The Rainbow Pigment

by Jetstream S

The Origins of the Rainbow Pigment Part Two: Luna's Recount and Dash's Struggle

        Twilight and Luna walked along the castle’s northern wall, leaving the frozen fight behind. Their horns were alight with magic, casting a massive collaborative heat spell on the surrounding area. The snow on the wall had melted, revealing the black granite and a clear path to walk on.

Despite being a wall, it was quite wide, allowing both princesses to walk comfortably side by side. They silently examined the other three spires in the distance, only just visible beyond the curtain of snow and ice. Twilight shivered, walking a little closer to Luna and adding magic to the heat spell.

After a period of silence, Twilight finally broke it.

"Princess, I don't understand."

Luna looked down at her, casting a knowing glance.

"Twilight Sparkle, there is much about the world that you have not yet come across."

Twilight looked up in wonder, curiosity piqued.

Luna looked down at the stone, stopping. She rubbed the granite tenderly, heaving a long sigh.

"One of those things, and one I hope you never have to face, is the brutality and horror of war."

Twilight followed Luna's gaze down to the wall.

"...I see," Twilight whispered.

Luna shook her head as her eyes seemed to be staring into space.

"No, Twilight. I'm afraid you don't."

Twilight sighed and looked at Luna.

 "Princess, I'm confused."

Luna looked up from the stone, head slightly cocked. "About?"

"The reason you and I are here at all, why the book was sent to me, and what happened back at the library?"

Before Luna could answer, Twilight cut her off again.

"And have you seen Rainbow Dash? Its been two days and none of us have-"

A hoof under her jaw closed her mouth with a soft click. "Twilight, I will answer all that you wish to know, but in an orderly and timely fashion."

Twilight realized she had been rambling and blushed a bit. "R-right, Princess. My apologies."

"Now. As to our current location.”

Luna blew some snowflakes from her face, watching with interest as they floated away.

“We are within the book itself. We are but observers of a long forgotten memory.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow, hovering between two possible answers.

“So,” Twilight said, hoof on her chin, “we’re in the past?”

Luna chuckled a little, blowing away another large snowflake with her nose.

“Well, you’re not wrong, but you aren’t accurate.”

Twilight deadpanned.

“We are within my own memories. My link to the past, inscribed within the pages of the book that you were given.”

“So, you were able to enchant your personal diary with a... memory scribe spell? That’s amazing, Luna!”

“I thought it was too, when Starswirl first proposed it.”

Twilight’s eyes lit up at the mention of his name. “Are we gonna meet him?! See him?! Talk with him?!

Luna smiled. “No.”

Twilight’s happy demeanor was crushed almost instantly.

“However,” Luna rebounded, “we will see her.”

"HER?!" Twilight asked in shock. “The history books and every school I've heard of always referred to Starswirl as a stallion! Even Celestia-"

Luna held up her hoof, silencing Twilight.

"Must you believe everything my sister says?" She asked with a roll of her eyes.

Twilight was silent, mulling something over. "Okay, I guess it could be possible."

"You see, in those times, unicorns with superior skill in magic were nearly all stallions, with mares making a mere one percent of the population. Namely myself and my sister."

Twilight nodded. "So Starswirl concealed her identity with a gender spell? How... Uncomfortable!"

Luna shook her head. "Not exactly," she corrected. "Using her magical prowess, she crafted an intricate illusion spell that allowed her to remain a mare, but appear and sound like a stallion to all those around."

"Wow," Twilight gaped. “That seems like a very excruciating spell to keep up twenty four-seven.”

Luna nodded. “It was characterized by the constant glow that shrouded her horn. Nopony could explain it, but it was known that the glow was usually a sign of tremendous magical strength.”

Twilight focused a small sliver of magic through her horn, making the spiral groove glow softly. “Like this?”

Luna smiled, shaking her head. “Not quite.”

The glow fizzled out as Twilight huffed.

“Maybe you could learn if you saw it yourself?”

Before Twilight could blink, the white snow began to swirl and contort as the scenery all around began to transform. The walls warped and began to elongate, growing taller and more structured. The snow solidified, taking a swirly appearance before hardening into a lustrous marble. The  rough and mangled part of the wall they had been standing on took on a more managed appearance, smoothing to a mostly straight walkway.

The frozen snowstorm began to move once again, blowing off into an abyss as warm air suddenly replaced the bitter cold. Grass sprang from the dirt as the mangled bodies disappeared into the wind, and several enormous Yew trees began sprouting and growing before their eyes.

