//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: The Break-up // by DawningAegis //------------------------------// Sonata spent several days flipping through the books, often need Owlowiscious's help with some words, and yet everything remained inconclusive. She only saw stories, or notes taken on the Sirens. Nothing that would have helped seeing that there was some good in them. During her studies, Sonata did have to hide from other ponies in the Library. She saw the purple Alicorn Princess very often, and would hide away, afraid that she would remember her from the Battle of the Bands. She also saw other ponies, but they usually ignored her, or would murmur a hello to her. She did meet one peculiar pony. A pink mare with a curly mess of a pink mane and tail, with balloons on her flank, they quickly became friends. It was Sonata's only connection to something that could actually speak to her. They were a lot like each other, and often Pinkie would tell Sonata about her other friends. She learned of her other friends like Rainbow Dash and Rarity. She also learned about Twilight's visit to the other world, both the first and the latest, learning about her adventures there. After about a week, she has learned all about Equestrian Society, how to use her magic, the most recents events like Discord and Tirek's release and recapture, and much more. Now, Sonata was finishing the last book about Sirens. "Sirens can be defeated if their jewels are disturbed or damaged. The cause of this makes their voices to be bleak and dull, but there has been no recording of this, the only defeat of Sirens being when Starswirll the Bearded banished the only three known sirens to a different world. There has been no recording of Sirens since that time," Sonata read, not seeing anything she hasn't read before,"the jewel in the Siren's chest is the source of power, gained at birth, but there has been no cases where a Siren would require the services of ponies to recreate her jewel. It is assumed that in order to recreate this, one would need a Unicorn skilled with her magic and someone who makes creations with gems." "WHATCHADOINGSONATA?" came a high-pitched greeting from the permanently ecstatic pink pony. "Oh hey Pinkie! I was wondering, do you know anypony who is good with gems?" "Nop-WAIT! I do know one! Rarity is always looking for gems for her outfits. I could ask her to help you!" PInkie was excited with the idea of having Sonata meet her friends. "Thanks Pinkie! I might see her sometime. Do you know anypony who is good with enchantments?" "I dunno. Twilight might know something, she's read just about every book about magic in this library! Why do you ask?" This gave Sonata pause, as she nibbled her hoof for a second, trying to come up with an excuse. "I-I have an experiment I wanted to test out," Sonata lied,"and I think those two are the ponies to see!" "Cool! Twilight's somewhere here in the castle most of the time, and Rarity is either here or in her shop! So, when do you plan to see them?" "Soon. Right now I want to get some rest. It's been a long day." "OK! See ya!" Pinkie then zipped out of sight, and Sonata sighed. Sonata trotted until she found one of the mirrors that decorated the halls. Pinkie told her that Rarity installed them, saying it gave life to the place. Sonata was quite thankful, so then she could see her own appearance. Her mane was tied back like her hair was in the other world, and her tail was in a similar fashion. Her mane matched up with her coat, turquoise with dark blue on her pale blue coat, it was very fitting to her. Then she looked at her flank, where her cutie mark resided. A pink heart with a blue music note going through it, with the part in the heart jagged like lightning. Every time she saw it, it reminded her of her loss of her singing ability, regret nibbling her hoof. She sighed, and returned to her little corner in the library. "Owlowiscious? cried out a voice, sounding fearfully familiar to Sonata. "Owlowiscious? I need all the books you can find about Sirens." Sonata dashed to a nearby isle, not wanting for Twilight Sparkle to see her. She peeked out to see the owl assistant carrying book after book from the corner, looking sad. Sonata decided that now was a good time as any, and stepped out of the isle. -------------------------------- Adagio was sitting down, feeling out of place. She received her outfit, as well as Sonata's and Aria's, but she didn't know what to do with them. She just kept them near, and occasionally sadly looking at them. She was sitting at the edge of the room, where the drums of the Rainbooms sat, as well as microphones and sound equipment. The DJ who provided the sound was sitting at the other end of the room, adjusting all sorts of dials and nobs. Then there was Fluttershy and Sunset Shimmer, chatting while waiting for the rest of the band. After some time, Sunset got up and sat next to Adagio. "Hey, you okay? Is there anything I can get you?" "No, I'm fine." Adagio rejected hostilely. "Umm...okay. If you need anything, just ask me or Fluttershy, okay?" "Sure," Adagio said dismissively,"I need to be alone for whatever time I have left." This caused Sunset to frown, feeling sympathy. She wondered what the destruction of her necklace did to her. "Think she's okay?" Fluttershy asked quietly, if not wanting to disturb Adagio. "I think this is the