the jewels are rumored to be here! Or around here I think." Sonata trailed off for a second and tapped her lip trying to think. "Yeah, I think that's it!" She nodded and smiled widely again. Aria rolled her eyes and laughed. Adagio however was somewhat interested. "That sounds so stupid Sonata." Aria spat with a small laugh. "Well I don't know, its more than you gave Aria." Sonata replied with a shrug. "Actually I think we should look into that." Adagio cut them off. The other two looked at her with slight confusion. No doubt Aria thought she had lost her mind, but Sonata, well Adagio had no idea why Sonata looked confused. "It's just way to far fetched Aria. I mean come on, Sirens?" Aria said. "Well griffons, minotaurs, hydra's, centaurs, and more stuff like that exist, Aria. Why would it be so far fetched? This is entire world is made up of magic pretty much. Maybe this is true." Adagio replied. Aria suddenly felt slightly dumb and blushed a little. "Well um, what do you plan on doing then Adagio? Just go out looking for this or something? I mean we would have better chances with unicorns than a myth." Aria brought up a good point, but at the same time Adagio figured that if they would use magic to sound better, then why not be the best there ever was? Adagio wanted to be adored, not just sing well. She didn't know if Sonata or Aria wanted that as well, but she didn't care. If this was true then things would change drastically. She imagined herself in front of a huge crowd of ponies, and all of them cheering her name. Any pony would do anything for her. She smiled widely. "Well obviously we go and see if this myth is true or not. I mean what would it hurt to go and do a little investigating." Adagio replied. "Well I don't know. It sounds way too convenient to me. If you're going to go and investigate this or what ever then I'm not tagging along." Aria scoffed and began towards the stairs of their home. "Where are you going?" Asked Sonata. "Where do you think? It's late. I'm going to go get some sleep." And with that Aria was gone. Sonata and Adagio remained in awkward silence for a few seconds before Sonata broke it. "So are you really going to go investigate it? I mean it was like just a story." Sonata sounded slightly worried. "Well why not. We have nothing to lose. Or at least I have nothing to lose. Don't worry about it Sonata, I'll go check it out tomorrow. For now you should get some rest." Adagio patted Sonata on the shoulder and smiled. "Well okay Adagio. Good night, and good luck I think." Sonata rushed off towards the stairs, but turned around quickly. "Oh and in the story it said that they're hidden in a cave by the sea. The cave is like super duper dark, and the door to it only opens up like during a rain storm or something. I don't remember. Well anyways good night Adagio!" And with that she was soon gone. Adagio stood in silence, and began to think to herself as usual. Why hadn't she thought of something like this before? She threw herself onto one of the sofas. She figured that she would just stop by the library and research it a little more in depth. She leaned over on her side and began to think of all the possibilities of being an amazing and jaw dropping singer. The endless crowds of fans. She smiled widely. They would do whatever she said. They would adore her and do whatever she asked in hopes of getting on her good side. It sounded amazing, and it sounded like there was a possible answer to their problems. For an idiot, Sonata wasn't half bad at throwing out ideas. Adagio giggled a little under her breath. Maybe this was the answer. She hoped it was.