Twilight felt sick through the whole ordeal, as though she had eaten four bowls of chili and had gone through Rainbow Dash's entire book of home made stunts.

"I-is it over?" Twilight groaned, struggling to keep what little contents of her stomach in place.

"Yes. Welcome to the Castle of the Two Sisters, nearly one thousand and ten years ago," Luna stated with pride.

Twilight looked up, instantly enthralled by what she saw. The castle had gone from an ancient ruin buried under hundreds of feet of snow, to a massive, marble-floored parlour.

Pillars of granite towered over Twilight, supporting a ceiling that mimicked the sky with color. Chandeliers hung high overhead, casting a bright glow from the thousands of candles that lined their massive, intricately crafted arms. Hundreds of paintings lined the walls, displaying the portraits of what Twilight could only guess were ponies of importance. The aura of the palace could be seen as utterly peaceful, not a hint of what Twilight had seen earlier was reflected in this magnificent castle.

"It... It’s beautiful, Princess..." Twilight exhaled, walking forward a little.

The soft clop of hoof on marble echoed through the massive hall that led to the main throne room as Luna followed close behind Twilight. They each took in the sight, watching as the sun poured through the massive stained glass windows. Much like the palace in Canterlot, each of the stained glass windows depicted an important event. From a pony raising a sword to the sky, to a pegasus enclosed by a rainbow circle, each was a masterpiece of its own.

Twilight’s gaze fell upon a massive plateau of marble, where on top sat two thrones. One of gold, and one of ebony. She smiled, instantly recognizing them as Celestia and Luna’s thrones.

“Princess,” Twilight gasped, “are those…”

“Indeed they are.”

Twilight walked forward, nearing the first steps of the plateau when a door swung open to her far left.

There, flanked by two guards, was Princess Celestia herself just as regal as ever.

“Princess Celestia! There you…”

She didn’t respond, walking right past Twilight in a swift march. Her guards were following close behind, far closer than Twilight had ever seen Celestia be comfortable with. Something was wrong, and Twilight had a hunch she would find out soon enough.

She turned back to Luna, who was looking out a small window to something down below. The look on her face spelled something of sorrow and regret, but still remained firm and diligent. Twilight was beginning to suspect that either something very bad was about to happen, or this was simply a solemn reminder of the things she had before the war she spoke of.

“Twilight, come here please.”

Twilight walked over to Luna, who was still looking out the window.

“There, at the courtyard gates. Tell me what you see.”

Twilight followed Luna’s gaze as best she could, her eyes falling on a lone figure standing in front of the closed iron bars. Its frame was far larger than that of a pony, yet still comparable. The tiny bulges from its sides indicated that it indeed had wings, but Twilight could see no horn. She looked at Luna, confused.

“Princess, is that a griffon?”

Luna nodded only once, her eyes unwavering.

Twilight looked back down.

“But what is a griffon doing…”

She went silent as the form of Celestia entered her view. Her guards’ armor shone brightly in the evening sun as they approached the gates. The shine of Celestia’s golden magic encased the gates and they swung open, allowing the griffon to enter. He walked past the guards, seeming to be talking with Celestia.

“Twilight,” Luna started, “I am sure you are aware of certain memories that stay with you for a lifetime, no matter how much you wish they did not.”

Twilight nodded, trying to keep those particular memories from clouding her current judgement.

“Yes, Princess, I am aware. But what does that… Oh.”

Twilight knew she had been right. This was a memory within the book that was of great significance, and from the look on her face, a very bad one.

“But Princess, if this is a bad memory, why are you showing it to me?”

Luna looked at her and smiled weakly. “Because I believe it is a key point in time you will need to know for your friend’s trials ahead.”

“Trials?” Twilight repeated, now more confused than intrigued.

“Listen, learn, and do not try to intervene, regardless of what may happen.”

Luna faded from sight, leaving Twilight to face the upcoming ordeal alone. She redirected her attention outside, just in time to see Celestia’s flowing tail disappearing into the sill as they walked back toward the castle’s main door. Twilight ran to the door, hiding behind one of the pillars to await their entrance. Her ears perked as an unfamiliar voice graced them.

“...As you are aware, I am here to inform you of a very important matter,” the voice said.

The urgency was evident, but it was still composed despite the heavy accent. Twilight guessed it was Griffonian.

