A Silver Summer

by Fanboy

Chapter 18

Chapter 18

Silver Spoon stared at Marecedes's wide grin. Her sister's eyes told her all she needed to know. Then she spun around. Apple Bloom still stood in the doorway, paralyzed like a rabbit before a snake. And behind her, inside Silver Spoon's room, waited the surprise.

Diamond Tiara.

Her best friend pointed an accusing hoof at Apple Bloom, still waiting for an answer to her question.

With shaking knees Silver Spoon made a few steps towards the unexpected guest. “Di? How...?”

“What. Is she. Doing. Here?” Diamond Tiara repeated.

“You're not going to believe this,” Marecedes threw in, making Diamond Tiara's frown carve itself even deeper into her face. “She is here to help my dear sister with her studies.”

Before Marecedes had finished, Diamond Tiara's attention was back at Silver Spoon. “What is she talking about?” she asked with an undertone that demanded it had to be a joke.

“Well... um...” Silver Spoon stammered, still unable to grasp what was going on.

But Apple Bloom finally managed to say: “It's true. Ah'm helpin' Silver Spoon gettin' better at school.”

An annoyed look hovered on the red haired filly for a second. Then Diamond Tiara turned once again towards her friend. In her voice lay as much accusation as desperation. “What has been going on here?”

Silver Spoon looked hastily from one of the ponies around her to the other. “I, um, we were going to... you see... like my sister said...”

Her friend silenced the filly with an outstretched hoof. Then she glared at Marecedes. “You!”

“Me?” Marecedes responded, grinning audibly.

Diamond Tiara stomped a few steps closer towards Silver Spoon's sister. “Yes, you. This is your doing, isn't it?”

“How and why should I have done this?”

“To be honest, I have no idea. All I know is that you're doing everything you can to make your sister's life as miserable as possible.”

“Well, look who's talking.”

“Don't even try to deny it. This here has your hoofwriting all over it.”

“Sorry to disappoint you, princess. But I have nothing to with this. She did this all on her own.”

“Then why are you even here?”

“Because I thought things could get interesting here. You see, it's quite the chance that my sister really gets it this time. And if that should happen, I can't miss it. And even if not, with you and the redhead, this ought to be a good show.”

“Well then, show's over.” With these words she slammed the door shut. Then she turned around, fixating on Apple Bloom. “At least for her.”

For a moment Silver Spoon kept her eyes on the door. She expected it to swing back open again any second. Her sister wouldn't let herself get cut off this easily. She was sure of that. But to her astonishment nothing happened. So she turned her attention back to Diamond Tiara who was standing now in front of Apple Bloom.

She stared her right in the eyes, their noses only inches apart. Then Diamond Tiara hissed: “What are you up to?”

“Didn't Ah' tell ya' already? We were going to learn for school.”

“Don't take me for stupid. I know that's just a cover.”

“A cover? For what?”

“That's what I want to know!”

“What even gave ya' this idea?”

“Silver Spoon would have never let anypony like you-”

“What's that supposed to mean, somepony like me?” Apple Bloom snapped.

But Diamond Tiara didn't let that stop her. “-into her home unless you tricked her somehow. And you wouldn't trick her into it if there wouldn't be something for you to gain out of it. So, what is it?”

Seeing the growing shades of scarlet in both her friends' faces, Silver Spoon was finally able to pull her mind back together. Hastily, she stepped forward and said: “No, that's not true, Di. She didn't trick me.”

“How do you know?” Diamond Tiara asked, not breaking eye contact with Apple Bloom for even a second. “If she did it well enough, you wouldn't have noticed.”

“Because I asked her to help me. I wanted the help.”

Now Diamond Tiara slowly turned her head around. For a few seconds, her mouth hanging slightly open, she mustered her friend. Then her eyes widened and she nodded.

“So that's it,” Diamond Tiara said and walked over to her friend. Giving her a quick hug with one leg she continued: “I see, this is all my fault.”

Apple Bloom and Silver Spoon looked at each other, both silently asking the same question. Then the latter said it out loud: “What are you talking about now?”

“No, no, it's okay. I know when I am wrong. If I hadn't left with my family and stayed here in the first place, you wouldn't have had the need to hire somepony to help you with summer school. But, please, why in Equestria did it have to be her of all fillies? Well, it doesn't matter. Now I am here to help you. So, blank flank, you're not needed any more. Now leave.”

