//------------------------------// // HOOOOOOOOOOONK // Story: Competing From the Heart // by Aramadon //------------------------------// *HOOOOOOOOOOONK* Rainbow Dash blearily opened her eyes from within the fluffy covers of her bed in her cloud home. The sun was out, but it still felt way too early. *HOOOOOOOOOOONK* “WHAT?!? WHO IS IT?!?” Rainbow yelled in exasperation. She tumbled out of bed and stumbled towards the window, barely managing to keep from tripping on her squishy cloud floor. The most energetic voice Rainbow Dash had ever heard in the morning rang from outside. “It’s me, Dashie! It’s Pinkie!” Rainbow facehoofed. Of course. She would have been able to predict that one if she’d been slightly more awake. She dove out the window and hovered toward Pinkie, who apparently had a small portable tower so that she could stand outside Rainbow’s house. “What brings you over so early, Pinkie? I mean, it’s still morning.” “Well, DUH! You said we were going to go out pranking this morning!” Pinkie said cheerfully. Rainbow Dash had no recollection of this, but she couldn’t be sure – Pinkie had a habit of occasionally being right when it seemed impossible for her to be. Rainbow stalled for time, hoping Pinkie would explain herself. “Um…wait a second…it’s coming to me…” Pinkie rolled her eyes. “The last time we went out pranking in the morning, you were all like, ‘let’s do this again next month!’” Pinkie suddenly raised one of her hooves into the air. “Well Dashie, it has officially been exactly one month!” Pinkie lowered her hoof to point straight at Rainbow – “Which means it’s time for YOU to go out pranking with me again!” Rainbow Dash rubbed her head. “But we just went out pranking two days ago…” Pinkie blew a raspberry. “Pfffttttt. That was evening pranking. This is morning pranking!” Rainbow’s head started to hurt from being confronted with this after getting so little sleep the previous night. While pranking was usually fun, she was in no mood for it this morning. Besides, there were other problems which Pinkie seemed to be forgetting. Rainbow Dash cleared her throat. “Well in that case, Pinkie, I don’t think we thought this through very well. Do you remember what happened the last time we went out pranking twice in a week? Mayor Mare almost gave me a ticket for disturbing the peace!” Pinkie blushed and rubbed the back of her neck. “Oh yeah…heh heh heh.” Rainbow gave her a reassuring pat on the back. “Sorry Pinkie, but I don’t think we should go this time.” Pinkie let out a big breath of air. “Okay…You’re right.” Rainbow wasn’t quite sure how it happened, but three seconds later, the tower that Pinkie Pie had been standing on had collapsed together enough to fit in Pinkie’s saddlebag, and Pinkie was standing on the ground. Rainbow still had something to talk about, however, so she slowly descended to talk to Pinkie again. “Oh, hey Pinkie – there’s something that you should know about. You know about the town dance?” Pinkie’s mouth flatlined and her eyes narrowed into slits. “You mean that party I threw for the entire town last month that you totally skipped out on?” Pinkie’s eyes narrowed to slits, and Rainbow realized that she had entered dangerous territory. “W-Well I’m totally going this month!” said Rainbow. Suddenly Pinkie was all smiles again. “Well of course you are!” Pinkie began pronking down the road to wherever she was going next. Rainbow Dash flew over and hovered alongside Pinkie in order to keep talking with her. “I just figured, you know, that I should let my friends know that I’ll be bringing a date.” Pinkie jumped over twice her height and her legs flailed about. “WHAT?!” Pinkie landed with squarely on her back with an audible thud. She tilted her head to look at Rainbow and assaulted her with a rambling rampage of words. “Whoareyoubringingisthiswhyyouarecomingthistimewhoareyoubringingandwhydidntanyofyourfriendsknowyouweregoingtodothisatleastidontthinkanyonedi…” Pinkie was interrupted by Rainbow’s hoof in her mouth. “Care to repeat that so a normal pony can understand it, Pinkie?” After Rainbow removed her hoof, Pinkie spoke in a more normal (for Pinkie, at least) style. “THIS IS AMAZING NEWS!! I have to throw you a party! I mean...ANOTHER party! Who are you bringing? Is that the real reason you’re coming this time? Did Applejack finally convince you to come?” Upon reaching that thought, Pinkie gasped so hard that the ground itself shook. “ARE YOU GOING WITH APPLEJACK?!?” “What? No! I’m going with Rarity, what are you talking about?!?” Rainbow quickly looked around to see if anyone had heard Pinkie talking so loudly. As it so happened, there were about a dozen ponies having a picnic not too far from their current position. Pinkie sat back and kept talking as if nothing had happened. “Oh, yeah, I guess that makes sense – especially if you’re going to a dance. Rarity is just the best dancer, after all. Well, everypony’s the best dancer when they put their minds to it, but Rarity is the best best.” Pinkie nodded matter-of-factly. Rainbow supposed it made sense to Pinkie, at least. **GAAAAASSSP** “Rainbow! I didn’t know you knew any ballroom dancing!” Rainbow’s eyes twitched left and right, as she tried to figure out why Pinkie would even ask that. “Me? Oh nononono. I don’t know any ballroom dancing.” Pinkie tilted her head to the side. “You’re taking Rarity to a dance and you don’t know ballroom dancing?” Rainbow pulled her head back and waved her hooves in front of herself defensively. “I didn’t think that it would be that kind of dance!” Rainbow was suddenly very unsure about her choice of date. Pinkie giggled. “Well, it won’t be most of the time, but Rarity always insists that I play some formal songs There's a whole bunch of different partner dances, though – it's not just ballroom. So…you don’t know any Waltz or Foxtrot dance moves?” “Um…no.” “Do you know how to do the Flamenco?” “No.” “Swing Dancing? “No.” "Cha-Cha?" "No." “Salsa?” “Wait…I thought that was food.” Pinkie’s face fell. “Oh dear…what do you know?” “Well, I usually just groove to the beat of whatever comes on. If the beat is good enough, that is.” Pinkie raised her hoof tentatively. “Um…I don’t think that’s the kind of thing that Rarity takes a date to a dance for.” Upon reflection, Rainbow realized that Pinkie was probably right. When it all came out like that, it seemed pretty obvious, actually. Rarity would want a partner in her dances. With whom she could do dances that they both knew – and at that moment, Rainbow Dash realized that she had absolutely no idea how to formally dance. Clearly, she hadn’t thought this through as perfectly as she thought she had.