“Indeed. You have come a long way on your own to tell me.”

Celestia’s voice was a very welcome one to hear after everything that had transpired. But still, the feeling remained hollow as Twilight knew she could not speak with her. So she stood quietly, ears focused on the ensuing conversation.

“I came on my own because I fear my king will not take kindly to our meeting,” the griffon said, seeming rather nervous. “However,” he continued, “what I have to tell you may well save our countries, and our people.”

Celestia’s eyes narrowed and she straightened considerably.

“Ambassador, I truly hope that what you are about to suggest does not involve what you are implying.”

The griffon remained silent.

“By the Maker…” Celestia seethed. “King Raybrandt is willing to go to war for his foolish desires?!”

The pillars and walls seemed to shake at the ferocious volume of Celestia’s voice. The Ambassador cowered, backing away several inches.

“P-Princess, please, I bring this news to you as a sign of goodwill,” the griffon pleaded. “I do not condone any of my king’s intentions, however promising they sound.”

Celestia’s eyes darted to the Ambassador and seemed to burn with a sudden sense of pride.

“You dare insult the capabilities of my armies?!” Celestia bellowed. ”Shall I show your king my resolve by sending his Ambassador back to his borders in a casket?!”

Her guards’ horns began to glow, encasing the handles of their swords in a white and blue aura.

Immediately realizing his mistake, the Ambassador quickly bowed and closed his wings – the griffon sign of submission in this olden time.

“Princess, I was referring to King Raybrandt’s promises of a better world for his subjects!” He quickly rebounded, praying his head would remain on his shoulders. “The entire reason I am here is to open the door to diplomacy! Not to insult the mighty Equestrian military!”

Celestia’s temper evened out, relieving the golden aura that had gathered over her body. While witnessing the sight, it took Twilight a good few seconds to realize her whole body was shaking out of fear. She was stunned at the ferocity of Celestia’s temper. All her life, she had known her mentor to be extremely forgiving and even passive to major mistakes made by her subjects. She had even intentionally released Discord—albeit under threat of immediate re-sealing should anything go amiss—in order to give him a chance at redemption. But now, she was witnessing her nearly explode over a misunderstood comment.

The Ambassador was still bowed low, heart fighting to jump out of his chest. Celestia waved to her guards to release their swords, and she walked to the panicked griffon.

“Sirus, I did not mean to cause such fear,” Celestia apologized, “I am merely shaken at the fact that your king would even consider the prospect of war. Especially after the last one…”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. The… last one?

“Tell me Sirus, what is the status of his armies? Have they begun any sort of preparations?”

Sirus stood once again on shaking legs, rubbing his head to clear the fuzziness brought on by fear. “I have not seen any ongoing preparations for war, your Highness. However, talks within the Council have pushed the prospect ever further, and King Raybrandt is more than ready to discuss the possibility day after day.”

Celestia’s eyes narrowed, her wings flaring.

“I-I sense that my king will authorize a preemptive strike on Equestrian villages near our borders,” Sirus continued. “I have come to warn you, lest you be caught off guard.”

Celestia’s horn glowed for a moment, fizzling out as a pegasus flew into the hall. The guard landed gracefully in front of Celestia, bowing low.

“You sent for me, Princess?” he asked, standing again.

“Yes, Commander Ferris. I need you to personally deliver an order to increase border security between Griffonia and Equestria. I fear we may be in the midst of another war.”

Without question, the pegasus took flight, flying through an open skylight.

Twilight kept pace with Celestia and Sirus as they walked down the corridors of the palace. She walked right behind them, knowing she couldn’t be seen. She listened to the conversation with great interest, learning all about the Equestriotaur War. Celestia didn't hold back like Twilight knew she would have had she known her student was there. Honestly, it made her quite sick to hear what Celestia had done to a legion of Minotaurs by herself. It made her seem far more powerful than Twilight had ever thought of her. Sirus looked a little green himself, standing out against his sterling white feathers.

The sun outside had gradually begun to lower, made evident by the faint continuous glow of Celestia’s horn.

At a certain corridor, they both stopped.

“Sirus, I want you to tell my sister everything you have told me. For it is she that is responsible for the night watch, and dusk is fast approaching.”

“Yes, Princess,” Sirus replied, turning to face the depths of the corridor.

Twilight sat, thinking on what she had already heard, watching and waiting for what came next.

