Support Their Dreams

by TundraStanza

I'll Be Right Here

All three of them were poised and ready to go. No more pet chases would interrupt them. No dragon claws would drag them away. Their goggles were thoroughly rubbed dry. Their packs were set. Everything was set for them to break the expectation. They were going to get their cutie marks in... skydiving!

"Are we all ready?" asked Scootaloo.

"Yeah!" cheered Apple Bloom.

"Uh-huh!" Sweetie Belle nodded enthusiastically.

"One..." counted Scootaloo.

"Two..." added Apple Bloom.

"Three!" Sweetie Belle's voice squeaked.

At that very moment, all three fillies left the safety of the bridge and let their hooves touch nothing but air. The Crusaders wished that the freefall could last forever. But this was a serious endeavor. They didn't have time to fantasize. The water was coming up to meet them rather quickly.

"Pull!" hollered Scootaloo over the rushing air.

She immediately had the red handle between her teeth. The other girls wasted no time to imitate her motion. With three quick yanks on the cords, their packs released their cargo. It might have been a little too much cargo.

Maybe we shouldn't have used plastic shopping bags for parachutes, thought Apple Bloom just before colliding with the water.

While the three little ponies had their faces dunked, their respective bags for parachutes went flying away on some twisting cross-breeze. Apple Bloom stood up first. She shook her head and mane a little before she extended a hoof to help Scootaloo up. After getting up on her hooves, Scootaloo cocked her head to the left. She started whacking her head because she thought she heard some faint, yet intense orchestral tune in the distance.

"I can't swim!" screamed Sweetie Belle. She wildly flailed her limbs and was splashing water everywhere around her.

"Sweetie Belle!" hollered Apple Bloom over the splashing noise. "Just stand up!"

Her "drowning" friend opened her eyes wide before doing just as she had been told. The frantic splashing stopped immediately. Scootaloo briefly shook her head after she was sure that the unusual music had stopped.

"Eh heh heh," chuckled Sweetie Belle sheepishly.

All three of them sloshed on out of the river. After setting their packs to the side, they shook their bodies free of river moisture. Hairs poofed up after the sudden dryness. Their frizzy mane styles might have been amusing to look at if not for the disappointed look on all of their faces.

"Anyone get it?" asked Sweetie Belle out of force of habit.

"Nope," said Scootaloo.

Apple Bloom sighed. "Back to Headquarters One."

At her request, the Crusaders plodded along the long road to the clubhouse.

"Yeah, I've been meaning to ask about that," Scootaloo piped up, "Why the name 'Headquarters One'?"

Apple Bloom lifted an eyebrow. "Ain't it obvious?"

"Actually, I was wondering that too," commented Sweetie Belle, "There just wasn't any good time to bring it up before."

While Apple Bloom's eyebrow returned to its original height, her mouth moved into a perky smile. "The Cutie Mark Crusaders' Headquarters One is here in Ponyville. Headquarters Two is in Manehattan under Babs."

Realization dawned on the other two fillies. "Ohhhhh."

Scootaloo suddenly quickened her pace. "So what are we going to go for next?"

"Maybe we could try cookie baking," said Sweetie Belle while scampering to match her speed.

"Pfft. Yeah, if you want the boring and mundane talent," said Scootaloo dismissively. "How about we try extreme kite-flying?"

"I already tried that," commented Apple Bloom, "and I don't think anypony would be willing to sell us a kite after what happened with Rainbow Dash."

"You went extreme kite-flying with Rainbow Dash?" Scootaloo was suddenly right in Apple Bloom's face with buzzing wings. "Tell me everything!"

"Well, it started out okay," Apple Bloom said while slowly shoving Scootaloo away from her face, "but then the wind started dying down and the kite crashed... and disintegrated... into a million pieces."

"That sounds awesome!" Scootaloo jumped up and briefly levitated a few inches. "I'm totally going to ask Rainbow Dash the next time I see her!"

Within a few more steps, the trio happened upon where they left the scooter and wagon. Scootaloo hopped into the driver's seat, helmet already strapped on.

