Bottomless Pit!

by The Cynical Brony


It was a bright and sunny day in Ponyville. With a couple clouds in the sky, despite it being scheduled to be clear skies. That blame could be placed on Rainbow Dash, who at this very moment was just about to take a nap when she heard a shrill cry.
Despite Dash always being there for her friends, it didn't mean she appreciated getting her ear drums shattered by Pinkie Pie's impossibly loud yelling. As she started to get up, she took the time to rip some of the cloud to make ear muffs.
"Relax, Pinkie! I heard you the first time!"
Dash climbed to her hooves. She got off the cloud and glided towards Pinkie. When she landed, she stretched out her legs and wings. Even though you'd think differently, clouds were no softer than your average bed.
"Hey, Pinks. What do you need from your friendly neighborhood Dash?" Rainbow greeted, the last few words dripping with sarcasm. After a few seconds, Pinkie Pie got what she meant and laughed, Dash soon joining in. After a couple minutes, the pink mare started to talk.
"I'm opening up a new park for everypony to enjoy, and I'd like you and the rest of the girls to test it!"
That sounds like Pinkie, Dash thought. Always thinking of new ways to make ponies smile. Part of Dash was considering blowing Pinkie off, still irritable that her 9:00 nap was interrupted. Despite that little part, Dash happily joined the energetic pink mare. As the two started to walk, Pinkie Pie leading the way, Dash asked a question.
"So, where exactly is this thing?"
"Sugar Cube Corner, you'll see what it is when we get there."
When they arrived, Dash saw Twilight, Rarity and the others were already there and waiting. The gang were sitting at one of the booths, the sweets shop apparently being closed for the day. Rainbow guessed they had been there a while, because each of them had a face of complete boredom and disinterest. That changed when they heard the door open and saw the missing two party attendants walking through the door.
"Hello, Rainbow Dash!"
"Howdy, Sugarcube!"
"Greetings, darling!"
"H-hi Dash." Fluttershy must have been startled by the loud barrage of voices.
"Hey guys! So, what exactly does Pinkie have planned?" Dash asked.
"Well, some of you may know that Mr. and Mrs. Cake have been having some money problems lately," Pinkie gave a slight frown before continuing. "So, I want to make them some more money. But I didn't want to be greedy, that's just mean. Then I got the idea to make ponies happy while making the Cakes money. Then, I made this!"
Pinkie trotted over to a small sheet and grabbed it in her mouth. She yanked her head back, ripping it off, to reveal... a big hole in the ground. Looks of confusion crossed over everyone's face except Pinkie, who was still smiling with a goofy grin. "Uh, Pinkie? What is that?" Twilight questioned.
Pinkie tilted her head slightly. "It's a bottomless pit, duh!" The others faces ranged from confusion to indifference. Twilight put her face in her hoof.
"Pinkie, that's physically impossible."
"Twilight, do I need to remind you of when you tried to figure out Pinkie sense?" Dash asked rhetorically, grinning. Her joke and expression were countered by Twilight grunting and giving an almost comical glare. The others tried and failed to hold their laughter.
"Anyways, how are you going to explain this?" The others stopped laughing, opting to listen to the explanation.
"Well, there's the problem: I don't know if it's endless, so I need you all to test it with me!" The assembly suddenly dropped their jaws in a synchronized fashion. After thirty seconds, Dash started laughing out loud.
"Ha-ha, good one, Pinkie! This is great, priceless!"
This made Pinkie confused. "Thanks Dash, but this isn't a prank. I'm serious."
"But it's just so random, even for you!" Rainbow got out through her laughter.
"So, are we going to test this thing or what?!" Pinkie yelled, suddenly right behind the group. The group was so shocked, they unwillingly jumped forward, all of them falling into the hole.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" The group screamed, Pinkie soon jumping after them. Instead of screams of terror, Pinkie was yelling like it was a good rollercoaster, not falling to her death.