She didn’t have to wait long.

Celestia's ears swiveled to the right, catching Twilight's attention. The reason was unknown, until she felt her own ears follow. The sound of yelling, and a sound that could only be described as a bellowing shriek tore its way through the palace halls.

Sirus' pupils contracted to the size of sugar grains. He knew that sound all too well: the cry of an enraged griffon king.


Celestia turned to see a guard running in their direction.

"Ebony Rose, what is all the commotion?!" Celestia asked.

The guard slid to a halt, looking at Celestia with panic in her dark violet eyes.

"Princess come quick! A small force of griffon commandos have infiltrated the palace grounds and are making short work of our forces!”

The black pegasus took off, beckoning Celestia to follow.

“Stay here Sirus. I will return.”

Sirus was too frightened to reply, only able to nod his head.

Celestia took off after her guard, leaving a shaking griffon and one of her guards to look after him.

Twilight ran after Celestia, looking back to Sirus and his guard and wondering what would become of him if the intruders were to find them. If she remembered correctly, Sirus had left his country and sought out Princess Celestia in an act of treason. Being a barbaric race, Maker only knows what they would do to him if he was caught.

Twilight looked forward again just in time to collide with Princess Luna, who merely shuddered while Twilight was knocked to the floor in a daze. Looking up, Twilight was relieved to see that it wasn’t a griffon, but rather her only real company in this nightmare.

“Princess, what’s happening?!” Twilight demanded to know as she rose from the floor.

Without hesitation, Luna looked Twilight in the eyes and narrowed hers. “This is the part where you must pay close attention.”

“Attention to what?!” Twilight snapped back. “All I know thus far is that a war happened, that griffon came to warn Celestia of a possible impending attack, and now some griffons are attacking the guards outside!”

Luna’s gaze remained stern. “But one griffon among the group outside is by no means your average soldier.”

With that, Luna again vanished into the air, leaving no trace she was ever there.

Twilight huffed, running to follow after Celestia. What the buck have I gotten myself into...

Dash could feel the energy flowing through her, giving her limbs the strength to move a mountain. Her lungs burned from the lack of air, and she gave one last burst of movement to free herself.

Velocita watched as the sphere of water surrounding her opponent exploded outward, along with her aura. The magical backlash literally slapped her in the face, making her reel to the side. Dash landed on her hooves, chest heaving with every pained breath.

“Okay…” Dash coughed. “It. Is. On.”

Velocita rubbed the fresh cut on her cheek, shaking her head. She didn’t respond, watching as Dash’s mane began to float on its own accord. The water that had gathered on her coat began to steam, twisting around her in an upward spiral. Surrounding water at her hooves began to boil, the resulting steam adding to the dramatic helix.

Velocita took a step back, eyes focused firmly on Dash. She reached for her sword, gasping as she remembered what happened to it. This time, she would have to rely on the resourcefulness of her power and experience.

“You really shouldn’t have done that…” Dash growled, rushing Velocita with blinding speed.

Being the master she was over her power, Velocita could have easily dodged Rainbow’s furious dash. However, the spark of pride that they shared had roared into a flame and she stood her ground. Leaning all one hundred and forty pounds of her weight to her rear, she stood on her hind legs to catch Dash's outstretched forehooves with her own.

To Rainbow's surprise, the mage stood her ground against her assault. However, she could see her reared up on her hind legs, trying to predict her point of impact. Still a dozen feet out, Dash deftly adjusted her flight path, aiming lower. The look on Velocita's face could've served as entertainment for the whole family as Dash met her target: Velocita's unarmored belly.

A loud crack followed by the satisfying sound of air forcefully leaving one's lungs graced Dash's ears as she pile drove Velocita into the water, creating a wave that exploded outward from her back. Through the pain, Velocita managed to summon a little magic, using it to separate her back from the bedrock floor. Unfortunately, it also decreased the friction between them, making them slide through the dense water like a soapy Slip n’ Slide. She could feel Dash’s hooves beginning to burn her stomach, adding to the pain that was surging through her abdomen and back.

With a burst of strength and good positioning, Velocita managed to get her hind hooves under Dash’s stomach and kick with all her might. Dash was ejected, but her focus was not lost. Her wings spread, catching the wind and sending her several more feet into the air where she watched as Velocita performed a backflip to an upright stance.

“Th-that was very... *hah* very good… *hah*...”