She waved a hoof, shooing Apple Bloom towards the door.

Yet Apple Bloom stood where she was and closed her eyes. “No, Ah' won't. Ah' don't think ya-”

“Oh, yes, yes,” Diamond Tiara interrupted her. “Of course. Don't worry. How much were you promised? I'll pay you whatever you would have gotten.”

“No,” said Silver Spoon, “Di, you don't-”

But she, too, got interrupted. “Yes, I do. When it's my fault, it is my fault. And that's why I'll cover for you. Don't worry, it's no problem.”

Apple Bloom started rubbing her forehead. “This is gonna be harder than Ah' thought...”

“Please, just stop and listen to me,” begged Silver Spoon. “Apple Bloom is not here because I pay her.”

“What?” asked Diamond Tiara. “Did you actually get her to do this for free?”

“She didn't have to 'get me',” Apple Bloom groaned. “Ah' asked her if she wanted ma' help.”

“You... what? Didn't you just say it was the other way around?”

“Well, yes,” said Silver Spoon. “It was kind of a little bit of both. You see, a lot of things happened the last days. To make it short, we became really good friends and that's why she offered to help me.”

“Friends? You and her?” Diamond Tiara probably wouldn't have looked any more horrified if she had been told her house had burned down while she was gone. She covered her mouth with a hoof, her eyes starting to glisten with tears. “But I've only been away for about a week. How is this possible? Were you really that lonely you'd stoop this low to have some company?”

“Excuse me?” Apple Bloom cried with more rage in her voice than Silver Spoon would have ever thought possible.

“With pleasure,” Diamond Tiara snapped, in no way less furious. “There's the door. You're very much excused!”

Watching Apple Bloom's face grow as red as her brother's, Silver Spoon quickly moved to her side. “I'm sorry, maybe it is for the best if you leave now. I'll be at the library tomorrow around noon. Let's meet there, okay?”

Apple Bloom glared one last time at Diamond Tiara like she wanted to strangle her with her eyes. Then she shook her head and took a deep breath. “Maybe yer right. Ah'll see ya' tomorrow then.” Her voice was still shaking with anger.

Diamond Tiara didn't even wait until Apple Bloom had left the room. “Really? That blank flank? Are you serious?”

“Of course I am.” Silver Spoon did her best to stay as composed as she could manage. She knew nothing would be gained if she started to get emotional too.

Diamond Tiara, however, did nothing to hide how she felt. “So, are you also already friends with the other two losers?”

“If you mean Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, no. Not yet, anyway. But please, would you stop calling them names?”

“Not yet?” Diamond Tiara demanded, completely ignoring her friend's request. “What do you mean by that?”

“That I plan on apologizing to them for all I did as soon as I get the chance.”

“Why would you do that? For that matter, what do you have to apologize for?”

“I was afraid you would say that... Let me ask you, Di: Don't you think, what we said and did to them, always making fun of whatever they did and them having no cutie marks, that it was mean and wrong?”
Her friend didn't even blink before she answered: “No, why would I? Why do you even think I would?”

“Simple,” sighed Silver Spoon. “Because it was mean and wrong.”

“No, it was fun.”

“For us, maybe.”

“Not maybe, definitely. And that's all that counts. Why would you bother with them? We're better than those losers, so we have all the rights to let them know.”

“That's what I tried to tell myself too. But honestly, you don't really believe that. Do you?”

“I don't have to believe it. I know it.”

“You can't be serious.”

“Of course I am. And you know I'm right.”

“No. No, you're not.” Silver Spoon closed her eyes. She had to take a deep breath to keep her voice composed. This was going so much worse than she had feared. “We have both been wrong about a lot of things.”

Diamond Tiara slowly shook her head. “What happened to you?”

“I have finally come to my senses, Di. I found friends. New friends. And they have shown me that you and I don't need to be as lonely as we were, Di. The problem is with us, not them.”

“What do you mean by lonely? And what problems? What are you talking about?”

“You don't have to play strong.” Silver Spoon laid a hoof on her friend's shoulder. “I know it is hard to admit to yourself, but the way we lived wasn't exactly the happiest, right?”

