A role-playing gamer in Celestia's Court

by Gsarge9289

Warm Hearts and Growing Darkness

A few days had passed and I was sure I was going to regret having let Echo go, but I was pretty sure I’d put some fear in her to take back to the changeling queen. Likely she’d either be insulted or interested and I wasn’t sure either was a good thing, though I’d be able to get some help if things got out of control. I was packed and riding with Cadance and Shining Armor.

        “So, excited to get to see your special somepony again?” I looked up from my book and my thoughts and gave Cadance a smile.

        “Yeah, I’ve talked with her a few times in my dreams, but it will be great to see her again face to face. This’ll be the first holiday we’ll get to share.”

        “Aww, that’s so sweet. Have anything special in mind for Luna?” Cadance smiled as I shifted a bit. It was rather strange to have anyone interested in my lovelife.

        “Just the present I’d been working on. Not really sure if we’ll get any time to ourselves, though I’m sure I’d move a mountain for the chance.” Cadance had the look of a doting older sibling on her face as Shining Armor chimed in.

        “I’m sure you would for her. Just be careful about which ones you move.” He gave a chuckle as Cadance gently elbowed his shoulder.

        “I’m pretty sure I remember you forming a band with your friends for me.” I gave a  bit of a laugh as Shining Armor playfully sang the song at Cadance  as she giggled at the bawdy lyrics he had written to the tune of Oingo Boingo’s “Little Girls”. As out of place as I felt sometimes, it was kinda nice seeing a happy couple still able to poke a little fun at each other.
The pegasus-pulled carriage landed at Canterlot Castle a few hours later as we disembarked and the castle servants collected our belongings and we were greeted by Princess Celestia.

        “Cadance, Shining Armor, Onyxian, I’m glad you three could join us here at the castle. I trust the trip fared well?” I was a bit more dressed up than I might have been normally been with a blazer and wool pants Fluttershy’s scarf once again around my neck as I looked around not really paying attention to the conversation the other three were having.

        “I’m sure Princess Luna would have wanted to greet you, but she’s still asleep.” I turned to look at Celestia with a smile. Celestia beckoned a guard over. “Show Onyxian to Princess Luna’s chambers.” I looked a bit shocked as the guard seemed outright flabberghasted. He managed a salute to her Highness and I followed after him through the corridors leading to a set double doors flanked by a pair of batwinged guards.

        “Her Highness, Princess Luna is not to be disturbed from her slumber.” One of the guards said gruffly. I simply smiled to them.

        “I assure you, I won’t disturb her, but I will be going in to rouse her.” The batwinged guards seemed a bit confused by my statement as the guard that was tasked with leading me came in between me and Luna’s guards.

        “This is Onyxian, and I was tasked with leading him by Princess Celestia.” The batwinged guards took a more relaxed pose at the mention of my name.

        “I see, so you’re the one from the rumors. Well, I guess we can let you in.” I was a little hurt Luna hadn’t told her guards about me and was rather surprised they had heard rumors about me and Luna. The left hand guard slowly opened the door for me and I bowed politely to the three guards and made my way into Luna’s chambers with the doors closing after me. The first room was a parlor or sitting room with a set of double doors to my right decorated with a nightsky motif which I figured had to be her bedroom as I walked over and opened it as silently as I could seeing Luna in her darkened bedroom as I moved closer to see her laying in a bed that looked like a star filled sky with her sleeping form replacing the moon’s radiant light. I climbed in slowly and put my arms around her gently trying touch my forehead with her’s but mostly just rubbing horns. I watched her eyes slowly open and backed up just a bit with a smile on face.

        “There’s the Best Princess.” Luna’s eyes opened fully as she seemed more alert as she looked to me and hugged me back.

        “Onyxian! It’s great to see you again.” I noticed her hooves tracing along my shoulders and arms. “What’s all this? You’ve changed so much in just three months.” I was a bit surprised and held back a yelp as her hooves moved along my chest and torso. “Mmm, I rather like it.” I gently grabbed her flank in a teasing fashion and we exchanged a kiss.

        “I’m glad you enjoy the change, Luna.” After a more indepth expression of love and affection with one another, we both exited to the parlor after cleaning up as I adjusted my clothes back and made sure my hair was dry as Luna trotted out in full regalia with my necklace still among her filigree.

        “I’m sure we should join  the other’s, Onyxian. Lest they get worried.” I rolled my eyes and beamed at her offering her my arm which she locked with foreleg as we exited her chambers as her guards were doing their best to hide their shock from Luna. I let her lead me into a common room with ample seating for everypony that would be coming along with a large fireplace Celestia was seated in a large couch as she waved over at her sister and me.

        “There you two are. I wasn’t sure you were going to be back before Twilight and the other’s got here.” She seemed to give a knowing smile to her sister as Cadance gently nudged my shoulder.

        “I see somepony allready got into the Hearth’s Warming spirit.” I turned to look at her and gave a wink with a smile.