Velocita’s breaths came in weak, pained gasps as she gripped her stomach. She looked down, seeing a massive bruise beginning to form against her bright blue coat. In the darkness, she could see a sharp object poking out from under her skin, and she could guess through the painful breaths that it had to be her lowest rib.

A gust of wind against the back of her neck made her bristle, and she brought her head back up to look straight. Her blue eyes met bright crimson and she tried to backpedal, only to feel her chestplate locked in place by her opponent’s grip.

Rainbow yanked her opponent and pressed her forehead against hers. Velocita's ears went flat as Dash's voice graced them. It had changed, becoming intertwined with Velocita's.

“Who’s the slow one now?”

Twilight skidded to a halt, barely avoiding hitting Celestia's hind leg as she rounded a corner. Twilight had no idea why she had stopped, but the slight tremble she detected made the hair on her neck bristle.

Celestia was staring straight forward, struggling to comprehend the sight before her. Dozens of guards lay dead or dying in the middle of the entrance to the palace, and what took the cake was the griffon in the middle of the mess.

Tears filled Celestia's eyes as the sight became too much, and she lowered her head. However, the longer she stood there the more she realized: The griffons had struck preemptively.

Twilight watched with muted horror, backing away with wide eyes. Even though she knew she could not be seen, the hair on her neck bristled and her ears splayed back. She could feel impending doom encircling her, lurking just outside of range, as though something was watching her from all sides.

A pain-ridden scream echoed through the corridors, snapping Celestia out of her stupor, and she stood upright in a flash. Her horn took on a sickly yellow glow–far deeper than her usual gold, and the room began to cool rapidly.

She muttered something and she began walking forward. Twilight reluctantly followed, keeping a respectable distance. She had the feeling that Celestia had finally snapped as her breath began to become visible. The large windows that lined the walls became entombed in a thick layer of frost, and Twilight's ears splayed back as she backed away, shivering in the intense cold.

Celestia's wings flared wide, the resulting gust of wind blowing numerous artifacts from their pedestals on the walls, and making paintings fall from their perches. Twilight's mane flew back and her eyes were forced to shut as the bitter cold wind bit into her face and neck.

The sickly yellow magic began to shroud Celestia's body, filling the hall with its eerie glow. Twilight watched in a mixed state of awe and terror as the magic began to solidify, creating an armor that covered most of her body. It shone in the last rays of the setting sun with a bright golden luster, and she seemed to gain almost a foot in height. The leading edges of her wings were covered in segmented plates that were designed to glide flawlessly with her movements, without sacrificing protection through gaps. A helmet hovered her head, only allowing her ears and horn to protrude. When she exhaled, bright purple light lit up her breath as it passed in front of her eyes.

She was the spitting image of Nightmare Moon, only brighter.

She lowered her head and widened her stance, pointing her horn in the direction of where she thought the screams were coming from.

Another scream reverberated through the halls and Celestia's ears flicked to the left. She began to hover, wings still extended as far as they could go in either direction. Then, a sound that resembled swords clashing reached them, and Celestia's wings gave a single, mighty flap.

Twilight barely had time to put up her shield as the wind reached her, and she was put into the wall. The world spun as her shield flickered out and her back slid down the wall. Had it not been for her augmented body, she would certainly have been killed from a hit like that.

Celestia was gone, having sped off in a heartbeat to aid the remaining guards. She hoped her appearance wouldn't frighten them.

She flew around corners at uncanny speeds, narrowly avoiding support columns and hanging chandeliers, banners and various other adornments that hung from the ceiling. While Celestia homed in on the noises that ground against her ears like a nail on a chalkboard, Twilight was only just getting her bearings.

"Come now, Twilight.”

She looked up, seeing Luna staring down at her with a disappointed look on her face.

"You could take a hit from Tirek but not a feeble tap on the back such as this?"

"I-If you recall," Twilight stated dryly, "I was overcharged with the magic of four alicorns."

Luna rolled her eyes, focusing magic through her horn. The world began to warp and swirl, making Twilight close her eyes to avoid adding to the dizzying sensation that accompanied the sudden and bizarre motions.

"Prepare yourself, Twilight." Luna's voice reached her as though it was fading. "For now you will witness the ruthlessness of war..."

Rainbow held Velocita tight, the heat from her hooves turning the metal of her chestplate a dull red. The water surrounding them was turning to steam, creating a fog denser than the first. Through the mist, Dash's eyes cast a dull red light, adding a sense of power that instilled fear in Velocita's heart.