“No, nothing's right!” Diamond Tiara cried and shoved Silver Spoon's hoof away. Now her anger in her voice finally made way for desperation. “I don't get what's going on. Everything was perfect. Why in Equestria would you think I wasn't happy? I am rich, talented and have my life planned out for me. And best of all, I have a best friend to share it with. Or at least, I thought so.”

Silver Spoon felt her heart slip away from her. “What do you mean, you thought so?”

“I mean that I literally begged my daddy to let me leave our summer house at the beach so I could come back here and be by your side, because I couldn't stand the thought of my best friend suffering all alone, having to go to school during summer. Then he finally gives in, I travel all across the country on my own, just to find out you've been having the time of your life behind my back.”

Silver Spoon's shoulders had drooped a bit lower with each word she heard. Something in her throat made it impossible for her to speak. It took her some time to sort out her thoughts. Then, after an eternity passing by she said with a dry throat: “So, you would have preferred it if I had been miserable this whole week?”

Diamond Tiara was already about to shoot back another tirade. But then she closed her mouth again and swallowed hard. Closing her eyes she whispered: “No, of course not. I'm sorry.”

“It's okay. I knew this would come as a surprise for you. Had I known you'd be here today I would have been prepared for all of this a little bit better.”

“No, you're right. You shouldn't have to stay bored just to please me. That wouldn't be what I'd have wanted.”

Silver Spoon smiled. “I know. So, can we start this all over again?”

“Yes, I guess that would be best. I mean, it's only been a week. This is nothing we can't fix. And we shouldn't be fighting over how you spent that time. We should focus on how to get you out of this.”

“Get me out of what?”

“Whatever is going on between you and that blank flank. You said she's helping you with school, right? Well, that's no big deal. I can do that too. So, is there anything else?”

“You mean, besides us being friends and spending a lot of time together?”

“No, I meant anything more between her and you.”

“So did I. Have you even been listening to me?”

Diamond Tiara groaned, her face contorting in freshly upwelling rage. “Have you been listening to yourself? You're talking about being friends with those losers. They're not worthy of your friendship. They're not worthy of you. Of ponies like us. Didn't you just say you wanted to start all over? Then how are we going to undo this mess and start all over?”

Silver Spoon felt a growing pain around her temples. Fighting hard to suppress any annoyance in her voice she said: “I meant our talk. Just let me explain what happened during the last week. And then you'll see why I don't want to 'get out of this,' okay?”

“No, it's not okay.” Now Diamond Tiara started pacing around the room. This was never a good sign with her. Yelling, screaming and ranting were on thing with her. But Silver Spoon knew Diamond Tiara well enough to know she only started pacing when she was close to exploding. “You are supposed to take my side, not hers. You are my friend. Not theirs. This is not how it's supposed to be. How could you betray me like that?”

“Betray you? How?” Silver Spoon asked cautiously.

“I told you. I thought you were my friend. I get that being alone for a week is boring, but now I'm back. There is no need for you to keep around any other ponies.”

“'I am not keeping her around. You talk about her like she was a toy I could throw away when I get bored of it. No matter what you say, she is my friend and that's it. But you are too. You have always been and will always be my best friend. But that doesn't mean I can't have any other friends.”

“Yet you always told me you don't need any other friends.”

Silver spoon winced. “Well, yes, I did. But as much I said it to you, I was even more trying to tell it to myself. I thought I wouldn't find any other friends anyway.”

Her friend stopped walking right in front of her, locking their gazes. She expected to see accusation, fury or even malice in those sapphire eyes. But there was only hurt. And Diamond Tiaras next words felt like a slap to her.

“So you lied to me?”

“No!” cried Silver Spoon.

“Then what else would you call it?”

“I... I...” Silver Spoon tried to answer. But she couldn't even breath under her best friend's challenging stare. Feeling her resolve fizzling away she averted her eyes. “I never lied to you. Not intentionally. I know, maybe you could see it that way. But that's not important now. You have to believe me, you were, are and always will be my best friend, okay?”
“Well then, prove it.” This was no proposal or dare. Silver Spoon knew this was even more than a demand. She had heard this underlying declaration of superiority too often before. But never had she used it when talking to her. “If you really are my best friend, don't see Apple Bloom anymore. Or any of her lame friends.”

“Di, you can't...” Silver Spoon closed her eyes, shutting in upwelling tears. Showing weakness would only cement her friend's victory. “Please, why are you making this so difficult?”

