Ghost Pony Rider

by MrHouston

Chapter 14: The End of It.

*Days Later*

Twilight was resting inside her house writing a weekly report for the princess. She hadn't heard from Rider or Marible for a while. She thought they were on a some sort of mission. She looked outside her window to see a orange trail of flames heading out of the city toward moutains. Twilight smiled as she saw her now dear friend dissapear over the hill.

Ghost Rider had decided to do something he hadn't done in years. With Marible close behind him, Ghost Rider galloped over the dirt road he was running on. The wind of the valley made him feel fantastic. He hadn't felt this way in years. He felt, happy. Both Rider's then stop on a hill. Marible coming in huffing a little. Ghost Rider laughed.

"Losing your edge dear?" he asked.

Marible gave him a smirk and slugged him on the arm. She took a minute to collect herself before speaking.

"You wish."

Both Rider's noticed the small town over the hill they were on. Maribel say Ghost Rider's nervous look.

"You don't have to do this you know?" she said with care.

"Yes, I do." he replied.

He then takes off leaving Marible behind to watch. Ghost Rider gallops into the town and he see's the town name on a sign.

"Liars Burg" it read.

Ghost Rider trots further. He stops infront of a house. He dabs the spots where his feet pressed to clear any fire. He knocks and two old ponys come from behind the door. They gasp at the site of the orange demon. One old mare says,

"My, my...its you." she said in a kind tone.

Ghost Rider grunts and lets out a mumble.

"Its me ma...its...Johnny."

One of the ponys let out a cry, the other stands in silence. The older stallion flips his hood. Ghost Riders orange flame around it with his chain still in it. Ghost Rider flips over his hood and stares at his parents. His mother hugs him so tight that he let out a yelp. The old mare then cried out.

"Oh how we've missed you all these years!"

Ghost Rider replied with,

"I've missed you too."

"Wont you come in for a cup of tea or maybe a cookie?"

Both old ponys full of join beyond belief. They have not seen thier son in over twenty years. To see him this moment his a breathe taker. Ghost Rider smiles and says,

"Ofcourse ma...ofcourse."