"So, how 'bout it?" Dash asked, her voice still a synthesis between the two. "What's the secret to unlocking your power?"

The metal of her chestplate was becoming too hot to bear, and she mustered up some magic to cast a teleportation spell. But as soon as her horn began to glow, Dash's eyes flicked up–followed closely by her hoof.

Velocita had milliseconds to react before Dash's scorching hoof closed around her horn. In a panic, she released the spell too early, resulting in a blast of magic that sent Dash flying. Velocita's chestplate slammed into her chest, still red hot, and the smell of burning fur and flesh filled her nostrils long before she fell backwards into the water. The plate hit the water with a loud hiss, and Velocita screamed in pain beneath the surface.

Dash had recovered, but was in a similar shape herself. The blast had scorched her cheek, leaving the fine blue fur blackened and flesh swollen with the burn.

She watched from above as the water boiled where she had dropped Velocita, and she could see bubbles dancing on the water's surface. Velocita broke the surface, enticing a smirk from Dash. The metal of her chest plate was warped and black, and the chest it was protecting was heaving shallow breaths of pain and panic.

"Rainbow Dash!" Velocita screamed. "I could get you for this!!"

"Hah! Looks like somepony’s a little overcooked!" Dash called down.

She didn't know it, but the power she had mustered had diminished, leaving her vulnerable once again.

Velocita looked up and through pain ridden eyes saw that Dash's hype had ceased. I see he hasn't figured it out yet...

She stood, her chestplate still steaming, and her horn sparked to life. A beep blue aura surrounded her barrel, and the metal began to separate from her chest. She squeaked in pain as she pulled, pulling the metal from the cauterized skin with a sickening ripping noise. Finally, the spent metal fell to the water with a hard splash, instantly hitting the ground beneath and cracking it in all directions.

Dash was shocked. The metal that comprised her armor was far heavier than she had thought. The water began to drain into the cracks, drawing a smooth current from all around. Velocita’s magic continued to surround her chest and stomach, mending the wounds Dash had inflicted.

“I believe we’ve gotten off on the wrong hoof,” Velocita called up to her. “Allow me to show you just how outmatched you really are…”

Dash smirked and felt the power within her begin to stir once again.

“Bring it on, old mare--”

Before she could blink, Velocita was face to face with her. Blue eyes met wine for a fraction of a second, before Velocita’s hoof made contact with Dash’s good cheek. She couldn’t even register the pain before she was sent spinning through the air and into the water like a limp ragdoll.

Unbeknownst to Dash, the loss of Velocita’s armor had further augmented her speed. After shedding four hundred pounds, she could move at speeds well over what the pony eye could follow. Only by unlocking the Blue Power, could Dash ever stand a chance at seeing her adversary's attacks.

SItting up from the water, Dash rubbed her cheek as the red light emanating from her mane died down. Yet again, Kuvvet’s power had come to her aid and reinforced her body. She was beginning to wonder how she had ever lived through her daredevil crashes without it.

“I see mere punches to the face won’t be enough to put you down, eh?” Velocita called over. “I guess I’ll just have to rip you apart.. One piece at a time..”

Dash wiped the corner of her mouth and scowled at Velocita, whose wounds were now but a memory. “OH YEAH?! We’ll see who comes out on top after I get through with you!!”

Dash could feel the power begin to flow, but at an uneasy pace and clouded path. The full extent of the Blue Power was still out of her reach, and she couldn’t figure out why.

Dash looked past her clouded mind to where Velocita was standing. But yet again, in an instant, it looked as though she had simply vanished. Only to reappear not two feet from where she stood.

Your worthless pride will be your DOWNFALL!

Velocita spun, connecting her hind leg with Dash’s branded shoulder. The hexagon shimmered for a moment before a searing pain erupted through her shoulder, and she was sent skipping over the water’s surface. Her mouth opened in a soundless scream as each skip brought the pain of colliding with concrete.

“Your worthless pride will be your downfall”.. what does that even mean??  Dash thought as she finally came to a rest and sunk beneath the thick water. Before she could scramble to the surface for air, Velocita was upon her again, and a hoof was jammed into her mouth.

Dash reached up to grab the leg that held her, only to feel a tingle run through her forelegs and have them pinned to her sides under water.

"I think you need a nap..." Dash heard as her vision began to cloud with spots.

