//------------------------------// // Brother, meet sister // Story: Secrets // by Aqua_Breeze //------------------------------// "You're up rather ear-" Spike said before cutting himself off. It surprised Spike when he thought he heard Twilight in the kitchen this early in the morning. His surprise turned to fear when he saw a changeling in the kitchen instead. The changeling hadn't seemed to take notice of Spike, so without saying anything, he turned and headed right for Twilights room. When he arrived, he opened the door as quietly as possible, fearing what could happen if the changeling found him because of any noise. He tiptoed over to Twilight, looking behind himself every few seconds to make sure he wasn't being watched. "Twilight, wake up," Spike said, gently shaking Twilight. "Just a few more minutes, Spike," Twilight said groggily. "Not just a few minutes, Twilight," Spike said, "There's a changeling here". "That's nice, Spike," Twilight said, "Now, just let me sleep". Spike wasn't about to leave with Twilight like this. He figured the best way to wake her up was to shake her harder. He grabbed her shoulders and began to shake Twilight to the point of making her look like a bobble head. Needless to say, Twilight did not take to kindly to her alarm this morning. "That's eno-" Twilight said before Spike placed both claws over her muzzle in an attempt to muffle her. "Quiet, it might hear you," Spike said. "What might hear me?" Twilight asked while moving Spike away with her magic. "The changeling," Spike said. "Changeling?" Twilight asked. "Yea, it was down in the kitchen a few minutes ago," Spike said, "I don't know where it is now, though. I came to get you as soon as I saw it". "Sounds like you met Aurora," Twilight said. "Who?" Spike asked, obviously baffled. "Aurora, the newest member of this makeshift family," Twilight said, "I found her on my way back from Zecoras last night. She's harmless, don't worry". "What are you talking about?" Spike asked. "Come with me," Twilight said, yawning. As Twilight headed for the kitchen, Spike followed while hiding behind her. When the duo got to the kitchen, they did indeed find a changeling. Twilight immediately knew it was Aurora after she noticed the lack of wings. "Aurora, come here for a second," Twilight called out. Not aware of Twilight and Spike, Aurora got startled when Twilight called for her. As a result of being startled, she fell backwards, spilling a bowl filled with cold pancake batter all over her chitin. As she got up, she could hear Twilight trying quite hard to hold back laughter at the sight of a changeling covered in pancake batter. Not really understanding, Aurora mistook the giggles for anger, and cowered away with her ears splayed back and her face betraying her fear. "I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to make a mess... honest," Aurora said, her voice trembling, "I just got scared and I kinda tipped the bowl on myself when I fell. I uh... I'll clean it up, I promise". "I'm not mad, I just thought that was funny," Twilight said, walking over with Spike still hiding behind her. "Funny? Like a joke?" Aurora asked. "I guess you could put it that way," Twilight said. "Oh... well, I'm still very sorry," Aurora said. "It's alright, we'll clean it up," Twilight said, "Besides, I'm kind of at fault for startling you in the first place". "Who's that behind you?" Aurora asked, finally taking notice of Spike. "That's my number one assistant, Spike," Twilight said, suddenly sidestepping to put Spike out in the open, "Say hello, Spike". "Um... hi?" Spike said nervously. "She's not going to hurt you, Spike," Twilight said. "But, she's a changeling!" Spike said, causing Auroras ears to splay back again and a sad expression to cross her face. "I am very much aware of this, Spike," Twilight said, "But, for all intents and purposes, she's also your sister now". "That's a joke, right?" Spike asked. "No, it's not," Twilight said. "But, Twilight, she's... she's a monster!" Spike said, raising his voice. "She's not a monster. She's wingless and hiveless, and was fending for herself when I found her, so I took her in" Twilight said, slightly irritated, "And I want you to apologize right now". "You're not honestly telling me you believed her story, are you?" Spike asked. "Yes, I did believe her," Twilight said, her voice growing in irritation, "Now, apologize". "Don't see why I should," Spike said. "Because I said you should, that's why," Twilight scolded, "Now, are you going to apologize? Or do you want to be grounded for once?". "Alright, fine," Spike said, throwing his arms up in the air in defeat, "I'm... I'm sorry, alright?". "No you're not," Aurora said somberly, "But I guess it's ok. Not like I should expect to be liked anyway". "Get this mess cleaned up and get some breakfast ready, Spike," Twilight said, a hint on disappointment in her voice, "I've got something to deal with". "As long as it gets me away from her, that's fine," Spike said, earning him an angry glare from Twilight. With that, Twilight wrapped her right wing around the sad changeling and guided her out of the kitchen. "Sorry about that, I honestly didn't expect him to be so mean," Twilight said. "It's... alright," Aurora said quietly. "It's not alright," Twilight said, "Being a little cautious... I can excuse that. That kind of behavior back there, though, is unacceptable, and I'm sorry he did that". "Really, it's fine," Aurora said, "I really shouldn't expect to be liked right away by anypony like I was with you". "Yet it still hurts you," Twilight pointed out. "Well, yea," Aurora admitted, "I was kind of expecting others to be as accepting as you at first. Guess I was wrong". "Like you or not, he's just gotta accept that you're a member of this family now," Twilight said. "But Twilight," Spike said. "But nothing, Spike!" Twilight yelled, "The way you acted back there was completely unacceptable!". "Don't you remember what the changelings did at your brothers wedding?" Spike asked. "Yes, I do remember," Twilight said, "But that's no excuse". "What do you want to do, huh?" Spike asked, "Just accept a changeling and giving it no thought at all?". "You know very well that's not what I expect," Twilight said, "What I want is for you to keep your prejudice to yourself at least talk to her nicely... not call her a monster right to her face for no reason". "Why did you even bring her here anyway?" Spike asked, "Do you really, honestly believe her sob story?". "She's wingless, she was living alone in the Everfree forest, and she's done nothing but be nice this whole time," Twilight said, "I'd say her story has some credit on the first two points alone, the third just adds to that credit right now". "How does living in the Everfree Forest mean she's good?" Spike asked. "If she was on a mission or whatever, do you think she'd want to keep distance between herself and ponies?" Twilight asked. "Well... alright, so you got a point there," Spike said, "That still doesn't change the fact that she's a changeling". "No, it doesn't," Twilight said, "But it also doesn't mean you should treat her with such prejudice when she, herself, has done nothing but be nice. I mean, she thought I was mad at her for spilling batter when I startled her earlier... not what I would expect from something that wants to bring us harm". "Well... I..." Spike said before sighing in defeat. "Look, just apologize, and make it sincere this time," Twilight said, "Remember, changelings can taste emotions". "Fine, I'll be right back," Spike said. "Oh, and just so you know, you ARE grounded for a week," Twilight said.