//------------------------------// // The Hunt // Story: Seer // by Groupiegatalo //------------------------------// Twilight jumps over a fallen log as a bola goes under her. She lands and stumbles a bit before flashing her magic behind her and ward off or slow down her attacker. He hooves crash through the river and she soon finds herself in an opening by herself. She stumbles forward and looks behind her to see her pursuer coming out with a predator's smile painted on his face. "Your head shall adorn our wall. Every trophy, a victory." He says sliding his claws together as he stalks towards the cowering Twilight. He horn sparks and the cat man lets out a roar as he rushes forward. He jumps out of the way as a spear flies over Twilight head nearly hitting the monster. He rolls and stares past Twilight towards something unseen by her. She doesn't take her eyes off of the cat man as a voice speaks up, "Hello Rengar." "Nidalee. I see you have come far from home as well." Rengar says licking his lips, "No matter. I shall leave bodies in my wake." "You think too highly of yourself. You couldn't even kill Kha'zix." Rengar roars as her rushes forward on all fours. Nidalee laughs and magic is heard as the two rush each other. At this point Twilight takes the distraction and makes a run for it hoping to get away from them. As she runs she can only hope that the others are having some better luck than her. Her thoughts soon turn towards Zak hoping he hasn't run into too much trouble. Zak waits patiently as the new comer studies him closely. It's a man with a rifle on his back with a very gruff beard and shells around his neck. The man showed up some time after the first person came with his allies. Zak isn't sure if this one has allies hiding in the bushes too, but he won't take his chances. "Seems like you're not really made for the woods buddy." "Yea..." Zak replies never breaking his sight away from the others around the camp, "Not really made out to be... whatever I am." "A seer. Though I guess ya never had someone tellin ya that." The gruff man says sitting down beside him, "Though you got quite a group with ya that I can say fer sure." Zak can barely smell the scent of garlic and pines emitting off of his breath and clothes. Zak quickly comes to the decision that this guy has been in the woods way longer than anyone else he has met. This guy could be a real mountain man for all Zak knows. Zak moves a hand through his hair a few tears coming down his face, "I don't like it here." "I can tell youngin. Yer a novince as they all come. Many come here in these woods hopping to get away ferum all the thing sthat lay in their way. But here they don't know. Like you. Yer findin out and not likin it aint ya?" Zak only nods his head. The man reminds him of a father he never had. A father he wished he had. Zak unclenches and clenches his fist more and more his finger digging deep into his hand. He really hates being like this. Being forcefully put in situations he doesn't want to be in. He tried to deny everything and keep quiet, but it's the same as always. Found out and running away. Except this time he has no escape plan. The only thing he can think of his continue moving and hopefully make it somewhere safe. "Are yer not gonna fight?" The old man says standing up using his rifle. "I don't want to. But there doesn't seem to be much of a choice." He says giving a heavy sorrowful sigh and looking at his group. "There's always two road to be taken." He says reaching into his pocket and laying a small metal box next to him. The man starts walking away as Zak stares into the fire only glimpsing at the metal box. He shakes his head understanding day in and day out he's going to get pulled more and more into this mess. He fumbles with his thumbs as he knits his hands together. Things have truly changed into something far beyond what he thought would happen. "Thank you." He says quietly to himself as he sits there still staring into the fire wondering if the ones who aren't here are all right. He knows they're all strong and he's pretty sure that they'll stop at nothing to get back here. Though he worries none the less. It's only natural to worry. If he didn't, things would be so much worse. Worse in the sense that things can be. "Twilight... Please get back safe..." Morning slowly breaks above the canopy of trees. It sets a sign of many things seen differently all around the world. Currently in the forest is shows a sign of another successful night that they have lived through. It's a interesting notion of thought for Zak. He has always looked at each day as if he shouldn't be alive and thankful that he is. Now he knows it really is a blessing. After everything he just witnessed and the talks he has had... Zak stands up pocketing away the metal box into his right pocket. Jenny and the others start to wake from their slumbers. "Batteries at one hundred percent." Jenny says mechanically, "Good morning everybody." Jenny stretches as Grunt sits up and uses his axe as a prop to raise himself up, the girls fly up into the air stretching their tiny bodies, and Zak simply watches all of them as he fumbles with the metal box in his pocket. "Good morning Zak!" The three floating girls says in union. "Morning guys. As you can see Twilight and company aren't with us right now due to them finding a safe place to set up for tonight. I know you guys don't want to continue sleeping in the forest." Zak says trying to be casual and calm about it. "Oh. Should we go look for them?" Blossom asks flying up higher. Zak nods his head, "Yea. If you want, but be careful okay? We don't know what's all here." "Right!" Buttercup yells flying after her sister with Bubbles right behind her. "Are you sure they should-" Jenny starts. "Well. I trust them to stay out of trouble really. So why not." He says shrugging his shoulder even though mentally he's trying to figure out what to do about this situation. His body and mind aren't acting together well and he's sure it's making him make poor decisions. He looks at grunt and motion at the small fire. Grunt nods his head and puts it out with a few stomps of his foot. He hefts up his axe and walks over to Jenny and Zak. Zak nods his head, "Alright. Now we just need to wait a bit while-" An explosion cuts him off and he quickly looks off to where the girls flew to see smoke coming from their direction. "That could be from the girls!" Jenny says her feet turning into rockets and flying off, "I'll go ahead! Meet me there!" "Jenny!" Zak yells before cursing seeing as she's still going, "Alright Grunt. I hope you've recovered from the last time." Grunt smiles and points at himself, "For Hellscream!"