Ghost Pony Rider

by MrHouston

Chapter 11: Ghost Rider's match

The next morning, Ghost Rider was sleeping in the cave he spent the night. He also saw the Marible sleeping next to him. He got up and walked into the forest. His first instinct was, find water. Ghost Rider didnt know the forest so he decided to go in a random direction.

"Rivers not that way" she pointed north-east.

Ghost Rider turned to see the sleeping mare waking up, rubbing her eyes. As she streched, her hoos slipped and showd a white skulled unicorn with, not a orange and red flame, but a BLUE flame. She quickly grabbed her hood and put it back on. Ghost Rider couldnt help but ask.

"Why is your flame blue? Is that for girls only?"

"No silly...because I lost my title as the rider, The Spirit of Vengeance left me. Now I only feel justice."

"Wait, left you" Ghost Rider leaned into Maribles's face.

"Correct" Marible backed Ghost Rider back.

"How do I get rid of it?"

Marible gasped and looked shocked at Ghost Rider like he asked her an embarrising question. Marible eyed the ground and gulped.

"" Marible then ducked her head.

Ghost Rider pulled back his head and gupled. Who knew the only thing to take his title meant he had to die for it, literally!

"That's a bit extreme dont ya think? I mean, I've heard ponys saying thier die to be free, but, this is ridiculous!"

"It's the only way the spirit will leave you be."

Ghost Rider thought for a minute. He had a choice here, kill yourself to be free, or, stay the spirit of vengeance?

"Say wheres that pond" Ghost Rider marched in the western direction.

Ghost Rider trotted in a direction. He decided he'll get it taken care of later, but for now, its strictly to survive. The two ponys cam upon a large blue pond. The sound of the lake against the rocks was so soothing, you could have a picnic there! Ghost Rider got his hoofs togethor and drank a big palm full of water. Marible did the same. The two then noticed fish swimming in the lake, breakfeast.

"Maybe I should..."

Marible was stopped by Ghost Rider putting his hoof in front of her.

"I'll take care of it. dont want your cloak to get ruined."

"Oh yes! Mister macho demon, come on then, fish us some breakfeast" Marible crossed her arms and snickerd.

Ghost Rider snorted flames from his nose, he jumped in creating a huge cloud of steam. He arose from the pond with his flame still lit. He swam around until he saw a fish, he got his chain, making a spear weapon. One by one, fish came from the pond. Later that day, Marible gatherd wood, Ghost Rider avoided it, being the fact he would burst the trees into fire. Marible layed the fire wood in a pile.

" can you touch those things without bursting into fire?"

Marible giggled and unfolded a cloth from her hand. Still a skeleton hand with blue fire. She then ravled her hoof and touched the wood, nothing.

"When the BONE touches something it lits. Other wise its okay."

The fire was lit, fish was cooked, bellys were full. The two sat on a log on the ground looking at the flame. The warmth of the fire was great considering fall had started. Ghost Rider turned to his new found friend.

"So tell did you get your powers?"

Marible signed like she has told this story so many times it was becoming repetitive.

"Years ago, my family wasnt the richest family on the land. Mother and Father had to work in fields for hours. My brother and I werent allowed because of our age. Our lives were owned by a stallion by the name, Mayor Frostfall. She had a heart as cold as ice(pun not intended). She never gave anyone happieness. All she did was cause pain. One day, my family was working when she and her thugs arrived. She demanded we would pay her the monthly rent. My father then said we barly had enough. She didnt like hearing that because she ordered her thugs to beat my father The made me and brother watch."

Marible started to have a sobbing tone in her voice as she contiuned.

"One of the thugs took a liking in me, he grabbed me but my brother kicked him in the leg. My father told both of us to run, we did. Then my father jumped and hit the other thug holding my mama. Me and my brother were running when we heard a gun shot. We turned to see the Mayor shoot my dad, she then shot my mama. With tears in our eyes we...we..."

Marible couldnt contiune before sobbing in Ghost Riders chest. Ghost Rider then put his arms around her. Ghost Rider didnt know what to do. He didnt know what to say. All he could do is remain silent. Marible came from out of his chest with tears in her eyes. Ghost Ride stoked her back, trying to comfort her.

"I'm sorry...I" Marible ducked her head in Ghost Rider's jacket like it was a pillow.

"You have nothing to be sorry for."

Marible shook her head and continued.

"My brother and I ended up in small town near the farm. We asked people if we could stay, no one allowed us. Said we were "vermin" and that we should "go away, and never come back". My brother and I however, didnt give up. We found an ally to live in. It...was the only place we could stay. Days turned into months, months into years, time went by and we leared things off the streets to survive. Steal, sell, eat, repeat that was our modo. We were arrested a couple times. It was worth it."

"How does this tie in to your powers though?" Ghost Rider was becoming anxious.

"I was just getting to that. One day, a group of thugs amboushed us. One grabbed me, another grabbed my brother. They said were going to keep me as a slave, and they were going to kill my brother. I stuggled so much to try and save him. One thug got tired of and...hit me with a ratchet. I could feel my skull break and blood spill out as I collapsed. All I could hear was mubbiling. Then I heard a gun shot and by brother fell infront of me with his lifeless eyes. Then...I pass out only to awoke with blood everywhere and me standing up, covered in it. I looked at myself in a puddle, I screamed. I then saw the bodys...the...mangled...torn...aviserated..."

She started crying again. Ghost Rider then rubbed her back again.

"You dont need to continue."

"Thank you...for letting me share this information with you Rider."


Ghost Rider was tooken off guard by the mare he just met yesterday, kissing him. Again he didnt know how to react. Marible then broke off with a surprised look in her eye. She studdard.

"S...sorry...I couldnt help myself" Marible blushed.

" problem."

Marible:"Listen Rider, I appreciate you listening to my story."

Ghost Rider:"Same with you listening to mine."

"I guess we'll depart tomorrow?"

"Who says it has to be tomorrow? Why not for awhile?"

The two ponys looked at each other again this time with a smile.