Full Moon Fever: A MoonLight Prompt Collab

by TheLastBrunnenG

64 Pool by Kean

by Kean

“What do you mean ‘I could have sworn she was into you, Luna’, Cadance? And what’s with all the bits?”

After ponies in Ponyville had found out that Nightmare and I were seeing each other, I decided to at least tell the princesses personally, if only so they didn’t overact to rumors that already had already begun spreading. I didn’t need them kicking my doors down because they heard Nightmare had me under her thrall, which was one reason Nightmare elected to stay behind.

I also wanted to check on something.

When I got to the castle, I was told that Celestia, Luna, and Cadance were in Celestia’s chambers. Upon arriving, I found them talking around a circular which was covered in bits, bags of what I presumed to be bits, and various gems and baubles. When I asked Cadance to explain what she said, all three clammed up and suddenly found the floors and walls very interesting.

I’d never seen Celestia speechless before. For minutes, silence reigned. Celesta’s mouth was moving all the while, trying to come up with something, but it seemed no words would come. Luna finally looked at me and saved her.

“It is a betting pool, Twilight,” Luna said

“Yes, just a betting pool,” Cadance agreed.

Celestia nodded.

“Oh? What are we betting on?” I asked after sitting on my haunches across from Cadance. At that, Luna and Cadance joined Celestia in mouthing words, but producing none. I sat, waiting with a pleasant and patient smile.

After five minutes of silence, I picked up a large ruby with my magic and began to examine it from all sides. It was flawless.

“This is awfully valuable to be used in just a regular bet,” I said offhandedly while polishing the gem on my coat. “It must be something awfully important to warrant such a large amount.” Silence took its hold once again as I looked at each of them.

“You already know, don’t you?” Celestia asked at last.

“Mmhmm, the guards talk. The former Captain talks to his sister, as well.”

”And you are not upset?” Luna ventured after finally finding her words.

“Oh no, I’m absolutely livid,” I replied, maintain my pleasant smile. “But what I don’t understand is how the guards became a part of this.” Luna and Celestia looked at each other, then hung their heads.

“It started as a joke, a fake wager between Luna and I. Some of the staff overhead and it got out of hoof from there. We should have put a stop to it immediately, but we got caught up in it. I am so, so sorry, Twilight.”

“As am I,” Luna added.

“And you? What do you have to do with this?” I asked, turning to Cadance.

“They asked me if I knew who it was. I didn’t give them an answer, but I did add to the pool. I’m sorry.” She hung her head as well, which was good, as none of them could see smirk I had trouble fighting as I stood.

“I can’t believe you three!” I shouted. ”Starting and encouraging a betting pool on my love life!” I turned to Celestia. “How would you feel if I got ponies to bet on the next time you’re captured, defeated, or otherwise rendered useless?

“Or Luna, how would you feel if I had them bet on the next time you relapse into the Royal Canterlot Voice and cause the entire room to go deaf and flee?” I turned away from their wide eyes with a sneer. It was the only thing I could morph my smirk into in time.

“Cadance… well, Shining will have some words for you, I’m sure,” I said, still facing away. “Tell me, who ended up winning?”

“A new recruit, a stallion by the name Dream Deceiver. We can return each bet to their respective owners, if you’d like, Twilight. It isn’t – “

“No, they won. It’s only fair.” I cut her off. It wouldn’t do to have them back out now. “I assume there’s a teleportation circle etched into that table?” Luna nodded when I looked over my shoulder. I charged my own teleport and said, “Send it.” Before releasing the spell.

I arrived back in my chambers in my castle in Ponyville a few moments later. The pile of bits arrived just after me, on top of me. When I managed to get my head out of the pile, I was met with Nightmare’s grinning visage.

“A truly wonderful performance, Twilight! Just the right amount of indignation and hurt, I couldn’t have done it better myself.” She pulled me out of the pile and into a kiss.

When we broke, and I got my breath back, I laughed. “They deserved it.” I snickered. “But ‘Dream Deceiver’? Really?”

She shrugged. “Luna would know most, if not all of my aliases, so I had to come up with something on the spot. It worked, didn’t it?” I nodded. “Now then, what shall we do with all of this?” She gestured to the pile.

“Well, I was thinking we could either fill a pool with the bits and just swim in them.” She gave me a disapproving look and bopped my nose with her hoof. “Hey, I wasn’t finished! We could do that or put it all somewhere safe and use it as an emergency fund. Ponyville hasn’t had a disaster in a few weeks, we’re due for one, I think.”

She kissed where she had hit my nose and smiled. “A much better idea.”