//------------------------------// // Chapter 4 // Story: Opposites Attract // by DJ_Bron3 //------------------------------// Applejack awoke in the same position she had the previous morning, only this time she had no intention of pulling away from Rarity's warm body. She rested her chin on Rarity's head and released a sigh of contentment. Rarity stirred in her sleep, slowly coming to consciousness and nuzzling her face into Applejack's neck. "Good mornin', Sugarcube," Applejack said as she hugged the object of her new found affection tighter. Rarity made a happy sound, and kissed Applejack’s neck. “Good morning, my darling. I do hope you slept as well as I did,” she replied. The gloriously white unicorn stretched, giving her paramour a quick peck on the lips, before she slowly got out of bed. “I’ll go ahead and get breakfast ready. We have to check in with the Doctor, today, before we do anything else.” Applejack grumbled from Rarity’s leaving the bed, and at the idea of having to visit the doctor. “Oh, darling, I hope you’re not going to be stubborn about this. It’s just a simple check-up to make sure you’re mending.” “Well... I guess it’ll be alright,” Applejack said, mulishly. “Just t’ make sure everything’s on the mend. I jus’ don’t like doctors, is all. Was always told that the best way to stay healthy was t’ stay away from doctors.” “Darling, where would you ever hear such a thing? Really, doctors are there to help ponies,” Rarity observed, as she brushed her mane into something that looked like she had not been attempting to do a headspin during the night. “It’s just somethin’ that my grandpappy always said,” Applejack said, scratching the back of her head with her hoof. “Right up there with the whole apple-a-day thing.” “Well, darling, hopefully it won’t take too long. We’re just going to make sure you’re healing properly, and get an estimate on how much longer you have to stay off your hooves,” the marshmallow white unicorn said kindly. Just then their stomachs put in an opinion about how long it was taking to feed them, causing both to laugh. “But first, breakfast. Anything in particular you want?” “Oats and milk sounds fine, I reckon,” Applejack replied. “Should be nice and quick for ya.” Rarity nodded in agreement, and they both set off towards the kitchen for some much needed nourishment. “I bet you’d like some diced apples, too, hm?” Rarity asked, “booping” Applejack’s nose playfully. The orange mare laughed, and nodded to the fashionista’s delight. Rarity pulled two bowls and a box of oats from the cupboard and a bottle of milk from the ice chest. She combined the ingredients in the bowls and began slicing up an apple for her lover. “There you go, darling. Eat up.” Applejack smiled at her, and quickly did as she was told. Rarity was just beginning to dig into her own bowl when she glanced over at Applejack. She was struck with horror at the site of Applejack’s dreadful table manners. Rarity was torn. Should she say something, or should she let it slide. After all compromise was a part of a relationship, even one as new as this. It was obvious, from the more refined way she had eaten her other meals, Applejack did have some semblance of civility, and this could be a one-time occurrence. Either the earth pony was ravenous, or she really missed apples. Applejack looked up from her meal to see Rarity’s slightly shocked expression. She paused, and observed she was making quite the mess. The blonde pony cleared her throat, and used a napkin to wipe her mouth. “Sorry,” she murmured. “I’m just a might hungrier than usual, this mornin’.” She smiled sheepishly and blushed, turning away from Rarity. “Oh, it’s quite alright, dear. I was just startled by your aggressiveness towards the oats.” Rarity chuckled and reassuringly placed a hoof on her new lover’s back. “I think it’s a good thing. My bein’ hungry, that is. Means I’m gettin’ better,” Applejack observed, with a chuckle. “Indeed. Don’t think you’re getting out of going to the doctor’s, though, darling,” Rarity admonished with a slight smirk. “Well darn,” Applejack uttered in mock disappointment. “I didn’t figure that’d work.” She returned to her meal, making sure to be a bit more civilized this time. Rarity chuckled, before returning to her own meal. Soon breakfast was finished, and the dishes washed. It was with that new level of companionship that they left the boutique and headed for the clinic. *** Applejack suffered through the examination with her usual aplomb, accepting the occasional reassuring smile from Rarity, as she went through the process. It would be good to know how much longer she was going to