Ponyville DxD

by Naughty_Ranko


Feeling restless, I climb out of the bed, trying to be as quiet as possible, so I don't wake up Rarity. We've been given rooms in the castle, until our return trip to Ponyville via train tomorrow.

After a week of sleeping on a hard forest floor, the bed just feels way to soft. I slowly close the door and walk along the corridor in front of our apartments, ending up on a balcony overlooking Canterlot.

I stand there for a minute, admiring the view. “My sister has outdone herself tonight.”

Turning, I can see the Princess of the Sun walking up to stand beside me, her eyes fixed on the night sky. “Princess Celestia. I didn't think you were still awake.”

“What about you? Trouble sleeping?” She turns the question around on me.

I sigh. “Guess so.” The truth is, the way my power went berserk during the Rating Game is still bothering me. But this is just something I'm gonna have to work out on my own. As I look over at her, I can't help but wonder. “Princess? Why are you still wearing that maid uniform?”

“Oh, this?” She giggles, admiring the unusual dress for a princess. “Believe it or not, it's actually quite comfortable. Plus it's kinda fun to watch my guards' reactions as I walk past them in the halls.”

There's a bit of silence as we watch the stars twinkle in the sky, but I guess this is a good opportunity to ask about something else that has been on my mind lately. “Princess Celestia? You were the one who found me, when I was still an egg, right?”

“That's correct, Spike.”

“You know, Ddraig told me that my father brought three eggs to Equestria, when he became a devil.”

“Did he now?” I can't really tell what she's thinking from the tone of her voice. It's one of the most infuriating things about her, that inability to give a straight answer at times. I have no idea how Twilight can stand it.

I nod. “He did. So I got one question for you: Where are my siblings?”