"Maybe you could try it again?" Sweetie Belle suggested as she climbed aboard the wagon. "It might work better in a group."

"Hmm." Apple Bloom thought about it as Sweetie Belle hoisted her up. "You know what? That sounds like a great idea. Teamwork is the key to success, right?"

"Yeah!" Sweetie Belle nodded enthusiastically.

"Then it's settled!" affirmed Scootaloo. Her wings were already raring to go. The scooter and company all moved forward just as her friends finished buckling up.

As the scooter raced along the road, Granny Smith took one step to her left. There was just enough room to let the vehicle pass. She gave the Crusaders a wave before continuing on her way.


Apple Bloom yawned as she worked her way to her bed. It had been a long day of brainstorming and skydiving. She needed her rest to get ready for another day of crusading. The summer was coming to a close and the next school year was probably going to eat up valuable time.

She was startled by a sudden sneeze from behind her. She turned around to see something that immediately calmed her nerves.

"What's up, Applejack?"

Her big sister shuffled a hoof, looking abashed. "I was... just coming in to say, 'Good night,' Apple Bloom." She looked off to the side. "So... uh... good night." She started trotting for the door.

Apple Bloom smiled knowingly as she placed one hoof on top of her bedspread. "AJ, could you tuck me in tonight?"

That stopped Applejack in her tracks. She carefully turned her head back. "How did you...?"

"Your thing is Honesty," said Apple Bloom, "When you try to hide it, you make it way too obvious."

Applejack turned the rest of herself to face her little sister properly. "Are you sure it's alright?"

"It's fine, sis," answered Apple Bloom as she climbed into bed.

Applejack smiled warmly as she trotted over. She grabbed the blanket with her teeth and pulled it snugly over Apple Bloom.

"Good night," whispered Applejack, "I love you."

"Love you too," whispered Apple Bloom, "Good night."

With that said, Applejack blew out the candle.


Apple Bloom wasn't sure how she got outside. In fact, she didn't even remember what she was doing just a few seconds ago. But some cheering of nearby ponies caught her attention. What was going on?

"Look! Look! I got my cutie mark!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed. She was pointing a hoof at her flank. A picture of a gold and silver whistle sparkled brightly.

"My cutie mark! I got it!" Scootaloo shouted. A flaming kite was adorned on her flank.

Apple Bloom looked at her friends with good cheer. Their dreams had come true. This was great news! She wondered what she would find now that they were finally moving up in the world. She turned to look behind her with anticipation. Her excitement turned south, however, as she stared in lost confusion.

"Blank?" she asked the foggy air.

Visibility was getting more difficult. To Apple Bloom's right, Sweetie Belle was climbing into the Ponyville Express as the new conductor. To her left, Scootaloo was being pulled away by a string attached to a kite that was somehow on fire yet still maintaining its altitude. They were... leaving. She was getting left behind.

"Sweetie? Scoots? Wait up!" she cried out.

She scampered with all of her might. But the more she tried to run, the faster her friends seemed to be sliding away from her. They seemed too lost in their success to notice the lone filly galloping to catch up.



The filly sat up in sweat and bed hair. She looked around long and hard at her room. She held her blanket to her face and wiped it once over.

"A dream," she muttered.

Somewhere outside, the rooster crowed. Apple Bloom shook her head to wake up. She hopped off her bed and went to her closet. She grabbed her Thursday bow ribbon and tied it on. She had a few chores to get done before her day really started anyway.


At the foot of the clubhouse tree, the other two Crusaders waited. Scootaloo was rapidly tapping the handlebar of her scooter. She had Rainbow Dash's nap route all mentally mapped out. Finding her would be a cinch. But the fun couldn't start until they were all ready to go. She exhaled audibly as she continued tapping.

In the wagon, Sweetie Belle perked up. "There she is!"

Plodding with her head down, Apple Bloom approached. The few split ends in her mane would have been obvious to anyone looking. But the mind of one of the fillies was too distracted to take any notice.

"It's about time you showed up," said Scootaloo, not bothering to hide her impatient irritation. "Ready to go?"