have to take it easy. Applejack was not a pony that liked not being able to work, and though Rarity was being the very soul of generosity, Applejack was hoping to do something more to repay her. “Well, Doc, how’s it lookin’?” Applejack was growing increasingly impatient as Doctor Helpinghooves poked and prodded her further. “You seem to be healing rather well. Just a few more days taking it easy, and you’ll be good as new.” The doctor smiled at Applejack and nodded reassuringly. “That’s marvelous news. Isn’t it, dear?” Rarity patted her on the back and returned the doctor’s nod. She was trying to hurry the visit along for Applejack’s sake. “Ifin’ you don’t mind my askin’,” Applejack uttered, rubbing her right hoof along her left foreleg, “but how long exactly? I’m kind of a work-pony, and I’m sure my brother’s doing as well as he can, but... Well... I just don’t like bein’ laid up, I s’pose.” “Well, I’d say three days at the very least, to make sure you are fully healed. Any sooner, and you could very well undo all your progress,” Doctor Helpinghooves replied. “Thank ya kindly, Doc,” Applejack said, easing herself off the examination table. Applejack was pleased with the news, but she also felt disappointed by the fact that her stay with Rarity would end so soon. The two lovers headed towards the exit and made their way home. They walked closely together, occasionally bumping into each other playfully. They were about halfway between the clinic and Carousel Boutique when they ran into a familiar bouncy, pink pony. “HI, Rarity! HI Applejack!” Pinkie greeted them in her usual exuberant manner. “How’re you two doing? It looks like you two are getting along much better than you usually do, which is fantabulous! Did ya just come back from the doctor’s? How’s AJ doing? Bet she’s got some kind of serious cabin fever, being an outdoorsy kinda pony.” Applejack and Rarity were, of course, stunned by the hyperactive verbal onslaught, and had to take a few moments to process what all Pinkie had managed to say all in one breath. “H.. hi, Pinkie,” Rarity responded, still a little bewildered. She quickly regained her composure. “The doctor said Applejack should be good as new in a few more days.” “The doc reckoned ‘bout three days at least, sugarcube,” Applejack added, “‘cause if I do anything before that, I could end up hurtin’ myself again.” “WHOO! AJ’s getting BETTER! We’ll have an “Applejack’s Better” party in three days, then!” “Shucks, Pinkie, you don’t have to go an’ do that,” Applejack said scratching the back of her head. “Of course we do! Everypony will want to see that you’re back on your hoovzies!” the excitable pink pony said gleefully. “Oh! Oh! I’ve got to go and get plenty of apples for the goodies!” Applejack had to chuckle, as Pinkie bounced off happily planning her next party. “What have we gotten ourselves into?” Applejack asked with a chuckle. “Oh, just another of Pinkie’s parties, it would appear,” Rarity replied. “I can’t help but wonder if we should tell the others about... Well, us.” “That would be the honest thing to do, Rare,” Applejack said thoughtfully. “Thinkin’ that party would be a good place for it.” “Everypony together and in a celebratory mood... Sounds like a lovely plan,” Rarity mused as they reached the boutique, and went in. Applejack lounged on Rarity’s couch, while the unicorn bustled about her shop, humming a merry tune, as she got ready for her business day. *** “The invitation did say three o’clock, right?” Applejack looked at Rarity with uncertainty as they peered through the open door of Sugarcube Corner. There wasn’t a pony anywhere to be found. “I’m almost certain. Where is everypony?” They walked slowly inside, cautiously looking around. “Hello? Is anypony there?” They shut the door behind them and looked at each other uncomfortably. “Pinkie?” “SURPRISE!” The guests of honor nearly jumped out of their skins as everypony they knew appeared from nowhere and shouted at them. Rarity and Applejack stood there in shock for a few moments, then looked at each other and laughed. “Typical Pinkie,” Rarity said shaking her head. “A surprise party?” “Eyup,” Applejack agreed. “But it does kinda make sense for her.” Pinkie hurried over to her friends and placed a hoof on each of their backs, pushing them to the center of the room, and the center of attention. All their friends came forward to hug Applejack and congratulate her on her recovery. “Ya know it ain’t a surprise if ya tell us about it, right Pinkie?” Applejack said to her friend as soon as the loving onslaught was over. “But that makes it an even bigger surprise! You’d never suspect a surprise