//------------------------------// // Social Networking // Story: Mane Six vs. Technology // by StevieBond //------------------------------// There was a knock on the door which caused the ponies to gasp. "Room service!" A young male hotel manager called. "Oh pony feathers." Applejack said. "Looks like I'm gonna have to bust some chops!" Rainbow declared, bumping her hooves. "Rainbow!" Rarity replied, "How can you be so insensitive?" But until now, they noticed Pinkie opening the door. "No Pinkie!" Twilight yelled. "You'll scare him away!" But it was too late, the manager walked in and saw Pinkie by her feet. "Hi human, wanna be my friend?" she asked with hope. The manager stared back in horror, exchanging blinks with Pinkie who tilt her head to the side slightly. "Y-y-y-you're the p-p-p-ponies?" he asked, shivering and sweating. "Of course we are, silly." "But we're not the ponies like here on earth." Fluttershy added who approached him confidently. "Oh god...so it is true! You're the ponies from the news!" the manager replied nervously. "Oooh, does that mean we're famous?" Pinkie asked. Twilight face-hoofed. "Please don't run away human." Fluttershy said. "We don't mean any harm to you creatures." "Well err...I'm sure you d-d-don't." the manager replied who was starting to feel less scared. "But that doesn't mean I'm just going to walk away and forget about this." "So you're going to tell those other humans that we live here?" Rarity asked. "Well, something has to be done." "In that case, we may have to tie ya up and have ya stay 'ere like a turkey on a mornin' spree." Applejack said. The manager gasped and felt scared once more. "No, no, no, no, no, get your hooves away from me!" "Applejack!" Fluttershy said, "That's no way to be friendly with a human." She walked even closer to him and was now under half a meter away, she held out her hoof to him as if to shake it with his hand. "Don't be scared, we're not gonna hurt you. I'll keep you safe for as long as you want." He shivered a little, holding his right hand out before he got hold of Fluttershy's left hoof. "See? We don't mean any harm." She added. Fluttershy then got on her backlegs and hugged the manager around the waist which startled him, but seconds later, he felt a moment of warmth and peace, he found the courage to accept the hug as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders. The other ponies stared at what Fluttershy was doing, but thought best to not get involved. "Alright ponies." the manger said as he let go of the hug, "I'll let you stay in the hotel for as long as you like and I promise not to tell anyone." "Do you Pinkie Pie promise?" Pinkie asked. "What kind of promise is that?" the manager asked back. "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" The six mares replied, doing the actions. The manager blinked since it was different to the normal way of saying a pinkie promise. "Go on, try it!" Pinkie said. "Uh okay." he held up his left hand and followed the same action. "Cross my heart and hope to errr fly, stick a cupcake errr in my eye?" he replied before stopping himself from poking himself in the eye. "Uh, close enough." Rainbow said. "So much for brinin' my rope along." Applejack muttered. "By the way, I need to ask you something, human." Twilight said, "Do you still write letters like we do in Equestria?" "Equestria?" the manager asked in confusion, "Errr, not much these days. We tend to use emails and social networking." "What's social net-what do ya call it again?" Applejack asked. "Social networking and why should I know that? I'm just a hotel manager." he then began to open the door, "But if you're interested, there is an internet cafe across the street from here." "That sounds fun!" Pinkie replied. "But we can't go out because we'll scare them away." Twilight reminded them. "They're only scared because of the news and the media making a big deal out of it." the manager replied, "I'm sure that in time, they'll become more accepting like I am with you right now." "I guess we could try to get out and see more of London." "That's more like it, now I should be getting back to my job." "Oh, one last thing." Pinkie said before she went right close to his eyes. "You ever break this Pinkie Pie promise and I will be in your dreams...foooooreeeveeerr!" "Uh I promise...I won't tell another living soul!" "Okay." she then got off him and smiled once more. The manager then left the room and closed the door behind him, not saying another word. "Uh Pinkie, that wasn't exactly nice to say." Fluttershy said. "Yeah but we can't really argue with that, if anypony is a pony of his or her word, it's Pinkie." Rainbow replied. "Well darlings, I think it's time we took his advice and explore the city." Rarity said. "That's if anypony else wants to do the same." Applejack added. The others nodded in agreement and even Twilight now liked the idea. "Well, since we're all in agreement, let's go." Twilight placed her guide book on the bed and took the hotel room key as the others all made thier way out of the hotel room. Twilight was the last to leave, she closed the door and locked it and they caught a lift to the ground floor, when they arrived, they looked around to check for any humans in sight. When the coast was clear, they left the hotel close together and began walking and looked around where they were, before they noticed the internet cafe the manager told them about. Due to the media scare earlier, there wasn't many people or cars around, so it was pretty much safe for them to cross the road and on the other side, Twilight opened the door and they walked in to find the Internet Cafe full of people which surprised them. "Woah, I don't think any of us