first time she's been without Aria and Sonata. I don't know how she's handling it. They could be anywhere." Just in that moment, a ringing buzzed in Sunset's backpack. Knowing the familiar tone, Sunset picked up the pack and pulled out the what would be "Phone book". "Dear Sunset Shimmer, there is something important of note. One of the Sirens, claiming the name of Sonata Dusk, was founded in my library. She claims she has been studying Sirens and Equestria. She also says that the last time she has seen one of the other Dazzlings is when she ran away from them when they were fighting. She also seemed to appear as a unicorn who can use basic unicorn magic. Do you know anything where the other Dazzlings might be? Your friend, Twilight Sparkle" "Wait, Sonata is in Equestria? As a unicorn?" Adagio asked hopefully, looking for good news. "Appears so. I'm writing back." "Dear Twilight Sparkle, The leader of the Dazzlings was found by Fluttershy and is currently staying with me and Fluttershy for a week. We don't know where the other one is, but it is good to know where most of them are. Please notify us if Sonata has anything to tell Adagio, and vice versa. Your friend, Sunset Shimmer." Just in that moment, Rainbow Dash and Applejack stepped into the room, cases slung over their shoulders. "Hey guys, how's it go- What's she doing here?" "It's okay Rainbow, she's not going to act up." "How can you be so sure?" challenged Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow, have you ever failed someone?" Adagio spoke out. "Uhm...err..." "I know you have, and so have I. I denied it my entire life, and now I see how much I have failed. Being the leader is difficult, especially when your bad resents each other. I wouldn't be here if I was the same. Do you doubt me now?" Rainbow just shook her head. In due time, Pinkie Pie and Rarity came to the meeting, and discussed what to do. -------------------------------- The argument has been going on for half an hour. Rainbow Dash was against giving her safe haven, while only Sunset and Fluttershy was set on helping her. The others were in the middle ground, bringing up points from time to time, and it started to show who was where. The entire time Adagio remained silent, regret stirring inside her. But the Rainbooms ignored her, which was and wasn't Adagio wanted. She needed a friendly voice to talk to her, yet the Rainbooms were either filled with suspicion or caution. Never a person she would talk to every day. There were only two people that filled that role, and one of them could be anywhere and the other is in an opposite world. No matter how hard she tried, Adagio could never well up any of Sonata's ditzy moments or Aria genuinely smiling. Nothing, but their angry faces, their spite, their fear. She saw this in the Rainbooms, and it continued to make the regret stir. Rainbow Dash was still not being very agreeable, "I don't think we can trust her. Even without her powers she could be lying to us!" Applejack's voice cut in, "Why would she? It's not like she can convince any of us to help her regain her powers, let alone able to do so!" "I agree with Applejack. When I found her a week ago, she was exhausted and sad. I think her friend went to where Twilight comes from." Fluttershy added thoughtfully. "If that is so, why not go in after her?" Rarity cut in, challenging the defenders of Adagio. In response, Adagio stood up and spoke for herself, "Because I wasn't strong enough to go." "What do you mean?" asked Rainbow, asking for most of the Rainbooms. "Sonata left us because she was scared. She also asked questions I could not answer. When she left I tried to chase after her, but she outran me and disappeared. I assume she is in Equestria, where Twilight resides. I would have gone through to help her, but I gave up, and Fluttershy found me." "I don't know what to do now, I abandoned Aria to chase after Sonata, and all I ended up with is this." Adagio sighed, and sat back where she was. "If you guys really want to help me, just leave me alone." A singled tear slowly fled down Adagio's cheek. Many more came as she weeped in the corner of the room, the Rainbooms only able to watch. She eventually stood up and exited the room, into the hallways of Canterlot High. She walked through the mass of students, most of them glaring until they saw her crying. The only thing they could do was just clear a way and stare. "Why is she crying? What happened? Why is she here?" The crowd would whisper, not wanting to disturb her as if her grief would be directed at them. She walked, hands covering her face. Eventually she found her way out of the building, in which everyone returned to their classes, soon forgetting Adagio was even there. -------------------------------- It was later that night when Aria was in the school, sneaking though the hallways. No one was around, but openly making noise was dangerous. She sneaked her way to the dressing rooms of where she left her clothes, yet they were not there. Confused, she started to look for Sonata's and Adagio's clothes, and they were also taken. She started to worry. Who would take their stuff? She did not know but it had to be somewhere in the school. She exited the dressing room, and started to wander the halls. She didn't find anything at all. Then she saw a light, coming from a corner of the hallway. In a panic, Aria tried the door