//------------------------------// // Apostrophe to the Stars // Story: The Back Shelf // by Dizzy Daze //------------------------------// O stars! ye shimmering beacons in the night, Which for many years upon years Were the sole comforters of my dejected soul. Like beings of immeasurable power, you recline Above the world. You shed slivers of light Over the land, sprinkling drops of silver Into the dreams of foals, Giving comfort to the nomads and wanderers With sparks of light in the black depths of the sky. You, whom I once created with my own hooves; You, whom I breathed life into with a gentle touch; You are truly my loyal subjects. My children. And I, your royal mother, do humbly and greatly thank you. No requests, nor pleadings, nor demands shall turn your heads, Yet to the humblest wish of a child do you rush to grant. Everlasting, all-seeing eyes; you observe silently the world Which must seem so small, so insignificant From such a lofty perch as yours. Selfless beings; you produce not a drop Of magic and light but to be enjoyed by a world Which gives nothing back, until, an eternity later, You silently flicker out. -Luna, Principem Equestria, Regina Noctis