Apple Bloom slowly lifted her head to normal filly eye level. "Go where?"

"Hello! We talked about this yesterday!" declared Scootaloo. "We're going to go find Rainbow Dash and then start our efforts to get extreme kite-flying cutie marks."

"Yeah, you said yourself that teamwork can lead to success," added Sweetie Belle.

Apple Bloom blinked. "Oh... right... that." She slowly climbed aboard and patted her helmet on. "Let's... go do that."

"All right!" exclaimed Scootaloo as she sped her wings for immediate acceleration.

The scooter zigged and zagged around the various apple trees in the orchard. Occasionally, they splashed through a patch of mushy apples. Even as she hung on for dear life, Sweetie Belle couldn't help but turn around at her fellow passenger. Concern flashed in her eyes.

"Are you okay, Apple Bloom?" she asked gently, somehow being loud enough to hear over the motor noise of Scootaloo's wings.

Apple Bloom shrugged despite holding onto the wagon's side for dear life. "I guess."

Sweetie Belle's concerned frown didn't leave, but neither did she pursue the matter. She instead turned around just in time for a bug to splatter against her nose.

"Ugh! Ew! Bleh." Sweetie Belle frantically wiped away the stain before spitting in a way that would probably earn a scolding if Rarity were anywhere nearby.

Aside from Scootaloo's wings, the rest of the ride continued in relative silence.


"Hey, Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo called out. She practically hopped over her handlebars before throwing her helmet back behind herself.

Sweetie Belle gently placed her helmet back in the wagon. She looked back at Apple Bloom who still didn't look quite right. Sweetie smiled in an "ah-ha" sort of way as her horn lit up. The blue helmet on Apple Bloom's head suddenly lit up with a faded green aura as it unstrapped and was lifted over to the wagon. It then immediately fell in with a plop.

It was about this time that Rainbow Dash flew down with an impressive curb stomp. Although she had long since taken the squirt under her wing as an honorary little sister, she still looked like a stupendous idol to Scootaloo. Someday, the filly vowed to get an electric guitar cutie mark just to play off Rainbow Dash with an equally amazing theme song. But today, it was business... super totally radically awesome and cool business!

"Hey, guys," greeted Rainbow, "I had a small break from Reserve work today. So, what'd you want to ask me about?"

"Can you help us hone our skills at extreme kite-flying?" asked Scootaloo quickly and excitedly.

"Kite-flying, huh?" Rainbow smiled thoughtfully. "That seems safe eno- er, I mean cool! 'Cool' is what I said." She chuckled sheepishly before letting out a fake cough into her hoof. "I think I have a few rad choices back at my place. Be back in a dash!" Without another word, the seven-colored trail marked her quick exit.

"Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! I can't wait." Scootaloo scampered in place like a filly needing to go to the bathroom.

Sweetie Belle turned a bit and noticed that Apple Bloom was still dragging her hooves away from the wagon. A little mischievous smile spread along her lips as she focused her horn. Her magical aura caught hold of Apple Bloom's tail and dragged her closer to the group. Mischief switched to innocence as Sweetie Belle tried to perk her friend up.

"Come on, Apple Bloom!" she exclaimed. "We can't let Scootaloo have all the excitement."

"I suppose," responded Apple Bloom.

Within a few seconds, Rainbow Dash was back. She dropped a few strings from her mouth that were attached to a box kite, a wide cylinder kite, and a kite shaped like a butterfly.

"This is going to be so great!" Scootaloo rushed forth and grabbed the twine attached to the box kite.

Sweetie Belle wandered forth. "That looks pretty."

She took the butterfly. Looking between the last kite and Apple Bloom, Sweetie nudged the third roll of string in her direction. Apple Bloom hardly noticed it. Sweetie Belle tried levitating it to her friend's chin, but her magical aura petered out. Luckily, her hint seemed to have been taken and Apple Bloom slowly reached down and picked up the string herself.

"All right!" Dash clapped her hooves twice. "Who's ready for some wind?"

Without waiting for a response, she soared straight up. Once at a height that she thought would work, she started flapping her wings. She was one of the few pegasi she knew that could make a breeze in front of her without flying backwards in the process. This took skills.