"This again?"

Dash's eyes shot open and she immediately realized where she was. A white pegasus stallion stared down at her, his nose mere inches from hers. Her muzzle scrunched up as his breath graced it, which surprisingly smelled of apples. Unfocusing her vision led her to see a dark, inky black sky peppered with millions of white, twinkling stars. It all seemed like a normal night in Ponyville, save for the slight rippling of the sky and floating apple tree.

Wha... floating apple…?

Her eyes focused again, allowing her to see Star Prism chewing on something.

“Still as prideful and arrogant as when you started, aren’t you.”

Some apple spittle landed on Dash’s cheek and she deadpanned. Sitting up, she wiped it away and glared at the white pegasus.

“Great. So I guess the Blueberry won, huh.”

“My dear, the night is still young… Anything can happen!” He seemed much more cheerful than before as he took another massive bite from his golden apple.

Dash got to her hooves and looked around. She seemed to completely ignore Star Prism as she did, making him frown a little. It wasn’t until she looked at him that he smiled. “So we’re in my head again, right?”

Prism nodded.


He shrugged. “Looks to me like you were getting your flank handed to you, so I thought I’d intervene.”

Dash rolled her eyes and walked over to the upside down apple tree, which was now low enough to the invisible floor for her to reach up and grab one. She bit into it, and juice flew everywhere from the hearty bite. Her eyes went wide as the taste graced her tongue. It was by far the freshest apple she had ever tasted and she fell to her butt with a shocked grin on her face.

“You know, being trapped within a young mare like yourself has its advantages,” Star Prism said as he walked over to her. “Your youthful mind provides some of the best food I could ever dream of!”

Dash snorted, still chewing her bite. “What?” She managed to ask over her full mouth.

“Have you ever heard the expression, ‘Food for thought’?”

Dash nodded as she took another bite. The stars seemed to shimmer a little brighter with every bite she took.

“What ish that suphosed to mean?” Dash said, sending some projectile pieces of apple into the void beneath them.

“It means, in your case, there is so much potential to be tapped within your mind, that you couldn’t possibly comprehend it right now.”

Dash looked at him with a blank stare. After swallowing her bite of apple, she looked down at the apple in question. It shimmered with a light she had never seen before. The golden skin of the apple seemed to radiate an energy that resonated within her head.

“What the hell am I eating?”

“Well, to me, it looks like an apple,” Star Prism assured. “What does it look like to you?”

“An app-” Dash was cut off by Star Prism’s wing draping her her back. “No, really. What does it look like?”

Dash shivered under his wing, despite the warmth it radiated. Her face flushed, and the sky slowly turned a shade of deep pink and violet. She looked back down at the apple, and it shimmered brighter. She could see something within the mauled fruit, and the glow intensified into a bright purple glow. She dropped the apple, watching in horror as it plummeted down into the abyss that was her mind. She looked at Star Prism, who seemed to be counting under his breath.

“What are you…”

Before she could ask, the purple light far below seemed to disappear, before exploding in a fantastic display of every hue of purple imaginable. Dash flinched as the fireball rocketed up and spread across the sky. There, in front of an amazed Rainbow Dash, were images of her best friend Twilight Sparkle.

"Why is-"

"Just watch. Why do you think your friend Twilight is so powerful?"

Dash continued to watch the images, and they seemed to concentrate more on when Trixie had visited Ponyville. Twilight had been so reluctant to show off her amazing magical skill, and in doing so, gained the respect she had wanted from her friends.

"She's humble about her strengths..." Dash breathed, suddenly realizing.

Star Prism smiled and took the last bite of his apple before tossing the core into the void. "Indeed. But can you also be humble? Can you toss aside the poison that is pride, and use your abilities as they were meant to be?"

Dash looked at Star Prism as the images eventually came to a halt. The sky once again turned an inky black, and the stars twinkled brightly in the background.

“It was meant to protect and serve the ponies of Equestria, right…?”

Star Prism nodded, looking at her with a smile. “Indeed. Now, shouldn’t you be getting back? I don’t think Velocita is the patient type.”

Dash stood and nodded. She held her head still, bracing for the impact. Sure enough, Prism’s wing extended as fast as it could, hitting Dash directly in the temple. The world spun and shimmered, dissolving away as Dash’s unconscious form fell into the void. Star Prism closed his eyes and smiled as he was swept away with the rest of the dream.

“Go get her, Dashie…”