        “I have no idea what you mean. This is my first time celebrating this holiday.” I was rather pleasantly surprised by a sudden nuzzle of cheeks from Luna as I unwittingly returned her affection hearing a light giggle from Cadance.

        “I don’t need magic to see the love between you two.” I felt Luna’s cheek warm up as I chuckled lightly and hugged with her while still keeping up the nuzzle before she backed off.

        “I guess we aren’t being too subtile are we, Luna?” We both had a laugh as I ran my fingers through her mane Celestia smiling at her sister as I let her go.

        “I’m quite glad you feel you can express affection with somepony among us, Luna. I’m happy you and Onyxian have been able to grow together.” I heard a gasp and turned around just in time to see a pink blur fly at me as my arms came up to hug around Pinkie’s form.

        “Nyxie! It’s so super awesome to see you again!” I chuckled as Twilight and the rest of my friends came into the room.

        “Happy Hearth’s Warming Eve, Onyxian.” I smiled and waved to Fluttershy who seemed very happy that I was still wearing her scarf as she sheepishly waved back at me.

        “My goodness Darling, you haven’t gotten any new clothes in the Crystal Empire?” I rolled my eyes playfully at  Rarity’s question.

        “Only because I was sure none of it would compare with your works of art. Really I was pretty busy training so I didn’t think about it. Enough about me, I’ve missed you girls. What have you six been up to?” I listened as they told me of adventures and events, some a knew about from the show, which seemed we were just after episode 11. This had me worried that the changelings and Queen Chrysalis were planning a comeback  that would take place after the Equestria Games. Sadly, luck had been against me since I had ended up here before the finale had aired. I was brought back to the room by a nudge on my shoulder from Twilight.

        “You look like you got something big on your mind. Everything ok?” I put on my best smile and nodded my head .

        “I was just thinking about all the fun I’ve miss getting to share with you girls.”

        “Not all of it was fun, but there certainly was an adventure we could have used your help on. I still can’t believe Daring Do is a real pony. That’s. Just. So. Awesome!” I did my best to seem shocked even though I had already known that and still only found them to be middling reads. After a bit of food and traditional holiday merrymaking, I got a servant to show me to my room so I could gather the gifts I had made for them and came back into the room carrying them with the biggest grin on my face.

        “What’s got you all smiles, Sugarcube?” I looked to Applejack and then to everypony else.

        “I’m sorry, I’m just a bit excited. I wasn’t sure if you give gifts on this holiday, but I’d been making some things for magic practice and wanting to give them to you.”

        “That’s really very sweet of you, Onyxian, you didn’t have to do anything like that.”

        “He didn’t, but Nyxie is such a superific guy, he did!” I handed the first  package to Twilight then, Rarity, Pinkie, Applejack, Rainbow  Dash, and ending in front of Luna holding out a gift to her which she took with her magic aura. Twilight started by opening her box which held a thin gold wire frame tiara with amethyst gems on the points

        “Oh, a new tiara, that’s very thoughtful of you. Thank you Onyxian.” Applejack opened her’s second pulling out an iron pie pan. “Is this a pure iron pie pan?” I nodded my head with a smile.

        “As pure as I could make it. Modeled it after the Royal Chief's pie pan in the Crystal Palace. I hope it’s the kind of fancy an Apple can get behind.” Applejack was looking it over with a smile.

        “It certainly is, everypony back home will love it!” Fluttershy seemed in awe of the bracelet I had shaped of jade with a pink diamond in the shape of a butterfly. Rainbow Dash seemed to like the metal bookmark I had made her with engraving in a similar style to the border patterns on the hardcover Daring Do book covers.

        “You sure this wasn’t for Twilight, too?” I chuckled and shook my head.

        “Nope, I thought you could  use a bookmark as tough and cool as you are.” I heard the ringing of tiny bells and the clopping of hooves as Pinkie was dancing around with the bangles I had made her. Simple silver  band with blue, pink, and yellow painted balloons which were the bells.

        “Hehe these are great, Nyxie!”

        “It’s something performers wear where I’m from. I just thought you might like them.”

        “Oh Darling, I love it! I’ve missed getting to see new jewelry from you and now you’ve made such a lovely piece just for me.” I had made Rarity a gold horn ring with sapphires going around the band. “Oooh I’m going to love making a nice ensemble for this.” I turned looking to Luna as she looked over the large silver band with a crescent moon about the size of a silver dollar on one side.

        “So, just where is this supposed to go?” I walked over and showed her how to unhook it before snapping it around her left upper foreleg.

        “I thought this would fit better with your regalia. Just a something to let you know  I’m always there for you.” A few of the girls let out an awe as Luna looked to it then back into my eyes.

        “This is very lovely.” She moves in and kissed my lips to which some of the girls hooted as I frozen in place before forcing myself to relax into the kiss. After a few more hours of merrymaking, we retired to our respective rooms. I laid back in the bed, a content smile on my face . Sadly, I had a sinking feeling I wasn’t going to get to see the girls, Luna, or any other friendly face for a while as I planned to confront the Changeling Queen and her swarm.