Scootaloo cherished the wind in her face. Sweetie Belle held a hoof against her head out of the slight, irrational fear of losing her hair. While Apple Bloom's eyes looked up and saw Rainbow Dash flying in place, she didn't lift her head.

"Okay, let 'em rip!" hollered Dash.

With that prompt, the Cutie Mark Crusaders tossed their kites to the sky, holding onto the strings for good measure. They had to turn around away from Dash just to see their respective kites. Scootaloo whooped and hollered at how the box in the sky moved. Sweetie Belle held an impressed "ooh" at the sight of the butterfly in the sky. Apple Bloom, however, seemed lost in the circle that was her kite.

"Loopty... hoop..." she muttered, though muffled through the twine.

She thought back to the day she first saw a cutie mark on her. She had smiled so proudly that morning. But it was a lie and a fake. She didn't really have any talent. They were all thrust upon her by her own impatience. Could cutie marks forsake her because of that mistake? As if to reflect her emotional turmoil, the cylinder dropped and rolled a bit down the hill. But Apple Bloom was lost in thought... lost in doubts in herself.

Taking notice of the drop, Sweetie Belle shouted over the wind, "Apple Bloom!"

The moment she opened her mouth, her string fell to the grass. Without a pony to guide it, the big butterfly whipped around in random directions. Within a few moments, it went smack against the box. Sweetie Belle ran forth to collect her string, but the damage had already been done. Scootaloo was pulled forward by the weight of two kites and fell on her face. The impact dislodged her twine and the box and butterfly imitated the Atomic Rainnuke sans the explosion. What the two kites did next only served to confuse the fillies.

"Did you know that kites can turn into ice cubes and spontaneously crack to pieces?" Scootaloo asked with her head tilted.

"No... I didn't," answered Sweetie Belle.

There wasn't a draconequus nearby to blame for this bizarre turn of events. At this point, Rainbow Dash stopped her voluntary wind power and came down for a landing.

"You okay, Scootaloo? Sweetie Belle?" she asked. "What happened down here?"

"Sorry," said Sweetie Belle, "I guess I kind forgot where my string was. I'll... make up the damaged kites to you somehow, Rainbow Dash. I promise."

"Ah, don't sweat it," said Rainbow dismissively. "I've got a whole closet full of them."

Scootaloo glanced back behind her. "Darn, still nothing."

"You guys up for another round?" asked Rainbow.

Scootaloo turned to her 'big sister' and prepared to say something. However, Sweetie Belle covered her mouth and said, "Actually, I think we're going to go back to the drawing board. Don't look back and all that! Heh heh."

Dash blinked. "Oh, okay. Well, if you guys can salvage anything from the kites, feel free to keep it." She looked for the sun's position. "I think my break's about over anyway. Catch you later, Crusaders!" She flew off.

Scootaloo shoved Sweetie Belle's hoof out of the way. "What was that for?"

Sweetie Belle motioned over to the third Crusader. "I think there's something bothering Apple Bloom."

Scootaloo looked over at the droopy red-head. "Huh. Now that you mention it, she does look a bit down today."

In agreement, the two S-named fillies scampered on over to where Apple Bloom was sitting. She was still staring at that large cylinder that survived the kite ice age simply by falling first.

"Hey, it's okay," said Sweetie Belle.

"Yeah, we can totally try something else to get our cutie marks," added Scootaloo.

Abruptly, Apple Bloom stood up. Her eyes were unreadable.

"I'm going home."

"Huh?" asked the other two in unison.

"But why?" countered Sweetie Belle.

"The day's not even close to over!" reasoned Scootaloo.

"It may as well be," muttered Apple Bloom. With a tear dripping behind her, she ran away from the field.

"Apple Bloom, come back!" called Scootaloo.

Sweetie Belle turned to her. "We can't let her run off alone. It'll be the Cutie Pox all over again!"

"Way ahead of you," said Scootaloo as she got her wings a pumping atop her scooter.