“You are the one making it difficult. I gave you a simple choice. They or I. What is so difficult about that?”

Silver Spoon had to muster all her will to stop her hooves from shaking. She knew getting Diamond Tiara to accept all this would have been hard. But she would have never expected things to spiral out of control like this. Was this what it has been like for all those other foals they had harassed before?

Timidly she lifted her head. All she could see now as she looked back up into her best friend's eyes was helpless fury.

“Listen, Di,” she whispered, “that's not fair. I don't want to have to chose between you and them.”

“Fine,” hissed Diamond Tiara, turning away from Silver Spoon. “If you can't make the choice, I do.”

“Di, plea-”

“No! I'm done. Just get it over with and leave me alone.”

Silver Spoon felt her a crack running deep into her heart. This was beyond the worst. Defeated and with a shaking voice she said: “Well, maybe I should give you some time alone. But please, think about what I really said."

She waited for an answer, but Diamond Tiara simply kept looking at the carpet. Without another word, Silver Spoon opened the door to her room. Before leaving she threw another look over her shoulder. Her friend still wouldn't look at her. But she was sure she saw tears dropping from Diamond Tiara's cheeks.

Where exactly she would be going was of no importance at the moment. All that mattered was getting distance between her and Diamond Tiara. Instinctively she headed for the front-door. It was only when she walked into Rosy that she realized she was still in her own home.

Clueless to the filly's current situation, the maid asked joyfully: “Well, did you like your surprise?”

“My surprise? Um, well, yes, it was... it was... really not what I had expected.” Silver Spoon fought valiantly to keep a smile on her face.

“Aren't that the best ones?” Rosy giggle pounded on Silver Spoon's eardrums. “So, may I assume you are getting some drinks and snacks for the three of you?”

“What? Oh, I, um, no. Actually, we're not three anymore. Apple Bloom already left. She... she... said she didn't have that much time today anyway. And since, you know, Diamond Tiara and I have so much to tell each other after this week, she was so kind to give us some time for that.”

“Ah, I see. Now that's nice of her. Then, should I get some snacks for you?”

“Oh, no. No, that won't be necessary. You see, I was going to, well, take a walk anyway.”

“Take a walk? But what about Miss Diamond Tiara?”

“Oh, um, she is resting. Yes, resting. She's still stressed out from her travel. Which reminds me, if you haven't already, you should prepare a guest room for her.”

“But, I thought she would stay in your room. Stickler said you always share your bed when she's here for a sleepover.”

“Yes, usually we do. But, you see, usually I don't have to go to school when she doesn't. And I just know how much she likes sleeping in whenever she has the chance. So I don't want her to have to wake up early when there is no need for that.”

“But I thought she is going to go to school together with you?”

“She... is?”

“Oh, no.” Rosy covered her mouth with a hoof. “She didn't tell you yet, did she? I'm so sorry, she must have meant to keep this as another surprise for you.”

“It's okay. That's actually... good to know...”

“I knew you would like that. But I am still sorry I spoiled it. But don't worry, I'll play along. The guest room will be ready as soon as possible.”

“Good. Okay, then, if I should be so lucky not to see Stickler before I leave, please tell him I'm out in town. I'll be back for supper. At the latest.”

“Of course. Any specific place you're going to?”

“If he really wants to know that, tell him the candy store. But honestly, I have no idea right now.”

The maid nodded and Silver Spoon made her way towards the front door. While she indeed was lucky enough not to meet her butler, she was so unfortunate to meet somepony else. Just when she had descended the stairs in the entrance hall, Marecedes came from the kitchen, a soda in her right hoof. Silver Spoon tried to ignore her sister and simply leave, but at the same time knew she wouldn't be aloud to escape that easily.

“What, is it over already?” Marecedes rejoiced with so obviously fake surprise it instantly made Silver Spoon's blood boil. “First the redhead leaves even earlier than expected and now you're running away too?”

Running away? That really was what she had wanted to do. Not from her friend, but from her sister. But now she stood as steady as her racing heart would allow it. There was no way Silver Spoon would give Marecedes the satisfaction of being right.

When she was sure she wouldn't cry or yell she grumbled: “I'm just going for a walk, that's all.”

“And your little princess?”

“Is resting.”

“From the shock she just had?” Marecedes took her time to give a sneering laugh. “Come on, I saw her face. She was furious about you having another friend. Am I right?”