party if I tell you I’m throwing you a party.” Pinkie put on her biggest toothy smile and hugged Applejack and Rarity tight. “Do you like it? Huh, do ya?” “It’s a lovely party, darling,” Rarity said as she returned the hug. The party continued for a bit, with punch to be drunk, and snacks to be eaten. Apples seemed to be the theme, since it was a party to celebrate Applejack’s getting better. Finally, when she judged her friends were feeling fairly mellow, the earth pony went to the center of the room and cleared her throat. “Ahem, I was wantin’ to thank y’all for this here party,” Applejack said with a smile, as she started to look a bit nervous. “Ah... I was also wantin’ to tell y’all ‘bout somethin’ wonderful that’s happened... I’m just not sure how t’ say it...” “We wanted to tell you something,” Rarity interrupted. “We have big news, everypony. Applejack and I are in love.” When she finished, you could hear a pin drop in the room. Every jaw was on the floor, and everypony was looking around at each other in shock. “You’re what?” Twilight was the first to regain speech, albeit full of skepticism. She eyed the two shrewdly and critically. “But you two can’t even stand to be around each other for more than an hour.” “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, Twi, but I’ve been stayin’ at Rarity’s for, like, the past week,” Applejack said with a slight smirk. “And we haven’t gone and killed one another yet.” “Twilight, darling, our arguments tended to happen because we didn’t truly know one another,” Rarity added. “This past week has been enlightening for the both of us. Never mind allowing certain emotions to bloom.” “It came as a bit of a surprise to us, too, Twi,” Applejack continued, “but so far it’s been nice.” “Applejack has even been helping me in the shop with no complaints,” Rarity added. “She’s been modeling the dresses for me.” Every pony in the room turned their attention towards Applejack, and they all bore the same bewildered expression. “Applejack wore a dress... of her own free will?” “It ain’t the first time I wore a dress,” Applejack said with just a hint of indignation. This wasn’t going nearly as well as they had hoped. Everypony seemed more shocked than supportive. “Well, uhm, I think you two look cute together.” Fluttershy’s voice was almost inaudible as she softly reassured the new lovers. Rarity smiled at her best friend in gratitude. “Thank you, Fluttershy. I’m glad somepony here is supportive.” Rarity was obviously miffed that her friends hadn’t immediately congratulated them. Big Macintosh stepped over, and bent down to look Applejack in the eye. “She make you happy, sis?” he asked. “More than I ever thought possible,” Applejack replied, honestly. “Ya know, I’d have thought you’d have gone for Rainbow Dash,” Mac mused thoughtfully. Applejack blinked, and gave the big red pony an incredulous look. “You're serious, aren’t you?” she asked. “HEY! I don’t swing that way!” Rainbow uttered, sounding offended. “Geez, why does everypony think that just ‘cause I’m a tomcolt I like mares?!” “I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!” Pinkie trilled triumphantly, bouncing around the pair. “I saw it the other day when we met on the street. Are you really in love? OH! Have you two kissed?!” She blurted the words so fast, it took awhile for all her questions to register to the other ponies. “It sure feels like we’re really in love,” Applejack said with a grin at the bouncy pink pony, at the second question, the blonde pony simply looked a bit goofy at the memory. “Oh come now, I’m not that good a kisser,” Rarity laughed. “I’d say you’re pretty darned good, Rare, but I don’t have, an’ don’t intend to have anythin’ to compare it to,” Applejack asserted. Granny Smith took the opportunity to hobble over, and give Rarity one of those looks that only one’s elders can get away with, startling the white unicorn quite a bit, making her come to stiff attention. “You take good care o’ her, y’hear!” she admonished. “Yes, ma’am! Whatever you say!” Rarity uttered, very nearly giving the old mare a crisp salute. Granny patted the fashionista's shoulder, and tottered away chuckling. “You’ll do.” “Good heavens, I feel like I’ve barely escaped with my horn intact,” Rarity murmured, slumping against Applejack. “Ahem,” Twilight cleared her throat before she spoke. “Maybe I was a little quick to judge. You do seem happy together. If you’re happy, then I’m happy.” She gave the two a reassuring smile and moved in closer for a hug. The other four ponies from their close circle of friends followed, and soon they were entangled in a rather large group hug.