Sweetie Belle leaped into the wagon at just the right angle to land her head inside her helmet. She took hold of the sides and they sped forward. They were going to be there for Apple Bloom whether she wanted them to or not.


~I don't understand
Where are you going
Why can't I come
Along your destiny's plan~


Scootaloo's wings started to putter in front of the Apple Family house.

"That song didn't even rhyme," she commented.

"It doesn't have to rhyme," Sweetie Belle retorted. "Besides, that isn't the problem right now." She rushed out of the wagon and knocked on the door.

The door opened to reveal Granny Smith. "Why hello there, Sweetie Belle."

"Can we talk to Apple Bloom, please?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"Now probably isn't the best time," said Granny, "I'm afraid Apple Bloom came home looking rather ill. She went upstairs and fell right sound asleep."

Sweetie Belle sighed while Scootaloo opted to cross her hooves atop her handlebars. It looked like their answers weren't going to come as easily as they thought.

"Can you at least make sure to keep all patches of Heart's Desire away from her?"

"Scootaloo!" exclaimed Sweetie Belle while performing a horizontal motion with her hoof.

Scootaloo turned her head. "What? It's a fair request."

"I'm sure we can handle at least that much," answered Granny sincerely, "Don't you worry about that."

"All right," said Sweetie, "Thanks anyway."

"Of course, youngin, of course." Granny nodded as the two slowly walked away.


Visions spread out within her mind's eye. Invisible crowds cheered them on. The blank flank stood in the middle of it all as success poured all over her friends. The first of which stood proudly with an Emmy, both in her hoof and on her flank.

"I just want to thank everypony that's helped me get this far," said Sweetie Belle. "My big sister Rarity for inspiration, my mom and my dad for raising me properly, Ms. Cheerilee for being the best teacher I know, and my best friend who has stood by me almost as long as I've lived... the first Rainbowbolt, Scootaloo!"

Upon her declaration, Sweetie Belle pointed to the other side of where Apple Bloom was looking. A streak of orange, gold, and red zoomed by. A slow-motion camera took a more viewable picture of the pegasus filly actually flying by. She was dressed in a multi-colored flying suit and goggles. A small patch was taken off the flank area to show two lightning bolts crossing each other, each with three pigments of the color wheel.

"Happy to help, Sweetie Belle the best writer, director, and actor!" called Scootaloo. A team of pegasi soon followed her. Their clouds threatened to suffocate Apple Bloom and hide her from view entirely.

"Why do ya'll have to leave me?" she asked as she looked up through the thick cloud. "I want to be somepony just as much."

"Are you certain that is your heart's greatest wish?"

A single voice echoed as the smoke cleared away. A solid white moon shone upon the plane of existence. From within its light, a familiar pony emerged and fluttered down.

"P-Princess Luna?" asked Apple Bloom. "What are you doing here?"

"Do you not already know, young filly?" Luna's smile was gentle and lax.

"Wait." Apple Bloom scratched her head. "They were telling me about stuff like this all the time about the Princess of the Night and Dreams." A light bulb went off for her. "So then, Scoots and Sweetie haven't actually..."

"Correct. The ones you know as your friends are not physically present here." She brought the overly proud doppelgangers into the foreground. "But do you know why your dreams would imitate their forms like this?"

Apple Bloom sighed. "I think I know why. They're really talented and they're getting better at certain things every day." She turned and looked at the visions. "Let's face it. They're more likely to get their cutie marks than I am."

"Is that all you're worried about?" inquired Luna.

The filly turned back to look at the princess. "What do you mean?"

"It is very rare for ponies to realize their full potential at the same time," said Luna, "Even the closest of allies were able to accept the fact that their destinies would reveal themselves at different events." The visual doubles started shrinking from view. "Perhaps there is something you are even more worried about."

Apple Bloom gulped. "L-Like what?"

"I seem to recall you saying that you did not wish to be left behind during a previous dream."

Apple Bloom thought, She knew even that?

"It may not be beyond the realm of possibility. Do you worry that separate revelations of true self will lead to a severance of the ties that already exist between you and your friends?"

Apple Bloom involuntarily took a step back. She then looked down at the non-existent floor, made only by the subconscious ground.