next to her, which she half-expected to see that it was locked, but it swung open. She dashed inside before the light could turn the corner. She started to breathe slowly, and looked around the room. There was a sort of stage, with the Rainboom's drums, as well as sound equipment. There were microphones at the head and sides, and around the room was little cubbies where backpacks would be kept. Aria noticed that above the cubbies was the symbol for each of the members, as well as their skin color on the background. She then saw in a corner near the door was something that looked clothes. Taking a closer look, Aria saw her old get-up, as well as Sonata's. But not Adagio's clothes... The door swung open, and the lights were suddenly on. Aria saw the blazing red and yellow hair that belonged to Sunset Shimmer, and realized the mistake she had made. She hid under the bench where her stuff was, in plain sight if anyone cared to look for her. Sunset sat down at the lip of the stage, dropping a flashlight and backpack. She sighed, and put her elbows on her knees, palms to her neck. "What am I going to do?" Sunset asked, unaware of her audience,"Rainbow is practically against helping her, and the only one who would stick with me is Fluttershy. There isn't a thing I can do to convince the group." "And now she's gone, and she could be anywhere." Aria moved her foot, creating a sound. "Huh? Whose there?" Sunset alarmed, getting up and going over to where Aria hid. She could try to dash around her, or move behind that box or- "How did you get here?" Sunset grabbed her arm, distracting her from her planning. Aria was now on her back, Sunset standing over her. Caught by surprise, Aria could only mouth, "Uhh...Erm...I was...getting my stuff..." "Makes sense. That dress isn't the best thing to wear. "Heh, yeah I guess..." She was very anxious about the way Sunset was acting. Wouldn't she try to question her? "Do you know where Adagio is?" "How do you know her name?" Aria questioned, feeling like something was going on. "Well...she told me, and from what I know she ran after your friend Sonata, and then Fluttershy found her, and she called me over to help with her. I don't know where she is now." "What about Sonata?" "She went into Equestria." "Why are you telling me all of this?" This made Sunset pause, making her take several moments to think,"I'm assuming you know about the old me, so I only have to say that even though you tried to hypnotize the world, I believe you can be redeemed. I was by Twilight's friends, and now I believe if I can be redeemed from that, then why can't someone in the same place as me be as well?" "That isn't going to be easy. I had an idea that came to mind from Sonata, so I think I might go after her." "I don't know if that's a good plan. Wouldn't you want Adagio with you?" "I know I should take Adagio with me, but Sonata would have a better chance at convincing Adagio than I. I'll tell her everything she needs to know, and she'll be here." "Well, I'll try to keep an eye out for her. I can be here around anytime, as you can see. Is that alright?" "Sure, but, why offer to help me? We did say some mean stuff to you in the Battle of The Bands." Sunset sighed, "I've done the same to Twilight, yet she still found a way. I was just like you once. But instead of fascinating everyone, I made them fear me. Now you were where I was when I was defeated. It didn't make sense to me, but now I see that you actually enjoy what you have, and have friends who love you for who you are. Now, I see that if I just left you, you would never reach the place where I am now. I was never able to say that to Adagio, and obviously not Sonata, but they trust you, so you can give them that message." Sunset picked up her backpack, rummaging through it,"I think you should have this. I don't know if it would help, but it's something I kept." In the palm of her hand were the red crystals that were their pendants. She put them in a little pouch and offered it too Aria. She took it, and stood up. "Thanks for...well..." Aria chuckled, not knowing what to say. "No need to thank me, I honestly thought you would have refused them." "I...had an idea. And I felt that I might have needed these. I think I should go." Aria stood up, and walked to the exit. "Alright, I'm going to leave soon too. I'll be waiting for Sonata." Aria smiled as she walked out of the building. Everything was going right. She smiled as she walked to the portal. Before she stepped in, she took out the Sonata doll. It's little eyes looking up at her, with a little smile. It brought a single tear of joy to Aria's eye. She pocketed the doll, and stepped into the portal. But all that came to her was a hit on her head, and having her lay on the ground. Getting up and putting her hand on the stone, she only saw herself, and her hand pushed against the large block. "No, no, no, no!" She cried,"This can't be happening!" Aria cried, bashing her fist on the what would be portal. "Huh? Aria? Is everything Ok?" Sunset asked, tying to see what was wrong. "The portal...it's...It's closed." Aria stared to sob, all hope gone in mere seconds. He twin pony tails flowing through the air as she pounded her fist. "I...I..." mouthed Sunset, unable to think of words to comfort Aria or take blame. Then a familiar ringing came from Sunset's backpack, making both of the girls look to see.