were expecting it to be this busy." Rainbow exclaimed. Rainbow's outburst inadvertently got all the humans's attention away from their computers and gasped. "You and your big mouth, dear." Rarity muttered. "We should probably stand away from the door in case they run away." Fluttershy said quietly. The others followed suit as they stood away before the humans began to scream in terror like a sound wave as they all ran away from the cafe and out onto the streets. "Ah wish these humans would stop doin' that." Applejack said. "It's beginnin' to depress me a bit." "I know, but maybe someday in the future, they'll come round to us." Twilight replied. They explored the internet cafe and noticing the computers, wondering what they do. "They don't look like television screens to me." Rainbow said. "They're computer monitors." Twilight corrected. "They show what's on the screen, much like TV's." "Well, at least there's more than enough for us to have one each." Fluttershy said. The ponies got on a chair and sat down, facing the computers they each had. "What are these?" Rarity asked. "They are a mouse and a keyboard." Twilight replied. "Ya sure? This don't look like a mouse...unless it's shaped like one." Applejack said as she tried grabbing hold of it. "You sort of answered your own question there, Applejack. You just click one of the buttons to open up an internet browser, it's simple." "Well of course it would be simple to you, nerd." Rainbow smirked. Twilight frowned before she clicked on the Firefox Browser icon, the others did the same, all of them were shown the search bar page. "So how do we use these keyboards?" Applejack asked. "They look mighty small for our hooves." "Well I guess we just have to be careful with typing, although Rarity and I can use our magic to make a hand appear and type for us." Twilight replied. "But I don't know how to make a hand appear." Rarity moaned. "My magic isn't as strong as yours, despite me being fabulous with fashion." "Oh, I can show you right now if that makes it easier." "Please do, dear." Whilst Twilight gave Rarity a magic lesson, the others were busy, being careful to type in whatever word they thought of in the search bar and clicked search underneath it. Fluttershy typed in animals and she was given thousands of links to wildlife websites. As she clicked on more and more pages and images, her smile grew bigger until it came across as a cheesy grin when she saw a few photos of animals that were...getting busy by accident. "Oh...my..." she said sheepishly. Applejack was searching on maps and getting a map view of London, she found it all confusing to understand the names and places at first. "Ah don't get any of this." she said "But ah can tell now that London has no farms, if only ah could go to one and see how a human farm works." Rainbow was searching for clouds and she found some weird shaped ones on a website. "Hey girls, check this out!" she said, "Got photos of clouds that look like other shapes." "That's nice, Rainbow." Applejack replied in an almost robotic tone with her face glued to her monitor screen. Rainbow looked at a few more before she saw a cloud that looked incredibly rude and she laughed out loud. Pinkie was looking at sites that had party bookings and reservations for special occasions which got her excited. "Wow!" she exclaimed. "These humans have parties for just as everything as I do!" she suddenly change her expression. "Wait a second, are they trying to copy me?" "Ah don't think they intend to do that." Applejack replied. "Besides, the humans don't know anythin' about us, let alone you." "I guess you're right." Meanwhile, Twilight had just finished giving lessons to Rarity about using a magic hand and now she was able to get the hang of it. Both unicorns used thier magic to type in on thier keyboards. Rarity looked at the fashion store sites whilst Twilight searched for local libraries. "Oooh, looks like some humans do know the right way of fashion after all." Rarity commented. "Look at these dresses, they would do wonders for my boutique business." "That's if they were in pony size." Rainbow remarked. "Oh you laugh, Rainbow. But someday, I'll be more famous in Canterlot than say being a Wonderbolt." "Yeah, yeah..." There was a slight rumble coming from outside the store, this got the ponies to jump slightly and they hide underneath the computer desks. There was an army tank that was rolling down the street along with a few soldiers. The tank stopped moving right outside the internet cafe and the soldiers looked inside to see nothing out of the usual and they shrugged and left the store before jogging along with the tank that started moving again until it was out of sight and the trembling stopped, meaning it was safe for the ponies to come out of hiding. "That was a close one, girls." Twilight said, breathing a sigh of relief. "So much for us bein' brave against humans." Applejack replied. "Those humans didn't look very friendly." Fluttershy added. "I would agree, they were either soldiers like the Canterlot royal guard or humans making a fashion statement." Rarity said as she shuffled her hooves. "Maybe we should get out of this cafe, just in case they come back." Twilight advised. "I'm sure there's more for us to explore and try out." "Yeah! Let's go!" Pinkie replied. They left the internet cafe and walked along down the street, after a few minutes, they came across a sign with one pointing to an arcade and amusement store and the other pointing to a travel coach department that either takes tours of around London or to a luxury beach-side all the way in Brighton. "Alright girls, it appears that we have three options." Twilight said to them. "Where shall we go first?"