"What happens after somepony in our group finds their special talent?" she asked the princess. "Who are we if we can't be united by the name 'Cutie Mark Crusaders'?"

Luna closed her eyes. She drew carefully from her own memory pool. Shapes and colors bended all around the two ponies present as she told her tale.

"Once upon a time, there were two filly friends. They were older and younger sister, happily playing together whenever they could. However as the years passed by, they were expected to do more tasking efforts. Less time was left for play. The older actually gained her cutie mark first without intending to do so. Naturally, the younger sister was saddened. Something that she had shared in common with her older sister for a long time had become nothing more than a memory. She did realize her true skill during the following year, but she felt she was too late. The shadow of the first was forever cast over the second, regardless of what either of them wanted to see.

"Eventually, a long leave of absence ended and the sisters were reunited. Though they may not play as much as they used to, they can still see each other eye to eye. Even though their paths take different directions and are different lengths, that does not prevent them from crossing. Far from it! They are actually intertwined with each other for a very long time to come."

The scenery calmed down some as Luna opened her eyes. "I cannot walk the exact path that my older sister treads. But whenever she needs me, I will be there to support her."

Apple Bloom's eyes watered. She returned her gaze to the invisible floor. A blue gauntlet was raised and gently wiped a bit of the moisture away.

"Now what about you, fair Apple Bloom?" asked Luna. "Would you hold your friends to tread along the path that you stand on, or would you allow them to advance along the paths that they must travel even if it doesn't always coincide with your own?" She took a giant leap and started fading backwards against the dream's shining moon. "That remains to be seen."


"Luna!" exclaimed Apple Bloom.

"Woah nelly!" exclaimed Applejack, struggling to balance a glass of water onto the nightstand. Luckily it only spilled a drop and no more.

Apple Bloom looked around wildly until her eyes fell on Applejack. "What? What are you doing, sis?"

"Well, I thought maybe you'd be thirsty when you woke up," admitted Applejack while adjusting her hat against the back of her head. "Though, I suppose I shouldn't have assumed. I know you don't like me constantly looking over your shoulder just to check on you, but..."



The younger one smiled. "Thank you." She then proceeded to grab the glass and swallow half of its contents. "Ah, I needed that." She slowly rested the glass back where Applejack had placed it prior. "What time is it?"

"You've been sleeping in here for about two hours, so I guess dinner's about to be ready for you."

"Almost dinner?" Apple Bloom threw off the covers. "There isn't much time!" She scurried out through the bedroom door, leaving Applejack confused.

"Time for what?" she wondered to herself.


Back at Headquarters One, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were busy scuffling dirt and a few loose ribbons from last Hearts and Hooves Day. Something scraped Scootaloo's hoof on her next pass over the floor.

"Oh... I think I found the rest of the glitter," said Scootaloo.

"Actually, I think those are sequins," commented Sweetie Belle.

"What are you, a dictionary?" asked Scootaloo.

The door suddenly slammed open. Scoots and Sweetie looked up from their little semantic squabble to see the entering pony.

"Apple Bloom!" called out Sweetie.

"You're not sick!" added Scoots with as much enthusiasm.

"This day ain't over yet," said Apple Bloom, "We've got marks to earn and there's still plenty of daylight to burn."

"That's great," said Scootaloo, "because I know just the thing we can try." She looked at Sweetie Belle knowingly.


"Those weren't too bad," commented Scootaloo after her last swallow.

"Yeah, and they went down a lot easier than my burned cupcakes," added Apple Bloom after smacking her lips.

"I think they could have been a tad more crunchy," muttered Sweetie Belle while licking the rest of the cookie off her hoof.

Even if they do happen to move on before I do, that's okay, thought Apple Bloom, They need to walk their paths. Just because I can't always do what they do, doesn't mean I can't support 'em. They're my friends and they deserve to be happy, healthy, and higher up in the world when their chance comes.

"Who's up for trying for a cleanup cutie mark?" asked Pinkie Pie cheerfully.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders shared a big, hearty laugh at the suggestion.