Silver Spoon's ears were already ringing. She had to get out of here. Yet she couldn't possibly just bail. She had already lost one battle today. “She was merely surprised, that's all.”

“Oh, I believe she was. But I can't believe she took it that well. In fact I imagine her to have thrown quite the tantrum about it. Say, did the little farm filly go because she didn't want to deal with it or has she been thrown out by your new roommate?”

Mreceds's condescending smile made it harder and harder to for Silver Spoon not to just lash out at her sister. With each word she had to withstand her whole body cramped up. Silver Spoon replied through gritted teeth: “Why do you even care? Are you that upset you didn't get to see it?”

“I wouldn't call it upset. Though I still wish I would have been there. I knew she'd do her best to drive off her new rival. But you also being out of there by this time? That's unexpected. Still, maybe now you'll listen to me for once.”

She couldn't be serious. After all the years of taunts and mockery. That was it. Silver Spoon's limit had been reached. All left to her now was explode right there and then. “For once? I've listened to you for way too long. No. Not this time. I won't let you have your fun with me anymore. I wanted to make up with you. I wanted to see a nice side in you. I wanted to just be your sister. But if all I am to you is a punchline, then just leave me alone and never talk to me again.”

She stared her sister straight in the eyes, daring her to give another of her verbal jabs. But it never came. Not a single word crossed her sister's lips. Instead, Marecedes's expression went blank and her jaw dropped. Just like the soda from her hoof. And by the look in her eyes, Silver Spoon might as well had just kicked her in the belly.

An eternal second later Silver Spoon turned around and marched out of the front-door. Her hooves were carried by a grim sense of victory. She knew she had finally scored one over her dreaded sibling. She knew she should feel glad and happy about it.

And at the same time she knew it was wrong. As satisfying as it had felt to finally stand up to her sister, this also spelled out to her the end of all hopes of ever getting along with her. There was no turning back now. In more than one way. All this made her want to get out of her home even faster.

But where exactly would she be going? Should she go to the library now? But she had already told Apple Bloom she would be there tomorrow. So she might as well go then. Being there maybe even sooner than noon was now also a more than welcome excuse to leave the house as soon as possible.

Yet Apple Bloom was a good thought. Seeing her right now would be the best. But she had, most likely, gone back to Sweet Apple Acres. And going there only a day after she had promised not to would be a stupid idea. But, didn't the Apples sell their harvest at the market? It was a slim chance, yet maybe Apple Bloom went there to meet up with her siblings. It was worth a try.

With growing pace she left her home and walked down the road towards the market. Close to running she reached the vast assembly of stands and ponies. And that's where Silver Spoon's optimism got cut short. One of those ponies selling their goods she recognized as a friend of her sister. She didn't know her name, but Silver Spoon certainly recognized the mint colored coat and lavender mane. Not to mention her cutie mark made of a quill and an abacus.

This view made her stand still. For a second the world froze as she stared at that mockingly friendly face. Silently, Silver Spoon cursed whoever was holding the strings of her fate. Up until now Applejack's idea of talking to her sister's friends had failed due to the simple fact that Silver Spoon didn't know where any of them lived. And, of course, that none of them had been around to visit Marecedes in the past days. And up until a few minutes ago she had hoped she would run into one of them by chance. But now that everything was lost, one of them just stood there, handing a bag of walnuts to a customer. Just as if to spray some lemon juice onto her wounded soul.

Yet this was far from the worst.

No, the worst was that it reminded Silver Spoon of how readily Applejack had tried to come up with help for her. And not only did this one not work, but she also had blown any other advice the Apple's had come up with out of the window just moments ago. With full force and no holds barred.

How should she face Applejack now?

Regardless if Apple Bloom was there or not, her friend's older sister would ask her how things were going. And she would have to answer. Have to answer that she had failed. That prospect was even worse than any time she had to tell Cheerilee she hadn't done her homework. She had never before asked to be given homework. But to disappoint Applejack this way, after all the kindness she had shown to her, was absolutely nothing Silver Spoon wanted to note on her lists of things which made this the worst day of her life.

But, what should she do now?

After a long time of just staring at that familiar filly she didn't know the name of, Silver Spoon decided that maybe it would be for the best to head for the candy store after all. She hadn't really meant it went she said it to Rosy, but all else that would be there for her was wandering around aimlessly.