//------------------------------// // Equestria Falls, No More // Story: Equestria Falls No More // by OscornBrony //------------------------------// A lone earth pony walked down a silent road threw an empty grove of trees. He was a brown pony, with a darker brown mane and tail. On the top of his head he wore a red fez, with a small hour glass hanging of the string, matching perfectly with his cutie mark. All in all he looked like your every day pony, except that he was walking away from a blue police box that he had just stepped out of. He continued his journey down the path of autumn trees, the Running of the Leaves had just happened that day so the air was full of the sound of the crunching that the leaves made with every one of his hooves making impact on the ground. The pony stopped after a minute of his trudging to survey the surrounding trees. After a moment, he seemed to find what he was looking for as he veered off trail and started threw the trees in a zig-zag to avoid the branches. By this odd way of travel, he found himself in a small clearing, about fifty feet a crossed. Covering the ground was a thin layer of leaves that formed larger piles at fifteen locations. The pony paused once again. This time he gave the piles a slightly agitated face before he walked over and started to clear of the first pile, spreading it to the sides and flattening it out. Then he moved on to the next, and the one after that, then the following pile. It wasn't until the seventh pile that his pattern changed. He was clearing it, just like the others, when his hoof contacted with something heard. He quickly started to brush away the leaves in a more gentle, yet quickened motion until he uncovered a small sapping. The little tree was only a foot tall and was greatly damaged. There was a brake in its thin trunk and the only reason that it was still up right was because of a rod that it was tied to. The stallion reached into his bag and produced paper and quill. Then, laying before the sapling he wrote; Dear Derpy Hooves, I know you don't like it when I call you that, but it brings back the memories of our advisers. Like the time you shouted at me to stop calling you that when we were hiding from the Daliks, or that one time that you forced me to eat a pair muffin. I spent three days in the hospital because of that. Anyway, I found the tree. The one that you were so set on fixing. The leaves covered it so it took some work but it seems to be healing quit well. Can you recall how we found it? We were running from the Daliks and you tripped on it, snapping it. Then when we lost them you were set on coming back to help it. I reclined, as you well know, but then your eyes straitened up and you glared at me with that look of defiance. As it turns out I was wrong. Nothing went bad, nothing happened. You looked like you could have stayed with that tree for the day, then the day after. I only wish that you did. I can still recall that next day. I was trapped in the TARDIS with no way to get out and you were alone with those Daliks. My dearest Ms. Hooves, you were so brave. Being alone, with no pony being able go help you. You saved Equstria. I'm always the one who saves the world, fights of evil, and makes sacrifices for my friends. But know I see how you can out shine my deeds so greatly. You see not just the beauty of human pony life. But also that of the land its self. That is why I think your cutie mark is seven bubbles, not because you have a bubbly personality like you said when we first meet. It was because they can bring joy to the lives of the other ponies. You have always been in the background where few people can tell your there, but when the times comes you can shine like the sun of Transalor. I didn't come here to tell you that, however. I am here, writing to you because,... The Doctor posed with his project to look up at the sky. He couldn't find a way to put his thoughts, his feelings, into words, so he just let his mind stop and he could focus merely on his heart. He could feel sadness, joy, despair, peace, regret, and loneliness. The only kind of loneliness that you can get if you were to take a shadow and drape it over your body, heart, mind, and soul. Completely dividing them so you were forever alone on the inside, as well as out. His stillness broke as he herd a voice call out, "Doctor!" He continued writing. I seem to be running out of time. I can not but my emotions into words, but I think you know anyway. It may have been eighteen years since I've seen you, but nothing has changed. Just like this tree has never changed. A grey unicorn came around a tree and laid eyes on the doctor. "There you are, you only said you'ed be gone for a minute. What's taking you?" The Doctor smiled. "Just one more minute." It also seems that, like the tree, I have a support. Strong to the point that it keeps me alive, yet not to the point I can move on. I love you Derpy, and I will forever me your Doctor. Forever in space and time, Your Doctor Hooves The Doctor rested down the pen and rapped the letter around the base of the small tree. The grey unicorn watched as he did this before seeking up. "So is that for your last companion?" The Doctor wiped a tier from his cheek. "Yes. Yes it is." "So she was also a pony?" The Doctor have a small chuckle at that. "Yes she was. I haven't left Equestria since I met her, and I don't think I ever will." With that he got up and started to walk back the way he came. "Come on Dinky. we have some adventures to see."